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June 2024 Newsletter
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Volume XLIX

Number 9

June 2024



Table of Contents

(Note: links might not work if you are reading this on your phone)

President's Column

This shirt will never be the same

Editor's Corner


2024 Summer Track

Membership Corner

@ The Races

May Business Meeting Minutes – May 14, 2024

Assorted Member Musings

Godiva Weekly Runs

President's Column

by Patrick Gale

This shirt will never be the same

Five miles and many obstacles later, my Godiva t-shirt, once white, was now a clay brown. I conquered Colossus (obstacle in photo above) last year at Savage Race. This year I scaled it twice. At my first Savage Race about a decade ago I probably spent 30 minutes trying to get over this obstacle but could not mentally get my head into the game and my arms were completely spent since it was the last obstacle on the course.

My approach to life’s obstacles have changed over the years. Much of my decision making is based on my health, both mentally and physically. I will challenge myself, but always with an air of caution. I gave up extreme distance running because my knees were telling me I needed to make some adjustments. I had spent years correcting my running form only to find I was ignoring something crucial. Strength training.

A year and a half ago I revisited a workout program I had purchased online in 2020 which focused on calisthenics, and at the same time switched to an all plant based diet. My new goal was to get my knees trained for the pistol squat to improve my leg/glute strength, and try to fix my cholesterol levels. Due to the calisthenics schedule and intensity of the program I was forced to all but stop my weekly runs to prevent burnout. But a year into the program I felt my progress was lacking something even though I had lost 10 lbs and I was still struggling with basic push-ups. What the heck was I missing? Vitamin B-12 apparently.

In late 2023 after I told my doctor that I had switched to an all plant-based diet, it was suggested that I have different panels run on my blood due to my change in diet. Sure enough I had put myself in a state of anemia. My red blood cells had increased in size and it was suggested I take methylated B-12 to correct the anemia. Something that might take a month or so to resolve.

Like many lessons in life I have learned the hard way, such as repeated dehydration can help form large kidney stones, I had no clue about vitamin B-12 (much less methyl B-12) and how crucial it apparently is in keeping things running properly in your body. Seven months later (now) I am feeling great. My mental state is in a good place and my calisthenics progress is improving after adding methyl B-12 and methyl folate to my diet. The goal of being able to someday do a clean pistol squat seems within reach and my knees feel much better at doing the things that were impossible to me just over a year ago.

I gave up a good deal to get to this point. Probably a decade ago it began with swearing off all-you-can-eat buffet meals, because I had no off-button to stop eating (until I felt sick) and I wanted to get my money’s worth (which is contradictory in so many ways). Next I swore off fast food, because my blood pressure couldn’t take all the salt in the food, and the food was engineered to make me crave it. It’s sort of like alcoholism for me, only with food (foodism?), so if I don’t cut things out all together then I will eat a whole bag of chips in one sitting and keep going. Giving up something cold turkey is easier than saying, I will only eat or drink this occasionally, at least for me. Slowly over the years I pulled things from my diet that I saw no benefit in consuming either from a financial or health standpoint. I had no interest in spending money later down the road to correct my bad habits with pills or suffering from some illness like diabetes that literally caused my family members' feet to fall off from gangrene. I definitely do not want to lose my feet or be so sick healthwise that I cannot enjoy a run or do a handstand. Handstands, even against a wall, will earn you ‘coolness’ points from kids and adults.

So what is my secret to success? I don’t know. Maybe exploring new challenges. Taking on more volunteer roles than is reasonable. Or maybe I’m simply flying blind across a muddy pond of water, hoping I make it out safely on the other side.

Email me at 

Editor's Corner

by Patrick Gale

If you have experienced any technical difficulties with, or have suggestions and corrections for the newsletter, let me know. Feel free to submit run reports, random musings, and your must-do races to us at

Sincerely - Patrick Gale


2024 Summer Track

by Patrick Gale

Godiva’s popular Summer Track Series will return to Durham Academy for 2024. Meets take place on Wednesday nights with our first meet on May 22nd. Each week we alternate between long and short distance nights. The season will end on July 24th and there will be no track meet the week of July 3rd.

  • All meets begin at 7:00 PM sharp, rain or shine
  • $5 donation appreciated for each meet
  • No registration required, just show up and run/walk what you want
  • No track experience required (we have runners young and old joining us)
  • No club membership required
  • One lap around the track is 400 meters

The track is located behind Durham Academy Upper School.

