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如何在智能手机上下载 Canvas 应用程序

扫一扫视频说明下载Canvas: QR code leading to video instructions for help downloading canvas.  

  1. 去你的 手机上的应用商店或 Google Play.
  2. 类型“Canvas Student” 搜索应用程序.

 Image of smartphone screen in app store highlighting the search button and search bar with search term "Canvas student"

  1. 下载 Canvas Student 应用程序.

Canvas Student app

  1. 打开画布应用程序。 轻敲 Find my school.

Find my school button in Canvas

  1. 进入City College of San Francisco

Prompt in Canvas asking, What is your school name? Instructions state to search for "City College of San Francisco"

  1. 输入您的用户名(学号#)和密码登录

(如果您不知道如何登录,请使用本指南: RAM ID)capture of myCCSF RAM ID login screen with Username, Password, and Login options highlighted

如何在智能手机上使用 Canvas 上课

  1. 打开 Canvas 应用程序并点击一个课程开始。

Choose and tap on a course on the Dashboard to enter a course

  1. 课程菜单有 4 个重要按钮.

Canvas course home screen with important buttons highlighted: Home, Modules, and CityZoom

Capture of Canvas student view with Inbox button highlighted

如何在 Zoom 上参加课堂会议

Zoom 上的课堂会议就像在教室里上课。 你的老师会告诉你什么时候上课。 在 Zoom 上参加课堂会议时,您应该有 WiFi。

  1. 单击菜单上的 CityZoom 以进入日程安排页面。Canvas menu with selection highlighted for CityZoom
  2. 在日程安排页面上,找到今天的会议并单击 Join.

CityZoom screen in Canvas with selection "Join" highlighted for a specific class date

  1. (如果您的手机上没有 Zoom,则需要安装它)

Four images of steps to download the Zoom app on a smartphone.
First image says "Download from App Store".
Second image shows download icon.
Third image shows "open" button.
Fourth image shows "join a meeting" button.

Four images showing the steps to open a Zoom meeting.
First image confirms "open in Zoom?"
Second image says "Don't Allow" zoom to send notifications.
Third image says "Ok" to zoom requesting access to microphone.
Fourth image says "call over internet" to join audio.

扫一扫视频说明下载Zoom:QR code for Zoom video instructions

  1. 这些是 Zoom 中需要了解的好按钮。

Capture of Zoom menu bar with Mute and Start Video buttons highlightedZoom function bar showing Mute and Video are off

capture of Zoom menu bar with Reactions button highlighted

capture of zoom menu bar with Chat button highlighted