Dr. Kelly Bergstrom

Department of Communication & Media Studies

York University



2024-                Associate Professor

                Social Media & Public Relations, Department of Communication & Media Studies

                Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University

                Graduate Faculty Affiliations: Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture; Graduate
                Program in Science and Technology Studies; Interdisciplinary studies.

2024-                Deputy Director

                Institute for Technoscience and Society (ITS), Organized Research Unit at York University


2023-2024:        Interim Director

                Institute for Technoscience and Society (ITS), Organized Research Unit at York University

2021-2024:        Assistant Professor

Social Media & Public Relations, Department of Communication & Media Studies

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University

2017-2021:        Assistant Professor

Digital Cultures, School of Communications

College of Social Sciences, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

2017:                 MITACS Postdoctoral Researcher

                York University & Big Viking Games, Toronto, Ontario

2015-2017:        Postdoctoral Researcher

                Institute for Research on Digital Learning (IRDL), Organized Research Unit at York University

2015-2017:        Part-time Faculty

                Faculty of Continuing Education and Training, Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology


2016:                 PhD, Language, Culture and Teaching

Faculty of Education, York University

Dissertation: To play or not to play: Non/participation in EVE Online


2009:                 MA, Communication and Culture

Faculty of Communication, University of Calgary

Thesis: Adventuring together: Exploring how romantic couples use MMOs as part of their shared leisure time

2007:                 BA (Honours), Communication

School of Communication, Simon Fraser University

                Thesis: Social capital in MMORPGs: A framework for future studies


2007:                BFA, Visual Art

School for Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University


Peer Reviewed Articles

*graduate student co-author

2023:                Bergstrom, K. and Poor, N. We Have Always Been Social: Comparing Social Expressiveness
                Between Single-Player and Multiplayer Gamers.
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds. 15(3),

2022:                Bergstrom, K. Ignoring the blood on the tracks: Exits and departures from game studies. Critical
                Studies in Media Communication. 39(3), 173-180. Special issue: The Future of Game Studies.

                Bergstrom, K. When a door becomes a window: Using Glassdoor to examine game industry work
Information, Communication and Society. 25(6), 835-850. Special issue: Association of
                Internet Researchers #AoIR2021: Independence.

Bergstrom, K. and Poor, N. Signaling the Intent to Change Online Communities: A Case from a Reddit Gaming Community.  Social Media + Society. 8(2), 1-10.

2021:                Bergstrom, K. What if we were all novices? Making room for inexperience in a game studies
Digital Culture and Education. 13(2), 37-53. Special issue: International Perspectives
                on Digital Games and Inclusion.

Bergstrom, K and Poor, N. Reddit gaming communities during times of transition. Social Media +  Society. 7(2), 1-12.

Bergstrom, K. Anti-Social Social Gaming: Community conflict in a Facebook game. Critical Studies in Media Communication. 38(1), 1-14.

2020:                Bergstrom, K. and Neo, R. Searching for the Stairway to Heaven: Information seeking about an
                illegal hiking trail in Hawai‘i.
Leisure Studies. 39(5), 751-764.

Bergstrom, K. Destruction as deviant leisure in EVE Online. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 13(1), 1-10.

2019:                Bergstrom, K. Moving Beyond Churn: Barriers and constraints to playing a social network game.
Games and Culture, 14(2), 170–189. Special issue: Casual Games

Bergstrom, K. Temporary Break or Permanent Departure? Rethinking what it means to quit EVE Online. Games and Culture, 14(3), 276–296.

Bergstrom, K. EVE Online is not for everyone: Exceptionalism in online gaming cultures. Human Technology, 15(3), 304–325.  Special issue: Games and play at the margins: Between visibilities and invisibilities

Bergstrom, K. Barriers to Play: Accounting for non-participation in digital game play. Feminist Media Studies, 19(6), 841–857.

2017:                 Bergstrom, K., Jenson, J., de Castell, S. & Taylor, N. Virtually Together: Examining pre-existing
                relationships in MMOG play.
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. 10(2), 1–16.

Bergstrom, K. An Unwelcome Intrusion? Player responses to survey research recruitment on a popular online game forum. Loading… The Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association. 10(16), 15–31.


2016:                Bergstrom, K., Fisher, S., & Jenson, J. Disavowing “That Guy”: Identity construction and
                Massively Multiplayer Online Game Players.
Convergence: The International Journal of
                Research into New Media Technologies. 22(3), 233–249.                                 

2015:                Bergstrom, K., Jenson, J., Hydomako, R., & de Castell, S. The Keys to Success: Supplemental
                measures of player expertise in Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Journal of Gaming &
                Virtual Worlds. 7(1), 101–121.

Taylor, N., Bergstrom, K., Jenson, J., & de Castell, S. Alienated Playbour: Relations of production in EVE Online. Games and Culture. 10(4), 365–388.

2011:                Bergstrom, K. Don’t Feed the Troll: Shutting down debate about community expectations on
First Monday. 16(8). Online.

Peer Reviewed Pedagogy-Focused Writing:

*graduate student co-author

2022:                *Tran, C. & Bergstrom, K. How to Incorporate Feminist & Postcolonial Perspectives in Games
                Research. In
SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online.

2021:                Bergstrom, K. Who is playing Pokémon Go? An observational activity. Communication Teacher.
35(2), 93-97.

Edited Books

2016:                Carter, M., Bergstrom, K., & Woodford, D. (eds.) Internet Spaceships are Serious Business: An
                EVE Online Reader.
 Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Book Chapters

2022:                Bergstrom, K. EVE Online. In, B. Perron, K. Boudreau, M. J. P. Wolf, & D. Arsenault (Eds.),
Fifty Key Video Games (pp. 93-98). New York: Routledge.

