Pandemic Poetry Posts

It's quiet outside, and indoors is too loud.

There is conflict in the world, and conflict in my home

They say they don't care if the world thinks I'm smart or not

And all that matters is that I'm okay

I'm a bad liar, but the fibs I speak are more believable

My mind says I'm safe, but my instincts scream run

I'm crying that I'm falling apart at the seams,

But the boy that cried wolf is given the spotlight

I'm with my kin, but the feeling of loneliness is haunting

I try to grow roses, but all that grow is thorns

"To raise a child correctly, the child needs to trust the parent,"

You shouldn't threaten to break my right to privacy every day then.

"You don't understand his condition, read about it to understand him"

I have the same condition, you don't. How could you know what he thinks like.

"Stop crying, your emotions make you irrational"

Without emotions, we would be harsh and insensitive

"You're art needs work"

You don't draw.

"He has depression. Be nice to him"

He says that one time, and suddenly he is more fragile than glass

I ask you to acknowledge the mistakes you made with me, and try to fix them.

"You don't hang out with us anymore"

When I do, you make a fool of me, and are insensitive to my problems.

I try to write you poems, but the words don't make sense

Why worry about before? It's nothing but past-tense


O, 2020, you have gone awry,

because of your actions many will be sorry.

On Friday the 13th, the day they say is unlucky,

many cheered for a virus that had spread to Kentucky.

School had been cancelled due to a threat we could not see.

Many were left wondering how this could be.

It seemed to be spreading like fire on gasoline.

People were dying of Covid-19.

Hazmat suits seem to be the new fashion

And we all needed more food rations.

Our supplies are falling behind

And toilet paper is so hard to find.

Fights break out in the middle of the store

And it will take a while to get out of this gore

Yet children were still screaming and yelling, “woohoo!”

But now they complain they’ve got nothing to do.

It was on the news and nobody cared,

now nearly everyone in the world is scared.

As everyone sweats and cries about their small polemics

we have to remember THIS IS A PANDEMIC.

I don’t want to believe that it is getting worse

as we might be out until a new year does us curse.

0, 2020, you were supposed to bring luck,

when all we have seen is disease and war...yuck!

If every single day will be so sorrow and parted,

let us see this year end, though it has barely started,

0, 2020, please finish as you began,

no one likes you from the US to Iran,

I’m sorry to say but that's just the truth!

So 2020, do us a favor and stop at your youth.

Emma W


Before covid exploded , I was 11.

When I found out they were closing schools,

 I thought it would be an April fool.

 For a while I was cool,

until parents made the quarantine rule.

Brandon Dunlavey


“The Vaccine of Hope"

The vaccine of hope

Hope that a normal life will come

Hope that grandparents and grandchildren will reunite

Hope that one night

We can bundle and be tight

Oh the power of hope

The only fuel left in us.

Hope that restaurants will open

That businesses won’t fall

That they will stand tall

The vaccine of hope

Embedding more and more hope into us

But will that hope stay?

Or will it fade away?

Siena Lin


Quarantine Haiku:

I loved quarantine,

I got to make so many,

great and funny friends.


Trapped in our Homes

or... Wearing masks outside

Because Covid was out there

Many Have died

This new way of life

Has its ups and its down

No traffic is great

But the economy frowns

Will vaccines save us?

from this Corona of Bats

For now we'll wear masks

and with Zoom we will chat.

My name is Mr. Scott

I'll be in room 201

Maybe I'll see you

For some microbit fun!


As u see the sun

Inside it's not very fun

As we lose a life

A memory is made

As each second goes bye it feels like an hour

By Emma Matheny


We keep indoors.

And we dare to venture out

We are careful to not come close

Smile, but in eyes there is

Reserve and suspicion.

They keep the distance,

As we do ours, in our silent selves.

Much of our fear is quiet

Dare not to speak, you will wake another monster inside

This is life in a pandemic

-Maria Hassane


A beach, sun and sand

                A young girl runs and plays

                Excited and hopeful.

                                                -Arjun James

:                 A forest of tall trees

                A grizzly bear searching for food

                None to find, hungry again.

                                                -Brannigan Farnsworth

         A mountain of tall trees

                The dog play with the wolves

                unaware, the wolves eat ravenously.

                                                -Takeru Kamakura

                  An ocean of big waves

                Dolphins swim, jump, and play

                Excited and carefree.

                                                -Elizabeth Khim

        The Forest, white with snow

                A house sits, cold and haunted.         

Alone but alive.         

                                -Sophie Wenger

        The castle stood strong

                A king who did not have long

                Time will claim both


                                                -Jared Juarez
