Since the masterposts were deleted (f*ck you tumblr), here they are in case they get deleted from the wayback machine too. All credits go to tellmethisisnotlove (@tellmethisisnottumblisnextfuckup). Repost made by @anchorandrope.
aka the hermit Louis Tomlinson is suddenly the target of everyone’s camera lenses.
Annas is a club promoter and he had a key role in making Louis’ name known for the general public. It is important to mention that Louis Tomlinson has basically lived a hermit life before March 2015 and he was the least photographed member of One Direction.
The party image started early March, and it was not a private affair, paparazzi made sure to catch him leaving the clubs.
This is a quick summary, you can see he really started to go out and it was all public.
And here comes Annas’ role:
First question: how did we know about Annas? Well, this ever curious fandom only needs 2-3 occurrences of tagging or posting videos of Louis and voila they are everywhere PLUS his tweets were basically monitored once we figured out that he would have an important role in Louis’ partying.
Here is a quick reference guide how Annas promoted Louis and linked Louis to himself on social media.
Wait, what was that last one?
Yes. It about the pregnancy.
Now let’s go through Annas, his tweets and the party era.
Here is the timeline of the events:
Tweet (x)
Paparazzi pictures:
Article (x)
This is a pretty innocent headline, right? Probably the first and last.
The club tweeted and Annas favorited it. Tweet (x)
And also tweeted from his own account.
And like clockwork we got HQ pictures of Louis leaving the same club:
Article: (x)
And from now on get ready for womanizer Louis Tomlinson. Every single headline tries to link him to someone.
Tweet (x)
And pictures: (credit: giggleharry tumblr)
Club tweeting, favorited by Annas. (x)
He also tweeted about it on his account (x)
Paparazzi photos: (x)
Article: (x)
Note the brunette who was *left out in the cold* is their friend from years ago.
Tweet (x)
HQ Pictures:
Article: (x)
The article link also has videos of this night.
You can see that this womanizer image is being built, here is a girl trying to touch him but he could not care less. He is simply not interested.
The video available on Daily Mail even shows that he raises his arms so the girl loses her grip.
The rumor was that the 5 girls are in a girl group Louis is/was about to sign.
Another attempt to make him a womanizer.
Now let’s see when Briana shows up.
The first time they are spotted *together* was May 5th.
Before the party Annas was tweeting some interesting stuff that day. Just look at the tweets: remember this is the same night Briana shows up: (x), (x), (x) - note that this was on May 5th Los Angeles time but Annas was in the UK so in his time he tweeted on May 6th.
They eventually worked it out because he tweeted:
And here comes the invitation to go there. Remember that by this time Annas already established himself in the fandom as a public promoter of Louis’ whereabouts when it came to clubbing.
It was no question in anyone’s eyes that Louis would be at the Argyle Club on May 5th.
So surprise, surprise he was photographed by paparazzi. A series of pictures were taken arriving and leaving the party (x). If you look at him you can see that he is super tired because this is now several nights in a short time that he spends out.
Guess who shows up on the paparazzi pictures:
The one in red is Briana.
And voila here is her introduction to the fandom:
She is walking behind Louis who for someone who is *interested in her* again, could not care less.
Article: (x)
There is also a video available on the website of Daily Mail.
So looking back, Annas’ tweets look more suspicious now that you see that the usually chipper Louis looks down here. What happened behind the scenes? Did they want to stop the stunt in the last minute? Don’t forget that Annas stayed up until very late to have this clubbing and papping secured.
Here is your answer: (these are clippings from the same Daily Mail article)
They are focusing on her only.
Wild night?
AUG 3RD: The following pictures have been leaked by Briana’s own cousin because the fans refused to publish them, so the Jungwirths had to do it themselves.
The red is Briana and again Tomlinson couldn’t care less.
But don’t forget that there are fans in the club who need to SEE something now that they got invited by Annas’ public tweet.
This was taken by Ashley and you can see Briana and Louis in the background. wrote a good article summarizing this intentional leak:
And the journalist tweeted:
Here are a few fan reactions to the leak:
(At this time we have not received any confirmation of the pregnancy. Fun fact: still until now when I am writing this (Apr 14th 2016) there has not been a single official statement from Louis’ representative that he was going to be a dad.)
Guess how it all started?
Annas tweeted (x)
(remember his first tweets had 1-2 retweets only?) In One Direction fandom level this means that he was noticed by us and we monitored, followed his tweets.
Fans reacted:
It is clear from this how the fandom already KNEW that this means Louis and this means PARTY as well. Party means womanizer headlines and a couple of HQ pictures besides the mystery blonde or brunette.
This blonde is Briana.
Another set of paparazzi pictures about Louis and now Liam leaving the club:
They are pictured in the car:
This is from inside the club. Louis’ face says it all.
This paparazzi video shows you exactly how publicized this entire outing was.
TMZ wrote an article (x)
Briana is marked with the black arrow.
Daily Mail posted the video (x)
Now the next day: THE DAY OF THE *CONCEPTION*.
Annas tweeted (x)
If it was not clear yet what’s to come, Louis also tweeted. (x)
And another tweet in 30 minutes where he also tagged Liam. (x)
So just to make it clear we got:
Louis Tomlinson is going out! Is there anyone who is not aware? You on the left, you should all know that Louis Tomlinson is going out and it will be big!
Do you know what happened?
The blonde with the open back is Briana.
Even TMZ covered this - it was Snoop Dogg’s album launch party. (x)
And here is the infamous picture that was spread later everywhere: “camera-shy” Briana and Louis leaving the club.
And right after this party we got a name. And if it has not been clear to everyone yet, this meant something was in the works.
Here is the headline: (x)
The media already knew she was an LA based *stylist*
Why would they comment though? It was obviously publicized from the very first Annas tweets till this very clubbing.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, look at the following gifset provided by the lovely tumblr user QUIETASIDES:
So, they left the club and there were paparazzi waiting for them.
Look at what happened. Video link here
She is waiting for Louis to catch up.
She follows after Louis and tries to cover her face to prove a point that she is camera shy.
Louis does not give a single fuck. Nor his bodyguard next to him.
Louis KNOWS WHY THEY ARE THERE. Look at Briana passing him and getting in position.
is for the
And do you know which paper broke the news? Any guesses?
Thank you for reading this monster!
This was Part 1 of the babygate masterpost.
On the timeline we are now back to the European leg of the On The Road Again tour.
All the 3 club nights happened with Briana - ergo the *conception* already happened - and we are less than a month from the pregnancy announcement that happened on July 14th.
Some instances happened that alone were ignored or brushed off, but looking back they have been more than just a coincidence.
Louis was wearing THE FUTURE IS NOW shirt. This is a shirt he wore only two times. Interesting tidbit is that both times some babygate references happened, the same babygate’s that’s only going to be announced a few weeks later.
We can brush it off as a coincidence. Because this is not the first nor the last time for Harry Styles to do something like this.
He really made it a point though, walking with that balloon through the whole stage. (GIF: knightchanges)
It was even reported in a few media outlets. This is from the UK tabloid: METRO. Photo credit: jdsecretdirectioners
Also in maximumpop:
Not surprisingly Louis Tomlinson wears THE FUTURE IS NOW shirt again and on this concert one of the biggest shading of babygate happened. One that can be hardly brushed off as a coincidence.
For a reason yet unknown someone thought bringing a doll to a One Direction concert was a good idea. Important to mention that normally they have so much shit on stage, and they either kick them away or the bodyguards/security members make sure to get them out of the way just to avoid any accidents on stage. This was the first time they found a doll and publicly acknowledged it. They were between songs and the following conversation happened between Louis and his band mate Liam Payne:
Louis: what’s this baby doing here?
Liam: who has thrown their baby on stage!? that is OUTRAGEOUS!
Louis: it’s not real!!!
Liam: oh no… it’s.. it’s a fake baby guys.
Louis: it’s not real… it’s.. not… real… (he’s looking on the ground reciting that)
Liam: that is for all those people out there who think that was a real baby…
GIF credit: tommosloueh
Why did they call this doll a baby? Why did they focus on this baby being real or not? It’s clearly a plastic doll. Why was it even necessary to confirm that a plastic doll is a plastic doll? What’s going on? This context does not even make sense. And why is Louis Tomlinson wearing this shirt again with the future reference? Why did no one claim they were the ones bringing that baby to the concert? Normally we have fans immediately reacting when their sign/flag/gift was acknowledged by the boys but still no one heard about this doll. Funny that.
Also this video has been reported by a couple of outlets, Daily Mail, E-news, just strategically placing them on babygate articles.
And do you know what else is funny?
One day before this doll incident Louis was seen at the Glastonbury Festival with Niall and friends. Paparazzi took a lot of pictures but they also caught him holding a girl’s hand. No, this girl was not Briana, this girl is Tamara Bell, a mutual friend of Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Gemma (Harry Styles’ sister) and Louise Teasdale (their stylist).
Articles were written. People magazine broke the news immediately. At 11 PM Paris time when all timezones are awake and scandals are likely to get spread the fastest and most widely.
“The outing was the first time Tomlinson and the founder of Almeida, a luxury lingerie label, have been photographed together.” - says the People article (x).
Not a single mention of Briana. NONE. So what was this about? This girl is clearly a friend.
Here with the god-daughter of Louis and Harry:
Here with Gemma Styles:
Here with Harry Styles:
Here with Louise Tousdale - the 1d stylist
So what happened? Why is he holding a girl’s hand when in a month he will be announced to be a happy dad? You will see later that the announcement of the pregnancy will call Briana and Louis good friends who had an oops baby. But that was probably not the original plan.
