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Privacy Policy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Link’em Privacy Policy

We don’t store your data, period.

The App operates locally, no data is stored outside of Apple iOS infrastructure (e.g. App data is stored only locally and may be synchronized between devices using iCloud services, but no files or private data are transferred to any servers or services).

All data, like preferences and definitions of graphs, are stored in the App’s container, provided by the iOS. Those files don’t keep any personal information. Any references to Contacts are stored in completely anonymized form: references to contacts are URLs, which were generated using UUIDs (semi-random character set, which only purpose is to uniquely identify something), no names, emails, or other information of private matter stored by the program in it’s own database or files.

The App includes integration with Gravatar Service, which allows collecting of person’s avatar (picture, photo or symbolic illustration), which this person uploaded or enabled before.

If you enable Gravatar integration (disabled by default), for each contact, which doesn’t have associated picture in your Contacts list a request will be sent in anonymized form to Gravatar Service:

You can read more about Gravatar Service, its Privacy Policy, etc. here:

Export or Share functionality allows you to transfer some of the data between your devices or applications by means provided by Apple iOS. Those move only when you tell it to. No middleman.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, please email us at