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miBEE Privacy Policy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

This Privacy Policy specifies how Menred Intelligent Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "We") collects, uses, discloses, processes and protects the information you provide to us through our website and the application suite we provide on mobile devices when using our products and services.If we ask you to provide certain information to verify your identity when using our products and services, we will use this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and/or our User Terms and Conditions.

You should have a thorough understanding of our personal data collection and use practices and be confident that you will ultimately be able to control the personal information provided to us.

In this privacy policy, "personal information" refers to data that identifies a particular individual either by the information itself or by contacting other information of the individual to which we have access.This type of personal information includes your name, address, and phone number.

By using our products and services, you acknowledge that you have read, approved and accepted all the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy, including any changes that we may make at any time.We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of your personal information in accordance with applicable laws.At the same time, we are committed to fulfilling these obligations by all our employees and agents.

1. What information is collected and how is it used?

Categories of information collected

In order to provide you with our services, we will ask you to provide you with the personal information necessary to provide your services.If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.We collect the following types of information, whether personal or not:

Information you provide to us or upload (including your contact information): We may collect any or all personal information you provide to us, mobile phone number, your miBEE account information (such as your birthday, gender), information or data that you synchronize with, create an account through our app or other applications (such as albums, contact lists), etc.Participate in information related to our forums or other miBEE platforms, contact numbers you add or messages you send, feedback, and any other information you provide to us.

Device or SIM related information: Information related to your device.Examples include IMEI number, IMSI number, MAC address, system version, device manufacturer information, model name, and network operator.

Information that we specify is relevant to you: We may collect and use information such as your miBEE account.

Location information (for specific services/functions only): Various types of information related to your location.Examples include country codes, city codes, mobile network codes, latitude and longitude information.

Login information: Information related to your use of certain features, applications, and websites.Examples include cookies and other anonymous identifier technologies, IP addresses, temporary message history, and standard system logs.

Voice, image data: The voice data and image data that you generate when you use the device.

The purpose of collecting personal information is to provide you with products and/or services and to ensure that we comply with applicable laws.You hereby agree that we process personal information for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and disclose personal information to our affiliates (which cover communications, social media, technology and cloud operations), third-party service providers (as defined below).

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

Provide, process, maintain, improve, develop our products and/or provide your services, including after-sales and customer support, as well as services through equipment or websites

Communicate with you about your equipment, services or any general queries such as updates, customer advisory support, information about our activities, notifications, etc.

Allow you to comment on public forums.

Conduct promotional activities, such as lottery or other activities.

Analyse and develop statistics related to the use of our products and services to better improve our products and services.

Store and maintain information related to you for use in our operations or in fulfilling legal obligations

What information to collect and how to use it: We use cookies, tags, scripts, and other technologies with third-party service providers.These techniques are used to analyze trends, manage websites, track users'website activities, and collect demographic information about the entire user base.We will receive separate and summary reports from these companies based on the use of these technologies.

Log file: Like most Web sites, we collect specific information and save it in a log file.Such information may include Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), reference/exit pages, operating systems, date/time stamps, and click-stream data.We will not link automatically collected data to other information we collect about you.

Advertising: We work with third-party service providers to display advertisements on our websites or manage our advertisements on other websites.Our third-party service providers may use technologies such as cookies to collect information about your activities on their or other websites to advertise you based on your browsing activities and interests.

Mobile Analysis: In some mobile applications, we use mobile analysis software to better understand the capabilities of our mobile software in your mobile phone.This software may record information such as how often you use the application, what happens within the application, cumulative use, performance data, and where the application crash occurs.We will not link the information stored in the analysis software to any personal information you submit in your mobile application.

Local Storage - HTML5/Flash: We use local storage objects (LSOs), such as HTML5 or Flash, to store content and preferences.Depending on your web browsing behavior, third parties who work with us to provide certain functions or advertise on websites also collect and store relevant information through HTML5 or Flash cookies.Browsers provide their own management tools to delete HTML5 local storage objects.

2. With whom do we share your information?

We will not sell any personal information to third parties.

Special circumstances, information disclosure without consent

We may disclose your personal information without further consent when applying legal requirements, such as in order to comply with a court inquiry order.