Several Larrie blogs received anonymous asks from May to June about an upcoming engagement between Briana and Louis. Remember that the pregnancy will be announced only in a couple of weeks. But this single action that he held another woman’s hand and how widely it was reported PREVENTED the engagement story line in babygate.
See tumblr user diggingandfluff’s ask on June 30:
This was also sent to diggingandfluff on June 30:
Here is a bit more information:
Here is a screenshot from a couple of tumblr users. (x)
This is a post from worshippedlove:
What other non-famous mum of a celebrity baby is out there on social media doing these things? If you manage to find one (which I don’t think will happen, at all, and certainly not to the extent that Briana has done it), please point to me where that person cries for their privacy and how much harassment they receive. Please.
Did you know that when her name filtered to the media several larries sent her messages WARNING her that she should private her accounts? To her and her mum. I saw the messages, this was way back in May 2015. Do you think she took one single measure? She didn’t. Way back then, she made her instagram public and had like 30K followers in a matter of weeks. And in June, when Louis supposedly flew to be present during the sonograms, she posted a picture of her and Eli the chimp to that same account after Louis’s picture with the chimp had made the rounds in the whole fandom.
Oh, but I forgot this part, we all got anonymous messages telling us about the picture, we got sent the picture, and when we refused to post it or talk about it (because to our knowledge it was private and we don’t do that!) she posted it herself!
We got anonymous messages about her being pregnant when she couldn’t have been further along than nine weeks. Nobody knew about it! Nobody was even thinking about her! Nobody remembered who she was! People were laughing it off like it was super fun! But the messages even said when the baby was going to be born ‘Briana is pregnant, you’ll see in seven months’.
Who could’ve sent those messages if it wasn’t her/her friends/her family??? Who would’ve known??
Let’s talk about the domains we saw mentioned in the previous ask:
TMZ broke the story tthat Freddie has domains registered early in the game.
The fandom went into research mode and found total 175 domains registered by the Jungwirths.
A couple of people went more deep: (credit: @fly_for_freedom twitter)
credit: indreamsbegin:
Domain: registered 6 days after the announcement.
Domain: registered 6 days after the announcement.
Domain: registered 3 days after the birth.
Domain: registered 6 days after the announcement.
Domain: registered 6 days after the announcement.
credit: lesbianslovelouis
credit: happy1days
credit: bromanceshmomance:
credit: greenylovesbluey
credit: bromanceshmomance:
credit: zenlikejen:
credit: bulletproofhalo and bunboyfriend:
credit: heshazzy
credit: stylinsobss and bulletproofhalo:
This research is from tumblr user: bulletproofhalo
Ok, so Tammy went in and bought, but Brett bought the .com and .net variants of those at some point in time previously.
He bought 6 URLs total, 4 of which are his business domains and the other 2 are Briana’s URLs:
Both were registered on the 15th of July:
So the day after the baby announcement, they thought “Better register these 2 domain names stat!”
Then, 5 days later, the day after Louis was in LA for some unknown reason for 24 hours, Tammy goes and registers a shit ton of fame-seeking URLs regarding an unborn baby, her various family members and their future business ventures.
Also, please note, you can register these URLs for more than 1 year. You can do it for up to 10 years. But they did these for 1 year.
Just 1.
As you can see one of them is This also proves that the Jungwirths hoped for at least an engagement.
One more research from tumblr user bromanceshmomance:
This also happened before the announcement:
It is a simple picture of Louis with Briana’s brother. This picture is not as important as the comments from the Quattrochi’s. Tracy is the aunt of Briana’s and Jamie is the uncle. Look at her comment: *I would only worry about FB not instagram. It’s not like the news is out*.
What this suggests is that Briana’s social media has been wiped and there is a belief within the Larries that this wiping happened in 2014 FALL. We don’t have actual proof of that, so let’s ignore that tidbit.
But even if not in fall, then why would her social media be needed to be deleted? Why would Tracy worry about Briana’s Facebook?
Two days before the scandal broke Louis tweeted the following:
Worth what? Going through this charade for getting the freedom?
And he also tweeted this:
This is from the movie Dirty Dancing where (credit: hazzaloveslouslittlethings)
Also Briana’s mom started a follow spree for pregnancy, engagement and maternity accounts on her twitter (which has been deleted since). This is a screenshot saved from May 18th.
We will talk more about the impossible timeline in a later chapter of this series.
This next one is the Brianafacts update account that was created on May 12 but won’t tweet anything until 21st of July. (credit: 16meets18)
Another screenshot: credit: twitter: @larrry_stunts
So what do we have?
From 1D side:
From Jungwirths:
Separately all of them can be brushed off as coincidence but altogether they look more than convincing.
Thank you for reading this!
This was Part 2 of the babygate masterpost.
The story breaks in The Sun. (x)
ONE Direction star Louis Tomlinson is expecting a baby with American beauty Briana Jungwirth.
Louis, 23, had a series of dates with budding stylist Briana, also 23, in May —two months after his split with long-term girlfriend Eleanor Calder.
Friends of 1D’s Louis Tomlinson yesterday said he is delighted Briana Jungwirth is having his baby — and wants to be a hands-on dad who changes nappies.
Briana is around 11 weeks pregnant and Louis, 23, flew to Los Angeles ten days ago to be at her side for a baby scan.
A friend said: “Louis is really excited about becoming a dad.
“It was obviously a surprise but they are both really happy.
“Louis and Briana have spent a lot of time together and are really close.
“Louis really cares about Briana and thinks she will be a great mum. Their friendship has got even stronger though this.”
Louis flew his family to LA earlier this month so they could meet 23-year-old Briana’s family over dinner.
She also watched the boy band begin their US tour in San Diego as Louis’ guest last week. He is now looking at property in LA to allow him to be a “hands-on dad”.
Their friend said: “It’s early days and the most important thing is Briana’s health. Louis is being very protective of her and making sure she takes it easy.
“Louis is really excited about becoming a dad. Briana is a very private person and she and Louis have enjoyed hanging out with their friends over the last few months out of the public eye.
“Although they aren’t in a relationship they have a strong bond and are both focused on the baby.”
Louis’ midwife mum Johannah is also delighted about the prospect of becoming a grandmother.
The friend added: “Being a midwife, Johannah has been able to give Briana advice when she has had questions. Briana’s family are great and have hit it off with Louis’ mum and his stepdad Dan.”
Louis had a series of dates with budding stylist Briana in May — two months after splitting up with long-term girlfriend Eleanor Calder.
Briana had never been to a One Direction concert when she and Louis first met, with her first gig being the San Diego show.
NOTE that it says: SHE IS 11 WEEKS pregnant. ELEVEN.
The announcement made everyone speculate and side eye it. I am going to include a lot of thoughts that the Larries had upon hearing the news and what their first reaction was.
Okay, but for anyone who is genuinely stressed about this stupid rumour, please remember that if it was even remotely true, it would have been handled WAY better.
If it was true (WHICH IT ISN’T), they would have controlled the narrative in order to make this ~pregnancy~ seem like a positive thing. We would have had a huge influx of official publicity around Briana, starting from weeks/months ago (ie, the second they found out she was supposedly ‘pregnant’), showing her and Louis being seen everywhere together, holding hands, kissing in public, officially dating, and more than likely, with Louis being quoted as being head over heels for her.
If this rumour was true (WHICH IT ISN’T) they would be playing this as a new, but wildly passionate romance, with Briana as the surprise love of his life and the two of them surprised, but overjoyed at their ‘miracle’.
They would not, repeat NOT, allow a tabloid to break this news with an article about how Louis has been partying hard with lots of different girls and knocked up one of them (who he hasn’t known very long).
If it was true (WHICH IT ISN’T) they would have been preparing for this news to go public from the exact second they found out, and they wouldn’t have been ‘caught out’ by the tabloids like this.
It doesn’t even matter whether you believe Louis is in a relationship with Harry, this rumour is ridiculous. Boybands, even boybands that are growing up and maturing quickly, don’t allow their images to be fucked over by major news coming out this way.
This will be denied soon. Guaranteed.
even if this was true, which i don’t think it is, this is the type of shit you hide, not announce out to the world.
okay but taking larry entirely and completely out of the picture, why would they announce an accidental pregnancy with someone he’s not in a relationship with before she’s even out of her first trimester like……..most people don’t even announce pregnancies to their friends or family before they’re past the first trimester like legitimately why would they turn this into international tabloid fodder i don’t even understand even if louis is 100% straight and larry is the fakest shit in the world, it still makes absolutely zero sense that this would happen the way that it did
But they said she’s due early next year. I can’t be clearer on this. Early next year would mean she would have to be pregnant for over 10 months for him to get her pregnant in March!
Also, NO.
He was in LA until February 4th (February 4th would make her five months pregnant now and 13 weeks pregnant when she was stumbling out a club filled with smoke in May, FYI, it would also mean that her due date would be mid November).
He had concerts in Australia the 7th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 17th and 20th.
9th was the yatch with Eleanor, 10th we got pap pictures, 12th he was MIA but 13th he was seen with Eleanor for the last time (it takes 13 hours each way to fly from Brisbane which is where he was the 11th at night, to LA, so time doesn’t add up for him to go there). We got pictures the 16th. He was in Hamilton island 18th/19th and he made it just in time for the show on the 20th.
