Questions and Statements to prompt collective thinking around Cyber Safety at Makauri School   link to Netsafe

Why do we need to be Cyber Safe at school?

How can we use our values of Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Caring to help us remain Cybersafe at school?

Can you cut out and glue the actions below in the value box they might match ?

Where do these actions around Cyber Safety fit with our School Values?

I don’t share my password for my email account with anyone, even my friends.

I always log off and return my device to the charging areas when I have finished.

My blog comments and online feedback comments are always positive. They also challenge people to do better

My blog posts are always the best they can be since I am proud of what I share online.

I know that in order to keep me safe at school, there are sites, programs, and Apps that I am forbidden to use.

My blog comments and online feedback comments are always positive. They also challenge people to do better

My blog comments and online feedback comments are always positive. They also challenge people to do better.

I will make mistakes online but I will use them as learning experiences to move forward.

I understand that sometimes it may be better to communicate with people in person rather than digitally.

I think it's important that when I feel unsafe online I must tell an adult at school or at home.

If you bring your own device to school, use it in the ways, and at the times that your teacher says it is okay to.



My blog comments and online feedback comments are always positive. They also challenge people to do better.I know that in order to keep me safe at school, there are sites, programs, and Apps that I am forbidden to use.

f you bring your own device to school, use it in the ways, and at the times that your teacher says it is okay to.I don’t share my password for my email account with anyone, even my friends.I always log off and return my device to the charging areas when I have finished.I never put my personal information online-you never know who could access it. My blog posts are always the best they can be since I am proud of what I share onlineI think it's important that when I feel unsafe online I must tell an adult at school or at home.



I will make mistakes online but I will use them as learning experiences to move forward.

My blog comments and online feedback comments are always positive. They also challenge people to do betterI understand that sometimes it may be better to communicate with people in person rather than digitally.