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The Transformation Girl Show
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“Everyone watching is a contestant!” The Japanese game show host exclaims, “So turn off your tv if you don’t want to play!”

His accent is unmistakable, though he speaks fluent English in a studio that’s clearly in Japan.

You don’t remember tuning to a different channel, halfway through a football game that had you on the edge of your seat.

“Go! Shi! San! Ni! Ichi!!” The audience suddenly shouts, and you’re proud of yourself for recognizing it as a

countdown from five.

You search for the remote as bunny girls start filing on stage, assuming you’d mistakenly changed the channel as you look down.

Didn’t you put the remote right-

“おめでとう、優勝者![Congratulations, winner!]” You suddenly hear several girl’s high pitched squeals around you, and hands pat what feels like stuffed socks under your shirt.

Wait, that wasn’t English- how’d you understand it??

And where are you now?

Why do you feel a breeze across your torso- What’s on your chest??

“カメラに向かって挨拶してください![Say hi to the camera!]” A sweet voice above you says, belonging to the owner of one of the hands now pointing forward.

You look up to where she points, still extremely confused as you suddenly see a crowd full of people.

You’re on that Japanese game show!!

You brace your teeth as the realization dawns upon you, and you can hear the other girls around you find out the same thing.

Suddenly the odd tightness below your waist makes sense; you’re wearing nothing but a tight thong, server collar, and bra. Your legs squirm in discomfort, pressing your thighs together and alerting you to the vast emptiness between them.

“Me don’t like…” You meekly say in broken English, all confidence lost as you tread in completely unfamiliar waters.

“リラックスしてください、可愛い人。ステップ 2 までは誰も楽しんでいません…ちなみに私はサクラです! [Relax, sweetie. Nobody ever has fun till step two… I’m Sakura by the way!]” The excited girl purrs into your ear, unleashing a lustful burst of hormones within you as your sensitive body reacts to her sensuality.

Without another word she grabs your hand, and pulls you away to a private room. You have nothing to say as she undresses you, embarrassed to make a feminine sound as you’re stripped down.  

You frown as she silently walks behind you, all hope lost as you pray you’re just in a horrible dream. You spent years sculpting your exquisite male body, making sure to eat healthy always to extend your life. And now what? All a waste, for a frail body in a foreign land. A weak shell of-

Holy shit!!

All your depression instantly clears, a rush of blood making you blush as dainty hands grab your bra-encased bosom. Your tummy flutters as a new feeling trickles between your legs, and you feel a switch connect in your mind as Sakura squeezes your soft boobies with her tiny hands.

“うわあ... [Whoa…]” You trail off, a new sense of calmness washing over you as you let your mouth speak naturally.

“うわー、あなたはすぐに取り入れられる方ですね![Wow, you're a fast adopter!]” The girl giggles, “さあ、トレーニングを始めましょう![Now let’s get you to training!]”

You mindlessly follow Sakura, barely aware of the other several dozen girls doing the same with their own new friend. You all walk down a long hallway, pausing at the door with your friend’s name before walking in.

Sakura drapes material over your lithe body as you enter the room, a silky brown top with just enough space to show off any cleavage you may have. Each step you take makes your chest swing and rub against the shirt, reminding you of the moment when Sakura unlocked your new senses. You grab one of your breasts and squeeze, now wishing your hands were smaller or your boobs were-

“より大きい。[Bigger.]” You state, somehow knowing someone is listening.

Suddenly you hear stretching skin, and your breast inflates in your palm! You can feel the other one grow heavier as a goofy smile crawls across your face, bust filling out as its sensitivity increases exponentially in your hand. The way your plushness now seeps between your fingers arouses you to no end, oozing uncontrollably as you try to get a good grip on your jellowy pillows.

“これには少し時間がかかりますので、座ってリラックスしてください… [This just takes a few moments, so just sit back and relax…]” Your bunny escort chimes in, barely breaking through your lust as you thoughtlessly follow her gesturing hands.

You plop yourself down in a pink gaming chair, smirking as you let your breasts jiggle playfully. Sakura laughs as she places a pair of bunny ears on your head, and turns on the monitor in front of you. A colorful game starts up, and you feel your eyes drawn to it like powerful magnets.

刺激が強すぎて無視できません![It’s too stimulating to ignore!]

You’re helpless to the flashing lights, mouth watering as you pick up the game controller to your side. You can see a red recording light start on the cam stop the monitor, but your jiggling breasts and the fascinating game take up too much of your attention to even think about the camera.

“なぜプレイをやめられないのですか??そして、なぜ私の乳首はこんなに硬くなるのでしょうか?これは何のゲームですか?? [Why can't I stop playing?? And why are my nipples getting so hard? What game is this??]” You giggle, barely able to bring your arms together due to the size of your bust.

The game keeps you occupied as you whimper and giggle, leaving a sticky puddle in your seat as Sakura watches from behind the monitor.

“高得点?[High score?]” You ask curiously when you see the words flash onscreen, “あまりうまくできなかったのですが、どうやってできたのでしょうか?[I didn't do so well, how did I do that?]”

“最も多くの視聴者を獲得したため、メディアでトップの座を獲得しました。[You had the most viewers, so you win top position in media!]” Sakura giggles, hugging you happily as you let her breasts press into yours.