He flew to LA from Perth on a private jet the 21st (midnight after the show the 20th), which took him over than a day because he had to refuel, and he got to Osaka the 24th (again, private jet and refueling, around 15 hours at least). So he was there late the 21st, 22nd and part of the 23rd. If he got her pregnant THEN, that would mean she was 11 weeks pregnant in May (while she was clubbing and clearly drunk), and her due date would be late November. Not early next year.
He was in Asia 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th of February, March 1st and 2nd.
Then he went to London he was there the 3rd and the 7th. That gives him three days to go to LA and back (maths work here, but that would mean he got off a thirteen hour transatlantic flight and took a 12 hour transatlantic flight right away, instead of going from Tokyo to LA directly, which takes 10 hours, only to go back to London after less than 48 hours, how unlikely can something be?). We saw him the 8th, 9th and 10th. Which is when he flew back to Asia for the tour.
He had concerts the 11th, 14th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 28th, 29th, April 1st and 4th. And he was also seen the 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 26th and April 3rd. He was only MIA 19th and 20th (flights from Hong Kong to LA last 14 hours each way, so he would have to fly for 28 hours to be there for less than 20) 23rd and 24th (Philippines to LA lasts 15 hours each way, so… 30 hours for less than 18, again) 30th (flights from Johannesburg to LA last 23 hours each way, so maths make it impossible) and April 2nd (flights from Dubai to LA last 16 hours each way, so maths don’t work either).
He was in Dubai until April 5th. And then he was spotted in London on the 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 17th. He was only MIA 7th/8th (meaning, again, after an 8 hour transatlantic flight he goes to London, only to take another 12 hour long transatlantic flight to be in LA for less than 48 hours and take another 12 hour long transatlantic flight), 14th (one day, not enough to go and come back), and 18th (again, one day). Then we go to the 19th which is what I already broke down.
And even if that WAS the case, getting her pregnant before April 19th would mean that her due date is NOT early next year. So NOOOOO.
When highly popular, 20 something year old popstars who are admired by millions of young fans, get random girls pregnant, it is not announced to the world. At least not until the baby is close to being born, and even then the parents and baby are presented as a solid family unit. You don’t tell a bunch of 14 year olds that their idol accidentally knocked up someone he met at a club and they’ll raise the baby together as friends.
And seriously MR CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR CHILD is quiet? And MR TWITLONGER would so totally congratulate him. And Niall would also stop golfing or watch tennis to tweet congratulations, that would be the normal thing to do. Jay to post how happy she is and how happy she is that she can TALK about it now, like seriously my mother in law called me every day if she can post the news on her Facebook and we waited for MONTHS before allowing her.
I see so much talk about the paternity test angle here and it’s really intriguing to me because this is one of the major reasons I just can’t get behind this story.
So, if they are announcing the pregnancy, clearly he’s confident that the child is his. I’m assuming a paternity test would be involved since he’s a multimillionaire who probably won’t just take her word for it, especially since this was supposedly the result of a drunken one night stand. Gonna want to make sure that you really are on the hook for life before announcing it to the world.
You technically CAN have a prenatal paternity test done as early as 8-9 weeks (though most docs recommend waiting until after the first trimester), but even then, most docs will tell you it’s risky. Especially in-utero testing. There’s a new non-invasive test that can be done but I’m not sure on the reliability there.
Either way, let’s talk about paternity testing and how it would fit into the timeline. The story is that Louis went to LA on the 4th of July to introduce the families and be there for a sonogram. We are supposed to believe that by the 4th of July when he flew to LA, she was:
- Confirmed to be pregnant and far enough along for a sonogram
- The results of an in-utero/prenatal paternity test are in and Louis is confident in those results
- According to the Prenatal Genetics Center it takes 9 days usually to get non-invasive prenatal test results back, so she would have been tested during the month of May (we are going to go with the idea that they would choose the non-invasive route since an in-utero test can result in miscarriage and I doubt they would want to chance that)
So by the timeline we are being sold, she gets pregnant in early May after their drunken clubbing, within 3 weeks knows she is pregnant (is she counting the days until her missed period?), has an in-utero test performed and Louis is confirmed to be the father, the test results are back in time by the 4th of July, has a sonogram where the heartbeat is somehow magically audible (and rumors of an ultrasound where Jay “was thrilled to see the baby”), and then two weeks later announces the pregnancy to the world via People magazine.
….. sure.
Here’s some reactions: Note: you will read more about Harry Styles and Larry Stylinson than the baby itself. Every single reaction is either making it into a meme, is questioning whether Louis really is able to touch a woman or is shading the *very very good friend* wording. Get ready for a bumpy ride because nothing is going to be the way the media handles celebrity pregnancies.
Matt Bellassai - Buzzfeed writer - close friend of Gemma Styles - also the one who made that great article about Larry: 46 Times Harry Styles And Louis Tomlinson Proved They Belong Together
Adam Ellis - Illustrator at Buzzfeed
BILLBOARD.COM posting twitter jokes
Pizza Hut:
Vanity Fair wrote an article: One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson Is Going to Be a Father
E ONLINE: Louis Tomlinson’s Baby News Means “Larry” Is Dead and Fans Aren’t Ready to Accept That Brace Yourself For The Directioner Meltdowns, Louis Tomlinson Is Going To Be A Dad
Cosmopolitan UK:
Yahoo UK
This Harry pregnant manip was syndicated and was used in all articles that reported on fan reactions. Meaning: all over the world.
Casually including the IT’S NOT REAL video:
And Harry. Louis Tomlinson news somehow always come back to Harry Styles.
Going as far as to suggest he might not be the dad.
I marked in yellow but here it is again:
And Harry.
And Harry again:
Posting reactions from well-known people like David Walliams:
Or Matt Lucas:
Or Maria Fowler:
This same Daily Mail article also mentions the Tamara handholding:
Festival flirtation: News of the pregnancy comes just two weeks after Louis was pictured cosying up to model Tamara Bell at Glastonbury
Fling? Tamara has modelled for i-D and Elle and launched lingerie brand Almeida in 2012 and is also friends with Louis’ bandmate Harry Styles
Close: Louis and the pretty brunette were seen wandering around Worthy Farm deep in conversation
US Weekly: posting memes: Harry Styles Is Pregnant With Louis Tomlinson’s Baby in Hilarious One Direction Memes
Glamour Magazine UK: Louis Tomlinson pictured for first time since baby news
Fans have already started speculating about conspiracy theories involving “Larry” - for those not closely familiar with 1D fan terminology, “Larry” is a code name for Tomlinson and Harry Styles, who they believe are having a secret affair.
And by memes the media means these:
Matt Tarrant:
The entire press was about Larry and Harry.
Movie News Guide:
And here are more reports: (usa-nglophile)
Just Jared:
Pornhub Aria:
Fan reaction: (whatiwishicould)
The Daily Mail wrote another article:
and included the doll incident again.
They used an awkward headline because EVEN UNTIL THIS VERY DAY (2016 APR 16) no representative has ever confirmed the pregnancy.
This was the headline before but they changed it:
And everyone had reactions (laynefaire)
Jamie East: - Journalist, TV Presenter.
Scot Haney on this video - WATCH IT!!
*This is what gay men do.* *Immaculate conception.*
Daily Mail twitter went off the rails: (Daily Mail is the one usually getting the exclusives besides TMZ on babygate)
But they favorited tweets like this:
or this:
also this:
And why is everyone mentioning Larry?
This is from the Kidd Kraddick show ten days after the announcement:
Radio Guy: What does this dad who walked away from his when he was a really young kid even know about him. I mean, like if he is circumcised or not?
Lady DJ: Maybe he’s a hermaphrodite?
Radio Lady: Maybe it could be something about his um, sex life. Because a lot of rumors were floating around that Harry and Louis had something going on together……it’s true! It’s true! There were were rumors that they were using girlfriends and stuff to hide the fact that they were in a relationship.
Guy DJ: Nothing wrong with that!
Radio Guy: I am here to tell you that is FALSE, Kelly.
Radio Lady: How do you know?
Radio Guy: Because when Al and I saw them, they didn’t hit on us!
Other radio guy: JC was very upset.
A joke.
And Larry.
Here’s a summary:
Thank you for reading this!
This was Part 3 of the babygate masterpost.
A quick recap before diving in:
The official story is that Louis is happy and can’t wait to be a dad.
And while Tomlinson’s bandmates have yet to offer their congratulations publicly, behind the scenes Simon Cowell – who helped launch One Direction, and is working with Tomlinson on his new record label, which was launched earlier this year under Cowell’s company Syco – “is absolutely delighted for Louis,” according to a friend.
“Simon has even offered to give Louis a ride on his private plane anytime he needs to fly between the U.K. and the U.S. to see their baby” the friend said.
The media ALWAYS mentions that no rep or Louis spoke up about the baby yet and they are very careful with their wording.
It’s been another very eventful 24 hours in the world of Louis Tomlinson - and while the One Direction star still hasn’t confirmed the rumours that he’s expecting a child with friend Briana Jungwirth, everyone and their mother (literally) has been speaking out about it.
With Briana’s dad and stepmum talking to the press, as well as Louis’ estranged father, it seems the only people not talking about this pregnancy is, erm, Louis and Briana.
Speaking to the MailOnline, he <Briana’s dad Joe> explained how Briana is coping with everything, saying: “The publicity and everything, it can be overwhelming yes.
