eLeaP PMP User Guide
eLeaP PMP All Users Guide
Manual for all roles and modules
Goal Details (KRs, Comments, Attachments, Goal Progress) 31
Weekly Status - Permissions 41
Weekly Items Comments, Timeline, Attachments 42
1. General Information Page 52
2. Review Period & Notifications Page 53
3. Review Configuration Page 56
Leaders & Team Members Review 59
Individual Review - Details 60
Colleague Review: Reviewed by peers (colleagues). 61
Manager Review: Reviewed by managers. 61
Subordinate Review: Reviewed by subordinates. 61
Comprehensive Review: Reviewed by colleagues, managers, and subordinates. 61
Members: Do not have permission to create reviews. 62
Teams & People - Permissions 100
Teams creation permissions 100
Adding users to existing teams permissions 101
People creation permissions 101
People Activity permissions 101
Form Templates - Permissions 109
The eLeaP Performance Management Platform (PMP) is the unified performance review, goal alignment, employee engagement, and learning management platform.
For over 19 years, eLeaP has been helping organizations develop their people. With our Performance Management Platform, they can now manage OKRs & Goals, Performance Reviews, Feedback, 1-on-1 Meetings, Engagement Surveys, Weekly Status Tasks, and much more - all in one place.
eLeaP PMP does something that annual reviews can't do. It enables organizations to adjust individual team members (employee, trainee) goals and expectations as conditions change. Annual reviews, according to critics, are too focused on the past and not on forward-looking needs. eLeaP PMP helps organizations manage their performance by gathering team members around organization goals and analyzing their performance.
The purpose of this document is to introduce all the functionality available to all the roles in the system in their respective sections. The user guide describes the differences in roles concerning the permissions, the content, and the functionality available.
Hint: For easier navigation, use the links in the Table of Contents or the references included throughout the whole guide.
Entering the URL for the eLeaP PMP application (your specific account URL) into your browser’s address bar displays the Login screen, illustrated below. Simply enter your email address within the Email field, enter your password in the Password field, and then click to access the system. If you get an error message or [Your email or password is invalid] message, check your account website URL to make sure it is correct. Contact eLeaP PMP support from the chat on the lower left side of all pages if necessary.
Click the Forgot Password link if you forget your password. The Login screen expands, displaying a field into which you can enter your email address to retrieve your password. Once you have entered your email, click the [Send Email] button. The system will send you a password reset email.
The eLeaP PMP platform has four types of users: Administrator, Senior Manager, Manager, and Member. In eLeaP PMP, these are called User Roles. Each organization assigns a user role to every user in the system. The user role affects the permissions that are given to the user and changes the content accordingly. User roles are listed in descending order by functionality:
When we describe the details of each section, we’ll discuss the differences between user roles specific to that section. The higher the user role, the more functionality is available to the user. The purpose of user roles is to ensure privacy and security on different levels so that their website experience is supported.
The role of the user is displayed on the upper right side of web pages, underneath the username. |
To simplify the process of assigning user roles, here is a small hint for organizations:
By reading this guide, the organizations will have a complete picture of what each user role offers, and they can always refer to this document to make decisions on assigning roles. Every section has specific permissions described in a separate subsection of every module.
eLeaP PMP’s side menu is the area for accessing all the sections on the platform. Users can collapse the menu with the button. Depending on the user's role, the side menu will display different sections.
The list below includes all sections with brief descriptions and the roles that can access each section.
Check overall user performance and access an overview of organization data. | All user roles | |
Track individual user activity using weekly data on plans, accomplishments, next week's plans, and challenges faced. | All user roles | |
Daily productivity and sentiment on how users felt their day went. Users can keep entries private or share them with selected users. | All user roles | |
Set goals on individual, team, and organization levels and track progress with statuses, objectives, and key results. | All user roles | |
Share constructive peer feedback across your organization and gather valuable insights and data. | All user roles: | |
Organize meetings, assign team members, and document important meeting outcomes. | All user roles | |
Create and distribute questionnaires, surveys, eNPS and access analytics and engagement. | All user roles: | |
Create organization users, store data, and group users into teams. | Administrators, Senior Managers, and Managers | |
Create Surveys and Review questionnaire templates. AI-powered. | Administrators, Senior Managers, and Managers | |
Access activity records across the organization. | Only Administrators | |
Customize system settings for a better platform experience, including integration options. | Only Administrators |
After a successful login, the users are directed to their Dashboard section. The Dashboard presents a performance overview of the organization’s users and provides easy and quick access to the items in other sections. As the Dashboard contains content generated in other sections of the platform, we recommend getting acquainted with other sections before cruising through the Dashboard.
This part of the Dashboard shows the overview of Weekly Status items created in the system.
Shows the number of users who have added weekly status items with Accomplishment status and the total number of Accomplishments for the current week. | |
Shows the number of users who have added weekly status items with Plan status and the total number of Plans for the current week. | |
Shows the number of users who have added weekly status items with Challenge status and the total number of Challenges for the current week. | |
Shows the percentage of Accomplishments in the total number of Weekly Status items (Challenges excluded). | |
Shows the average Sentiment score of the organization for the current week. |
Please refer to the Weekly Status section description in this manual for more details.
The header above the Dashboard chart shows the period for which the data is displayed in the chart. The dots near the dates show the average Sentiment score for the selected period. To see more details on the organization’s weekly activity, click each individual section button described above.
The Dashboard chart collects data from the Goals and Weekly Status sections. Pick a period and see Organizational activity collected in one chart. Hovering the cursor over the chart will show the number of Weekly Items and the average Sentiment Score created on specific dates. Get familiar with Weekly Status in the respective section of this document. | |
Click on the names of Weekly Status item names to filter the chart according to the selected type. Multiple filters can be set. | |
Most Active Users show the users who have created and completed the most weekly items in the selected period. The system counts the largest Plans + Accomplishments numbers and lists the users accordingly. Challenges are not counted in this case. | |
Not sure what’s coming next? My To-do List shows the upcoming tasks that are due in the near future. The list sorts the items from nearest to latest. You can easily access the item details page by clicking on item names. The icons near the name indicate the sections that the item belongs to. In the place of the Marketing team badge, you might see user avatars, which are previews of the item’s assignee list. My To-do List contains more info, so let’s click to learn more about it. | |
Clicking opens a window with more information in it. The window is divided into tabs based on the timeframe of to-dos we want to see. The tabs with larger timeframes (next 7 days, next 30 days) include the items of previous timeframes. My To-do list will help you organize your activity and avoid missing any important tasks. | |
The lower part of the Dashboard section presents the Goals data. The goals are presented in a card format, but the data is the same as in the Goals section. Goals are further explained in the guide. | |
Dashboard permissions are affected by permissions of other sections, as it utilizes data from other modules. Depending on a user’s permissions, access to details dashboard items can be impacted.
The Goals system in eLeaP is designed to align teams and individual members of organizations around a common purpose and a shared set of objectives. Organizations can track the status of goals and even break them down into smaller objectives. Every goal has a dedicated details area where all interactions with the goal take place.
A Goal can have one of these five statuses on the platform.
The goal is projected to be completed within the set deadline. The goal key results are progressing as planned. | |
When there are more than 24 hours left until the deadline, and the goal progress is already 100%. Basically, you rocked your goal progress an overachieved! | |
When the goal has achieved a 100% progress rate, and it has been completed in the last 24 hours. | |
The goal deadline has passed, and the goal has not achieved 100% progress. Goals with this status have limitations on certain functions. To remove limitations in this goal, the deadline must first be extended. | |
If there is less than 20% of the deadline left, and the goal progress is not 100% yet, the goal completion is At Risk. For example, if the deadline of the goal is set to 5 days, and the goal is not completed after four days, the goal will have an At Risk status on the 5th day. |
The Goals module has several sub-tabs: Organization, Team, People, and Mine. We do this to better organize the platform for ease of use when it comes to which users or teams are involved.