2019:                Bergstrom, K. EVE Online: Cheating. In M. T. Payne & N. Huntemann (Eds.), How to Play Video
  (pp. 301-308). New York: NYU Press.

2016:                Bergstrom, K. Everything I know about this game suggests I should avoid it at all costs:
                Non-player perceptions about EVE Online. In Y. Kafai, B. Tynes, & G. Richard (Eds.),
Diversifying Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Race and Gender in Gaming (pp.
                118-132). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings (Full Papers)

2021:        Bergstrom, K. and Sherman, J. Who stays in the game? Similarities and Differences Between Current and Former Digital Games Players. In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

2018:        Bergstrom, K., Flynn-Jones, E., Jenson, J. & Hebert, C. Videogame walkthroughs in educational settings: Challenges, successes and suggestions for future use. In Proceedings of the 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 

2017:        de Castell, S., Jenson, J., Flynn-Jones, E., & Bergstrom, K. Learning Links: A study of narrative learning through games with The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 

2016:        Bergstrom, K., de Castell, S., & Jenson, J. Digital Detritus: What can we learn from abandoned Massively Multiplayer Online Game avatars? In Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG. 

2015:        Carter, M., Bergstrom, K., Webber, N., & Milik, O. EVE is Real. In Proceedings of the Digital Games Research Association 2015 Conference: Diversity of Play. 

2013:        Bergstrom, K., Carter, M., Woodford, D., & Paul, C. Constructing the Ideal EVE Online Player. In Proceedings of Digital Games Research Association 2013 Conference: DeFragging Game Studies. 

2012:        Bergstrom, K., Jenson, J., & de Castell, S. What’s ‘Choice’ Got to Do With It? Avatar selection differences between novice and expert players of World of Warcraft and Rift. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 97-104.

2011:        Bergstrom, K., McArthur, V., Jenson, J., & Peyton, T. All in a Day’s Work: A study of World of Warcraft NPCs comparing gender across professions. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games (Sandbox '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 31-35.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings (Extended Abstracts)

2021:                Bergstrom, K. What Is Behind The (Glass) Door? Examining Toxic Workplace Cultures Via An
                Employment Review Site.
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2021.

2020:                Halavais, A., Massanari, A., Bergstrom, K., & Poor, N. Reddit’s Communities &        
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research2020.

2018:                Bergstrom, K. What can ‘Why I Left BuzzFeed’ vlogs teach us about invisible labour? In AoIR
                Selected Papers of Internet Research 19.0.

2016:                Bergstrom, K. “You don’t ever stop playing EVE Online, you just take a break”:  Rethinking what
                it means to quit a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. In
Proceedings of the 1st International
                Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG.

2015:                Bergstrom, K. Feminism is for angry white women: Exploring images of feminism on
                Reddit.com. In
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 16.0.

2013:                Bergstrom, K. EVE Online Newbie Guides: Helpful Information or Gatekeeping Mechanisms at
                Work? In
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 14.0.

Jenson, J., Bergstrom, K., & de Castell, S. Playing ‘for Real’: A Lab-Based Study of MMOGs. In AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 14.0.

Carter, M., Woodford, D., & Bergstrom, K. Internet Spaceships are Serious Business: EVE Online
Workshop Introduction. In
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG ’13).

2012:                 Bergstrom, K. Virtual Inequality: A woman’s place in cyberspace. In Proceedings of the
                International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG '12). ACM, New York, NY,
                USA, 267-269.         

Research Reports and White Papers

2017:        Single author. “User Behaviour in Social Networking Games: Why do players quit?” Final research report submitted to MITACS and Big Viking Games after completion of Accelerate Postdoctoral Internship

2016:                Contributing author. “Notoriously Toxic: Understanding the language and cost of hate and
                harassment in online games”, White paper submitted to the National Endowment for the

2012:                Primary author. “EVE Online Observational Study”, Literature review and research report
                prepared for the Stanford Research Institute

2012:                Contributing author. “Co-Situated MMOG Play by Romantic Couples”, Literature review and
                research report prepared for the Stanford Research Institute.

Invited Contributions

2016:                Carter, M., Bergstrom, K., Webber, N., & Milik, O. EVE is Real: How conceptions of the ‘real’
                affect and reflect an online game community.
Well Played: A Journal on Video games, Value and
                Meaning. 5(2), 5-33.

2012:                Bergstrom, K. What Can Advice Animals Teach Us About Feminism? Fembot: Gender, New
                Media & Technology

2019:                Bergstrom, K. Introducing Surveylady: A case for the use of avatars in game studies research.
Stream: Culture/Politics/Technology 2(1) 18–22.

2007:                Bergstrom, K. Conducting Research Through MMORPGs.  The Digest. Issue 18.


York University (Graduate Courses)

STS 5010        Thesis Research and Writing Lab

STS 6006        Digital Technoscience

CMCT 6911        Directed Readings

York University (Undergraduate Courses)

CMDS 1630        Video Gaming and Society

CMDS 2150        Introduction to Research Methods in Communication & Media Studies

CMDS 2500        Information and Technology

CMDS 3550        Digital Media and Culture

CMDS 3551        Advanced Issues in Digital Media and Culture

CMDS 4206        NetWork: Digital Labour, Profit, and Exploitation

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Graduate Courses)

COM 633        Information and Communication Technologies

COM 691        Communication Topics: Games, Culture & Society

COM 699        Directed Readings/Research (MA)

COM 700        Thesis (MA)

CIS 699        Directed Readings/Research (PhD)

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Undergraduate Courses)

COM 201        Introduction to Communication

COM 355        Digital Cultures

COM 401        Inquiry Methods in Communication

COM 479        ICT & Policy Capstone

COM 499        Directed Readings/Research (BA)

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology (Undergraduate Courses)

INC 300        Social Media and Professional Identity