“Briana’s really shy, she’s strong but shy, she’s tough but shy and she’s having a tough time with it, it’s stressing her out right now, she’s texting me all the time.“Now that she’s out of her mother’s house she’s a little bit better but she really doesn’t like any of this stuff.”
Nice that you’re talking to the press then, pal.
Again, speaking to MailOnline, Karen <Briana’s stepmum> wasn’t quite as positive as husband Joe, and even went as far to say that she’s worried that having Louis’ baby will ‘ruin her life.She explained: “I’m distressed for all the crap I’ve read online in the middle of the night. “I just hope all this doesn’t ruin her life, I care about that, we are at the beginning of something and she’s a private person, she’s not a Facebook person or anything like that. "This is really scary for someone in her condition, especially when she’s only 23, I think it’s pretty overwhelming.”
Speaking to the Mirror, he <Troy Austin - Louis’ biological dad> told them: “I’d like to be involved in my grandchild’s life. I’ve missed out on Louis’ life and I’d like to make up for that.“It’s definitely time to heal the rift. Life is too short.”
Hmm.We’re sure Louis and Briana are just thrilled that their family members have come forward confirming things they don’t want confirmed.
But hopefully the pair aren’t paying much attention to any of this and are just concentrating on themselves and their potential new sprog.
The music producer, 55, said he told Tomlinson, 23, to “man up” when he learned that he was expecting his first child with friend Briana Jungwirth.
“I said to him, ’You man up. You’re fortunate because you’re in a position to be able to look after the baby and not worry too much about that,’ ” Cowell said. “But I also told him, ‘I’ve received bad calls in my life but this is not one of them. This is your business but I’m here for you.’ ”
“He didn’t kill anyone. He got someone pregnant. It happens every day all over the world. Again, Louis has got great family around him and, look, it’s a plus, not a negative.”
When contacted by MailOnline, a spokesperson for Louis didn’t reveal the nature of Louis’ visit, simply saying, 'He is on tour with One Direction in the USA’.
Interesting wording, eh?
if you remember, this SAME article caused a Larry-wave in the Daily Mail official twitter when they started favoriting tweets saying that Louis is with Harry.
This happened FIVE days after the announcement. Simon Jones sure had time to congratulate the happy dad-to-be, right?
Well he did’t and he won’t. Before this question comes up, let’s clear that yes, HE IS the head of Simon Jones PR, he IS representing One Direction.
And as the baby was BORN on Jan 21 2016 THERE’S STILL NOTHING ON HIS TWITTER.
We are going to make a short pitstop and talk about the public congratulations:
The band McFly had 2 babies: one from Harry Judd, one from Tom Fletcher and every single time the bandmates/family/media personalities/journalists DID CONGRATULATE PUBLICLY. It is not a question of wanting to stay private. Baby announcement is a happy occasions and people do congratulate publicly as well, regardless of how famous they are.
Birth announced in a tweet by Harry:
And all band members congratulated (on the same day):
OK,now we can get back to this Tomlinson baby and our timeline:
Louis Tomlinson’s close pal Jimmy Bullard says the One Direction star having a baby is a “nightmare”.
While other pals, including Simon Cowell, have rushed to congratulate the singer, Jimmy says: “I’m not sure we should be congratulating that. Yeah… a nightmare.”
Speaking about the 23-year-old becoming a dad for the first time, former Premier League footballer Jimmy, a father of two, adds:
“He’s going to have his hands full. I’m sure he’ll get it all sorted.“
“I can’t advise him, I struggle with my two as it is. He’ll be a great dad.”
“Well obviously I was a bit shocked but he’s taken super well to it. And he’s very excited with what’s going on with him at the moment and I feel that stuff like that happens sometimes…he’s taking it very seriously.”
And what are his thoughts on Briana, eh? “Yeah she’s really nice, she’s a lovely girl,” he added.
Now here comes the weirdness, because why not, right?
That is, my dear friend, One Direction’s next single.
Let’s rewind back and check the promo - babygate alignments, because there is some….. Ready?
Action 1D’s Louis video released: July 13
Pregnancy announced: July 14.
Drag Me Down released: July 31
Drag Me Down first official performance: Aug 4
Louis’ baby confirmation: Aug 4
Drag Me Down music video: Aug 20
STW Glasgow Riverside baby question: Oct 7
Perfect release: Oct 16
Perfect music video: Oct 20
baby birth: Jan 21
Louis’ first baby tweet: Jan 23
History music video released: Jan 26
Louis’ instagram baby pic: Jan 28
I am going to now talk about that ominous GMA confirmation and instead of focusing on Louis and his body language (that’s going to be the second to next post), let’s still stay in the media reaction: if you LOOK at the media during babygate, or JUST on the media reaction to the GMA *confirmation interview*, you HAVE to admit that something is OFF. And the media knows it too. I am going to quote some publications:
Weeks after it was confirmed that One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson is expecting his first child with Briana Jungwirth, the 1D member broke the silence on his impending fatherhood — carefully, and tersely — prior to the group’s performance on Good Morning America on Tuesday (Aug. 4).
Defamer (a Gawker blog):
One Direction performed on Good Morning America this morning and, once the band left the stage, GMA contributor (I guess) Michael Strahan congratulated Tomlinson on his supposed impregnation, about which not a single member of One Direction has spoken a public word.
Oh shit, Michael Strahan.
Was Strahan ignorant to the fact that no One Direction member had, until that moment, publicly confirmed Louis Tomlinson’s supposed impregnation? Was Strahan ignorant to the fact that everyone assumed they were all most likely waiting on some sort of blood test? Was Strahan ignorant to nothing, nothing at all—did he know full well that he was getting literally the scoop of a lifetime, oh my god, we’re SCREAMING?
Louis hasn’t come out publicly with the baby news after it surfaced online in July, but on Tuesday morning (Aug. 4) on “Good Morning America,” the 1D singer finally addressed the rumors — thanks to some suave talking by “GMA” host Michael Strahan.
“From one father to another, I want to congratulate you,” Strahan said to an awkward Tomlinson. “How are you feeling?”
“Thank you,” Louis started. “Obviously, it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing, thank you.”
There was an stomach-churning silence after that, and Lara Spencer tried to hand off the pressure on Harry Styles, who looked a little bewildered, but amused.
In an interview with Good Morning America on Tuesday, the 23-year-old British boy band member finally confirmed the news that he’s going to be a dad. GMA contributer Michael Strahan brings up the elephant in the room, congratulating him as “one father to another.” And though it gets a bit awkward, Louis smiles big, and thanks him.
The 23-year-old made the admission during an interview on Good Morning America – a move which is likely to shock fans who have been in denial since the news broke.
When questioned if he was excited about having a baby with Briana Jungwirth, he said: “Obviously it’s a really exciting time, so I’m buzzing, thank you.”
Louis said ” It’s A Very Exciting Time" but do you think it was mean for Michael to trap him like that?
One more example:
One Direction sat down with Good Morning America at New York City’s Central Park today (August 4) to talk recent developments. This included Louis Tomlinson having a baby, which he hasn’t talked about until now.
The interview got awkward. “Well Louis, I gotta say,” said host Michael Strahan, “from one father to another, I want to congratulate you on your upcoming fatherhood. So, how are you feeling?”
Tomlinson forced a smile. “Thank you, yeah,” he said. “Obviously it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing.” But he didn’t act excited, which had the other host, Lara Spencer, desperate to change the subject: “Harry, you seem very quiet today.”
This did not help.
Fortunately, Liam Payne and, yes, Harry Styles seemed happier to talk just about everything else: the surprise release of new single “Drag Me Down,” One Direction’supcoming fifth album and its new initiative action/1D, which builds awareness for issues like extreme poverty and global warming.
Other non-local outlets the Daily News, Mashable, Hollywood Life. There’s probably more.
Please note that the Louis’ analysis during babygate will come in a separate post, we are only focusing on the media.
Despite us all seeing Briana Jungwirth’s baby bump, some Directioners were in denial about Louis Tomlinson becoming a dad.
Now the One Direction star has opened up about the stylist expecting his child and revealed he is “excited” to welcome the first 1D baby into the world.
Louis spoke about the amazing baby news with STV Glasgow when he dropped by for a chat with bandmate Niall Horan during the band’s tour and it was pretty awkward.
After being asked if he’s looking forward to being able to spend time with the new arrival, Louis replied: “I am, yeah. I’m very excited, yeah. Yeah, it’s gonna be really nice.
"We don’t know how nice he’ll find it when his hands are full of dirty nappies but babies are super cute!
But despite it being a huge responsibility he is still planning to spend some quality time with the boys during the band’s break next year, as he revealed they are going on a lads’ holiday.
Asked what they will be doing during their time off, he said: "I think we’re going to go on a lads’ holiday think, aren’t we lad? Yeah, so that’s about all I’ve got planned at this stage I think.
"We’re not sure what Briana will think about that.
So, Louis Tomlinson is happy about having his first child. That’s a relief.
Still, it took a rather awkward interview before a Glasgow gig to elicit that information.
During a chat with Louis and bandmate Niall Horan, a Scottish interviewer asked if he’s excited about becoming a parent with Briana Jungwirth.
Louis replied: ‘I am, very excited, yeah.’
And that was that.
But the interviewer persisted in her questioning: will it be good to have a break from 1D so he could have free time with the sprog?
Louis said: ‘Yeah, it’s gonna be nice, yeah.’
Niall looked on awkwardly the whole time, waiting for a chance to showcase his Glaswegian accent.