The All tab includes all available goals of every category. Organization and team goals are easily indicated. | |
The Organization tab shows goals that have been assigned to all users in the system. | |
Team goals are assigned to specific teams. Team names are indicated in the goal listing. | |
Mine includes the goals that are assigned to or created by the currently logged-in user. | |
Goals in the People tab are goals assigned to or created by individual organization members. | |
See an example of Goals below. Ready to create a goal to learn more about this section? | |
Click to start creating your goal. On click, an input window opens, requiring specific details about the goal being created. | |
This is the window for creating a goal in eLeaP PMP. We’ll now go through all the fields and describe their uses and behavior. | |
Start by adding a Goal Name. The goal name is going to be visible to all goal assignees, so choose wisely. | |
Next, select the Goal Deadline. The Goal deadline will determine the status of the goal in the system and even certain functionality available to assigned users. Deadlines can only be set to a future date. | |
The assignment step is important as this step determines the goal category as well as the participants in achieving the goal. A goal can be assigned to People, Teams, or the entire Organization. Use the assignment toggle to select the right assignment option for your goal. For example, the People toggle is for assigning the goal to specific individuals in your organization. See the example indicated. | |
If the Team toggle is used, the goal is able to be assigned to teams. Multiple teams can be selected from the list. You might need to scroll to see all your teams. | |
Organization goals are assigned to every member of the organization. These types of goals are the easiest to assign. However, you have to be careful to ensure that goals are being assigned to the relevant parties. An organization-level goal is automatically and instantly available to all users in your account. | |
Clicking opens the window of advanced settings. The first setting is for setting the goal as private. Private Goals are only visible to goal assignees. The creator and assignees can perform any action within the goal, and it won’t be visible to others outside the goal assignee list, including Admins and higher roles. | |
Turning the ‘Is the goal active’ toggle on activates the goal. If the switcher is not on, the goal is Inactive by default. Inactive goals are visible to every assignee, but the assignees are unable to perform any actions within the goal. | |
Add an optional description for the goal. This field has a character limit of 256. | |
Here’s an example. We have a goal that was created by John Smith. The goal is both private and inactive. We’ve named it “Q2 Marketing Campaign” and assigned it to the “Marketing” team. As this is a newly created goal, the progress of the goal is 0%. Next to the progress percentage is the status of the goal, which we'll discuss next in the user guide. The deadline for the goal is 12 days. The icons on the right of the deadline provide additional functionality for the goal. For example, theis for editing and deleting the goal, while the indicates the number of key results to track. The icon provides an opportunity for goal attachments. The icon represents an option to add or see goal comments. | |
As we’ve successfully created our first goal, let’s access the Goal details area to see additional functionality. | |
First, we notice that the goal has been set as inactive, which means we can’t perform any actions until the goal is activated as indicated. | |
Let’s activate the goal using the link. Goal activation can also be done by clicking the button and activating the goal from the Advanced Settings section. Once the goal is activated, we can proceed. | |
Goal details show the goal name as well as additional general information. Near the goal name, we have the avatar of the goal creator. Below the goal name, we have the goal deadline and the time remaining until the deadline. Below that, there is a place for goal assignees. Also, look for teams, user avatars, and goal descriptions to be displayed here. | |
Click thebutton to access the Goal settings window. The settings of the goal can be edited here. You can edit the goal name, deadline, and assignment as well as private settings and description. | |
An example of the goal description appears below. Note that you can edit the goal description from your advanced options sections. | |
The Goal Progress bar is an important indicator of progress toward completion. Goal progress can be modified by manually dragging the circle along the range. Besides manual adjustment, the Progress bar is linked to available Key Results (KRs), which we will discuss next. | |
Goals have additional tabs for maximum utilization. The goal details page tabs are Key Results, Weekly Items, Comments, Attachments, and Timeline. See an illustration of the Key Results or KRs tab below | |
Let’s create a key result to see how it affects the progress of our goal. | |
Add a title for the Key Result. A Key Result is a quantitative measure of how you achieve your Goal Objective. We use the OKR methodology in eLeaP. The Key Result must be completed before the deadline to avoid an adverse goal status. | |
Assign a Key Result to one of the Goal assignees with the button. A window with a list of goal assignees will open when clicked. | |
Key Results can have their own deadline, but they cannot be later than the overall goal deadline. Similar to the goal, Key Results can only have deadlines in the future. | |
Goal assignees can attach files to Key Results. The file attachment process is a popular feature in the system. By clicking, the assignees can select files and attach them to Key Results. | |
After we’re done inputting the necessary details, we click the to add the Key Result to the Goal. Comments can also be added to a KR using the button. Added comments have the comment creation date on the right side of the screen. | |
Key Results (KRs) have statuses that are similar to Goal statuses. The most important action that can be performed with the KRs is the progress bar. When at least 1 KR is added to the goal, the progress bar of the overall goal becomes inactive so that users can no longer manually adjust the progress of the goal. Instead, the progress of the goal is calculated as the average of the progress of the KRs. In our example, Goal progress (40%) is the average of KR1 = 50% and KR2 = 30%. | |
Key Results Settings (KRS) enable you to customize your Key Results settings. To get started, first add a key result and then click on the Key Result Settings (it defaults to a percentage % setting). Once clicked, select the Metric, Start value, Max value, and Decimals you prefer for this Key Result. The Metric setting contains several pre-created values you can select or use the Units area to select or create your custom units for your Key Results. For example, if you want to track sales, you can select the [Sales] unit or select a currency and enter in a target amount. You can also leave the % sign and simply increment your goals based on a 100% completion key result. By default, the start value is zero (0), but you can change this. The Max value represents the target objective for this key result. If, for example, your goal is to make 12 sales, then the Max value should be set to 12. This way, every time you make a sale, you increment your Key Result by the number of sales made till you reach your goal of 12 goals. The PMP system is highly customizable, so you can set your own criteria for goal key results and make steady progress to achieve them. Current Key Result Value (CKRV) is what your current key result status is. This also corresponds to your key result progress bar. To change your current key result value, click the CKRV box and use the up or down arrows to change the value. To update the overall goal progress and save your changes, click anywhere outside the CKRV box. Remember, you can also adjust your KRS to ensure that your settings are still relevant. Note that all changes are being logged in your [Timeline] section. | |
Weekly Items is where you can link your Weekly Status items to the Goal. The Weekly Status section of this user guide describes Weekly Items and how to create them. Click to open the list of weekly items. | |
Select one or multiple Weekly Items from the list to add to the Goal. Hint: Use the search bar to quickly find Weekly Items. | |
The linked weekly items may look like the illustration below. Note that you can perform familiar actions like attaching files and comments. | |
The Comments section is particularly well-suited for any goal-related discussions. | |
Note that the comments feature on the platform works just like most comment sites and is based on commonly accepted best practices. At the basic level, users can post comments, and others can reply to comments. In the example below, John has posted a comment, and Ella replied to that comment. Commenters can edit their comments/replies. The comment tab title has a comment counter but this does not count replies. | |
Next in the Goal tabs is the Attachments tab. Here the users can attach files to the goal. Click and select the files you want to attach from your device. The added file looks like the illustration in the screenshot below. The item includes the avatar of the creator, the file name, the file size, and the date the file was attached to the goal. | |
The last tab is Timeline. The Timeline includes all activity that has been recorded in the goal. All of these actions are also logged in the Audit Trail section, which is described further in the user guide. | |
Sadly, this concludes our journey through the goal details ;) After creating lots of goals, it might become necessary to quickly find them by filtering them according to their status or details. Make use of the powerful filters in the system! In the top section of the Goals module, we have easy-to-follow status filters. The percentages in each chart show the ratio of goals with that status in relation to the total number of goals. The count of goals within the various statuses is indicated by the larger font number. | |
You can click on the individual statuses. The status that is clicked will be highlighted, and only the goals with the selected status will appear in the list. | |
Goals can also be filtered by teams and assigned users, and deadlines as well as sorted by Date Created, Deadline, Completion Rate, and Status (active, inactive, private, public), both in ascending and descending order. Click to get the filter results and to clear the results of the filter.
As we’re now aware of how to create and use Goals in our system, we introduce the new Hierarchy view of all Goals created in the organization. Hierarchy goals are a fresh bird-sight view of all the goals created in the system, the relations of which can be easily manipulated by users.
The relationships of Goals in our system, and later in this document, will be described as parent and child goals. Parent goals are the ones of higher levels, and the child goals are the ones that belong to the parent goal. Let’s run through creating a few goals with hierarchy relations to better understand the concept.
Firstly, we’ve created a new Organization goal named Yearly Goal that is due in a year. This goal will serve as the Parent goal in our example. We have not touched the goal progress yet, and no activity has been recorded in the scope of the goal.
After the goal is created, the goal will be available for selection as the Parent goal for the goals that are created after. Let’s create a few more goals, this is where the hierarchy magic comes in!
Again, we are adding a new goal. In Advanced Settings, we have a new selection menu where we select the parent goal. Consequently, the Yearly Goal becomes the parent goal of the created Q1 Overview goal. |
We’ve created a few other goals, which are child goals to our Yearly Goal as well.
Once the goals are created and linked to each other, we can check their relation on our separate page called Hierarchy view. The switcher on the top part of the pageis designated for switching between the default List view and the Hierarchy view. Click on the Hierarchy button to switch the view. The system will redirect us to another section where the goals are represented in a
And here is our Hierarchy view! Look how the Yearly Goal is listed above the child goals. The process is simple from this point on. Whenever we add a goal and select a goal to be their parent, the new goal appears below the existing goal (the new child goal appears below the parent).
For demonstration purposes, we’ve added another goal and selected the Q4 Recab goal as the parent. This action will add another layer of goals below our second line. Important! A maximum of five levels of goal relations are allowed in the system, meaning that we’ll be able to add two more layers after the goal that we just created. Check the screenshot below and see how our goal tree looks after the latest addition. |
Goals Hierarchy view has some tools for simplifying the navigation when the Goal tree “grows” larger. | |
This button downloads the full goal tree in a .pdf format, in case you want to make a presentation or a poster for hanging on your wall ;) | |
Zoom in/out and check the goal tree from different perspectives. | |
Switch to a full-screen view to see the whole tree on a bigger scale. |
Aside from the visual representation of Goal relations, creating parent and child provides functionality to track the parent goal’s progress by calculating the average of the child goals’ progress.
In the Details page of the Yearly Goal parent goal, we have all the child goals listed separately. The current goal does not have any Key Results.
To demonstrate how the parent goal’s progress is tracked in the hierarchy, let’s change the progress of one of the goals. We have changed the Q1 Overview goal’s progress to 100%, and the progress of the parent goal Yearly Goal has already changed to 25% percent, which is the average of all four child goals. This is the same working principle of Goals and Key results that we discussed earlier in the document.
Important! If there are both Key results and Child goals under a goal, there are both included in the calculation of the progress average. This logic works on every level of goals:
Level 5: Average of goal’s KRs
Level 4: Average of all Level 5 child goals and KRs of the same goal
Level 3: Average of all Level 4 child goals and KRs of the same goal
Level 2: Average of all Level 3 child goals and KRs of the same goal
Level 1: Average of all Level 2 child goals and KRs of the same goal
It’s a common scenario when we want to bulk-delete multiple items. Just tick the checkboxes near goal names to select them. Once they are selected, click the button to delete the selected goals. Click the button to uncheck all selected checkboxes.
View | Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
goals created by themselves |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
Note: If a user can view a goal, they can view all comments/key results/attachments of the goal.
Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
The Administrator and goal creator can edit/delete goal's comments.
View/Add/Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
The Weekly Status section helps users organize their weekly activity by adding what we call Weekly Items. Weekly items are activities that are of a shorter time frame and less complicated than the Goals and Key Results (KRs) that we discussed in the Goals section. The eLeaP Performance Management Platform has four types of weekly items, which you’ll encounter in the different sections of the Weekly Status.
Plans are tasks that a user plans to perform during the ongoing week. | |
Accomplishments are the plans that have been completed. | |
Challenges are the tasks or plans that have caused difficulties for the user to complete. Typically, these might require a manager to ‘unblock’. | |
Next Week’s Plans are the plans for the upcoming week. When the new week comes, the Next Week’s Plans from the previous week become plans for the new week. |
Let’s navigate through the Weekly Status section to learn more.
Dashboard shows an overview of the Weekly Status section. | |
The By User sub tab gives users of higher roles the ability to check the weekly items of other users and even interact with them. | |
The Mine subsection belongs to the user themselves. This is the place where the user creates and controls their weekly items. |
We’ll start with the Mine section to see how the weekly items of individual users are created.
