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Copy of 11.28.2023 School Community Council Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

School Community Council Meeting

In attendance - members: Hillary Evans (parent), Joshua Peel (parent - chair), Sarah Roundy (parent), Susan Savitt (parents), Crystal Deamer (principal), Katrina Handsaker (teacher); Jody Coy (teacher)

In attendance - guests: Michelle Thurston (teacher - positive behavior plan)

Absent: Krisha Froerer (parent), Whitney Pantone (parent - vice chair), Wendy Zacardi,

Draft Minutes approval.

Jody Coy motioned to approve.

Hillary Evans seconded the motion.

Aye - all in favor,  

Nay - none

Mrs. Deamer reviewed the annual cost of aides. All all aides can work from 4.5 to 5.5 hours a day. The more experienced aides are more valuable and are trained to run different programs to assist the teachers. Members feel more experienced aides are more invested in the students.

Mrs. Deamer shared a graphic about Leader In Me and Measurable Results Assessment.

It was up from 74% to 81%. There are separate measurements which make up the total measurement. The goal is to maintain the growth. It is measured through self-reporting/surveys (student surveys, teacher surveys, and feedback from the community). One of the more advanced goals in the program is to involve the community.

Ms. Hundsaker shared that companies will hire off of the skills students will develop through the Leader In Me program.

Positive Behavior Plan

Ms. Thurston reviewed the different initiatives for the positive behavior plan. There was a spreadsheet shared with the titles and definitions. Rewards are given for prosocial behavior.

There is a volunteer to head the robotics club and it will start soon.

Restorative practices is an initiative which started after students were coming back to school after COVID.

There is a mental health counselor who will work with students who need more intervention/individual assistance than the school-wide program.

School counselor social groups, students are nominated by teachers and receive parent permission to attend.

The goal of the program is to help students develop self-regulation and prosocial behavior. There is a feeling that students are having a difficult time connecting with others and regulating emotions as they enter a formal setting school environment. The programs help students learn those skills.

School Safety Plan 

Sarah Roundy is encouraging schools to apply for a UDOT safe pathways grant. She is not able to write the grant since she is on the selection committee, but she can help advise writers of the grant. One of the ideas is to have a bike station to fix their bikes.

Safe Routes Utah

The map was shared to show the safe routes for Valley ES. Students are encouraged to use the streets less traveled and cross at the crosswalk.

There is a new mapping site and the information was sent to schools for Safe Routes.

There are posters shared that explain the different drills for Standard Response Protocol (SRP).

There was a CPR and first aid course held at the school in October. There were many attendees from the faculty and support staff. The kitchen staff learned CPR in a district training.

Susan Savitt asked if there is a device in the cafeteria that helps when students are choking. Ms. Coy said that she will ask the nurse if there is a kit.

School Safety Plan 

Remind and email will be utilized to send messages and reminders out to school families. An outline was shared which helps teachers know their responsibilities for the different SRP.

Parents should go in and update information into PowerSchool to make sure families put in additional safe persons who can pick up or be contacted in case of an emergency.

The school will send out a reminder to parents to make sure they have updated information in PowerSchool. The responsibility sheet is posted in the classroom too so teachers can quickly see what they need to do for the different protocols.

Next Meeting: January 23, 2024 @ 3:30 pm.

Acadience (reading and math) is the measure the school is using since it can be used from K-6 and the school can see the growth of each student as they get older. Acadience is done in the beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of year. This allows teachers to progress monitor and give interventions to those students in need. The students are grouped according to their needs. 95% is a targeted intervention tool (WIN time “What I Need”).

There is an expected growth model with the Acadience based on student achievement on the assessments.

Katrina Handsaker motioned to adjourn the meeting.

Jody Coy seconded the motion.

Aye - all

Nay - none