Rugby 7s is a sport that is played in the olympics.  It Is a team sport. There are 7 players on each team. The aim of the game is to get the most tries by running over try line and putting the ball down without dropping it. You need to score as many points as possible because at the end of the game the team with the most points wins.

One of the main rules is to be on- side. If you are offside then the other team gets a penalty. When a player is tackled they have to release the ball. One way to get a penalty is when you tackle someone quickly, let go of them and when they place the ball back hold the ball onto their chest. A good way to get trys is spreading out and then passing the ball really fast. That makes the other team tired and they can't catch you because they will be too tired to chase you and then you get a try. And this is how to get a conversion: first check the wind and then drop the ball and let it bounce a little and kick it hard enough to  get the ball over the bottom post and between the other two posts.

Rugby sevens was first made in 1883 by Ned Haig and David Sanderson who were butchers from Melrose Scotland as a fundraiser event. The first ever rugby sevens game was played in Greenlands. The half time break is two minutes long. Each half is 7 minutes long.

Both the New Zealand Mens and womens teams were in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Mens and womens made it to the finals the mens lost to Fiji and got a silver but the women's  beat France and won a gold medal.

To be a rugby 7s player you need to be fast, strong and fit. It is important to have fun.