Letter from Orchestra Director to Orchestra Parents

Why Does Our Concert Orchestra Participate in Our State Music Association's Large Group Performance Evaluation



Dear Orchestra Parents,

I wanted to take a moment to explain to you why our concert orchestra participates in our state's music association's Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) each year.

LGPE is an opportunity for our orchestra to perform in front of experienced adjudicators who are experts in the field of music education and concert orchestra performance. These adjudicators provide feedback and critiques that are valuable to our students' growth as musicians as well as our overall orchestra program.

Additionally, participating in LGPE allows our students to be assessed by an objective third party, which helps to motivate and challenge them to improve their skills and reach their full potential.

Participating in LGPE also gives our orchestra the opportunity to hear other groups perform, which can be inspiring and educational for our students. It is a chance for them to see what other groups are doing well and what areas we as a concert orchestra may want to work on in the future.

Finally, LGPE is a chance for our orchestra to showcase all of the hard work and dedication that our students and staff put in throughout the year. It is a great feeling to know that we are representing our school and community on a statewide level.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify why we choose to participate in LGPE each year. As always, thank you for your continued support of our orchestra program and I hope you will be in the audience at our LGPE performance.
