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ADC-IARPC Semantics WG 2020-06-16

ADC-IARPC Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group

Meeting Agenda & Minutes


2020-06-16 19:00 UTC (01:00 PM MDT and 20:00 CEST)


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  1. Round table (who is attending)
  1. Allison, Peter, Ruth, Shannon, Pier Luigi, Paul
  2. Apologies: Bill, Oystein
  1. Adoption of agenda
  1. Adopted
  1. Review of minutes of previous meeting
  1. 2020-05-19
  1. Adopted
  1. Review of action items
  1. Ruth/PIP to send an email out to repository reps re verifying their content for the Polar Semantics Planning Matrix (see below)
  1. The revised matrix is now available. Then relevant records will be sent to the respective “owners”. Keeping task open for now.
  1. Allison, Bill, Ruth, and Øystein to review structure of the matrix of harvesting relationships. The structure is to be discussed in email with the whole group.
  1. Ruth to send a Doodle poll or equivalent to set this up - sent May 28
  2. Pip has made recommendations for splitting out draft
  3. Ruth needs to coordinate with Pip to send this out. 4b essentially complete, just need to complete 4a.
  1. Ruth to explore a data paper on the Polar Vocabularies Questionnaire with support from Pier Luigi, Mark and Øystein.
  1. Ruth - Doodle poll to the group to get this going… -  sent May 28. Ruth will send out again with new dates and times as it does not appear to have been received.
  2. link to responses:
  3. Mark S. to review questionnaire and responses and perhaps add more
  1. Ruth talk to Pip and generate a more detailed agenda for the end of the month call
  1. Polar Semantics Planning Matrix updates
  1. The matrix is available at Matrix of metadata harvesting relationships
  2. The matrix and other materials from this family of meetings are being documented in these two papers:
  1. PDPS White Paper Draft - Harvesting Portion
  1. Peter, Pip, and Ruth to plan finishing paper (after April 1st). Planned for Data Science Journal.
  2. Get section on tooling written
  3. Discuss the matrix
  4. Add next steps
  1. Beyond the data bits - new working group on this
  2. Self-documenting catalogs
  1. PDPS White Paper Draft - Recommendations Portion
  1. Ruth to finish recommendations section - completed
  2. Peter will work on editing the draft this week (June 19).
  3. Ruth will send another doodle poll to a larger group of authors for final comments once Peter’s edits are received.
  4. To be submitted to Data Science Journal as a Practice Paper
  1. Workshop at the end of the month
  1. Established - registration link coming soon. June 30th.
  2. Website link available via ADC site.
  3. Need more detail about semantics working group components.
  4. and related semantics of interest.
  5. Semantics re observations and measured parameters also of interest.
  1. PLP notes the use of local conventions for the Canadian OOS, PLB notes that this should be coordinated as GOOS is looking in this direction (for EOV data sync) and so is the UNESCO/IOC ODIS WG as part of the UN Oceans data drive, there’s also the RDA working group on observable property semantics, but that’s a bit more of a coordination activity with a set of use cases which may use up resources we don’t have
  1. Polar Vocabularies Questionnaire.
  1. Can the spreadsheet be presented as a deliverable and linked in the web page under the item on Group activities?  It is live.
  1. Linking MOSAiC parameter terminology to Polar Semantics resources (Pier)
  1. Doing their own thing
  2. Pier now working on Helmholtz Institute metadata
  3. t-Mosaic field work will be next summer - should be working together with the Mosaic group as well...
  1. updates (Ruth)
  1. Currently looking at measured parameters information
  2. Great to see CCADI members participating
  1. Status on modelling/visualisation of the harvesting matrix
  1. Brendan has generated a simple prototype visualization - not production ready but available here 
  1. This site no longer needs login credentials
  2. Can send updated data to Brendan on a 1-off kind of basis
  1. Awareness updates (roundtable)
  1. Lot’s of semantic stuff in the ESIP summer meeting (,the%20Socioeconomic%20Value%20of%20Data.)
  2. Polar Observing Assets working group (POAwg) still gearing up via a core group, refining Term of Reference, Tasks and getting ready to launch the website. (Next core meeting is on July 2) with the goal of doing a broader launch at the end of summer.  Pier Luigi is interested in sharing info on OTIS CAT with POAwg to ensure interoperability.
  3. Peter putting together a post-doc position description
  1. Next meeting
  1. Agreed to do the third Tuesday of the month, at 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST, 15:00 EDT, 13:00 MDT).
  1. Tentative date for the next meeting is Tuesday 18th August.
  1. Since not everyone is using Slack, emails should be circulated for each meeting.