Published using Google Docs
12/18/2023 Board Meeting Minutes.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Spindletop Little League

P.O. Box 6718

1565 Spindletop Avenue

Beaumont, Texas 77725

Start: 5:11pm

End: 7:02pm

Date: 12/17/2023

Location: 2060 Irving Avenue Beaumont, Texas 77705 (Resource Center)

Attendees: Corrie, Alexis, Tamika, Henrieta, Aundre, Jo Balka, Gloria, Chris

Absent Board Members: Melissa Balka, Mr. Darden, Willie

  1. Meetings
  1. moved from monthly to bi-weekly
  2. next meeting is January 7, 2024 and following meeting is January 21,2024
  3. Time: 4-5:30pm
  1. Board Members:
  1. approved to remove voting position of equipment manager
  2. approved to remove equipment manager altogether and will fall under the coaching coordinator position
  3. approved to move Aundre to safety coordinator
  4. approved to substitute Tamika as secretary with Mrs. Henrietta with Mrs. Tamika as shadow until the end of the 2024 season
  1. approved to allow Mrs. Henrietta to request meeting space with Mrs. Paula at the resource center
  1. New district President is : Jason (Jennifer resigned)
  1. will have to get next district meeting date
  1. Advertisement:
  1. denied radio advertisement=  for one month of registration advertisement =$1500
  2. request for the news station to attend opening day (vice president)
  1. Opening day:
  1. Tentative Date: March 2,2024
  2. Location: Spindletop Fields
  3. Color Guard: request from scouts or ROTC (vice president)
  4. National Anthem: request from BU choir or Naveah (Vice President)
  5. Negro Anthem(Lift Every Voice):  request from BU Choir or Naveah (vice president)
  6. Send out invites to Sponsors to attend now and 2 weeks prior two( vice president)
  7. Games will be held after Opening Ceremony
  1. Registration
  1. $100  ends 2/15/24 @ 11:59:00
  2. Early Registration: discount of $15 ends 12/31/2023 @11:59:00
  3. Board Members discount: $20
  4. Coaches discount: $15
  1. will be refunded when coaches are decided
  1. payment arrangement is an option
  1. $34 due 12/29/23
  2. $33 due 1/12/24
  3. $33 due 2/10/24
  4. not able to use a discount on a payment arrangement
  1. Coaches:
  1. coaches meeting is 2/10/2024
  2. pending time
  1. MLK Day
  1. January 13 2024
  2. players in uniforms
  3. spindletop banner
  4. posters
  5. candy or beads
  1. Additionals
  1. Main valve fixed=cost $1200
  1. still have one more leak
  1. approved to post minutes to socials and to website
  1. Equipment
  1. Will require all players to have their own helmets
  2. will purchase 4 backup helmets for the spring rec season
  1. Fundraiser
  1. pay photographer $10 per player
  2. we print the photographs or return digital copies

*post board meeting dates and reminders on social media and website-> automate (Gloria)

*post MLK day info now and reminders on social media and website- > automate(Gloria)

The Chris Quinn Complex

Spindletop Little League