Can we organize an Open Source Ecology STEAM Camp in Austria?





The curriculum

The Camp

General Information



WHO could be involved?

WHERE could such an event take place ?




Sebastian ( and Marcin ( had a video conference on the 3rd September 2019.


The next step is to see if we can inspire a team to organize and execute an Open Source Ecology (OSE) STEAM Camp at the end of this year or in spring next year in Austria. There is a general 3 month preparation phase prior to the event for instructors to refine and work through the curriculum: and organizers to deal with promoting the event or finding a venue, etc.

The curriculum

It contains a mix of theory and practical workshop phases where every participant in the course of the camp builds among other things a motion controller, motion control axis then a 3D printer, plotter, CNC mill and then projects that build on top of this: brushless motor, Arduino Uno, drone, raspberry pi tablet, vacuum robot, cordless welder, charge controller, etc. These builds are envisioned to be completed in a rather short time frame. This is achieved by using the Universal Controller and Universal Axis as building blocks for the 3D printer, circuit plotter, and CNC mill - where the 3 different functions are manifested as quick-connect toolheads. These 3 machines are built rapidly by a combination of (1), simple, refined, modular design; (2)  having prepared kits for every participant ready already at the event. These kits, while while being refined and tested extensively, are still build pretty much from scratch: rods, bearined, stepper motors, etc - but because our design features high modularity and the lowest unique part count of any CNC machine in the world - rapid builds are still possible. Using these 3 tools, derivative products are made from scratch by 3D printing, making circuits, using basic jigs, and using common off-the-shelf (COTS)parts - where the combination of digital fabrication, COTS parts, and robust design makes practical products feasible.


The Camp

General Information

The STEAM Camp is meant as a hands on workshop empowering participants to learn about open source and the tools to enable them to develop their own higher level projects on top of this foundation. However, the goal is bigger: to encourage participants - and instructors - to participate in ongoing product development. Every STEAM Camp builds upon the product development results of a former event - thus aim at delivering practical and marketable products.

The first STEAM Camp was held this summer in the US:

Now the next step is to see if the concept can be scaled up and rolled out around the globe. We are improving the curriculum, while inviting much broader participation such that we can deliver the best experience.


A STEAM Camp lasts 9 days and has between 6-24 paying participants. The idea is that there are several camps in different countries all around the globe happening in parallel and that through live chat/video/audio streams the camps are connected to each other and collaborate in real time as much as possible (and as time zone differences permit).

The camp is an experiment to test if this is a way of sustainably funding open source projects (eg. doing 1-4 Camps per year). There is a 50/50 split of revenue between OSE and the local team/org. The details of the business plan with finances can be found here: (more on next page)

OSE’s role is to develop an organizational infrastructure to assure the sustainability of the STEAM Camps. This includes recruiting instructors, organizing events, marketing, distribution of kits and products, and curation of products. All products are open design and open enterprise - intended to distribute manufacturing worldwide in what we call the Open Source Everything Store. All designs enter the public domain, with a goal of impact that shifts the economic system from proprietary to collaborative. The ideal economic outcome is supporting the instructors in a lifestyle where they can commit their full energy to open source product development - to create a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance.


WHO could be involved?

Sebastian: I am happy to help with organizing this, contact people and do research and promotional tasks, I am probably not qualified to be an instructor (might help out with certain tasks though)

Simon: “2D / 3D drawing/planning, Blender - happy to do workshops, presentations, training, etc.”

Leopold: “Let's discuss it at Open Hardware Now after Ars Electronica finished”

Franz: “My role is in linking it to supportive parties and general public”

Rex: “I am interested”

Nikolas: “Interested in contributing but very busy with vivihouse currently”


Herbert: “still skeptical”

Alexander: I’m interested.

Harald: “Will think about who we could additionally involve here”

WHERE could such an event take place ?