First, add the title for the weekly plan item. Add emojis to the title to make them more fun. | |
You can attach goals to the Weekly Item by clicking on the Goals icon. | |
Clicking the goal icon opens a window with the Goals available to attach (depending on the user’s role). Users can attach only one goal to one weekly item. | |
Click the attachment icon to attach files or attachments to a Plan. | |
The file attachment window looks like this. Select the files from your device. Note that you can remove the file by clicking the button. Close the window for discarding changes. | |
The added Plan looks like the illustration below. A new comment icon appears in the plan. This comment icon enables users to add comments to the plan. | |
Clickingopens the menu of actions that can be performed within the specific Plan item. The actions are described below: | |
To change the Plan’s status to Accomplishments. | |
To change the Plans status to Challenges. | |
To change the Plans status to Next Week’s Plans. | |
Accomplishments and Challenges have the same sub-functionality as Plans. For demonstration purposes, we display “John’s goal” as an Accomplishment and “Finish the weekly report by Friday” as a Challenge. The sub-actions in the dropdown menu are the same, with the difference being that the Accomplishment can be changed back to a Plan. | |
As explained above, Challenges are also similar to Plans or Accomplishments. In our example below, we’ve included the list of files that have been attached to the challenge. | |
The Next Week’s Plans share similar functionality as the other weekly plans, except there is one extra functionality here. Users can add a deadline for the Next Week’s Plan. Please note that as it is a Next Week’s Plan, the deadline calendar only has the 5 working days of the next week available to select. | |
Weekly Satisfaction or Happiness Score: Here, users can rate their satisfaction for the week on a 5-star scale. At eLeaP, we call this the Happiness score of the week. This is quite flexible data as the user rates the overall satisfaction of the week. We’ll discuss the Happiness score in more detail in other sections as well. | |
The top of the Mine section has a circle chart with a percentage that shows the ratio of Accomplishments to Plans. | |
At the top of the pages, the users will see a menu for picking periods of time. Based on the selected time period, the system displays the corresponding weekly items for the selected period. With down and horizontal arrows, users can navigate between periods. For example, if we choose Month from the menu by clicking the down arrow, the system will display data in a monthly time frame period. | |
The By User section is available only to Administrators and Senior Managers. This functionality comes in handy when the users of higher roles want to check the weekly activity of other users and, in some cases, modify them. They can leave comments on the weekly items if needed.
The By user section looks like the illustration below. It includes user cards that have summary information about the users and their weekly activity. | |
The name and avatar of the user in the user card are displayed on the left. | |
The Completion percentage indicator is the same percentage of completion that we described in the Mine section. The percentage here shows the weekly item completion rates of different users. | |
These numbers of Accomplishments, Plans, and Challenges accordingly. We use a color scheme for the Accomplishments Plans and Challenges as indicated. Green is for Accomplishments. Blue is for Plans. Red is for Challenges. Try to get used to the color scheme of these items, as they are used extensively throughout the system. | |
This comment icon displays information regarding any available comments in the associated Weekly Plan item. It shows the number of comments that have been given in the associated weekly items. Clicking on the icon will redirect the user to the user’s Weekly Status section. | |
The By User section has a period picker as well. It helps filter data according to the period the item was created. | |
When we click on the user card from By user, the user interface looks just like the Mine section. The only difference here is that Administrators and Senior Managers cannot modify the Happiness score of the user. They can only view the score. Below the Happiness Score, the system displays the totals for the various weekly plan items. | |
The Weekly Status Dashboard presents an overview of the Weekly Status section. As this section pulls together several elements of the Weekly Status system, we decided to cover the other sub-section first before discussing this section.
The Weekly Status Dashboard shows the progress of Goals and their statuses. The Progression rate shows how much your goals have progressed during the ongoing week or period of time selected. | |
With the period picker on the right, the users can pick a period to see filtered data. | |
The Dashboard has also mini charts, which represent an overview of the organization’s weekly data. When the user hovers their cursor over the charts, they can see the count of items recorded on specific dates. | |
The Completion Rate chart shows the overall completion rate of the organization’s weekly items. If you’re interested in the formula used, it is Accomplishments/Plan + Accomplishments. | |
The Happiness score chart shows the progression of ‘happiness’ across your whole organization over a time period. Keep an eye on Happiness! | |
The Accomplishment chart shows how many Accomplishments were recorded on specific dates and what trends we are seeing. | |
The Plans chart shows how many Plans have been recorded on specific dates and what trends we are seeing. | |
The Challenges chart shows how many Challenges have been recorded on specific dates and of course, the trends we are witnessing. | |
Since the organization already has data in Weekly Plans, we display an overview of all the plans as illustrated in the list below. Unlike the Mine and By User sections, the Plans have a dropdown arrow on the right side of the page. This dropdown opens an activity list, which shows log entries of the weekly item. Every action performed within the weekly item is recorded here. Users can also leave comments regarding the specific weekly item directly from here by clicking on thecomment icon. | |
The Accomplishments, Challenges, and Next Week’s Plans work via a similar logic. Only the Next Week Plans have the deadline for the weekly item displayed in the list. You can see how the other weekly items are listed below. | |
Use the Weekly Status system to organize your weekly activity to ensure maximum productivity. The Top Weekly Performers list is one to keep an eye on and encourage your users to try to get on that list. The Top Weekly Performers list is available on our organization’s Dashboard
View weekly items | Add weekly items | Edit/Delete/Change Status of weekly items | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
View comments, timeline, attachments | Add comments and attachments | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
Only Administrators and Weekly Item creators can edit/delete weekly item comments.
The Reviews section is for providing and gathering valuable feedback throughout the organization. With our fully customizable Form Templates, organizations can design questionnaires to capture useful insights from their employees. The Form Templates and Settings -> Modules sections have more detailed descriptions on how to create questionnaire templates and also use them in the Reviews system.
The Reviews section is divided into two main tabs: All Reviews and Received Reviews.
The All Reviews tab includes all reviews you can access, whether you are the creator or a reviewer. It is further divided into two views: and . Creator View | |||||||||||
The Creator View displays all reviews created by the user. For administrators, it also shows all reviews created on the platform. Reviews in this view are categorized into five statuses: Upcoming, In Progress, Completed, Ended, and Overdue. These statuses indicate the overall progress of each review: Upcoming: Reviews that have been created but not started yet. In Progress: Reviews that are currently underway but not fully completed. You can view the submitted responses, and the responses can still be updated. Completed: Reviews where all reviewers have submitted their feedback, achieving 100% completion, but the deadline hasn’t passed. You can view the submitted responses, and the responses can still be updated. Ended: Reviews that are fully completed (100%) but were finalized after the deadline. You can view the submitted responses. Overdue: Reviews that are incomplete and past their deadline. You can still view the submitted responses. | |||||||||||
As a creator, the main function is to overview reviews. Clicking the Overview button opens the page, which consists of:
The reviewee list in the sidebar shows all reviewees grouped under team names or Org chart-based label. Expanding these labels reveals the available relation types: Self-Assessment, Peer, Upward, Downward. Under each relation type, you’ll see the reviewees’ names categorized accordingly. Let’s take an example.
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If a review hasn’t received any reviews for a specific review type, the reviewee's name will be greyed out. Hovering over the review name will display the message: | |||||||||||
There’s also a "View as" filter, where you can search for a specific user to see what reviews that user has received. | |||||||||||
Reviewer ViewThe Reviewer View subtab displays all the reviews where you are assigned as a reviewer. This tab has its own statuses: In Progress, Completed, Ended, and Overdue. These statuses reflect your progress in the reviews. In Progress: Reviews that are currently active but have not been fully completed by you. Completed: Reviews where you have submitted 100% of your responses, but the deadline hasn’t passed yet. You can still view and edit your responses. Ended: Reviews that are fully completed (100%) and past the deadline. You can only view the responses, as no further changes are allowed. Overdue: Reviews with less than 100% completion where the deadline has passed. You cannot make any changes or complete pending reviews, but you can view the responses. Review ProcessNow, let’s move on to the actual reviewing process.
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Received ReviewsThe Received Reviews subtab includes all the reviews that the current user has received from others. This tab shares the same statuses as Reviewer view: In Progress, Completed, Ended, and Overdue, which indicate the progress of the reviews. Completed: Reviews where the assigned reviewers have submitted 100% of their responses, but the review's deadline hasn’t passed yet. By this time, reviewers can still make changes to their responses. However, as the recipient, you won’t see the responses until the deadline is met to maintain confidentiality. Ended: Reviews that are fully completed (100%) and past the deadline. You can now view all the submitted responses, as no further changes are allowed by the reviewers. Overdue: Reviews with less than 100% completion where the deadline has passed. You cannot make any changes or complete pending reviews, but you can view the responses submitted before the deadline. | |||||||||||
Clicking in the Received Reviews tab will display the general information about the review. On the left sidebar, you'll find the team names that participated in the review, in which you are either a team member or a leader, along with the positions within the org chart for which you received feedback. | |||||||||||
The users list on the left sidebar shows those who have submitted a review for you, as well as those who should have, but didn’t. Names of users who have reviewed you are displayed in black and are clickable. Users who should have reviewed you but didn't are shown in grey. Hovering over these names will display the message: . |
There are three User Relation groups that the system uses to determine who reviews whom or who receives feedback from whom.
Peer: Peer represents a relationship between you and another user who holds a similar standing or role within the system. This can be identified through: Org Chart: Users are considered peers if they belong to the same branch and hold positions at the same hierarchical level (non-managerial and non-subordinate). Teams: Users are peers if they hold the same role—either both Leaders or both Members—within the same team. | |
Upward: Upward represents a relationship between you and a user who is your manager. This can be identified through: | |
Downward: Downward is the opposite of the upward relationship type. It represents a relationship between you and a user who is your subordinate. This can be identified through: Teams: A user in the same team as you, holding the role of Member while you hold the role of Leader, is considered your direct subordinate |
Creating a Review ProcessClicking on the button will open a list of four steps (navigation) that need to be completed in order to create a review. These steps are: General Information, Review Period & Notifications, Review Configuration and Form Templates. | |
At the bottom of each page, there will be two buttons: Back and Next/Create.