Well, at least we got some info about their new album… oh no, we didn’t. D’oh.
Louis Tomlinson has kept pretty quiet about his impending fatherhood since the news broke over the summer that Briana Jungwirth is having his baby.
But now the One Direction star has opened up about his feelings just months ahead of the little one’s arrival – though it’s all slightly awkward.
Louis, 23, was interviewed alongside bandmate Niall Horan for STV Glasgow as the boys prepared for a gig in the city on Wednesday night and in a video of the chat is seen being questioned about whether he’s excited to become a dad.
‘I am, yeah. I’m very excited,’ the singer replies whilst Niall, 22, sits awkwardly in the middle between Louis and the boundlessly cheerful presenter lady.
With 1D going on hiatus from March next year, Louis will obviously have time to spend with the baby but is giving very little away when asked about this.
‘Yeah, it’s gonna be really nice, yeah,’ Louis answers.
After being queried about the baby Louis appears to take a sigh before awkwardly looking at his fingernails. Cringe.
Watch the slightly uncomfortable interview with Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan below… <VIDEO LINKED>
It was revealed back in July that the Yorkshire-born star is set to become a father for the first time next year as LA-based stylist Briana is expecting his child.
Fans waited with bated breath for a comment from Louis about the news but he didn’t speak out about the bombshell until August during an appearance with 1D on Good Morning America.
After being asked how he was feeling about his impending fatherhood, Louis gave a short and sweet reply, saying: ‘Thank you. Obviously it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing. Thank you.’
It was bandmate Liam Payne who broke 1D’s silence on the subject though. One day before Louis spoke out, Liam told Magic Radio: ‘Well, obviously I was a bit shocked but he’s taken super well to it.’
‘He’s very excited with what’s going on with him at the moment and I feel that stuff like that happens sometimes. He’s taking it very seriously.’
It even made the Most Shocking Celeb Moments 2015 list:
And yet again Harry Styles is name-dropped in this whole big mess.
“I just said, ‘Enjoy it.’ If I had been his age and someone had said, ‘You’re going to have a baby,’ I’m not sure how I would have coped with it,” Cowell shares. “But he did call me and I said, ‘When you’ve embraced it, you’ll be amazed how much you are going to love it. It will change your life for the better.’ ”
We are almost at the end of this post now, because the post-partum media will be in another post, but I want to mention one post-partum Simon article before wrapping this up:
Cowell confessed if Louis, 24, who welcomed a baby boy with his former flame Briana Jungwirth, were to ask him to take on the role as the newborn’s guardian, he would have no second thoughts.
When questioned by the Mirror about whether he’ll fulfill godfather duties, the 56-year-old music mogul said: 'We’ll have to wait and see. I’m godfather to a lot of kids now. I would if he asked.’
And that’s ALL we have.
Louis Tomlinson asked about it 2 times, both times awkward. His friend Jimmy Bullard and Liam Payne talked about the topic with very careful wording. Simon Cowell talked about it PLENTY.
Thank you for reading this!
This was Part 4 of the babygate masterpost.
Hello and welcome back to the masterpost series! We have covered approximately 25% of babygate, it is a tremendous topic, so if you made it this far, congratulations! :)
As babygate is such a huge topic, I HAD to create separate posts that focus on one single topic, and this next one was almost touched in every post, but never completely.
In Part 1 a party-image was given to Louis and you could see he participated doing no more than the required bare minimum.
In Part 2 we covered some interesting foreshadowing of babygate, from throwing the unsourced doll and calling it NOT REAL 3 times to holding his friend’s Tamara Bell’s hand during the Glastonbury Festival.
In Part 3 we covered the announcement and the media reactions to it, but we have not talked about Louis not speaking up to defend pretty much anything babygate-related, however he is one of the most outspoken loyal and protective people I have ever seen. I will talk about in this post as well.
In Part 4 there was the vast majority of his actions reported in the media, but the actual videos were not shared, nor his body language was analyzed and this is where I promise I am getting to the point now.
The incident I have mentioned before, here is the transcript again:
Louis: what’s this baby doing here?
Liam: who has thrown their baby on stage!? that is OUTRAGEOUS!
Louis: it’s not real!!!
Liam: oh no… it’s.. it’s a fake baby guys.
Louis: it’s not real… it’s.. not… real… (he’s looking on the ground reciting that)
Liam: that is for all those people out there who think that was a real baby…
GIF credit: tommosloueh
More context about this HERE.
Michael Strahan: Louis, from one father to another I want to congratulate you on your upcoming fatherhood. So how are you feeling?
Louis: Thank you, yeah. Obviously it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing. Thank you.
Let’s go through his body language. credit: Celebmix (x)
My father lived with a gentleman who is a professor of psychology, and he’s an incredible person outside of that. After the video posted yesterday I decided to shoot him an email asking what his short version of an opinion was on everything, just their reactions, etc.
Here’s the father’s reply:
I watched the video and the only thing I thought was how uncomfortable. The remark does not look like it was rehearsed at all; he sort of tosses it in in passing to get a real reaction and real is what he got. If this kid is supposed to be happy about having a baby, he isn’t. The pursed lips is a thing we look for when we sense lying, it’s a mechanical act of the body to force in a lie.He also looks to (our) left slightly a few times that’s a large clue as well. The right side of your brain contains your imagination and has been deemed the creative side. Without knowing it your eyes turn to the left when you’re trying to come up with a story. I’ll have to look more into the story. If you want to email me about it I’m curious to hear more and assess it further. He’s lying to cover up something and when the woman asked the other boy why he was so quiet, that was not done to change topics it seemed like it was done purposely to bring attention to his lack of a reaction specifically which makes me think there is something going on behind the scenes there.
The body language from the other boys when the question was asked was not welcoming either.They’re was clear discomfort between all of them and the boy sitting right next to him looked directly at him waiting for his response but not in a congratulatory way and if these boys are all friends you’d think they’d be happy for the news. It seems as if he was ready to protect him if he looked weak or stumbled, you don’t need to protect someone who is anticipating a happy life change.
Also, has their sexuality been questioned? The smaller one and the one with the long hair? Him being the only one asked about his lack of response when neither of the other boys had one either is telling.
This isn’t concrete evidence of anything, merely an opinion from someone who’s got a background in knowing what to read when people are interviewed/questioned and body language generally. It doesn’t state that he doesn’t believe Louis is going to be a dad, just that something fishy seems to be going on too
The following is an analysis based on this article,
credit: Lirrylocks
GIF credit: whattarush
He’s ‘buzzin’ but he doesn’t say he is excited…CHECK
Liars also purse their mouths —It’s a classic expression of guilt.
This following picture collection is credit to: legohousedea
credit. Watch his reaction around 0:10.
GIF credit: tommosloueh
credit allegedlymags
They started out very loose, all 3 with an open, relaxed body language.
These snippets are just to show that they were having fun.
A lot of fun.
Still having fun here.
Now on the pic below, this is the moment they finished the baby segment. Look at the boys:
This is a screengrab from when the interviewer says goodbye.:
Here’s the transcript.
Louis: I think we’re gonna go on a lads holiday, aren’t we, lad? So, that’s about ALL we got planned at this stage, I think, yeah.
Int: And you’ve obviously got a little one on the way as well, are you excited about that?
Louis: I am, yeah, I’m very excited.
Int: It’s going to be nice to have some time to spend with the baby
Louis: Yeah, it’s gonna be really nice, yeah.
gif credit: 16meets18
Just to see it more drastically:
This is how their body language was in the beginning:
And this is how it ended:
Some thoughts about the interview:
credit: teapotpourri
credit: teapotpurri
credit: ohnooooonedirection
For video click here:
GIF credit: tommosloueh
Again, someone forgot they would be having a baby…
credit: hometolouis
The boys started their promo season for their album Made In The AM but the babygate question was blacklisted.
This is from Fabulous magazine which did an interview with 1D:
Another interviewer saying no personal questions were allowed.
(9) James Corden Late Late Show:
GIF credit: cutieharrie
And there were really no personal questions during the MITAM promo after these.
with his youngest brother and sister:
his youngest sister:
He not only loves them, he goes above and beyond and is part of several charities that are helping children. He hosted a Cinderella Ball with Believe in Magic alongside his mom.
Family values are important to him He is a loyal, protective boy. Protective of his family, of his friends, fans and Doncaster Rovers.
This was his reaction when the Mirror posted a disgusting article about him:
Or his infamous twitter feud with The Wanted.
(this is only part of it, the entire war is here)
Or when again fans are insulted: 7:43 is the tweet, 8:12 is Louis’ reply.
Another one, he tweeted his opinion about Rovers and this twitter user called him out:
He replied within 41 minutes
Another one where he called out news outlets:
An asshole fan insulted him, he replied with his usual sass.
A band that was insulting him liking their music: 2014 dec 19.
This is for parents who felt insulted by the lyrics of I1D’s Live While We’re Young:
Do you get what I mean? He litereally said:
I’ve never been very good at biting my tongue.
Isn’t that weird?
There is no crinkling eyes, there is no happiness, there is pursed mouth, there is pushing by reporters but never him, there is him saying he has no plans. There is anything but normalcy.
Look at the pictures. Can you say he is happy to be a dad? Can you say he is not feeling discomfort?