Long Distance Night Events

  • 1609m (mile) (3 heats - waterfall start)
  1. Heat 1 -- All paces – finishing in 7:30 minutes or longer
  2. Heat 2 -- Intermediate pace – finishing between 6:00-7:30 minutes
  3. Heat 3 -- Fast pace – finishing in 6:00 minutes or less
  • 200m (lanes 1-5, self-seeded – younger runners and slower runners go first)
  • 1609m (mile) Race Walk (1 heat - waterfall start)
  • 800m (3 heats - waterfall start)
  1. Heat 1 -- All paces – finishing in 3:30 minutes or longer
  2. Heat 2 -- Intermediate pace – finishing in 2:45-3:30 minutes
  3. Heat 3 -- Fast pace – finishing in 2:45 minutes or less
  • 5km(1 heat - 12.5 laps - waterfall start)

Short Distance Night Events

  • 1500m (3 heats - waterfall start)
  1. Heat 1 -- All paces – finishing in 7:00 minutes or more
  2. Heat 2 -- Intermediate pace – finishing between 5:30-7:00 minutes
  3. Heat 3 -- Fast pace – finishing in 5:30 minutes or less
  • 100m (lanes 1-5, Self-seeded – younger runners and slower runners go first)
  • 1500m Race Walk (1 heat - waterfall start)
  • 400m (lanes 1-5, self-seeded – younger runners and slower runners go first)
  • 3km (1 heat - 7.5 laps - waterfall start)

Add the 2024 summer track season to your calendar

Or view the calendar online at:

Membership Corner

by Julie Messina 

New members

Andy Kline

Membership Anniversaries (five year anniversaries)

15 years

Kim Chapman Page

10 years

Tina Clossick

Graduating to a new age group (Happy birthday!)

Doug Gimlin

Amy Oldenburg

Want to include something in next month’s Membership Corner? Send notes to me, Julie, at

@ The Races

by Kevin McCabe

Check out all the results below. If you don't see your results in the table, send us your results!