The Next and Create buttons will only be active once all required fields on the page are completed. | |
1. General Information PageThis page collects essential details about the review. It includes the following fields: | |
Review Title: A brief, descriptive title for the review, helping to easily identify it in the system. | |
Review Description: A more detailed explanation of the review’s purpose or objectives, providing context for participants and clarifying what will be evaluated. | |
Category: This field allows you to select the category of the review, which helps to filter and organize reviews more easily. | |
Review Frequency: A dropdown field that allows you to choose the frequency of the review. There are two options:
| |
2. Review Period & Notifications PageThis page allows you to set the review period and configure notifications based on the frequency type of review chosen (One-time or Continuous). | |
One-time Review Set Review Period: Select the start and end dates for the review, indicating when the review will take place. Note that the review duration must be at least 1 hour, with a minimum 1-hour gap between the start and end times. | |
Notifications Send Review Start Notification Email: Option to send an email notification to Reviewers when the review starts. Send Review Deadline Reminder Email: Option to send a reminder email to Reviewers before the review deadline. The review creator can select the number of days prior to the deadline when the reminder email will be sent to the reviewers. | |
Continuous Review Review Start Date: Define the start date for the initial review in the series. This is the date when the first review will begin, marking the start of the review cycle. | |
Review Period Frequency: Choose how frequently the review should repeat. The available options are 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12 months, allowing you to customize the recurrence based on your needs. | |
Wait Time Between Review Periods: Set the gap between consecutive reviews, with options like No waiting time, 5 days, 10 days, 1 week, and 1 month. | |
Review Ends: Define how many review cycles will be completed before the review process concludes. | |
Notifications: The same notifications are available for continuous reviews as with one-time reviews: Send the Review Start Announcement Email: Option to send an email when the review period starts. | |
3. Review Configuration PageThis page is used to set up the review configuration using different review orientations. Review OrientationEstablish the scope of the review by selecting the relevant orientation: OrganizationChoose this option for organization-wide reviews. This is used for reviews that encompass the entire organization. TeamSelect this option for team-based reviews, which focus on individual teams within the organization. IndividualChoose this option for individual-based reviews, where feedback is centered around a specific individual. | |
The fields listed after selecting the Review Orientation will change depending on the selected orientation type. | |
Review TypeThis field defines the type of feedback collection for the review. 360 ReviewSelect this option for a 360 review, where feedback is collected from multiple sources, such as peers, managers, and subordinates. The system automatically generates the required relation group fields based on the selected Review type. | |
Assignment Preferences Org Chart Hierarchy-Based: Assign reviews based on the hierarchy defined in the organization's chart. This means that the review assignments are made according to the organizational structure. System Relations-Based: Assign reviews based on system-defined relationships, such as peers, managers, and subordinates. In system-based reviews, both users linked through the Org Chart hierarchy and those connected via shared teams are included. | |
Review Answers Visibility Share answers with reviewees and include reviewer names: Review answers will be shared with the reviewees, and the names of the reviewers will be visible to them. Share answers with reviewees anonymously: This option will allow review answers to be shared anonymously without revealing the identity of the reviewers. Do not share the answers: Review answers will not be shared with the reviewees. Only the review creator and Admins will be able to view the answers. | |
4. Form Templates Page This page allows you to configure the form templates for different review groups and enable Self-Assessment if desired. The system automatically generates the required relation group fields based on the selected Review type, ensuring that the correct form templates are displayed for each reviewer. This guarantees that the review process aligns with the relationships between the reviewers and reviewees. | |
In case of Organization 360 Reviews, the following relation group fields are mandatory: Peer Review Template: Select the corresponding form template for peer reviews. Upward Review Template: Select the corresponding form template for upward (manager) reviews. Downward Review Template: Select the corresponding form template for downward (subordinate) reviews. System enabled to activate Self-Assessment as well. If activated, the system adds a new mandatory field to select the corresponding form template for the self assessment, in this case all reviewees will have the opportunity to review themselves as well. | |
Let’s now take a closer look at the Team orientation example: The Team orientation differs from the Organization orientation as it focuses on specific teams within the organization. This option is ideal for reviews targeting smaller, defined groups rather than the entire organization. | |
Select Teams | |
Review Type 360 Review Team leaders provide feedback to the team members Team members provide feedback to the team leaders Team members provide feedback to each other Team leaders provide feedback to each other | |
Review Team LeadersTeam members provide feedback specifically to their team leaders. | |
Review Team MembersTeam leaders provide feedback specifically to their team members. Team leaders provide feedback to the team members | |
Leaders & Team Members ReviewMutual feedback between team leaders and team members. Team leaders provide feedback to the team members Team members provide feedback to the team leaders | |
Assignment Preferences Currently, the Team Hierarchy-Based option is available for team-based reviews. This means reviews are assigned based on the hierarchy within the specific team(s), ensuring that the right individuals (leaders or members) provide the appropriate feedback. | |
Review Answers Visibility Share answers with reviewees and include reviewer names: Review answers will be shared with the reviewees, and the names of the reviewers will be visible to them. Share answers with reviewees anonymously: This option will allow review answers to be shared anonymously without revealing the identity of the reviewers. Do not share the answers: Review answers will not be shared with the reviewees. Only the review creator and Admins will be able to view the answers. | |
Let’s take a look at the last orientation option: Individual Orientation Individual Review - DetailsSelect Individual: When selecting the Individual option, you need to choose the individual (reviewee) who will be reviewed by others. | |
After selecting an individual, the Assignment Preferences field dynamically appears below the Select Individual field, adjusting based on the user's relations in the system. Team Hierarchy-Based: Reviews are assigned according to the hierarchical structure within the team. Org Chart Hierarchy-Based: Reviews are assigned based on the Org Chart hierarchy, focusing on direct managerial, subordinate, and peer relationships. System Relations-Based (common teams, org chart related): Combines all related users within the system, including both organizational and team hierarchies. If Team Hierarchy-Based or System Relations-Based is selected, an additional field appears to Select the individual’s teams (allowing for the selection of more than one team). | |
Review Types: The review process adapts based on the chosen Assignment Preferences, ensuring that the Review Type field displays only relevant and active options. For individual-based reviews, up to four Review Types are available, with the options depending on the individual's data and the selected Assignment Preference. Colleague Review: Reviewed by peers (colleagues). | |
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Select Teams: This option appears below the Review Type field when Team Hierarchy-Based or System Relations-Based is chosen as the Assignment Preference. Users can select and manage which teams will participate in the review, with the flexibility to assign multiple teams. | |
Review Answers VisibilityShare answers with reviewees and include reviewer name: Review answers will be shared with the reviewees, and the name of the reviewers will be visible to them. Share answers with reviewees anonymously: This option will allow review answers to be shared anonymously without revealing the identity of the reviewers. Do not share the answers: Review answers will not be shared with the reviewees. Only the review creator and Admins will be able to view review answers. |
Admins: Can create organization-oriented reviews, team reviews, and individual reviews. They can view all reviews created by company users and have access to the "Add New Review" button.
Senior Managers: Can create reviews for all teams and individuals who have teams. They can view reviews created by other users and have access to the "Add New Review" button.
Managers: Can create reviews only for their own teams, where they are leaders and the individuals within those teams.
The Check-ins system is the perfect place for organizing meetings, assigning team members, and documenting important meeting outcomes. The section allows users to schedule upcoming meetings or document past meetings with accurate records and data. Below, we will explain and create Check-ins so you can follow along.
Click to add a new check-in to the system.
Start by adding a name for the Check-in. Users can name the meetings however they want. The system has a 64-character limit for the Check-in name. You can also add a description for the Check-in. | |
Select a category from the list of available categories for easier filtering. The categories created by Admins are available in the list. When the user picks a category, a category label is assigned to the Check-in. Only one category can be assigned to a Check-in. | |
Next, add team members to the Check-in. All added members will be able to access the information in the check-in meeting. They will be notified when they are assigned to the check-in or the check-in details are modified. Inviting users to a Check-in is dependent on user roles. | |
Select the date & time for the check-in. Both past and future dates can be selected. Users can select past dates to record and document previous meetings and store past meeting data. | |
There is also a checkbox for the meeting dates. Users can add the meeting to their Google calendar, or Microsoft Outlook by putting the check to and add to the Microsoft Outlook Calendar, by putting the check to . | |
Recurring check-in: | |
Before the check-in starts, users can create talking points. These are discussion points that might need to be discussed during the meeting. Talking points can be added and modified at any point. We’ll discuss the actions that can be performed with Talking points later. |
After the required information is completed, the user clicks the button to save the check-in. Once the check-in is created, the check-in assignees are sent a notification on the assigned check-in and a brief summary of the main talking points. The final look of your check-in list might look something like this:
When the check-in meeting begins, the assignees can enter the check-in card and start their interaction with the check-in in the meeting area. The check-in details description is presented below:
At the top of the Check-in details page, there’s general information about the check-in as well as a description, if available. All Check-in data can be exported in .PDF format using the Export Check-in button. We indicate both the Check-in creation date as well as Check-in start date. The details also include the name of the check-in creator. Below the export button, we have the icons which indicate the total Talking points and Notes, respectively. | |
The invited member's section displays details on the assignees to the check-in. This is general information regarding these users and their user roles. | |
Talking points refer to an agenda or outline of what is to be discussed in the Check-in meeting. You add/edit or delete Talking points as the Check-in creator. Assignees can mark the Talking points as discussed. This action can be performed either by individually clicking on the checkboxes near the Talking points or by clicking Mark all as a discussed button. Users can edit and delete Talking points anytime. New Talking points using the [Add] input option. | |
The New Plans section of the system is designed to provide next steps planning opportunities. Based on the outcome of the Check-ins, you can add New Plans to be undertaken. Users can also attach files to New Plans. | |
Notes can help the users document any information that can later be used for reference purposes. Notes can be made private using the button. Private notes can only be seen by the creator of the note. You can also attach files to Notes. | |
NB: If the user does not belong to a team, they cannot add Check-ins. However, Administrators can add Check-ins without being in a team. Admins cannot add Check-ins in an empty system when there are no other users besides them. | |
Check-ins can be filtered by Member name and Check-in name and sorted by Check-in date and time, and Name in alphabetical order, both in ascending and descending. For filtering by category, select a category from the list. Only one category can be selected.
Connect your Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook Calendar from the Check-ins section by clicking on the corresponding icon. | |
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For bulk-deleting the check-ins, just tick the checkboxes near check-in names. Once they are selected, click the button to delete the selected goals. Click the button to uncheck all selected checkboxes.
View | Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
If there are no users in the system yet, Check-ins cannot be added.
Back to Table of Contents
The Surveys section is designed for conducting organization-wide surveys and gathering valuable data. The survey creation process is really simple. The survey system relies on a form template being created in the Form Template section. Once that is done, you can create and launch your survey quickly.
To get started with the process of creating a survey, we first need to go to the Form Templates section. Click the button to start creating your first survey.
