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CV - Henrik Fürst
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Henrik Fürst

Aug 28, 2023

Academic positions

2022- Associate Professor, Department of Education, Stockholm University.

2020-2022 Guest Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam.

2019-2022 Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University.

2018-2019 Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University.

2017-2018 Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Mälardalen University.

2009-2011 Research Assistant in Sociology, Department of Leadership and Management, Swedish Defence University.

2011-2011 Lecturer in Education, Department of Education, Stockholm University.

Education and qualifications

2023, Docent in Education, Stockholm University.

2023, Docent in Sociology, Uppsala University.

2017, Ph.D. in Sociology, Uppsala University.

Dissertation: “Selected or Rejected? Assessing Aspiring Writers' Attempts to Achieve Publication

Main supervisor: Patrik Aspers, Professor of Sociology, University of St. Gallen.

Co-supervisor: Elin Thunman, Docent, PhD in Sociology.

Opponent: Giselinde Kuipers, Professor of Sociology, KU Leuven.

2010 M.Sc. Education, Stockholm University.

2008 B.Sc. Sociology, Stockholm University.

2008 B.Sc. Media and Communication Studies, Stockholm University (equivalent).

Academic service

Editorial Board, Cultural Sociology, 2024-

Board Member, Research Network 02: Sociology of Art, European Sociological Association, 2021-

Research and teaching interests

Careers; Cultural production; Cultural consumption; Evaluation; Labor market; Education



Fürst, H. & Nylander, E. (2023). The Value of Art Education: Cultural Engagements at the Swedish Folk High Schools. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2019). Debutant! Vägar till skönlitterär debut och ett särskilt uppmärksammat mottagande. Skrifter utgivna av avdelningen för litteratursociologi: Uppsala University. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2017). Selected or Rejected? Assessing Aspiring Writers’ Attempts to Achieve Publication. Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary. Download full text


Fürst, H. (2024). From Talent to Qualification: A Sociological and Methodological Discussion of Player Talent Identification, Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, 15, 73-86. Download full text.

Fürst, H. (2024). Splendid Isolation: Managing Time and Making Culture among Novelists During the Pandemic, Poetics, 103: 101733. Download full text.

Nylander, E., & Fürst, H. (2024). Kulturens engagemangsformer: Variation och värde vid den svenska folkhögskolans musikutbildningar i Sverige, Folk och musik. Download full text.

Fürst, H. (2023). Resonant Reviews: Experiencing Accurate Readings and Indicators of Literary Accomplishment Among Reviewed Novelists, Cultural Sociology. Download full text.

Fürst, H. (2023). Continuing in a Creative Career: Claiming an Artistic Identity and Aligning Trajectories Among Early Career Novelists, Poetics 100: 101818. Download full text.

Fürst, H. (2022). Arrival to a Fictional Total Institution. The Swedish Folk High School as a Liminal Space in Literature. Sociologisk Forskning, 59(3), 321-340. Download full text.

Fürst, H. (2022). The Curse of the Difficult Second Book: Continuation and Discontinuation in Early Literary Careers. Poetics 92: 101642. Download full text.

Fürst, H. (2020). Varför drömmer man om att bli författare? Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap. 50(4-5): 10-20. Download full text

Fürst, H., Nylander, E. (2020). The worth of art education: Students’ justifications of a contestable educational choice. Acta Sociologica. 63(4): 422-435. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2019). Subordination and Legitimation of Self-Publishing: Shifting the Basis for Evaluation of Cultural Goods. Cultural Sociology, 13(4): 483-502. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2019). In the Shadow of the First Big Break: The Existential Dimension of Aspiring Writers’ Careers. Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques, 50(2): 53-73. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2018). Making the Discovery: The Creativity of Selecting Fiction Manuscripts from the Slush Pile. Symbolic interaction, 41(4): 513-532. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2018). Aspiring Writers and Appraisal Devices under Market Uncertainty. Acta Sociologica, 61(4): 389-401. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2016). Handling Rejection as Failure: Aspiring Writers Getting the Rejection Slip. Valuation Studies, 4(2): 153-176. Download full text

Book reviews

Fürst, H. (2023). “Book Review: Dangerous Fun: The Social Lives of Big Wave Surfers" Cultural Sociology, 17(2): 304–306. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2021). “Creative Visions in New York City's Contemporary Art Scene” Symbolic Interaction, 45(2): 316-318. Download full text [book review of Bound by Creativity by Hannah Wohl]

Fürst, H. (2021). “Book Review: Creative Control: The Ambivalence of Work in the Culture Industries (by Michael L. Siciliano”),  Acta Sociologica, 65(3): 352-353. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2021). To Review a Book Is to Take a Risk: Looking at Book Reviewing from Inside the Critics’ Circle (by Phillipa Chong). Contemporary Sociology, 50(1): 8-11. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2017). Clayton Childress, Under the Cover: The Creation, Production, and Reception of a Novel. Princeton University Press. Princeton 2017. Cultural Sociology, 11(4): 539-540. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2016). Christofer Edling & Jens Rydgren (editor), Sociologi genom litteratur. Skönlitteraturens möjligheter och samhällsvetenskapens begränsningar. Arkiv förlag. Lund 2015. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 46(2): 82-85. Download full text

Book chapters

Fürst, H., Aspers, P. (2023). The Creative Economy: Production, Consumption, and Temporality. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Economic Sociology, Milan Zafirovski (editor), London: Routledge, 358-372. 

