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Guide to Valory's Safe DAAta & AI Hackathon Bounty
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Guide to Valory's Safe DAAta & AI Hackathon Bounty

Dive into this guide to navigate the opportunities and rewards awaiting you in Valory's Safe DAAta & AI Hackathon, and explore how you can make the most of your participation. This guide covers:

AI Agents in Prediction Markets

How to participate

1. Run an Agent

2. Optimize Your Trader Agent

3. Innovate with Mech Service Tools

4. Develop New Market Creator Agents

5. Freestyle

Prizes and eligibility

Submission process

Useful Resources

Relevant repos

Tech stack

AI Agents in Prediction Markets

AI agents are pioneering transformations in prediction markets on Gnosis chain. Three specific agent services are making waves:

We invite you to innovate with these agents! Your creativity can enhance prediction market diversity, trading efficiency, and foster informed decision-making across various sectors

How to participate

1. Run an Agent

You Will Need:

Next Steps: Ensure system requirements are met, then run the Quickstart Script available in the Quickstart Repo.

2. Optimize Your Trader Agent

  1. Adjust the Betting Env Vars:

  1. Experiment with the Prompt Template:

  1. Modify the Code Base:

cd trader; poetry run autonomy packages lock

cd trader; poetry run autonomy push-all

  1. Run Your Agent:

3. Innovate with Mech Service Tools

The AI mech offers a myriad of tools for on-chain AI tasks. Dive into the code and explore ways to enhance tools like 'prediction_request'.


4. Develop New Market Creator Agents

Get Creative: The Market Creator Agent formulates questions and provides liquidity to prediction markets. Can you come up with alternative ways of creating market questions or improve the existing system?


5. Freestyle

Unleash Your Innovation: These are just starting points! If you have other contributions in mind, go for it! Join the Discord for any advice and guidance

Prizes and eligibility

Participants delving into the above areas may be eligible for one of the three Best Prediction Agent Adaptation prizes.

These are:

🥇1500 USDC + Olas protocol rewards

🥈1000 USDC + Olas protocol rewards

🥉500 USDC + Olas protocol rewards

Need Help?

We are always ready in the Olas Discord to help you overcome technical or conceptual hurdles.

Submission process

Ready to join the autonomous revolution?  Follow the steps in the Safe DAAta and AI Hackathon Portal and showcase your innovation in AI-powered prediction markets!

Useful Resources


Relevant repos

Tech stack | @valoryag |