
WAVES: 2020-1-CZ01-KA229-078254

20th - 24th September 2021

2nd mobility in Martin, Slovakia

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Monday 20th September 2021

The first day of our meeting in Slovakia was full of new experiences. The day began with breakfast at 8 am and then at 9 am we all left by bus for a guided tour of the sewage plant of Turiec, where we learned more about the machinery and the process of getting clean water. After that we visited Turcianske Jaseno, a village with a church and  Ján Jessenius museum, where with the help of the city's mayor we learned new information about the city's history. We also learned about the history of the Jessenius family and its importance to the history of Slovakia. For example, Ján Jessenius performed the first ever public autopsy of the human body in 1600. Afterwards, we travelled by bus to the Gader valley for a short hike, where we visited the ruins of the Blatnica castle, we also stopped for a viewpoint of Turiec region. We took some photos and then we went back to the hotel for lunch at about 2 pm. We had broth and cooked chicken with rice. After lunch, the slovakian students prepared a city game for us, in which we walked around the city Martin, and learned about its history and culture. What we did for the rest of the day was up to us. Some of us went shopping and for dinner to the OC Galéria Martin, while the rest of us stayed at the hotel and rested after a full day of activities.

Tuesday 21st September 2021

Our day started at 7 am with breakfast. Bus was waiting for us at 8 am.

First of all we went for a hiking trip to see some beautiful Slovakian mountains and a Harmanecká cave. The way to the cave was pretty tiring but the views were worth it. In the cave we had a tour with a guide for about 1 hour. After this we went to the Spa & Aquapark Turčianske Teplice to take some rest. We relaxed in the hot tub and had fun on slides. We went back to the hotel at 4pm for lunch, we had chicken with rice. After that we had free time to go shopping or spend some time together. Some of us also went to explore the beautiful village Jazernica. We had a lot of fun during this day.

Wednesday 22nd September 2021

We started the third day in this city with breakfast. The bus was waiting for us in front of the hotel, ready to go on another trip. We went in the direction of Strečno to visit the ancient castle and village. At the castle we saw lots of interesting things like paintings, a mini-version of the actual castle in different time periods, famous paintings and the most famous owner of that castel. We also saw an amazing view of Strečno village and the mountains. Then after visiting the castle we went to the čičmany village, we saw the old beautifully decorated houses and how the people lived and what tools they used back in the day. After a long day of exploring these sights, we went back to the hotel to eat lunch. When we finished eating and relaxing for a bit, we went to explore the city a bit and to buy souvenirs in the Gallery shopping center.

Thursday 23rd September 2021

That day, we began the day with a trip to the mountains. The weather was ideal for going on a hike. We went on a hike, admiring the vegetation, fauna and breathing in the pure woodland air. A couple of us carried rubbish bags and together we collected the trash from our surroundings as a group. After a time of walking, we arrived at the Šútovo waterfall. We took a little break, took some photos together and enjoyed the breathtaking view. Hiking was pretty good, and also a bit tiring but an exciting journey. The last destination of our journey was the Trusalová mountain resort, where our teachers prepared a surprise for us, it was a ride on horses. It was entertaining and we felt like real cowboys. We also met a cat that we named Gregory. He was so charming. After that long day, we had lunch in the hotel and we had free time. Although that day was pretty tiring, we were satisfied and happy to have some memories

FRIDAY 24th September 2021

Our last day started in our friends' school, Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho-Tótha in Martin where we summed up the entire working week. We tried Slovak, Czech, Romanian and Polish national sweets and spent a good time in the presentation room. The Slovak team prepared a lovely presentation about the Turiec region and Slovakia as a country. We learned some new interesting information and got the chance to explore more of the beauty of Slovakia.

We had a look around the school, filled in a questionnaire and completed the Newsletter.