Name:  devran

T3W5-T3W6 2019 Descriptions Workbook

WALT: Write to describe an object or place.

Remember To:  do what p

  • Use describing words (adjectives) to paint a picture for your reader.
  • Write about the senses - how does something look, sound, smell, feel or taste?

Useful Resources: If you are unsure or need some extra help, have a look at these links to help you!


Focus on getting your ideas down before worrying about spelling mistakes :)

Re-read your writing, check your writing with a buddy and see ‘3 B4 Me’ if they can help before you come to ask an adult.




My Work: describe this picture

Week 5

Week 5 What is Descriptive Writing?

Watch the video with the class and talk about different ways of describing something or someone:

Describing words video

Class discussion notes - What are some things that you can describe in this picture?

Examples of Descriptive Writing

When we write to describe we use lots of adjectives and talk about hidden details.

Use the ideas from our class Y-Chart above to write 10 descriptive sentences in this box →

Have a look at these examples of descriptive writing:

Write 10 sentences to describe the picture. Every sentence needs to have at least 2 adjectives.

The humongous  dog has a very long tile and amazing black and white fur.

 The joyful kid is playing football with a spare ball with hexagons on it.

The  wavey pond is splashing water when people are skipping rocks over the pond.

The chocolate haired boy like the bright gorgeous butterfly.

The family of three is having a tasty picnic and healthy food.

The beautiful trees have very green leaves.  

The blond girl is trying to get her caramel dog to go the way home.

The tall man is flying a patterned kite.

Comparison Chart…

Read both paragraphs and explain which one was better and why.

Put your opinion in this box using the sentence starter →

These are two versions of the same paragraph from Harry Potter - Look at the differences. Which one is better and why?

J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (page 46):

Miss W:

A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair.

A big man was standing there. He had lots of hair and a big beard. His eyes were black.

I liked… because … i like  J K rowling because it gave me more description and more adjectives


Sentence Improver!

Look at some of the resources at the top if you can’t think of any good words.

Think about what other information you can include using the 5 W’s & an H.

(Who, What, Where, Why, When & How?)

Take the boring sentences and make them better by using strong words to describe and add detail. Write your new version underneath Miss W’s boring blue one!

There was a cat and he was sad.

The boy went for a walk to the park.

I went to the beach.

There was a fluffy cat and he was sad because he didn ‘t get his catnip.

The  humongous boy went for a walk at the park and he found a shiny 2 dollar coin because he was lucky

I went to the gorgeous wavy beach because it was burning

The boy sang a song.

It was hot.

Grandad opened his presents.

The boy sang a beautiful song because he is a good singer

It was a boiling hot day in the summer because it was a hot season

My amazing grandad opened his new christmas present because he was excited

On Saturday I ate an ice cream.

It was cold last night.

The boy has a cake

On Saturday I ate chocolate flavored  ice cream because i was being a hero

It was really snowy chilly and cold last night because it was winter

The tall boy has a yummy tasty vanilla flavored cake because it was his birthday.

First Draft

Describe the picture.

Put your first attempt in this box →

His amazing friends are cheerful for him. The joyful  birthday boy is dancing  to his wonderful friends singing happy birthday. The boy has a tasty bright pink icing cake. The excited boy is turning six and he has a pink and purple badge. Theres is a blue and pink polka dot cloth. Theres is bright red jelly. There's some purple and white flowers. His cheerful friends are clapping.  Everybody is munching on sugary food

Second Draft

Ka pai!

You’ve made the first draft of your description!

Make sure you have pasted it in the right box! →

Now you have completed your first draft of your description with all your ideas in!

Next, copy and paste your first draft into this box.

His amazing friends are cheerful for him. The joyful  birthday boy is dancing  to his wonderful friends singing happy birthday.The excited boy is turning six and he has a pink and purple badge.


The boy has a tasty bright pink icing cake. The Wobbly strawberry jelly is really tasty

 Theres is a blue and pink polka dot cloth. Theres is bright red jelly. There's some purple and white flowers. His cheerful friends are clapping.  Everybody is munching on sugary food. Delicious cake is ready to be eaten. The wobbly jelly is bright red. Amazing mint doughnuts.. The  gorgeous  breeze is nice. Smell the carmel furred dog. Burning dust from the lamp. The beautiful flowers.


Re-read your writing and see if you think it is long enough and has enough interesting words in it? If not, keep going!

Final Copy!

Paste your completed speech into this box so it can be checked and then we can publish it! →

His amazing friends are cheerful for him. The joyful  birthday boy is dancing  to his wonderful friends singing happy birthday.The excited boy is turning six and he has a pink and purple badge.


The boy has a tasty bright pink icing cake. The Wobbly strawberry jelly is really tasty.

 Theres is a blue and pink polka dot cloth. Theres is bright red jelly. There's some purple and white flowers. His cheerful friends are clapping.  Everybody is munching on sugary food. Delicious cake is ready to be eaten. The wobbly jelly is bright red. Amazing mint doughnuts.. The  gorgeous  breeze is nice. Smell the carmel furred dog. Burning dust from the lamp. The beautiful  violet flowers. Soft yummy tasty  egg sammys and pineapple and cheese kebab


Week 6

Week 6 Practice stop!

Think about what you can say that people can't see, like how the dog is feeling.

Write 5 descriptive sentences about this picture, one in each box.  →

First Draft

Choose one of these pictures to describe.

Put your first attempt in this box →

Choose a picture and copy it from the slides and paste it here.

Write your description of the picture here:

Second Draft

Ka pai!

You’ve made the first draft of your description! Make sure you have pasted it in the right box! →

Now you have completed your first draft of your description with all your ideas in!

Next, copy and paste your first draft into this box.

Re-read your writing and see if you think it is long enough and has enough interesting words in it? If not, keep going!

Final Copy!

Paste your completed speech into this box so it can be checked and then we can publish it! →

Blog Post!

Write your introduction to your blog post here →

Write an introduction for a blog post that explains what you have been learning about. Then get it checked by an adult and be ready to post it!