If you have natural gas at your home or office, you can easily fuel your CNG vehicle on your schedule at less than $1 per gallon equivalent to pure gasoline (GGE). Oklahoma customers get a $5000 rebate from Oklahoma Natural Gas and an additional reimbursement for the professional installation up to $2500. The State of Oklahoma offers a tax credit of $2500. Some get additional tax credits from the Federal Government. It is possible to receive more tax credits and incentives than the cost of the machine and the vehicle conversion.
The above unit requires a residential natural gas supply and a 220v circuit with a 20 A breaker. It operates smoothly and quietly to charge your tank with natural gas at a rate of 1.5 GGE per hour up to 3600 psi. More powerful models are available.
If you need a CNG vehicle - CNGVehiclesForSale.com
For information contact:
Mike Kelley (918) 852-4448 or Mike@cng-charging.com
Oklahoma rebates and incentives
Oklahoma’s authorized Coltri Dealer/Installer