So we have a
If there is a real baby and his discomfort is clear, why was it announced? Why not sweep it under the rug? HE is the celebrity, not the woman. Why is this even happening when there was no paternity test to prove if the baby is even his? Why are the headlines not implying that this girl CLAIMS to have his baby, but instead they all say HE IS GOING TO BE A DAD?
Why is the media so shady with this baby? Why are they calling it spawn and why are they making everything about Larry?
Good questions, huh?
Thank you for reading this!
This was Part 5 of the babygate masterpost.
Hello and welcome back to the masterpost series! We have covered approximately 30% of babygate, it is a tremendous topic, so if you made it this far, congratulations! :)
In the previous parts (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) we have covered Louis and co’s and the media actions. Now it’s time to see what’s going on with this *random impregnated girl*.
The pregnancy news broke on the 14th of July and the first time we *see* Briana on
AUG 7. approx: 14 weeks along.
Take a look at this *burgeoning* belly. From other angles:
After the pregnancy was reported One Direction has been coincidentally touring North America and here are the dates (source wikipedia):
This is 22 concerts since the announcement. Twenty two.
The headlines as you remember tried to suggest that Louis in the same place as Briana and when they did that, Louis’ representative spoke up suggesting that of course he is in the US because his band is on tour there. (for the exact quote go to Part 4). Her family gives interviews left right and center, no one is speaking up from Louis’ camp apart from Liam’s Magic Radio interview and that memorable Good Morning America interview where Michael Strahan congratulated Louis in a live show. We are watching and waiting to see how they will SHOW that this woman is indeed pregnant. I don’t think it’s needed to say but the BURGEONING bump did not convince anyone that she was pregnant.
Fan reactions:
credit: proudoflou
credit: vansandburberry:
(credit: yealourry, diggingandfluff)
Conveniently she is visiting a passport office here.
Here is more fan opinions about the passport:
Note: the international travel was Briana in the Bahamas.
credit: diggingandfluff
This next one is from a certified US Passport Acceptance Agent:
I wanna talk about the passport office photos for a minute because a) I’ve seen a whole lot of antis trying to justify why she was there, especially since she did just travel to the Bahamas (from what I have seen/heard - I have paid little attention to this particular circus so forgive me if I’m wrong on that one) and b) I have seen a lot of speculation that she will be at the BiM Cinderella Ball or at least in the UK by Monday.
[For the record, I am a certified United State Passport Acceptance Agent. I am on the front line of the passport process, so I know my shit.]
“Maybe she was picking up the forms to mail.” “Maybe she needs to get more pages.” “Maybe she needs to correct information.”
Pap photos show Briana leaving a passport office WITH a DS-11 (not a DS-4085 or DS-5504) in her hand. You cannot mail a DS-11 yourself. You must appear in front of a passport agent. Part of the form is filled out by an acceptance agent. We collect identification, proof of citizenship, fees, and take your photo, etc.
“Maybe she was getting a new photo.”
That’s not a thing. You don’t replace your photo. That’d be replacing the whole passport. Plus, girlie was wearing a white t-shirt. I would have had to tell her to put on a sweater or go home and change. Whenever people call to inquire about passports and/or passport photos, I am required to tell the person that they cannot wear white and cannot wear anything with writing or a logo.
“Maybe she’s renewing.”
Nah. You need the DS-82 to renew a passport and you mail that yourself (+ check/money order and new passport photo).
Again, she had a DS-11, which is the form one is required to fill out to apply for a first time passport (book and/or card - you can do both at once) or to apply for a new passport if one’s previously issued passport expired more than 15 years ago. (You can access this form online so you don’t have to actually pick it up somewhere.)
Passports are only valid for 10 years if the applicant is 16 or older. (A child’s passport is valid for 5 years and cannot be renewed).
“Maybe she has a passport card and needs a passport book.”
This is a plausible scenario.
A passport book allows a person to travel internationally by air, land, and sea. A passport card allows only for land and sea travel. Basically, you can drive to Canada or Mexico. Some cruises will allow you to use a passport card when stopping at international ports, but if you really want to explore, you need the book and many cruise lines (from my experience) now advise you to have the book. It’s more expensive, but it’s better and usually worth it in the end considering a number of people come back to get the book within that 10 years anyway.
So maybe the Bahamas trip was a cruise and that Briana has a passport card and that’s why she is applying for a passport again. (Like I said, I don’t know shit about her trip or how she got there and back. I’m sure one of y’all more attentive Larries know.)
Standard processing time for a U.S. passport is 4 to 6 weeks (it is busy season and with over 1 million apps in process right now, NPC is dealing with some delays, pushing it to 5 to 7 weeks maybe 8 weeks in some cases). With expedite services processing takes 2 to 3 weeks. Expedited at a Department of State Passport Agency will, at its soonest, take 8business days (9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday - Friday) and there are a number of restrictions because this type of service is usually reserved for urgent matters (not PR stunts).
There are only 28 DoS agencies in the United States, California has 3 of them in LA, San Diego, and San Francisco respectively. Banana was not at one of these agencies. That office looked like it was on a used car lot.
She was leaving with the DS-11. So she didn’t do anything right then other than be seen at the passport office with a passport application.
Though it goes without saying, this was an intentional papping to a) have something to write articles about because, to echo drunkhermione, PREGNANT AMERICAN BRIANA + BRITISH LOUIS + BABY = INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL. b) cause speculation amongst fans aboutwhen she’ll be in the UK. c) Whatever other crazy dumb Modest! logic is going on.
Briana’s cousin Ashley Jessica who very actively served as the spokesperson for Briana on twitter tweeted this:
Then she went private. (as always)
Get ready for WHAT?
Oh well we will soon know.
So here we have the entire O2 arena full of fans, and a rumor that Briana would travel to the concert. IF the passport pictures were not cluing you in, then this next one definitely is because one lucky fan was able to get a picture of Briana.
This was the tweet, she deleted her tweet since.
What do I mean by lucky?
credit: bethaboolou
(credit: zenlikejen)
Remember this name? Simon Cowell? The only one from the 1D camp ever speaking up about the baby? Yeah him. Wait, there’s more:
credit: genuinelybelieve
screenshot taken: 2nd May, 2016. WHAT A LUCKY FAN, AGAIN!!
Now, here is another picture:
If on July 14 (according to the sun) she was 11 weeks pregnant then on Sept 24 he should be around 21-22 weeks pregnant here. Her legs are apart and it looks like she is ready to give birth here in the stands.
Looks pregnant, right? it is actually the game of the angles. See:
Yet another black outfit and hand on belly. Source: a submitter to zenlikejen
credit: diggingandfluff
So the pictures can be all taken apart. She is wearing black, her bump is always covered by either her hands, a cordon or the angle the picture was taken from.
No one can find her. The entire arena is on bump watch but no one can take a pic.
We got this:
But that is not her.
No one can even identify the girl because she looks different every time she is pictured. This is Ashley’s mom, Tracy. Briana’s aunt.
credit: lapelosa
Even tweeted about it:
Interesting timing, huh?
The dress on this second pic looks a bit tricky but the puffy part is still not the belly. The first pic shows it much better. And of course her bump is covered by a cordon.
lightened out version:
Fan report from a blogger:
credit: buscandoelparaiso
How Jay (Louis’ mom, mom of seven) did it when she was pregnant:
credit: anonymous
And this girl is not getting a call out or congrats from the band at all. Attends 6 shows in a row and GETS NOTHING.
credit: happy1days
credit: lesbianslovelouis
She looks pregnant, right?
Let’s get a closer look.
Oopsie. She’s not pregnant. She literally just pushed her belly in a way that it looked like she was pregnant. She is supposed to be 26 weeks pregnant.
This was her a few days ago. WHERE IS THAT BUMP?
There’s literally no way that she looked like that on Oct 31 and looking heavily pregnant on NOV 2.
Here is the OCT 31 pic lightened:
THERE’S LITERALLY NO BUMP. (credit: stylinsobss)
Back to Oct 31 a little bit:
credit: conscious–ramblings
Now she will disappear for weeks.
This is Briana.
Now you might ask yourself a question here:
She is supposed to be 34-35 weeks along, where the hell is the bump??
The video is not available anymore but here are a few screenshots proving it was taken the same time as the picture where Briana conveniently is not wearing her fake bump.
A day ago she had this huge bump. WHERE IS IT??? The picture on the right side is from this same video, you can see the same people on the left, everyone is dressed the same. And THAT is Briana. No bump. It’s not the black dress. It’s not the angle. SHE HAS NO BUMP. And she also deleted the video from her instagram on Apr 17 in 2016.
Briana’s mom posted this:
credit: actuallyredorchid (EDIT: we’re not sure if Amber is a cousin or not, but she’s a Clark.)
They went above and beyond to show she is pregnant on social media, but they never showed the actual face with the entire bump. It was aleways cropped.
Here’s more proof that they tried to use pics from someone else: on the right side you can see Ashley sending that cropped picture to one of the Briana accounts and asking them to post it.
And surprise surprise that is again: amberfillerup.The picture can be easily found on Pinterest.
Even her @ is there:
When they were called out that the headless picture is old they posted this picture on the right to prove it is not old.
Fan reaction: credit: hearteyeslikeafooligan
OK I just love analyzing visual clues, so I couldn’t resist!
The photo on the left was quite obviously taken at a VERY different time, long before the date the person posting it wanted it to be assumed.
They were obviously presenting that photo as “proof” of how B’s belly looks currently, when they posted it two days ago. They presented it as if it was B posing for that photo two days ago, to show how her pregnant belly looked right then.
