Osman Hamdi Bey

Teacher Piia Katajamäki

Made by 5th class of Kirkkomännikkö school in visual art lessons.

23 students took part in this project.

1. We wanted to know more about this mysterious name of Osman Hamdi Bey (who, what)

(Osman Hamdi Bey: Beyond Vision, Exhibitions, Showcase)

2. We looked at the photos of his paintings.

3. We picked up one of them (An Arab reading) and we prepared to draw a copy of it.

4. We decided that the copy we made needed not to be identical with the original work. So we could do it in our own style. We could change colours, clothes etc.

5. We decided that we use pastelpens and coloured papers (brown, black, grey, yellow), size A3.

6. We used about three lessons (3x45min) to get ready and the students were very interested in drawing.

7. Now we have an art exhibition in our classroom.