Geography of India
Broad Descriptive and Analytical Questions
- Divide India into major physiographic regions. Explain the origin ang geomorphology of the gangetic plain. 2+4+4
- Describe the tectonic provinces of India. 5
- What are the major stratigraphic provinces of India? 5
- Identify major geological provinces of India. 10
- Write a brief note on the geological history of India. 10
- Write short notes on following:
- Archaean rock system
- Dharwar system
- Puranas rock system
- Cuddapah and vindhyan system
- Aryan rock system
- Ice ages of India
- Bengal basin
- Garo-Rajmahal gap/ Malda Gap
- Tectonic history of India
- Syntaxial bend
- Significance to Himalayas
- Tectonic foredeep
- Deccan trap
- Karewa
- Purbachal
- What are terai, bhabar, bhangar and khadar?
- Briefly describe the geological and physiographic characteristics of Himalayas 10
- Describe the tectonic and physiographic characteristics of peninsular plateau. 10
- Comment on the origin of Himalayas
- Define monsoon. Describe the characteristics of monsoon climate of India. 10
- Comment on the monsoon rainfall over India during June to September. What do you mean by onset of monsoon and burst of monsoon? 5+2+3
- Classify India into major climatic zones. 5
- What is antecedent drainage? How does peninsular drainage differ from Himalayan drainage system? 2+3
- Briefly describe the flow characteristics of Brahmaputra river. 5
- Mention the extent and major causes of forest depletion in India. Highlight the measures taken by the government to conserve its forest resources. 3+4+3
- classify Indian forests. 10
- Indian plain is a tectonic force deep filled up with a thick layer of sediments- explain. 5
- Identify major soils of India and their distribution. 10
- What do you mean by the Green Revolution? Describe the causes of the green revolution in India. 10
- Classify India into agricultural regions. 10
- What are the major consequences of the green revolution in Indian agriculture? 5
- Give an account of the reserve and production of mineral resources of India. 10
- Locate the regions of tertiary and gondwana coal fields of India. 10
- What are the major iron ore producing centres of India? 5
- Give an account of the power resources of India. 10
- Describe the mail major petroleum producing centre of India. 5
- Give an account of the production and regional distribution of natural gas in India. 10
- What do you mean by automobile industry? Give an account of growth and change of location over time. 2+8
- Give an account of the growth and changes of location of the electronics industry in India. 10
- Provide 9fold classification of workers as per census 1991. 5
- Define globalisation and liberalisation. 5
- Describe the major areas where liberalisation and globalisation affect Indian agriculture. 2+2+6
- What modernisations took place in Indian agriculture? 5
- Comment on the origin and growth of the information technology industry in India? 10
- What are the major IT hubs of India? 5
- Describe the schemes of regionalisation and physiographic divisions of India by R L Singh. 10
- What do you mean by socio -cultural region of Sopher? 10
- Give an account of the economic regions of India by sengupta. 10
- Comment on the contemporary issues in the population of India with special reference to illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. 10
- What do you think about poverty and malnutrition as major population problems of India? 10