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 The Third Grade Times                                 Issue 8/18/22

Notes from the Teacher

The second week of school is almost in the books!  Thank you to everyone that made it to the open house on Wednesday.  It was great meeting all of you!

I started to assign homework for all of the students this week.  Remember, the assignments can always be found on the classroom website if you need to take a look at them.        

Almost all of the students have finished their beginning of the year assessments.  I will start sending home this data next week in the Thursday folder.  

The photo included in this week’s newsletter is from our class t-shirt.  I will have more information about that on the back of this paper.

Quick Hits

Scholastic Code - Q6T8C

9/17 Chrisney Fun Run

3rd Grade Loves Reading

- The Last Present by Wendy Mass

- Selected by Haddie Arnold

- I love this book because it is about presents and I love presents.

Wildcat Reader

        3rd grade is a big year for the students.  I’m sure you will notice a big change in your student’s maturity and independence as the year progresses.  3rd grade is also the first year of completing the state required I-READ and I-LEARN.  While I-LEARN will be a test they continue to take every year in elementary school, the I-READ is only for third grade.  This is a test that is administered to assess the reading ability of the students.  This link will give you more information about this test.

        Because of these tests and the students' development in 3rd grade, I want to create a culture that is surrounded by reading.  I do this with our routines in the classroom such as the class read aloud book (Shiloh), weekly book recommendations in the newsletter, and visiting the town library.  I also support this culture with our ceremony of awarding the Wildcat Reader shirts.  Students can earn these shirts by being selected for the reading award at the quarter awards or by making 100 percent growth on their I-Ready reading diagnostic that we take in December and May.  I chose the I-Ready reading diagnostic as a way to earn the shirt because the goal that is set for each student is based on that student’s ability. I believe this is the most equitable way to allow students to earn their shirt.

        I selected the tree on the shirt as a symbolic connection between growth of the tree and growth of each student’s reading.  The tree needs water and sunlight to grow.  Students need to give their best effort every day and practice reading to make growth.  Next, trees are all different heights just like students have different reading levels and ability.  And finally, growth takes time for students and trees!

        This is my second year having the Wildcat Reader.  Last year every student in my class was able to earn their shirt. Today I invited all of them, now 4th graders, to come out to our Oak tree to explain what it takes to be a Wildcat Reader to our 3rd grade class.  I hope your child is excited about this, and I can’t wait to start handing out shirts!


Please fill this out and return to school so I know what size shirts to order.

Student’s name:_________________________________

Shirt Size:_____________________________