Fürst, H., Olofsson, T. (2021). Framtidens bok eller bokens framtid: Strukturer i framtidsutsagor om e-böcker och ljudböcker under det tidiga 2000-talet. In: Från Strindberg till Storytel: Korskopplingar mellan ljud och litteratur, Julia Pennlert & Lars Ilshammar (editor), Göteborg: Daidalos. 231-267.

Fürst, H., Idevall Hagren, K. (2019). Frames of Death: Media Audience Framing of a Lethal Drone Strike. In: Death Matters: Cultural Sociology of Mortal Life, Holmberg, Tora; Jonsson, Annika; Palm, Fredrik (editor), London: Palgrave Macmillan. 221-239. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2018). Skrivarlinjer och den skönlitterära debuten. In: Folkbildning och forskning årsbok 2018: Folkhögskolan 150 år, A. Laginder, E. Önnesjö, I. Carlsson & E. Nylander (editor), Stockholm: Föreningen för folkbildningsforskning. 325-341. Download full text

Fürst, H. (2013). Emotional Socialization on a Swedish Internet Dating Site: The Search and Hope for Happiness. In: Internet and Emotions, Tova Benski & Eran Fisher (editor), London: Routledge. 99-112.

Fürst, H. (2011). Core Values and the Expeditionary Mindset: An Introduction. In: Core Values and the Expeditionary Mindset: Armed Forces in Metamorphosis, Henrik Fürst, Gerhard Kümmel (editor), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 11-13.

Fürst, H., Kümmel, G. (2011). Emotions: A Neglected Dimension of the Expeditionary Mindset. In: Core values and the expeditionary mindset: armed forces in metamorphosis, Henrik Fürst & Gerhard Kümmel (editor), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 215-223. Download full text

Edited books

Fürst, H., Kümmel, G. (2011). Core Values and the Expeditionary Mindset: Armed Forces in Metamorphosis. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Grants and awards (selection)

Swedish Research Council, 3 150 000 SEK (about 315 000 €), International postdoc grant,

Project: “The Making of a Literary Career” (sole recipient)

Wahlgrenska stiftelsen, 100 000 SEK (about 10 000 €) (sole recipient)

Anton Nyströms stipendium, 100 000 SEK (about 10 000 €) (sole recipient)

European Research Council, 15 000 000 SEK (about 1500000 €), PhD student, Project: “Markets Inside and Outside the Economy” (participant)

Teaching experience

Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods, Sociological Theory, Thesis supervision

Invited talks

I have had many invited talks on the topic of becoming a published fiction author and the role of art education in society.


Svenska Dagbladet, February, 2022, “Vad är det som pågår på kulturelitens Lundsberg?”. Interview about cultural elites and creative writing courses.

TT, March, 2020, “Hårt liv väntar efter romandebuten”. Interview about Debutant!

Alex & Sigge (podcast), January 2020, interview about rejection.

Tidningen Skriva, January 2020, “Vem får debutera?”. Intervju om Debutant!

TT, November 2019, “Kvinnlig majoritet bland årets debutanter”. Interview about the increasing number of women getting published. Interview about Debutant!

Dagens Nyheter, November 2019, “Att vara författare på väg att bli ett kvinnoyrke.” Interview about the increasing number of women getting published. Interview about Debutant! Discussion about research results in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter.

Morgonbladet (Norway), August 2019, “Den vanskeliga försteboken”. Interview about Debutant!

Göteborgs-Posten, August, 2019, “Författardrömmarna bara växer och växer”. Interview.

Svensk Bokhandel, May, 2019, “Kartlägger debuten”. Interview about Debutant!

SR Kulturnytt P1, April, 2019, “Forskare: Därför bor debutanterna i Stockholm”. Interview about Debutant!

Tidningen Skriva, February, 2018, ”Ett nej är bara början!” Interview about rejection.

SR P1 Kultur, November, 2017, “De refuserade – om att få nobben som författare” (Richard Dinter) Interview about rejection.

SR P4 Uppland, June, 2017, Interview about rejection. Live.

Press release Uppsala University, June, 2017.

Newspaper columns about my research have been published in Upsala Nya Tidning, Västerbottens-Kuriren, Dagens Nyheter, etc.