Orange County Senior Games 100m

Hillsborough, NC


John Intintolo


1st M 60-64

Orange County Senior Games 1500m

Hillsborough, NC


Martha Klopfer


1st F 85-89

Orange County Senior Games 200m

Hillsborough, NC


John Intintolo


1st M 60-64

Orange County Senior Games 200m

Hillsborough, NC


Jay Smith


1st M 75-79

Orange County Senior Games 400m

Hillsborough, NC


Jay Smith


1st M 75-79

Orange County Senior Games 400m

Hillsborough, NC


John Intintolo


1st M 60-64

Orange County Senior Games 400m

Hillsborough, NC


Martha Klopfer


1st F 85-89

Orange County Senior Games 50m

Hillsborough, NC


John Intintolo


1st M 60-64

Orange County Senior Games 800m

Hillsborough, NC


Martha Klopfer


1st F 85-89

Escape Belle Island 5km

Richmond, VA


Kevin Rumsey


3rd O/M

Rocky Mount Mills 5K

Rocky Mount, NC


Allen Baddour


2nd O/M

Rocky Mount Mills 5K

Rocky Mount, NC


Hana Baskin


1st O/F

Zen Squirrel Trail Race 10mi

Briar Chapel, NC


Brian Tajlili


1st M 40-49

Zen Squirrel Trail Race 5mi

Briar Chapel, NC


Craig Henley


2nd O/M

Zen Squirrel Trail Race 5mi

Briar Chapel, NC


Laura DeWald


Flying Pig Marathon

Cincinnati, OH


Kelsey Fidler


Flying Pig Half Marathon

Cincinnati, OH


Brayden Fidler


Toronto Half Marathon

Toronto, QC


Gary Franks


1st M 50-54

White Mountains Marathon

Conway, NH


Kim Manturuk


White Mountains Marathon

Conway, NH


Tristan Manturuk


White Mountains Marathon

Conway, NH


Peter Hessling


Fast and the Furriest 5km

Hillsborough, NC


Jim Clabuesch


2nd O/M

Fast and the Furriest 5km

Hillsborough, NC


Corrine McCarthy


2nd O/F

Fast and the Furriest 5km

Hillsborough, NC


Tom Arnel


Sporting Life 10km

Toronto, QC


Gary Franks


Vineyard Run @ Grove Trail 5km

Gibsonville, NC


Kevin Rumsey


3rd O/M

Cruel Jewel 100mi

Blairsville, GA


Kevin McCabe


Cedar Rock Trail 10km

Burlington, NC


Kellie Bossert


1st F 40-49

Highball to Thurmond 50 mi

Thurmond, WV


Richie Kesseli


1st M <40

Strawberry Jam Half Marathon

Bryson City, NC


Brendan Murray


2nd O/M

NCRC Classic 10km

Cary, NC


Anthony Corriveau


2nd M/M

NCRC Classic 10km

Cary, NC


Shannon Johnstone


2nd M/F

NCRC Classic Half Marathon

Cary, NC


Rees Stiles


1st M 70-79


> View past results for @ The Races

May Business Meeting Minutes – May 14, 2024

by Patrick Gale

The Board met at Tobacco Wood Brewing - Durham for the May Board Meeting, led by President Patrick Gale. Attended by Ethan Caldwell (Treasurer), Ben Barker (Secretary), Julie Messina (Membership), Patrick Bruer (Webmaster) and Andy Snipes (co-Haberdashers)

Patrick Gale called the meeting to order at 7:10pm by welcoming Ethan to the Board.

Ethan led off with financial reports. April financial activity showed a deficit, as revenues were quiet and Godiva paid some larger expenses. The Wake County EMS invoice for March’s Umstead Trail Marathon was paid. The Spring Banquet’s meeting hall rental was prepaid, as was the track rental for the entirety of the Summer Track Series. Despite the April deficit, the fiscal year’s 10 months to date show a surplus. The club remains in sound financial condition.

Summer Track planning is in place for the May 22 start. We will once again run at Durham Academy – Upper Campus for Summer 2024. The series will be split into two halves, with a one-week break on July 3rd. As noted, the entire series’ track rental has been paid. Ethan suggested Godiva could explore investing some of its savings in a local track’s renovations in exchange for our Summer Track needs and eliminating the rent expense.

Patrick Gale said he would begin a search for a Vice President for the remainder of 2024. As for the VP’s responsibilities, the Spring Banquet planning is complete, so our VP would only have Winter Series planning to oversee. We will email the club to announce VP Kim Manturuk’s resignation and our open VP position, while also announcing the start of Summer Track.

Spring Banquet will be held May 18th and we have over 50 members pre-registered to attend. We have reserved and paid rent for the New Hope Improvement Association Community Center. Food will be provided by Med Deli. In Kim’s absence, Julie is handling the final details of planning, including lining up presenters for all the award categories. There is also some swag to raffle off as door prizes. Patrick Bruer reminded that the Banquet will need Godiva’s PA, mics and stands from storage, and he’d be happy to pull those things out. Ethan volunteered to bring sodas, ice and cups, as these aren’t provided by Med Deli or the banquet facilities.

Julie guided a Membership discussion. Since March 12th, Godiva has had fifteen membership renewals but no new members. Are we concerned with these numbers at all? What can we do to invite prospective new members into Godiva? What should we be doing to offer more to our current membership? Ethan suggested the idea of a ‘Social Run’ in the form of a road trip to a regional race, for which Godiva could subsidize race entry fees or van rental or other costs. Julie offered to coordinate Godiva group outings at local runs, such as weekly brewery runs, and wear our Godiva swag for club visibility. We also should revisit Godiva having a visible presence, with our tent and flags, at the Triangle’s local races.

Patrick Bruer reminded the Board that 2025 will be Godiva’s 50th anniversary. We need to be thinking in advance about any plans to celebrate that.

Patrick Gale asked the Board if we need to consider the club’s former practice of having two Vice Presidents. Patrick Bruer cautioned that we had moved away from that when there wasn’t enough workload to justify two VPs. Additionally, Godiva VPs used to serve in the role for three years. Julie suggested the Board hold a summer retreat with a very specific agenda, including constitutional revisions and membership growth planning.

Patrick Bruer updated the Board on his ongoing work with Chris Crowder on plans for the 2024 Cross Country Festival in Oxford, NC. Godiva is hosting the event’s web site in exchange for sponsorship mention. Chris is hoping for a more significant Godiva presence at the 2024 event. Volunteers again, as in 2023, would be wonderful, but also a presence with our tent and flags. Chris has mentioned to Patrick that he has a vendor connection for portable toilets, and he has asked Patrick whether Godiva could use this company for all of its races that require these. The Board will keep this offer in mind.

Patrick Gale closed the meeting at 8:17pm.

Assorted Member Musings

Godiva Weekly Runs


Our club weekly run is on Saturday morning (Umstead State Park). Also track nights on Wednesday during the summer. Please check with the listed run coordinator to confirm details.

Additional information about the club can be found online using the links below: