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Pilkinton's Health Syllabus 23/24
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Secondary Course Syllabus

Building: Sterling Junior High School

Course Title: Health 9                                                  Teacher: Lisa Pilkinton

Email:                        Phone:  (509) 888-2543

Course Description:

Family Health is a required 9th grade class designed to help students analyze factors that influence health across the lifespan. This class will provide fundamentals/skills needed to manage personal choices, live a healthy lifestyle, practice leadership skills, and plan for the future. Students will learn to access valid health information, services, and products. This class stresses the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and the effect it can have on everyday life and overall wellness.

This class will utilize and will focus on hands-on activities, lectures, project-based learning, group discussion, videos, guest speakers, and the use of technology. Students will work independently as well as part of a small group to complete assignments.

Textbooks and Instructional Materials:  

There are a variety of instructional materials that support learning in this course. The primary textbook is Pearson Health which is integrated in this course through a variety of supplemental digital media resources. *Students are expected to bring a charged chromebook, paper and pencil to class each day.  


Students achieve their grade in a standards based grading system.  Grades are maintained within the Eastmont School District Student Information System.  The secure student information system including the gradebook for this course, are accessible to students and parents 24/7/365 through the student and parent portal via our website at

Grades are based on the following percentages and points for GPA calculations:

4.0 = 93-100 A

3.3 = 87-89 B+

2.3 = 77-79 C+

1.3 = 67-69 D+

3.7 = 90-92   A-

3.0 = 83-86 B

2.0 = 73-76 C

1.0= 60-66  D

2.7 = 80-82 B-

1.7 = 70-72 C-

0 = 50-59      F

Accommodations and/or modifications:  

Appropriate accommodations and/or modifications will be provided for students with documented disabilities.  Accommodations and modifications are types of adaptations that are made to the environment, curriculum, instruction, or assessment practices in order for students with disabilities to be successful learners and actively participate with other students in the general education classroom or in school-wide activities. Specific accommodations and modifications are determined by the student’s Section 504 team or Individual Education Program team.  If a student with a documented disability is eligible to receive accommodations and/or modifications their special education case manager will contact me within the first two weeks of class and provide me with explicit directions and/or resources to implement the accommodations and/or modifications that are included on the student’s Section 504 plan or Individual Education Program.  Communication with me is essential to the successful completion of course expectations and the implementation of accommodations and/or modifications.

Attendance, Behavior, and Performance Expectations:  

Student success is dependent upon respecting and following the rules of conduct outlined in Board Policy #3241 and described in the student handbook.  Both are available on the website at

Make-up Work:  

Eastmont School District Policy and Procedures #3122 for excused absences and make-up work apply to this course.  Specifically, “If an absence is excused, the student will be permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits…”  All the activities and learning opportunities for this course are expected to be completed.  Absences, whether excused or unexcused, cause gaps in learning.  

Clubs, Activities, and Leadership opportunities:

FCCLA - Family Career Community Leaders of America

Cell Phone Policy: 

Eastmont School District Policy and Procedures are followed. Students will be expected to keep their phones in a locked box in the classroom during class time.  Students will be allowed to check their phones between class time, before and after school and during lunch time.    

Course Plan:

Unit 1: Emotional and Mental Wellness:

Unit 2: Physical Wellness:

Unit 3: Diseases Prevention:

Unit 4: Alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention:

Unit 5: Nutrition:

Unit 6: First Aid:

Health 9 Syllabus Signature Page

Scan this QR code for more information on the reproductive health unit we will cover in this class.   The unit takes approximately 10 days of class time.  If you choose to have your student opt-out, they will be placed in the library for study hall during our class period.

_____I choose to opt my child out of the reproductive health unit

_____I do not wish to opt my child out of the reproductive health unit

If there are any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.  Email is the preferred method of communication, as I will have access at all times throughout the school day. My email address is

Student Name Printed: _________________________________________

Student Signature: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name Printed: ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________
