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PE Curriculum Y8



Pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:

Football –

  • demonstrate a range of passing techniques and can control the ball with different body parts more effectively in a game situation
  • recognise and demonstrate how to support a player in a game situation
  • use effective dribbling and tackling techniques in both practice and game situations
  • being effective in a game situation

Hockey –

  • demonstrate a range of passes with good ball pace
  • lead a small group in a hockey practice
  • demonstrate shooting with accuracy

Table Tennis –

  • demonstrate attacking shots
  • demonstrate spin on your shots to outwit opponents
  • demonstrate more accuracy in your shots and start to apply tactics in their gameplay

Rugby –

  • pass with consistency and accuracy in a game
  • perform a range of different tackles in a game and practice situations
  • comment on strengths and weaknesses of themselves and other players

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • different tactics for attacking and defensive play
  • their own strengths and areas for improvement
  • how to umpire a game of table tennis
  • tactics and how to outwit opponents



Gymnastics - pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:

  • Perform a variety of balances
  • Perform a variety of rolls
  • Create a basic floor routine with help

Volleyball - pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:

  • Perform a volley on your own and with a partner
  • Perform a volley in a game situation
  • Throw the ball over the net to serve

Netball – pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the footwork rule
  • Demonstrate the chest pass with some control
  • Catch a ball
  • Be able to get free when being marked

Rugby - pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:

  • Demonstrate a tag tackle in a game
  • Pass the ball backwards to a teammate
  • Catch a pass from a team mate
  • Run with the ball in 2 hands

OAA - pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:

  • Complete a basic orienteering course
  • Plan a basic course with help
  • Identify markers in front of me on the map

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • Why a warm up is important
  • What a ‘balance’ is
  • Different types of rolls

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • how a game of volleyball works and how it is scored

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • What footwork means
  • How a game of netball works

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • Which way you run and which way you pass
  • How a game of tag rugby works

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • What orienteering is
  • The names of some symbols on a map



Pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:


  • demonstrate an over arm serve we more control, accuracy and power
  • play a volley when required
  • use shots that outwit your opponent

Cricket –

  • demonstrate the correct release point on a bowl and show consistent accuracy over at least 10m
  • demonstrate an accurate over arm throw over 15m
  • hit the ball showing both attacking and defensive shots
  • demonstrate batting, bowling, throwing and catching with accuracy

Athletics –

  •  demonstrate good jumping technique with good speed and height
  • throw, shot, discus and javelin with good technique
  • demonstrate a relaxed running style and know when to pace themselves and sprint in a race        

Rounders –

  • demonstrate effective tactics of striking and fielding games
  • vary your bowling, including height, spin and pace
  • demonstrate that you are able to hit the ball into space
  • demonstrate that they can field effectively and consider where they throw the ball to which benefits their team

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • the scoring of tennis and can umpire a game
  • how to provide feedback to others about their strengths and areas for improvement in track and field events
  • the tactics of cricket
  • effective tactics of striking and fielding games