Banner with striped shades. Contains the NYU Tisch logo and the NYU Torch.

Digital Media Library

The Digital Media Library (DML) is FTV's homebase for classroom support,  maintenance & projection.  In addition to classroom A/V and coordinating special event room bookings, we also house a collection of commercial and student films available to watch in class, at our viewing stations, or on NYU Stream. Our team is available to help when a technical issue arises during class or you can email the DML with classroom/screening room questions, equipment questions, or to schedule a one-on-one technical training on Zoom or in person meeting.


721 Broadway, Room 928

Tisch School of the Arts


Monday - Friday: 9AM - 9PM

Contact Info

(212) 998-1505

Content and Resources

DML Search App (clickable link)

A tool to explore the entire DML collection, find currently streaming movies, and discover new titles using the advanced search features.  Must be on the NYU Network or using NYU VPN (how do I sign into the VPN?). Login with NYU credentials. If the link does not take you to the search page, contact the DML for help.

Script Library (clickable link)

The DML's script collection. Must be on the NYU Network or using NYU VPN (how do I sign into the VPN?). Login with NYU credentials.  If the link does not take you to the script library, contact the DML for help.

UGFTV Digital Media Library Collection (clickable link)

A spreadsheet featuring the entire collection. Login with NYU credentials.

DML Stream Channel (clickable link)

A NYU Stream channel of the DML's collection available digitally. Login with NYU credentials.

Digital Film Request Form (clickable link)

If there is a film title you'd like added to the Digital Media Library's NYU Stream collection, list it here.

Room Reservation Request Form (clickable link)

Use this form to request a screening room, Fridays only.

July 2021