The photo on the right was posted to show the same spot as it looks right now.
That view out the door proves to me that the photo on the left was taken a very long time ago, and was therefore not taken of anyone who is currently pregnant.
1. The photo on the left shows leaves on the ground, and I can’t imagine there being any leaves still on the ground now in such a well-groomed courtyard.
2. There is shrubbery directly to the left of the door the girl and cat are standing near, and that shrubbery had been recently sheered close and neat in the photo on the left. In the photo on the right that same shrubbery is overgrown and way past due for being sheered. You can see the shape of the leaves growing out of it which is absolutely impossible if it looked sheered to a straight edge two days prior. Maybe they shoved a different tree against that shrub and it’s leaning there waiting to be moved or something, or maybe they pulled out that shrub and put something bigger in the line of sight past it sometime in the last two days.
3. The shrubbery in front of the neighbor’s house across the street has experienced much growth between photo sessions. Far more than two day’s worth. More like months at least. The two shrubs under their window that can be seen in both photos are kept in the same shape by the gardener but you can still see differences in the sheering that wouldn’t be present after only two days. The inside of the shrubs are far more filled in which represents growth that would take months. Look how bare they are near their roots in the photo on the left, and how lush they are almost all the way down their roots in the photo on the right. They’ve grown to a different shape in the months between photos.
4. That red planter inside the neighbor’s window, visible above those shrubs? Check out the PLANT inside it!!!!! Maybe they changed plants inside that pot sometime in the last two days. Otherwise, that plant grew a ton. Again, months worth of growth.
This was random but again, they could not come up with a bump + head picture.
Another cropped out picture:
And another pic where the head is cropped out:
This picture was posted by Briana, again only a bit of blonde hair is visible and a bump.
This was another attempt at getting people post bump plus blonde hair pictures:
This picture was posted by Ashley:
And this is a pic from Amber: source: Instagram: @amberfillerup
SAME PERSON. You can see the IV, the nails, and the angle on the first one is to hide the ring.
This is Amber after giving birth:
This was the last social media picture of *her* bump.
She gets papped one week before giving birth.
The article was posted on Jan 23:
Pap picture: on the left, her bump picture on the right:
Fan reactions (credit: proudoflou)
credit: bananastagram:
The next pictures will come after giving *birth*.
See a sneak and peek:
UPDATE: she shared this pic as a throwback for being 3 months along:
‘How time just goes’: Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Briana Jungwirth shared a throwback snap to when she was three months pregnant with her baby boy, Freddie Reign (Daily Mail)
But you can see that the face is her new face, the nose is her new nose. FAIL.
Thank you for reading this!
This was Part 6 of the babygate masterpost.
One comment: if this gets to antis or formers or however they call themselves:
The Larries believe the baby is FAKE not only because of 1 or 2 or 3 bullet points, but because of ALL OF THEM. Don’t come to me saying bullet point 77 can be attacked while you are still unable to give me a logical explanation to the other 176 points. Thanks.
Women when get pregnant gain approximately 25-35 pounds and when she gives birth she looses
So if this girl is really pregnant, why was her social media wiped off months before? Why did she cover her belly on every single party pic when she was drunk off her ass (aka very not pregnant thank you very much) and why is that the first time we saw the “belly” it looked less than a pregnant belly and more a ‘well, so far I have been hiding my belly but now that there is a pregnancy scandal I might as well show you because you will all see what you want: pro people a pregnant belly and larries a food baby" and most of all why did Lilo foreshadow this entire scandal by calling a still unsourced baby doll BABY, Louis repeating annoyed IT’S NOT REAL three times and if that was not enough Liam trumped it with *if anyone had any doubts this baby is fake*? Why was Simon Cowell the first to react - with that very hurtful MAN UP comment to emphasize family values to Louis Tomlinson of all people - and why did B never attend a concert in the US with minimal flight time when they were there for months but rather fly across the ocean 22 weeks pregnant and show up coincidentally on the same show as Cowell, dressed in black, using scarf and handbag to yet again cover her belly? Why did we never get a normal angle of said belly? Why was the picture we got posted by a mutual of Simon Cowell’s? And also, why is that all the boys spoke up about their family being there but Louis and Harry? Why was this the first time when Harry flat out ignored a pregnant woman in the crowd? The same Harry who grabs every chance to congratulate on pregnancies, the same Harry who draws a pregnant air belly like a pro, and the same boy who has his IG favorites and iCal full of baby birthdays. Why is that Louis can react to Rovers accusations in 40 minutes and by nature protects everyone and everything that’s precious to him yet after 2,5 months he yet to step up and protect his very own child and very good friend baby mama who is mocked and ridiculed by every article? How are people explaining the difference between actions and narrative? Why is a buzzing father out there partying and ignoring the shit out of his own very good friend baby mama when we all know how loving and affectionate he is towards kids? Why is everything going against the norm in how this very pregnancy is handled by Louis’ own actions, the media and their PR team? Need I say the same PR team which congratulated the Little Mix singer on her engagement on the day it happened but remained crickets about a baby? About a BABY???!
Sorry to jump in but I’m just going to add…. Don’t forget the complete silence by not just Harry but everyone surrounding Louis as well. Why no excited statement from his mom and sisters? Why is the only time we’ve heard from them when a pap shoved a camera in their faces and they had no choice but to respond? Why did we get a totally messed up timeline with ultrasounds and sonograms at as early as FOUR weeks? Why were we told about this to begin with rather than keeping it hush hush and paying her off like any actual accidental celebrity pregnancy would happen? Why has no other celebrity or interviewer or journalist brought it up to Louis outside michael strahan on LIVE TV where Louis was forced to answer? Why did we get those pap pics of Briana leaving a passport office with documents that turned out to be the wrong docs for what that passport office does literally a week after going to the Bahamas? Why did we get RBB making blatant and poignant references to the baby with a pregnancy test and baby bottle and the blue and green stickers shocked, sad and angry?
Why is that everytime before there is an update in babygate, the oh so private family goes public on social media to warn us and then goes private again? Why is it that every time before anything happened - even the pregnancy - anons were warning bloggers? How absurd it is that a celebrity pregnancy is announced at the first trimester, at 9 weeks and when you call them out for this insanity they change the date to 11 weeks? Why are they even RISKING a pregnancy by announcing it when they could have laid low and the public would not even had known about it because they go on hiatus coincidentally when that baby is supposed to be born? How is that those lucky paps who were looking for a millionaire, just happened to find him coincidentally when partying with B in a low level club? How is it that Annas the club promoter invited even the dead from six feet under in public tweets hours before that same clubbing happened in a low level club instead of a high level no picture policy club where millionaires tend to party? Why did the media know immediately the name of said mystery blond waaaaay before this obsessed CSI fandom? Why is everything so public with this? Why is this chirpy band not talking about buying baby clothes, pregnancy accessories, why is there no tweet about what the fuck is a breast pump, why is there no nursery talk, or pretty much anything that convinces people that Louis Tomlinson is indeed going to be a father anytime soon? Why is every single quote from Louis’ bandmate and friend commenting on the pregnancy so carefully crafted that no one ever says the words baby, dad, Briana and instead use such vague wording as: He’s very excited with what’s going on at the moment and I feel that stuff like that happens sometimes.” “He’s taking it very seriously.”? Why is there no talk about how the band is going to break up because we know that the real Louis Tomlinson is a very fucking dedicated person and if he indeed fathered a child from a one night stand he will deal with it? But instead it is all about judge rumors and record label rumors? Why did the GMA anchor call Harry out for being awfully quiet? Who the hell cares about him? Why not Niall or Liam? Why is Louis throwing a baby doll TWICE angrily from stage and Harry of all people a baby onesie as if it burnt him? And for god’s sake: why is it always coming back to Harry and Louis? After FIVE years! Louis said on twitter that it’s bullshit, that he is happy why can’t people accept it. He said he was in fact straight on his twitter so it must be true. Forget about your belief in Larry for a second. Why is the happy couple’s only pic from partying when drunk off their asses? Why not reporting that they are happy and in love? Why using the friends angle? Why is a Louis Tomlinson having a baby report starting with “Larry is dead” or “watch out Larries”. Who the hell cares about Larry??? A “handful” of fans “ship” them together, ok. Whatever. But this is real life. Real lives. SO why is a Louis Tomlinson having a baby report not focusing on Louis Tomlinson having a baby? And why are articles adding that fans think it’s fake? Who the fuck cares about the fans’ belief when Louis Tomlinson is really going to have a baby? Did we see articles that some Kutcher-Kunis non believers thought they are not having a baby? No, we didn’t. So why are we still seeing articles at her week 21 pregnancy in a gay magazine of all places in huge ass bold letters with font 55 in the middle of the page about the fans thinking this pregnancy is fake? Why the hell does it matter? Why does it matter???