3. Safety and security

Our Safety Measures

We are committed to ensuring your personal information security.To prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or other similar risks, we have implemented reasonable physical, electronic, and administrative procedures to protect the information we collect from your mobile devices and our websites.We will take all reasonable measures to protect your personal information.

We will take all possible measures to protect your personal information.However, you should be aware that the use of the Internet is not always secure, so we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information when transmitted in both directions over the Internet.

What can you do!

Do not disclose your login password or account information to anyone (unless authorized by you).Whenever you log in to our website or mobile application as a user of your miBEE account, especially on someone else's computer or public Internet terminal, you should always log out at the end of the session.

We are not responsible for any security omissions that may result from third parties accessing your personal information due to your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information.Notwithstanding the above, you must notify us immediately if any other user of the Internet uses your account without authorization or if there are any other security vulnerabilities.

Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information.

IV. Retention Policy

Personal information will always be retained if it is necessary to retain it, or if required or permitted by applicable law.As long as it can be reasonably inferred that the retention of personal information does not serve the purpose of collecting personal information and is no longer necessary for legal, dispute resolution, enforcement of our agreements or other commercial purposes, we will no longer retain personal information or eliminate the means by which personal information and specific individuals are associated.

5. Access other functions on your device

Our apps may access certain features on your device, such as enabling e-mail to use contacts, SMS storage and Wi-Fi network status, and other features.This information is used to allow these applications to run on your device and allow you to interact with them.

Sixth, you can control your information!

You can always contact us in writing or by mail to change your decision.

Access, update or correct your personal information

You have the right to request access to and/or correction of any personal information we hold in connection with you.When you update your personal information, you will be asked to verify your identity before we process your request.Once we have sufficient information to process your request to access or correct your personal information, we will respond to your request within the time prescribed by the law used.

These services are usually available free of charge, but we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for your data access request.

If you wish to request access to the personal data we hold or if you believe any information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to us as soon as possible.Mail

More details about personal information in your miBEE account can be accessed and changed by visiting our website or by logging in to your account with your device.

Withdrawal of consent

By submitting a request, you can revoke your consent to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information that we hold or control.We will process your request within a reasonable time after your request has been made, and will not collect, use and/or disclose your personal information thereafter upon your request.

Please note that your withdrawal of consent has certain legal consequences.The extent to which you withdraw your consent to let us process your personal information may prevent you from enjoying our products and services.

7. Other Provisions


We believe it is the responsibility of parents to monitor their children's use of our products and services.However, our policy does not require personal information of minors or any promotional materials to be sent to such groups.

We do not seek or attempt to receive any personal information from minors.If parents or guardians have reason to believe that minors have submitted personal information to us without their prior consent, please contact us to ensure that such personal information is deleted and that minors are guaranteed to unsubscribe from any applicable services.


If you agree to the applicable User Agreement and there is a discrepancy between such User Agreement and this Privacy Policy, such User Agreement shall prevail.

Applicable law

The law governing this privacy policy is the law of the People's Republic of China.

Update of Privacy Policy

We regularly review our privacy policy and may update it to reflect changes in our information practices.If we make any significant changes to this privacy policy, we will notify you by e-mail (to the mailbox address specified in your account) or by posting it on all our websites or via mobile devices so that you can understand the information we collect and how we use it.Such privacy policy changes will apply from the effective date set by the notice or website.We recommend that you check this page regularly for the latest information on our privacy practices.Your continued use of products and services on websites, mobile phones and/or any other device will be deemed to be subject to an updated privacy policy.We will ask for your consent again when we collect more personal information from you or when we want to use or disclose your personal information for new purposes.

Do I have to agree to any third-party terms and conditions?

Our privacy policy does not apply to products and services provided by third parties.Our products and services may include third-party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites.You may also collect your information when you use these products or services.Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read the third party's privacy policy, just as you would read our policy.We are not responsible or in control of how third parties use the personal information they collect from you.Our privacy policy does not apply to other websites linked through our services.

Contact us

If you have any comments or questions about this privacy policy or if you have any questions about our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please go to our official website and contact us according to the contact information published.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about our privacy policy!