Start by adding a Survey title. Make sure to select a name that can be easily searched in the system, | |
Select a category from the list of available categories for easier filtering. The categories created by Admins are available in the list. When the user picks a category, a category label is assigned to the Survey. | |
Next, add a Survey description for more context on what the survey is about. The field is optional, but it can help survey assignees understand its purpose. | |
After creating your survey name and optional description, select the Form Template that will be used in the survey. This is one of the most important steps in the survey creation process because the form template selected decides the structure of the survey. The Form Templates must be prepared prior to the survey creation. We’ve already created the survey that is going to be used here, but you can refer to the Form Templates section in this document for more details. | |
When accessing the form template selection modal, you gain the ability to efficiently locate your desired template by either typing its name or selecting a category for filtering. To ensure accuracy in your selection process, a preview feature is available. Simply click on the button to preview the chosen form template before finalizing your choice for the survey. | |
Set your Start and End dates for the survey. Adding the start and end dates adds urgency to the survey respondents and helps increase completions. Being able to set the Start and End dates also enables account executives to pre-schedule their survey deployment. Survey assignees are notified of new surveys or edits to the existing surveys. | |
Assign users, teams, or organization to the survey. As surveys may be organization-wide events, creators can add teams, individual users, or entire organizations to surveys. See the next illustration on how to add users to surveys. | |
Assigning users and teams to surveys is pretty simple. Just click on the checkboxes near the user or team names and click the “Add” button below. With the button, the survey is assigned to every user in the Organization. Until the switcher is on, user and team checkboxes are disabled for edit. The Organization option is available to Admin users only. | |
Survey creators can add an option for respondents to submit the survey anonymously. If the switcher is on, respondents will have a similar switcher when they enter the survey and submit the form. | |
If the users want to edit an existing survey to have an anonymous option, they can only do that if the survey does not have submitted responses yet. | |
Respondents will see this option available when submitting a survey response. | |
Users who submit a survey anonymously will appear with a blank avatar and “Anonymous user” instead of the name in the survey results. |
After clicking , the survey is created. The look of the survey card is attached below. Survey information and settings are now visible on the survey card.
Notice that the card has buttons. You can start completing the survey so you can view it as any assignee would. Make sure to take a look at the Form Templates, as the whole process of creating the survey form template is described in that section.
This is a field called Rating. As you can see, this is a mandatory field. Marking each answer has its color, as visible from the screenshots. We’ll mark Neither agree nor disagree as an answer for this field. Rating-type fields are used in metrics. From Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree options, users can score 1-5 points on the rating field. | |
This is a Grading type field. We’ve previously added an explanation of this field. In this Grading field, however, we’re also required to provide an explanation under the star rating. We’ve given a 5-star rating as an illustration. | |
This is a Range type field. As an answer to this question, the assignees must drag the circle to make their selection on the scale. | |
This is a Multiple-choice option type field. The assignee should select one of the answers. | |
This is a Multiple selection option type field. The assignees can select multiple answers, which are recorded. | |
This is a Short text-type field. Assignees can add short text as an answer to this question. The answer is limited to 128 characters. | |
This is a Long text-type field. Assignees can add longer text as an answer to this question. The answer is limited to 256 characters. |
The Overview button is for the creator of the survey so that they can overview the survey at any point.
The Survey overview displays the general information on the survey. If the survey already has some responses, the survey creator can see each survey field and individual answers.
With dropdown menu, the survey creators and Administrators can download the survey results in .pdf and .csv formats. This can help in storing visualized historical data and analyzing and sharing survey results.
Completion rate shows the percentage of assigned users who completed the survey.
As you can see, the Survey Overview page has into smaller tabs. The default selected tab is Summary, which includes survey results and smart analysed data. | |
The first cube shows all statuses of user interactions with the surveys. Completions - Total amount of submitted responses inside the selected period and selected surveys. | |
This section shows the average completion time of the current survey. The chart below shows the averages for specific dates. is for comparing periods in the survey. For example, in the screenshot below we’ve selected a period filter to see filter results for the selected period only. The indicator near the average time compares the currently selected period with the previous period of the same size. In our example, we have 6 days between the period, and the comparison occurs between 2023-10-01 to 2023-10-06 period and 2023-09-25 to 2023-09-30 period. | |
Depending on the device that has been used to fill in the Survey, we need to show 3 different percentages: Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet. The smaller numbers below percentages are the comparison of the data compared to the previous period. | |
The average of every rating field in the survey. The line below and the fraction show the number of all Rating type fields inside the current survey. | |
We’ve already added some responses under this survey. Let’s see how we display them in the Survey Overview page. | |
Grading field overview includes the overall results (average of all responses), and individual responses of each respondent. Our example includes an optional explanation, which is shown below the individual response. | |
Range type overview is similar to the previous field. Overall result is the average, and we have individual responses listed below. | |
Options tab is the list of all options in this field, including the distribution of responses to all option. | |
Responses tab includes individual responses of users with options they chose. | |
The results recorded from previous types of questions are pretty self-explanatory, but the results of the Rating type field might need some explanation. As you can see, we’ve recorded different answers in this field. Each answer has its color and number, which are used here to calculate an average for the whole question. The Overall results represents the distribution of answers recorded by users. At the very end of the line, we show the average of all recorded answers, which is 3 out of 5 in our case. It’s calculated by taking the average of the 3 answers below. For more information on this type of field, please refer to the Form Templates section of this document. | |
The Surveys section has filters as well. The table below describes each field of the filter.
Simply search for a survey by name. | |
Filter surveys based on the teams assigned. | |
Filter surveys based on the users assigned. | |
Filter surveys based on the deadline. The user selects a date and the system brings up the surveys with deadlines up to the selected date. | |
Like in other sections, the surveys can be sorted by their status (In progress, Upcoming, Ended), Name in alphabetical order, and Deadline, both in ascending and descending order. | |
Click to get the filtered results and to clear the results of the filter. | |
The circular charts show the completion rates and numbers of surveys grouped by five statuses: In Progress, Ended, Upcoming, Completed, and Overdue. | |
In Progress: Surveys that have been started by the user but are not yet completed and have not met their deadlines. Ended: Surveys that have been completed by the user and whose deadlines have already passed. Upcoming: Surveys that have not been started yet. Completed: Surveys that have been started and completed by the user but have not yet reached their deadlines. Overdue: Surveys whose deadlines have passed and have not been completed by the user. | |
For filtering by category, select a category from the list. Only one category can be selected.
The eNPS tab in the Surveys section is like a happiness meter for employees. It measures how likely they are to recommend their workplace to others. It's a quick way for companies to understand how satisfied and loyal their employees are.
Only administrators can set the eNPS period and activate the eNPS module via the Settings Surveys section. If the eNPS module is inactive and users click on the eNPS tab in the Surveys section, the system will display a message.
The eNPS survey typically includes only a single eNPS field. Users are expected to complete it during the specified eNPS period which deadline mentioned under the eNPS survey name.
Here is an example of an eNPS question with the given rating and the corresponding explanation for the choice.
Here is an example of an eNPS question with the given rating and the corresponding explanation for the choice. By reading the eNPS question you need to rate the likelihood of recommending your company on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being “Not at all likely” and 10 being “Very likely.” | |
Responses on a scale of 0-10 divided into three categories: Detractor: If you give a score in the red colored interval between ,it means you are dissatisfied and unhappy with the company. | |
After filling the fields you should click on button. If Administrator has enabled the anonymous option there will be another button on the right side of the general submit button. Submitting the eNPS by clicking on this button your answer will be sent anonymously. |
For bulk-deleting Surveys, just tick the checkboxes near the Survey cards. Once they are selected, click the button to delete the selected surveys. Click the button to uncheck all selected checkboxes.
View | Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
PulsePoint helps users log daily productivity and sentiment. The valuable information submitted daily by organization users is gathered inside the PulsePoint section. Graphs, charts, and other visualizations of gathered data help companies monitor the mood and productivity of their users.
So how do we collect data for PulsePoint? A small pop-up window is on the bottom right side of the screen, which can be opened/closed anytime the user wants to. The pop-up will automatically appear in an open view in the middle of the day to remind users to fill in what we call their daily feedback.
Opened View | Closed View |
Filling in the daily PulsePoint feedback is completely voluntary, although it’s really helpful to share information about your day while maintaining full privacy.
Let’s take a deeper look on what information users fill in the pop-up.
The collapsed view of the PulsePoint pop-up. PulsePoint pop-up icon will stay permanently on the lower right corner of the screen, and it will automatically open at midday to remind the user of filling in their PulsePoint entry. | |
Slide through previously-entered daily feedback by clicking on the left and right arrows. Click on the middle section to select a specific date. | |
Daily Productivity can be selected on a 5-star scale. | |
Select your mood for the day out of five mood faces. This determines your overall happiness during the day. | |
Click the text to expand the popup and add more details to your daily PulsePoint entry. | |
In the expanded view, users can add daily feedback to their PulsePoint entry in case they have comments/concerns or want to elaborate on their submitted PulsePoint. | |
With the Visibility menu, users can choose other organization members with whom they want to share their daily feedback. With this selection, the submitted daily feedback stays 100% private from other members in the workspace. |
PulsePoint dashboard gathers all the data from users’ PulsePoint entries and represents it in a visualized and more structured way. By analyzing the data gathered in the Dashboard section, organization leaders keep their hands on the pulse for recognizing both positive and negative trends in employee sentiment and productivity. To get more sense of how we gather and analyze data, let’s fill in a few PulsePoint entries.
We have filled in different responses so that our Dashboard displays all possible data variations.
Let’s see how our PulsePoint Dashboard analyzes and visualizes the gathered data. The picture below is the overall view of the PulsePoint Dashboard. We’ll go through all of the sections one by one and we’ll see how our entries affected the Dashboard.
