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4.5p Plans Week5 (s19): Feb 4th - Feb 8th
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Monday 4th

Tuesday 5th

Wednesday 6th

Thursday 7th

Friday 8th

Monday 4th

- Part 1) Review  (click to comment)

  1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
  2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use
  3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
  4. Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
  5. Review key points from last week & Announcements
  1. Daily Warmup Activity: Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
  1. The symbol above linked to Thisissand: (You’ll need to enable flash to run this application)
  1. A Snip of part of your own creation (tip: make your browser window small to reduce the time it takes to fill it). Here’s a Snip of the directions screen:
  1. A Snip of an example you liked from the Gallery (like those you see below):
  1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!):

- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will…  (click to comment)

  1. Today we have these objectives  (all s19 objectives to date)
  1. Please bookmark the following 3 files for this week: 4.5p, 4.5w, 4.5n
  1. Page 1: Week 5 Events
  1. Page 2: Sumopaint Symmetry Tool
  1. A Wordart title: Monday using Fonts links: Wordart Collection / Gzaas / Flaming text
  2. The SumoPaint logo below linked to
  1. Three examples of your creations using the symmetry tool (watch the video help above to see some ideas about how to make these)
  2. A Wordart subtitle: Symmetry
  3. A ‘video play button’ which you find using the explore tool images option linked to the symmetry video help clip. Explore tool video play button help:

- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments!  (click to comment)

  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today
  1. s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!)
  1. Tasks Checklist for today

- Part 4) Through?  (click to comment)

  1. Checkout the results of the lowest scoring Super Bowl ever and some of the more popular commercials



Tuesday 5th: Shutdown Testing - 7th Writing and 8th Reading

Today is a Shutdown Testing day for 7th & 8th Grade 

Please read these notes about today’s schedule

After testing, go to 4th and then 1st-3rd periods!

Afternoon classes have no new assignments today!


Wednesday 6th: Shutdown Testing - 7th Pre-AP Math and 8th Regular Math

Today is a Shutdown Testing day for 7th Pre-AP Math Students & 8th Grade Regular Math Students 

Please read these notes about today’s schedule

After testing, go to 4th period and follow your regular schedule for the rest of the day!

All classes have no new assignments today!


Thursday 7th

- Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)


  1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
  2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use
  3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
  4. Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
  5. Daily Warmup Activity: Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
  1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!):

- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)


  1. Today we have these learning goals  (all s19 objectives to date)
  1. Page 3: Sumopaint Shapes Tool
  1. A Wordart title: Wednesday using any of these Fonts links: Favorite Fonts / Gzaas / Flaming text
  2. The SumoPaint logo below linked to (You can click sign-in with Google to save your work if you like)
  1. Three groups of examples of your creations using the shapes tool (watch the video help above to see some ideas about how to make these)
  2. A ‘video play button’ which you find using the research tool images option linked to the shapes video help clip
  1. Page 4: Sumo Transformations


- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)


  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today
  1. s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!)
  1. Tasks Checklist for today


- Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)


  1. Checkout our cold front and this cool gif


Friday 8th

- Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)


  1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
  2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use
  3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
  4. Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
  5. Friday Warmup Activity: 
  1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!):

- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)


  1. Please complete and turn-in the following assignments which are due today:
  1. If you’ve completed and turned-in everything, explore any of these!


- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)


  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today

Page 1

Week 5 Events

Page 2

Sumopaint Symmetry Tool

Page 3

Sumopaint Shapes Tool

Page 4

Sumo Transformations

  1. Tasks Checklist for today


- Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)


  1. Checkout our chilly forecast for this weekend… the high today is only expected to reach 380!
