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Privacy Policy for "Pandoo - Bangla Learning is Fun"
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Privacy Policy for

"Pandoo - Bangla Learning is Fun"

1. Introduction

Welcome to "Pandoo - Bangla Learning is Fun," an innovative app crafted with love by mPower Social Enterprises Ltd. in collaboration with Tinkers Technologies Ltd. mPower is the developer and publisher of this app where Tinkers provides the curriculum and content for learning materials inside the app. Your trust is of paramount importance to us. We are committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of your personal data. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect, or handle your personal data.

2. Acceptance of Privacy Policy

By using our app, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of the policy, please refrain from using the app.

3. Information Collection and Usage

We may collect personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your name and email address. We use this data primarily to provide and enhance the service you receive.

While creating a user account, we also collect the Date of Birth, City, and Phone Number.

The date of Birth is collected to specially wish the user on his/her birthday. This allows us to make their experience more personalized. The user gets special greetings notifications on birthdays. Also, the user gets special stages and achievements to play.

The city is collected to understand the demography of the people learning Bangla. This also allows us to provide personalized greetings and content for any celebration or events specific to that city.  For example, users from Dhaka will get exceptional content for Sakrain, while someone from Sydney will get content for The Australian Heritage Festival. Understanding user demography is crucial for us to develop a better curriculum for content that is more localized and personalized.

We collect the Phone Number as an extra layer of verification after the Name and Email address.

Third-party Integrations:

Our app integrates services and libraries from third parties, which might gather data to better their offerings:

Their respective privacy policies dictate each third-party service provider's use of your personal information.

4. Log Data

To enhance your user experience and rectify errors, our app may log data from your device. This data could include your IP address, device name, operating system, app configurations, and other statistics.

5. Cookies

While our app does not explicitly use cookies, third-party services we incorporate might. Cookies help them understand user preferences based on past or current app activity, enabling them to provide improved services. You can either accept or decline cookies on your device.

6. Service Providers

Occasionally, we may employ third-party firms and individuals to:

These third parties have access to your personal data but are strictly to perform the tasks assigned to them. They are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your information.

7. Security

Your personal information's safety is our priority. We adopt robust measures to ensure its security. However, no method is infallible, and we cannot vouch for its absolute security.

8. Links to Other Sites

Our service might have links to sites not managed by us. If you tap on a third-party link, you'll be directed to that site. We recommend reviewing their Privacy Policy. We bear no responsibility for any third-party content, policies, or actions.

9. Children’s Privacy

We strictly follow the international standard for children's privacy protection. We do not wittingly gather personal data from children. Should we ascertain such data has been collected, we act promptly to remove it from our servers.

10. Policy Updates

Our Privacy Policy might be reviewed and updated periodically. It's prudent to review this page for any changes. Any alterations become active upon posting on this page.

11. Effective Date

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 2023-10-10.

12. Get in Touch

For any queries or feedback about our Privacy Policy, please contact:

mPower Social Enterprises Ltd.  [Email:]

In association with: Tinkers Technologies Ltd. [Email:]

Your trust and privacy are pivotal to us. Thank you for choosing "Pandoo - Bangla Learning is Fun!"