Similar to other sections on the platform, the data displayed on the dashboard is affected by the period filter. The Dashboard will show data for the selected period. | |
Completion Rate shows the percentage of users who filled in at least one PulsePoint in the selected period. Respondents show the number of users who entered a PulsePoint among all the existing users inside the system. When hovering over the chart below, you can see the completion rate for specific dates. | |
Average Sentiment takes the average value of the individual sentiment data. If we look at the entries above, we can see that users selected 5, 1, and 3 for their sentiment score, the average of which gives 60%. This percentage will change with every new entry. The mood icons will help you get a better idea of the company’s overall sentiment level. | |
Positive Sentiment shows the positive entries proportional to the total number of users who have PulsePoint entries in the selected period. When hovering over the chart below, you can see the rate of users with positive sentiment for specific dates. | |
Negative Sentiment shows the negative entries proportional to the total number of users who have PulsePoint entries in the selected period. When hovering over the chart below, you can see the rate of users with positive sentiment for specific dates. | |
Productivity Average takes all entries and calculates the average productivity inside the organization in the selected period. | |
Productive subsection shows the number of respondents who entered either 4 or 5 stars as their productivity entry in the PulsePoint entry. | |
Productive subsection shows the number of respondents who entered either 1 or 2 stars as their productivity entry in the PulsePoint entry. | |
Sentiment Level vs Productivity Average chart visualizes the relationship between the sentiment and productivity levels of the whole organization in the selected period. The chart makes it more simple to find correlations between recorded sentiment and productivity data. | |
This section is where Productivity and Sentiment come together. The charts here will help you find how productive users with certain sentiments are, and vice versa. Hover over the charts to find more explanation of the data. A more detailed explanation of the charts and smaller sections is included further. | |
Bar chart at the top shows the distribution of mood recorded from PulsePoint entries. | |
Check the productivity average of users with Negative Sentiment in this section. This section helps out if you want to find a correlation between negative sentiment and decreased productivity. | |
Check the productivity average of users with Positive Sentiment in this section. This section helps out if you want to find a correlation between positive sentiment and increased productivity. | |
Top productive users are displayed here. The productivity of users is represented in a semi-circle chart. Sentiment of users are on the right-hand side of the user line. Click the user to access their personal PulsePoint page in PulsePoint -> By user. |
By User subsection in PulsePoint is similar to Weekly Status -> By user. The section includes the PulsePoint data on an individual level. It is available for higher roles (Managers, Senior Managers, and Administrators), who can periodically check their team members' individual sentiment and productivity data.
The image below is the overview of the user details page.
Most of the sections will seem familiar, as the details page includes the same data, just on an individual level.
The Teams & People section enables organizations to create profiles for their team members in the system and also to have quick access to their information. The section is divided into two subsections: Teams and People. We’ll discuss the process of creating Teams and People and their usage in the whole system. As we’ve already mentioned in the eLeaP PMP User Roles section, the Teams & People section is available for Senior Managers and Administrators. Thus, only these roles can create and manage teams and users.
The process of creating a team is really simple. Users who have permission to create teams simply enter the name of the team and choose a team color. Choosing a team color is important because it’ll help you easily recognize users that are on the same team. In our example, we successfully created a Powerhouse Performers team that has a blue color. Later on, you’ll see that the team members of the marketing team have a badge in this color with the name Powerhouse Performers. Next, select team leaders and members. Teams must have at least 1 team leader and 1 team member. Note that a user can’t be both leader and member in a team. Click the [Add new user] if you need to add a new user who is not already in your account. When finished, click the [Add Team] button. |
The team gets created instantly and shows the number of team leaders and members. The team card features brief, useful information about the team.
The name and the color of the team | |
The number of users in the team organized by team leaders and team members. Click the team name to see the team leaders and members. Leaders are indicated by the crown icon. | |
The date on which the team was created. | |
Some quick actions with the team like Edit Team Members, opens the team edit window ready for editing. |
Here’s what the edit team members window looks like.
To add more team leaders, click the [Add team members] line and click the names of users you want to add as team leaders. Click anywhere outside the selection area to get back to the edit window.
Repeat the same process for adding/removing members to the team. To remove a user from a team, click the [x] next to the user’s name.
You can create as many teams as you like. Just be aware that depending on the user’s role in each team, it will impact how the system functions when it comes to some of our modules like the Reviews module.
The Teams section describes how the users can be grouped into teams. Now, let’s discuss the creation process for individual users.
The People section is where users are created. Adding users requires more information compared to creating a team. Clicking the button opens a window where we must input all the necessary information for adding a new user to the system.
Add the First Name of the new user. The field is required. | |
Add the Last Name of the new user. The field is required. | |
Add the Email of the new user. It is important to enter a valid email address because the activation and the first login of the account must be done from the email address. The field is required. | |
Add the Role of the new user. This will decide the permissions of the user that you’re adding. The field is required. | |
Add the new user to a Team. This field is optional because you can add the user to a team at any point. Job Title is useful especially when you use the Organization Chart system to organize how the system manages your performance reviews. The Hire Date is critical if you plan on using the automated reviews feature for individual anniversary and onboarding reviews. Beneath the Hire Date field, there’s a checklist item labeled Probationary Period, which allows you to specify the length of the user’s probationary period. This field includes four options:
The probationary period is especially crucial for Onboarding Reviews, as the reviews are generated automatically based on the duration selected in this field. Ensure this is accurately filled to enable timely and relevant review generation for new hires. | |
If a user, such as Janny Horan, is in their probationary period, the system displays a label in the People section and on their My Profile page to indicate that they are still within their probationary period. | |
On the right side of the window, we see the Custom fields that we added previously from the Settings section. These fields accept any info, which can help the organizations store more data on their users. |
After entering all the required information, click the [Add User] button to add the new user. Besides the main flow of adding users, the website has an easier way to import multiple users at the same time. Clicking button in People opens a window that instructs the users on how to proceed.
Click here downloads a spreadsheet file in Excel format that contains all the fields necessary for importing new users to your eLeaP PMP company. | |
The fields in the file are pretty simple. Administrators can just input all the information and import all users to the system at once. The “Is Administrator” field determines whether the user you want to add is an Admin or not. If you put 1, the user on that row will be created as an Admin. All users with a “0” value in the E Column will be added as Members. Check the eLeaP PMP User Roles section of this document for more info on user roles. | |
After all the information is in the file, save your changes and upload the same file by clicking on the Upload batch file button. If you want to update some information regarding the same users, check the checkbox on the right, and the users who have matching emails in the system and in the file will have their info updated. |
We have added a few other users using the Bulk import feature.
Users have their own profile section, which contains all their activity and associated data in one convenient and easy-to-access area. The sub-tabs include Goals, Weekly Status, Reviews, Activity, and About. The table below includes a detailed description of each sub-tab in the user profile section.
The Goals sub-tab provides insight into the progress of the Goals that Eric is assigned. If available, individual Goals can easily be accessed by clicking on the goals in this tab. You can refer to the Goals section in this document for more details. | |
The Weekly Status tab includes the weekly status items of the user. Administrators and Senior Managers can add weekly items for the user directly from this section. The main Weekly Status section description has more details on its functionality. | |
The Reviews tab displays reviews that have been given to the owner of the profile. In our example, Lime Turtle received reviews from 3 users. The main Reviews section of this document has more details. | |
The Activity tab describes the individual activity of the user. Any action performed by the user is recorded here in the profile. The main Audit Trail section also provides data on user activity and more. | |
The About tab includes general information on the user, including any associated teams and access level. | |
The Set password button enables setting a new password for users in case they have some issues with their older password. | |
Clicking the Set password button opens a window for setting a new password. Create a new password for the selected user, type the same password in Repeat Password field, and the password will automatically update. Next time the user logs in, they have to use the new password. Communicating the new password to the user is not available inside the system, so it can be done outside eLeaP PMP. | |
Resend email access button performs the same action as during user creation. It will resend the email access to the user once again. | |
The previous password of the user will be reset after this action. That is why Admins will receive a warning inside the browser with the content on the right. | |
After Administrators click Resend Email Access, users receive an email that redirects them to a page for resetting the password. |
The users can be filtered according to Team, User Role, Name, or Active/Inactive status. Users can also be sorted according to Date Created, Completion Rate (Goal), User Name (alphabetical order both ascending and descending), and Active or Inactive status. Click to get the filter results and to clear the results of the filter.
For deleting multiple teams, check the checkboxes near team cards. Once they are selected, click the button to delete the selected teams. Click the button to uncheck all selected checkboxes.
Checkbox selection in this section allows for performing multiple actions with selected users. The action bar below includes some additional buttons compared to other sections. Here are the actions that we can perform with selected users.
Delete the selected users. | |
Deactivate the selected users. | |
Activate the selected users. | |
Uncheck all selected users. |
We’re familiar with all the actions, cause they can be performed with individual user cards as well.
View | Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
| All roles can add teams |
Senior Manager |
| |
Manager |
| |
Member |
Add | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
View | Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
View | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
Form Templates is the section where Administrators and Senior Managers can create forms that can be used in Surveys and Reviews. Forms can be used unlimited times and provide great flexibility for creating questionnaire templates of varying complexity. New accounts won’t show any Form Templates in the Organization tab, as illustrated below:
In the Library tab it’s displayed the suggested ready to use templates provided by the system. | |
By clicking the button, the form template is added to the Organization tab. Here, you can make any necessary changes to the duplicated form template. button enables you to preview the template in its form version. |
Clicking the button in the Organization tab, opens a separate page where the form details and fields are created. Here’s the template creation process in a step-by-step format.
The platform enables users to utilize an AI tool for generating form templates. Users simply need to click on the “Ask AI” field, entering the necessary information for the template or specifying the criteria it should meet. The AI swiftly generates a form template. System allows users to make any desired changes before saving the generated form. | |
The process of adding a new form starts with the template name. Choose an appropriate and memorable name because the template will be easier to find later when the template list gets larger. You can use the filtering options to easily find your form templates. | |
Select a category from the list of available categories for easier filtering. The categories created by Admins are available in the list. When the user picks a category, a category label is assigned to the Form Template. Only one category can be assigned to a form. | |
The template description provides important additional information to users as to what the template is about. This is an optional field that provides the opportunity to add extra info if needed. | |
After entering the template name and description, it's time to add template fields to the form. The button opens a section for filling out field-related information and selecting the type of field we want to create. |
Label Text is the question field Description is an optional explanation of the question field | |
Field Type is for selecting the question type (see below) | |
Allow Explanation enables extra space so that the users can fill in the explanation of the choice they made. | |
Mandatory field enables you to make the field required. | |
Clicking the Field Type dropdown opens a selection of options to choose from. The table below describes how each field type functions and what input they might require. |
In the examples below, we’ll create a Form Template from scratch to demonstrate what each field does. The illustration on the left includes the field name and description, and the right side includes sub-settings of fields that need more configuration.