you don’t even have to ship larry to see how shady this whole pregnancy thing is - celebrities don’t announce pregnancies like that - especially accidental pregnancies - especially accidental pregnancies with some random who was also fucking other people around the same time - celebrities don’t fucking announce that shit to the world? ?? - especially if they’re not even 100% sure it’s theirs??? - even then that’s still not a story they’d sell to fucking tabloids (teenag3shithead)
Why did Tracy comment on a Louis picture “it’s not like the news is out” and worrying about Briana’s Facebook and instagram at a time when she did not even know Briana was pregnant? Why did Briana’s mom follow baby stores, People babies (where the news broke later) and other baby sites on instagram when Briana did not even miss her period much less piss on a stick? What was that no bump pic from Halloween? What was the no bump pic from Christmas? Why are the pregnant bump pics from amberfillerup? Why is it that when you put together to no face-bump only pictures, the body type and the bump exactly matches Amber’s? Why are all bump pictures without head? Why are the papped bump pics showing no real natural bump? And why are bump pictures only on their socal media? Why did they try so damn hard and fail every single time to post a convincing photo where it is clearly Briana and an unmistakable natural real baby bump? Why did B post a pic with the caption ready to pop when she actually had 3 more weeks till the original due date Feb 3? Why did her so called papped pic one week before birth not have the bump so low that it was ready to pop? Why did an update account break the news and why did we all get anons about the birth more than 24 hours before it actually happened? Why were all the headlines in the form of a question (has louis become a dad?) or say “twitter claims” because it’s literally unheard of for a celebrity baby announcement to happen like this. Why was the rep not available for comment when the birth happened? Why did Louis wait for almost a day to tweet about his twitter-happiness? Why did not he tweet the baby’s name and instead sell the story to the Sun? Why did not he say a single thing about the baby when he was papped walking around just the day before? Where are the bandmates’ congratulations? Why is Jay who is a midwife and is mother of 7 NOT in LA for the birth and don’t tell me she did not know about it when the update accounts and the media was very ready to break the news. Why are Larry manips circulating in the press after the birth was announced? Why is there custody talk and money talk in the press when they had 9 months to decide? Why does the Sun say that the birth certificate is not filled yet, that they have not even decided if he will be a Jungwirth or a Tomlinson, if they have not even decided about money and custody? Why are people close to the band (but not on 1DHQ’s payroll) like Smallzy congratulating in a sarcastic way? Why are news outlets stressing that Tommo never discussed the news publicly but did confirm it in an awkward moment on US television? Why are news outlets still saying that the rep is unavailable? Or about the Jungwirth family expecting an exaggerated amount of financial support from Louis? Or that the morning after the birth he was seen shopping for sunglasses?
Helllooooooooooooooooooo??! There’s no baby. Never was.
Before babygate - part 1. (foreshadowing and sketchiness)
Before babygate - part 2. (foreshadowing - lilo, harry)
The Five Stages of Grief: Babygate edition.
Tag page with babygate tags on it.
TMZ Timeline
Jan 22: I just had the first 1D baby!
Jan 22: Hands-on daddy jetted to L.A. for birth - Sunglasses Hut papping
Jan 26: I got my baby mama a modest home and child support is on the way
Jan 27: 1D baby’s first outing
Jan 27: Check out my kid - first pic of 1D baby
Jan 28: Picking 1D baby name was… fair & balanced fight
Jan 29: Louis Tomlinson’s son master of his own domain
Feb 1: Perks of daddydoom - my baller crib to raise kid
Feb 3: No DNA test needed - positive Freddie’s his son
With BOLDED the NEW events, as you can see the non-bolded is during Oscars weekend, but they were not quiet at all, they still wanted people to remember the Tomlinson story.
Feb 25: James Corden: and here’s the one who gets outed on TMZ.
Feb 25: covering the story of sitting next to Perrie – TMZ staff meeting
Feb 26: Louis Tomlinson: custody fight, baby mama won’t let me see my kid
Feb 26: Louis Tomlinson – Custody war settled: I get the baby, for a price.
Feb 26: TMZ meeting: One Direction: Custody War
Feb 26: Dax Holt on baby mama drama
Feb 26: pinning tweet: on the verge of MAJOR war with baby mama. Let @DaxHolt explain
Feb 26: Louis’ “baby mama drama” on TMZ
Feb 26: Jason & Derek on Louis Tomlinson
Feb 27: retweet: Louis Tomlinson’s got some baby problems and Dax here is to tell you about it.
Feb 27: retweet: Check out: Louis Tomlinson – Baby mama won’t let me see my kid
Feb 28: retweet: Louis Tomlinson – Baby mama won’t let me see my kid
Feb 28: retweet: Louis Tomlinson – Custody war settled: I get the baby, for a price.
Feb 29: tweeted about this same article later the day
Mar 1: tweet: can see the baby but needs to keep his new chick away
Mar 1: tweet: @gosspigirl article.
Mar 1: tweet: Louis Tomlinson sugar daddy TMZ video
Mar 1: mention during a segment about Fetty Wap’s baby situation: Charles: “And like you said just the other day with Louis Tomlinson–” Harvey: “Exactly.”Charles: “You better get the paternity test. It’ll be better for both of them.”Harvey: “Oh yeah, there’ll be a paternity test here.”Charles: “There will be eventually.”Harvey: “Just trust me - there will be a dispute and there will be a paternity test.”
Mar 3: Louis out at Fetty Wap’s concert, the same man who also has a babygate situation going on and TMZ has reported about it, even name-dropped Louis on Mar 1.
Mar 25: Dax Holt tweets asking from “Dear Directioners” “What the hell does #EndBabyGate mean”
Mar 25: Dax’s video is tweeted for the first time. And had it pinned for hours
Mar 25: over the course of the day Dax’s video gets retweeted 4 more times.
Mar 25: they uploaded Dax’s video on Youtube and added a poll about the baby being real and about Larry being real. (poll is still there: March 28). The video is also the first thing that plays when you visit TMZ’s youtube channel.
Mar 25: later the day they made an entire #EndBabygate playlist
Mar 26: posted Dax’s video on TMZ Instagram.
Mar 26: retweeted the strollin’ article twice
Mar 27: On TMZ’s FB page in the About section they have the Endbabygate video from Dax. No text. Just that one video.
Mar 27: posted Dax’s video on TMZ IG again.
Mar 27: retweeted Dax’s video a total of 5 times
Mar 27: retweeted the strollin’ article
Mar 28: Dax Holt tweets a pic with a doll, implying that Louis Tomlinson’s baby is a doll.
Mar 28: the official TMZ twitter retweets it
Mar 28: posted the 58 seconds segment about Louis on their Youtube channel.
Mar 29: Dax Holt replies to an end babygate tweet with a baby emoji, an exclamation mark and a questionmark.
Mar 29: TMZ links an article from gossip girl where “Simon Cowell shades 1D They were a nightmare”
Mar 30: TMZ retweets the strollin’ article two times
Mar 30: Dax talks about Larry in a livestream on TMZ’s youtube channel.
Mar 30: Dax allegedly likes on instagram these 2 pictures: “it’s not real baby pic” plus “his own pic with the doll”.
March 31: Dax posts a twitter picture about him carrying a man who uses a Harry mask. “For those asking if LARRY is real… Here’s the TRUTH. Darry is more real.”
March 31: Dax posts an instagram picture about the same man with a different Harry mask with the capture: “Hanging with Harry”.
March 31: the official TMZ twitter retweets Dax’s Larry is real picture
Apr 2: Dax is engaging the fandom in babygate topic yet again, and tweets the usual anti questions, while fans reply with proof and link masterposts.
Apr 7: Dax tweeting the Buzzfeed article that is debunking babygate.
Apr 7: Dax doing a chat where he mentions babygate mumbling they did not end it. Again bringing up that there was no paternity test.
Apr 7: TMZ article: ONE DIRECTION Song Triggers Lawsuit C'MON, C'MON AND PAY US!!!
Apr 8: Dax tweets: stay tuned #endbabygate
Apr 8: TMZ twitter retweets Dax’s tweet.
Apr 8: TMZ article: My baby is the real deal
Apr 8: TMZ live also discussed the real baby.
Apr 8: TMZ posts Dax’s video and pins it: It’s time to #EndBabygate for good. @Daxholt gives you the PROOF that the baby is REAL. They retweeted it 3 times.
Apr 8: TMZ twitter: Louis Tomlinson’s baby mama will give you ALL THE FEELS! (via @gossipgirl)
Apr 9: TMZ twitter retweets Dax’s debunk (baby is real) video 1x
Apr 10: TMZ twitter retweets Dax’s debunk (baby is real) video - 1x
Apr 11: TMZ twitter retweets: my baby is the real deal
Apr 11: TMZ twitter retweets Dax’s debunk (baby is real) video - 1x
Apr 11: TMZ twitter retweets: Louis Tomlinson Shares New Photo of Baby Freddie Playing With His First Soccer Ball
Apr 13: tweeting: No #babygate here! The only onsie your babies need is at TMZ store
Apr 17: tweeting: No #babygate here! The only onsie your babies need is at TMZ store
Apr 18: tweeting: Is #babygate ended? Sorry louis_tomlinson & onedirection fans but you asked us to #Endbabygate. We did!
Apr 20: Dax posting a stroller pic where Louis smiles and he uses the hashtag #smiling
Apr 21: tweeting: #EndBabygate #EndBabygate #EndBabygate… did we call it @onedirection and @louis_tomlinson fans?
Apr 22: tweeting: No #babygate here! The only onsie your babies need is at TMZ store
Apr 24: tweeting: No #babygate here! The only onsie your babies need is at TMZ store
Apr 26: tweeting: The mystery that @onedirection fans have been blogging about & @daxholt will #EndBabyGate for @Louis_Tomlinson.
Apr 27: Daxchat: babygate mention.
Apr 28: tweeting: No #babygate here! The only onsie your babies need is at TMZ store
May 4: tweeting a link to HL not speaking now from gossipgirl
May 5: tweeting: No #babygate here! The only onsie your babies need is at TMZ store