The Rating type field is Likert scale type field, which allows users to mark down their level of agreement with the statement described in the Label text. The numbers corresponding to every degree are later used to calculate average scores for questions. | ||
The Grading field type creates a question that asks the users to input a grade. The users can choose between Star and Dot formats. Grade points can be customized. | ||
The eNPS(Employee Net Promoter Score) allows a company to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty to see their willingness to recommend their workplace to others. Here the users are intended to answer mainly to the question "Considering your complete experience, how likely would you be to recommend our organization to a friend or colleague?" and asked to rate on a scale of 0 (Highly unlikely) to 10 (Extremely likely). | ||
The respondents could be categorized as follows: Promoters (Employee NPS score is 9-10): The respondents with a score in this range are usually loyal customers. Passives (Employee NPS score is 7-8): The respondents are somewhat satisfied but not enough to recommend your business to others. Detractors (Employee NPS score is 0-6): The respondents are dissatisfied and likely to disengage quickly. | ||
The Range field provides an option for users to fill in a number, ranging from 0 to the max number set. | ||
The Single choice group field type accepts a single answer from the answer options provided. | ||
The Multi-choice group field type accepts the selection of multiple answers if necessary. This is also known as the checkbox question type. | ||
The Short text accepts short text in the field as the answer. There are no extra settings for this field as the answer is in free format. Also known as a single textbox type field. | ||
Long text accepts longer text in the field as the answer. There are no extra settings for this field as the answer is free of format. Also known as a comment box-type field. |
When we’re done setting up the fields for the form template, we’ll get the list of all fields with appropriate labels. You can refer to the table above if you have any questions about how the fields were created. Don’t forget to click Save Form Template to save your work. Administrators can edit/delete the fields at any point. The section also has a duplication feature, so you can quickly create new fields from the existing ones.
That’s it! We’ve successfully created our Form Template. Note that the created Form Templates can be used in the Surveys and Reviews sections.
Important: Form Templates fields cannot be edited/deleted when they are being used in Surveys or Reviews which have responses. If there are no responses, the fields can still be edited.
Form Templates can be filtered by their creators and template name and sorted by created date and name in alphabetical order, both in ascending and descending orders. Click to get the filter results and to clear the results of the filter. For filtering by category, select a category from the list. Only one category can be selected.
View | Add | Edit/Delete | |
Administrator |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Member |
Administrators, Senior Managers, and Managers can all duplicate the form templates that they see in the section.
The Audit Trail is the section of the system that logs the activity of various individual users across the whole platform. Any activity that users perform is recorded here and can be easily found and accessed via filtering. The Audit Trail stores the data for the last three months. Audit trail data older than three months ago is automatically deleted.
As illustrated below, clicking the icon will open a set of filters for Administrators.
The icons represent the sections on the website. Clicking each of them will filter the activity based on the section it was performed in. | |
The field near the icons is for entering user names or emails. Administrators can use the combination of section activity and users to find more specific activity data. button will reset all the filters and show all the activity data for the last three months. | |
The Audit Trail data can be sorted according to the created date, both in Descending and Ascending orders. |
In the scenario below, we searched for John Smith’s activity in the Settings section. Note that John’s activity is sorted from the latest to the earliest. Action logs also include the user’s IP address.
The Audit Trail section is available only to Administrators. Users of other roles will not see this section.
Settings section is only available to Administrator level users. The Settings area allows organization admins to customize their users' experiences on the platform. Settings are how you manage the main content and behavior of your account. The section is divided into five subsections, illustrated below.
The General subsection includes the customization of settings that are universal for your account and controls the general behavior of the system. | |
The Custom fields give Administrators and Senior Managers an option to add additional data fields. With the use of Custom fields, Admins and Senior Managers can create, store and manage organization-specific data fields for users. Find more useful info on Custom fields in the Teams & People section description. | |
Organization Administrators can add their organization logo in the Branding section. Any changes to the organization logo will change on the Login page and the top of the Side menu. Note that the logo background can be toggled from light to dark mode. | |
Modules enable the Administrators to turn on/off modules like Weekly Status, Goals, Reviews, Check-ins, and Surveys. This is an option for Administrators who may feel they need to disable some modules. | |
The Pricing subsection enables Administrators to upgrade/downgrade the eLeaP PMP package. Note that the selected package plan determines what modules are available to the users. |
Next, we’ll go into the details of each sub-section.
The General Settings area contains account-wide settings. The left side of the illustration below lists the current settings.
Changes the Interface Language. Additional languages will be deployed soon. The current language is English. | |
Changing the Date Format will impact your entire account. Dates written in text form will remain as is. However, dates in number format will update accordingly. Click the drop-down to select your account date format. | |
Select the dropdown to select your organization’s preferred Default Timezone for the whole system. As the Settings configure the experience of the platform as a whole, the timezone can reflect any changes here. | |
The auto log-out feature is a safety tool to prevent users from staying logged in ad infinitum. Administrators can enter a time limit, and the users will be logged out after the selected minutes of inactivity. The feature can be toggled on and off. |
Custom Fields provide organizations with additional user data fields. Custom fields help organizations store more data on users so that they are not limited to the fields provided by default. For example, when the Administrator adds a ‘Medical ID’ custom field, the new field will appear among the fields in the Add/Edit user modal (see the illustration below). This applies to the other custom fields, ‘Relatives’ and ‘Military Background’ fields. The Administrators can add as many Custom fields as they want.
In addition to having extra fields for user data, Custom fields are used in the custom Smart Assigning feature, which is described in detail in the upcoming section.
When the API service is activated for the organization to use, a new section API appears in the Company Settings. API services enable customers to send a request to an API endpoint, and a response will then be sent back to you.
Firstly, the company Admins have to manually request an API token, which will be used to access the endpoints of the application. To get the API token, simply click on the button.
After clicking the button, the interface changes, and the API token for your organization instantly appears. The blurred area in the screenshot is where the token will appear. Just copy and paste the token, and you’re ready to go. If you fill that the API token you received has been compromised, click on the regenerate it button, and the system will instantly generate a new token.
Detailed instructions on how to use the API service are described in the API Documentation link.
Assigning users to items across the system can become time-consuming, especially if there is a large number of users in your organization. In this situation, the Smart Assigning feature will come to help. Smart Assigning allows company Administrators to assign users to items automatically based on values in their respective Custom fields. Be sure to read more about Custom fields if haven’t done so already. The assigning automation in our system is called Smart Assigning Rules. Let’s start creating our first Smart Assigning Rule.
The first step is to have a couple of users who have the same value in their custom fields. As you can see in the screenshots below, both John and Pablo have the “Yes” value in their “Military Background” custom field.
The Branding sub-tab enables organizations to upload their own logo to customize their PMP instance. Please note that the logo uploaded here will appear on your login page and in the application (top left menu) area. In addition, we provide an option to select your logo background color scheme. Light-colored logos look best on a dark background. Dark logos look best on a light background, so select your background color accordingly. Feel free to reach out to eLeaP if you need help figuring out the best logo options.
The Org Chart tab is located within the Settings section and provides Admins with the tools to customize and manage their organization's hierarchy.
A button labeled is available at the top-right corner of the page, visible only if no hierarchy exists. Clicking this button allows Admins to build and customize their organization’s hierarchy.
If a hierarchy already exists, the button changes to , enabling Admins to remove the entire structure and start fresh if needed. Note that deletion is final and not reversible.
The user at the top of the hierarchy serves as the foundation of the Org Chart and cannot be deleted. |
Each additional user field includes two mandatory fields: Position and Select User. Position: Admins should input the employee's position in the designated field. Select User: Admins can click on this field, which will display the company’s user list. From there, they can search for and select the relevant user for the role. The general user field also includes two buttons: + and -, with the following functionalities: The + button in a user field is activated only after filling out the mandatory fields (Position and Select User). The subordinate is linked to their manager (the user from whom they are created). Each subordinate forms a separate branch, and each branch has its own + and - buttons for further customization. Clicking the button deletes the selected user field while retaining the hierarchy below it. The system automatically shifts the remaining hierarchy up by one layer, if applicable. |
All users added to the same branch are considered linked and equal, representing peers within the hierarchy. |
To prevent accidental data loss during deletions, the system displays a confirmation modal for each deletion. Only after double confirmation will the data be permanently deleted. Additionally, when hovering over buttons or incomplete fields, a hovering message will appear, providing a brief description of the function to ensure clarity.
Want to add a little fun to the platform usage? Gamification adds a game component and a bit of a friendly “competition” inside the organization. As users perform certain activities inside the system, they get rewarded with Gamification points, which can help determine the most active users. Let’s go through the settings to see how we can configure Gamification for your users.
Each organization has its own Gamifications settings, and it can be fully customized to meet the company's needs. | |
Once we turn off the Activate Gamification switch, the whole gamification feature is deactivated for all users. See the trophy icon on the top right disappear when we switch off Activate Gamification.
The Show Leaderboard and Use Badges switches will automatically disappear when we turn off the Gamification feature as they become irrelevant.
Click to see the points that are awarded to the users. On the left, you see the familiar actions that we already discussed throughout the user manual. On the right side, the default points of Gamification are listed. However, those are just recommended amounts of points, so feel free to modify them based on your company’s needs. After any change in points, be sure to Save the changes so that they are applied to each user’s profile. |
opens a preview of badges that are given to users based on their goal completion. The badge awarding works like this:
25% - 50% - Pioneer 50% - 75% - Ninja 75% - 99% - Trailblazer 100% and above - Elite |
Administrators can turn on/off the modules from the Modules section with switcher. In the illustration below, all sections are included in the current Pricing package, which is why they all have the label. Note that each module card has a brief description of its functionality.
If you notice, some module cards have gear icons instead of the switcher. That is because these modules contain additional settings that will need to be set before use. Each organization can customize its module settings.
The General subsection of the Reviews section refers to the overall settings of the Reviews section. | |
In the Reviews general settings, you can activate or deactivate the Reviews module by toggling the switch on or off. When the switch is turned off, the Reviews section will no longer be accessible to users. | |
The Automated Reviews tab, just below the General tab, lets you configure two types of reviews: Individual Anniversary Reviews and Onboarding Reviews. These reviews don’t spring to life immediately. Instead, enabling the toggle button prompts the system to begin generating them at the right time, matching the reviews with the relevant users based on the setup you’ve configured. | |
Individual Anniversary Reviews These reviews mark each employee’s work anniversary by collecting feedback on their performance, growth, and other key areas annually, based on the fields outlined in the attached templates. When you activate the button for this feature, the following configuration fields become available: Review Start Period: Decide how many days before the employee’s anniversary the review process should begin. You can choose from:
Once the chosen period arrives, the review is set to In Progress, allowing reviewers to access and complete their evaluations. | |
Form Templates: Assign specific templates tailored to different relationship groups, such as Peer, Upward, or Downward. Admins can also enable Self-Assessment and attach templates for employees to assess themselves. The system automatically selects the appropriate template based on the relationship between the reviewer and the reviewee, determined by team structures or the organizational chart. | |
Review Answers Visibility: Customize how feedback is shared with reviewees. Options include:
| |
After completing all the required fields for activating the Individual Anniversary Review, simply click the button to finalize the process. Once saved, a success message will appear in the top-right corner of the screen confirming that the review has been successfully activated. This ensures the system will generate and assign the reviews according to the configured settings. | |
After saving, the fields are collapsed under the button. If you wish to view or edit the details later, simply click the button, and the fields will expand, allowing you to make changes or review the settings. | |
Onboarding Reviews The fields for onboarding reviews are similar to those for individual anniversary reviews, with the main difference being the options for the Review Start Period.
| |
The other fields, Form Templates and Review Answers Visibility, offer the same subfields and options as for individual anniversary reviews. As with individual reviews, the Save and Edit processes are handled the same way. Once the settings are saved, you can view or edit the details by clicking the button. When opened, this button will change to under the review type name, giving you the option to collapse the view when you're done. | |
Notification features for automated reviews The review process includes automated notifications to keep everyone informed and on track. Start Date Notification: Automatically sent when the review period begins, notifying reviewers that the review has started and they can now provide their evaluations. Reminder Notification: By default, a reminder is sent 1 day before the review deadline, ensuring reviewers are aware of the approaching deadline. Admins can customize this reminder in the Review section by changing the number of days before the deadline when the notification is sent or even can deactivating the reminder entirely if needed. |
Survey module activation switcher has been moved inside the module settings. | |
Metrics tab of the Surveys settings is where we create new metrics and use them later in Surveys. Metrics enable users to label Rating type fields in Form templates, group them and compare survey data or specific field data to company-wide results. For more details on the complete functionality of Metrics, check the Surveys. | |
Clicking the opens a window, where users need to input simple information on the metric’s name and color. The coloring of the metric will help us easily identify the metric later on when we start using them. | |
We have created some metrics which will find their use in our Surveys. | |
The eNPS tab is for attaching a Form Template for eNPS period which will be used in Surveys section eNPS tab. | |
eNPS creators can enable anonymous survey submissions. When the switch is on, respondents will have the option to while submitting an eNPS survey. | |
| |
| |
In case when the module is inactive you will encounter a relevant message when attempting to enter the Check-ins section. | |
Here the Settings link provided redirects you to the Settings->Modules section, where you can take the necessary actions accordingly. | |
When you deactivate the Google Calendar services toggle, the Google Calendar icon disappears from the Check-ins section. Consequently, all connected accounts are frozen and cannot be used for check-ins. The same logic applies to Outlook Calendar services. However, if a company Administrator reactivates the Google Calendar services or Outlook Calendar services toggles from the settings, the connected accounts will remain available. |
The Billing section consist of three subsections: Invoices, Plan settings and Payment profiles
The Plan Settings subsection includes pricing packages offered in eLeaP PMP.
If you are in the Demo period which is a 30-day free trial, in the Plan settings tab you see the suggested pricing packages for your organization to subscribe to. Before subscribing make sure you have added and activated a payment profile. Each pricing package is designed for companies with different user ranges. For each package, there's a different monthly price for companies with users up to the minimum number included in the selected package, which is also considered the required minimum fee for the chosen pricing package. Additionally, the monthly price calculation varies for companies with more users beyond the included number in the package. Here, to determine your monthly fee, simply multiply the per extra user price by your company's user count in the PMP platform.
Each pricing package card provides essential details about the package, including the package name, minimum monthly price, the number of included users eligible for the minimum monthly price, the range and corresponding price for extra users, allocated disk space, and the availability of tech support.
Administrators can change their pricing package at any time. The table below lists the buttons that you will encounter in this section:
Indicates the current pricing package that the organization is subscribed to now with its essential details. | |
The Upgrade button appears on the pricing packages which are higher than the current pricing package of the organization. | |
The Downgrade button appears on the pricing packages which are lower than the current pricing package of the organization. | |
Downgrading does not occur immediately. When you click on the pricing package downgrade button, the Scheduled for Downgrade button appears on the pricing package, indicating the downgrade request. Downgrading takes effect only at the end of the current period. Until then, you will see the Scheduled for Downgrade button on the pricing package. |
If you have disabled Upgrade/Downgrade buttons with the message you simply need to click on the “Payment profiles” link in the message, or enter to the mentioned tab from the left side to add a profile or if you already have the wished one to activate the card by the toggle. | |
Having an active profile in the Payment profile you can easily upgrade or schedule for downgrade any pricing package you want. | |
In the Invoices subsection, you can access your payment history, which includes the following information: | |
Number: Identifies the generated invoice number. Content: Describes the action taken along with the corresponding amount for each action. Amount: Indicates the total amount for the invoice. Date: Displays the date when the invoice was generated. Status: Indicates whether the invoice has been Paid or requires payment, with the option to manually initiate payment using the Pay Now button. Download: Allows you to download the invoice PDF containing the corresponding information. |
Categories are an easy-to-use feature for simplifying the filtering inside certain sections of eLeaP PMP. Creators of certain items can assign a category to the item and then use the category to group and filter items. Surveys, Check-ins, and Form Templates sections have this feature available.
Note: As Settings is available to Administrators, only Admins can add categories. However, all users can use categories by assigning them to items in the Surveys, Check-ins, and Form Templates sections.
Let’s get started by creating new categories. Click to create your first category.
Add a name for the category in the Category name field. Try to keep them short and descriptive, as categories are going to be displayed on some items. The field is limited to 64 characters. Category color lets you pick a color for the category label. The system suggests some colors, but the users can set any color by inserting a color code. The chosen color is for the category label background. | |
The added category in Settings -> Categories looks like this. The color indicates the background of the label that the users are going to see on platform items. Edit/delete the categories from themenu. | |
Below are examples of how the “Learning” category looks like on Check-ins, Survey, and Form Templates. Check-in Survey Form templates | |
The process of assigning a label to an item is described in detail in Check-ins, Survey, and Form Templates sections, respectively. |
In the Actions Management section there will be found Slack Webhooks, Teams Webhooks and Email Notifications tabs. Webhook URLs are to enable third-party services or custom scripts to push real-time data and notifications into a channel. |
Slack Webhook URL’s should get only the ones who have higher system roles in the Slack system such as Workspace Owner and Workspace Admins. 1. Enter the Slack Workspace | |
| |
The toggle button on the right side allows you to activate or deactivate added webhooks. | |
Furthermore, you can edit or delete webhook actions at any time by clicking on the kebab menu button located on the right side. |
To share messages to the Microsoft Teams channels at first you need to get the channel webhook ULR. Choose the channel where you want to receive notifications. Click on the ellipsis (...) next to the channel name to open the Menu -> Channel -> Connectors. Find and Add Incoming Webhook in the Connectors window, locate the "Incoming Webhook" option and click on it. If you don't see it, you may need to search for it using the search bar. To configure a Webhook you need to click "Add" or "Configure" to set up a new webhook. You'll be prompted to give your webhook a name, upload an image (optional), and select the specific channel you want to post to. Once your webhook is set up, you'll be provided with a unique URL. This URL is what you'll use to send messages to the channel. | |
Copy the URL to use it in PMP for connection. To share messages to the Teams channel using the copied webhook URL start by clicking the "Add a New Webhook" button in PMP Settings-> Actions Management-> Teams Webhook tab. Then, paste the copied URL into the "Webhook URL" field. Finally, choose the action or event you wish to share in the channel and the messages will be sent to the channel at the appropriate time. | |
Role permissions in Microsoft Teams: Team Owners have full control over the team, including adding connectors like webhooks, Team Members can usually add and manage connectors unless restricted by the team owner or administrator. |
In the Actions Management section, there is a tab dedicated to Email Notifications. Here, you can manage your organization's email notifications by activating or deactivating them. Active notifications will be received by company users, while inactive notifications will not be sent. | ||
By checking the "Manage all actions at once" line, all actions will be selected, and upon saving, all actions will be activated. Conversely, unchecking this line will deactivate all actions. Remember to save any changes using the Save changes button, as changes will not be saved otherwise. Additionally, please note that the Cancel button will revert any recent changes you have made. |
The Settings section is available only to Administrators. Users of other roles will not have access to this section.
On the top right of the application, you can access My Profile, Quick Tour, Learning and Log Out. The Quick Tour starts a guide through the system by presenting an easy-to-follow overview of information on the system. We recommend you view the Quick Tour at least once. It's a great way to orient yourself on the system. | |
The first area we see is the user avatar. Every user can add their avatar from the My Profile section. While it is not mandatory, it certainly makes the system work much better. Click on the photo icon near the avatar to upload a photo. To delete the avatar, click the icon. Below the avatar, we display the full name and the role of the user. | |
On the right side of the avatar, we display the email address of the user that is used for logging into the system. | |
The Personal info section includes the full name of the user and their email address. The Middle name field is an optional field. First name and Last name are required fields. | |
Users can change their password from the Account Security section. Users will need their old (current) password to be able to change their password. This is so the system can be sure the user is the legitimate owner of the profile. | |
All users can edit their personal My Profile page.
The Global Search simplifies navigation on the platform. The working principle of the search bar is really simple. We call it Global Search because everything searched here brings up results from the entire platform quickly and seamlessly.
In the example below, we searched for John, and the system brought up every instance that has John’s name mentioned. In addition, the Global Search will bring up results that have John as an assignee. You can also search by email address in Global Search. The search is performed in comments/replies/posts as well. If you want to instantly find a comment or find an item by its comment, just type in a word, and our Global Search will bring up all comments and items that match your search.
Use this powerful tool to surface information quickly and easily.
Notifications are an integral part of our platform’s communication methodology. Most activities in the system generate some kind of notification to the account of the user if they are associated with it. Examples of actions that can trigger notifications include։
We’ve listed the triggers in grouped format, but look for smart notifications to be sent as needed. In some cases, the system sends a summary notification in order not to overwhelm users with notifications. Note that the system also sends email notifications, so there is less chance that important events are missed. All emails include direct links to the platform for easier and quicker access. |