You’re not really sure what she means, but you’re too caught up in the overwhelming sensations and lustful thoughts of your new body. You just laugh along, hopping with Sakura as she celebrates your success.

Suddenly three suited men storm the room, and quickly escort you away from your friend. They push makeup brushes and mascara in your face, overpowering your protest as your feminine instincts take over. Soon you’re pursing your lips for the kind gentlemen, and happily letting them change you into a more formal outfit.

You’re brought to a big news studio, with an odd chair ominously placed behind a large empty desk onstage. The suited men carry you to the stage, and gently place you on the chair as a studio audience cheers through the loudspeakers. Suddenly a teleprompter lights up, with a hypnotizing swirl that puts you in a trance. You stare ahead blankly as your empty mind treads in the deep end, and start reading aloud when words appear on screen.

“国際ニュースによると、ローグウィザードはまだ逃走中であるようです。[In international news, The Rogue Wizard appears to still be on the loose.]” You say in an official tone, “彼の移動能力のため、当局はまだ彼が現れても警告すら出していない。彼の本当の姿はまだ分からないので、常に注意してください。[Due to his transportation ability, authorities have yet to even issue a warning when he appears. We still don’t know his true form, so just be careful always.]”

You continue reading morbid international stories, growing a bit bored as you run through more news. You can’t stop though, stuck in a precarious haze as the spiral teleprompter keeps your mouth talking. You can feel your chair move slightly, but ignore the odd bumps protruding into your supple butt as you read.

“そして、変身ガールショーの優勝者として、私はこのショーのホストになりました![And as grand winner of The Transformation Girl Show, I am now the host of this show!]You say proudly, “私たちはとても楽しい時間を過ごすつもりです、リア- [We're gonna have so much fun, rea-]”

You’re cut off by two hands suddenly appearing from behind, sneaking fingers creeping up the sides of your breasts before slowly wrapping around them.

“ニュースを読みながら... うーん... マッサージされたり、遊んでもらったりしながら... [Reading the... the news while- Mmmmm... While I get massaged and played with…]” You moan, nipples growing hard as the hands tweak them skillfully.

You can feel your seat move a bit more now, and even in your clouded mind you finally realize- You’re sitting in someone’s lap!

There’s nothing you can do though, whimpering and squeaking as the hypnotic spiral keeps you working. Not that you would do anything besides stop helplessly trying to read, your overstimulated body begging for orgasmic relief as the arousal builds. You wanna reach down to assuage the tingling sparks in your womanhood with the delicate fingers on your desk, but they won’t move as the air of professionalism keeps your eyes forward.

“地元ニュースでは、日本チームがIMTで優勝した。ついにオウル共和国を破り、マジシャンズカップを持ち帰った![In local news, Team Japan won the IMT. Finally besting the Republic of Aur, and bringing the Magicians' Cup home!]You cheer proudly, “優勝チームは明日パレードします[The winning team will parade tomo-]”

You’re suddenly cut off by an erotic gasp from your own lips, heart beating faster as your shirt’s opened by the man handling your bust. You’re still compelled to continue though, voice rising several notes as a slutty lisp starts to affect your speech.

“数時間前には雨が降ると予報されていたが、それは――うーん……移動したのは――おおお……ああクソ……」[Rain was forecasted a few hours ago, but that's been- Mmm.... Moved to- Oooo... Oh fuck…]” You moan, nipples hardening in the cool air as your hefty breasts drop.

You can feel the cock below you grind into your panties and split your folds, making you shiver and drool as you try to continue the broadcast.

“犯罪は...ああ、とても良い... [Crime is... Oh, so good…]” You trail off euphorically, mind too overwhelmed by blissful hormones to comprehend any part of your vision.

You can only inhale deeply and squeak, the last vestiges of your masculinity radiating into the ether. You’re nothing but a vessel for pleasure, mind and body perfectly in sync as erotic sensations pour down your torso. The arousal pools in your womanhood, making you lean forward and coo as you’re lifted by the cock below you.

Suddenly you hear something dripping onto the table, making you purr as you watch milk dribble out the little holes in your nipples. You can feel the warm liquid quickly cool, and slowly drop down your brimming breasts as your mammaries are thoroughly massaged.

“それはおいしいです。一口飲んでみてください、痛くないですよ。[It's delicious. Take a sip, it won't hurt.]” You hear from below you, a male voice that makes your stomach flutter with excitement.

You obey his words without a thought, wanting nothing more than to please a man! You grab your tits with both hands, and bring them up past your chin. The sweet taste of breast milk makes your eyes roll back, one of the most delicious drinks you’ve ever had.

You don’t notice being stripped down till you’re totally nude, and giggle as you feel the man’s cock easily penetrate your wet pussy. You suck hard on your boobies, filling your delicate mouth with lactation as your hips are gripped firmly.

You bounce happily as the long shaft fills you, veiny thickness  rubbing into your folds and bringing you to the brink of climax. The warm milk in your mouth is good, but you want nothing more than warm, sticky cum to satiate your core.

“来週も戻ってきて、スタッド 7 が私たちの新しいホストを何回オーガズムに導くことができるかを確認してください。[Return next week to find out just how many times Stud 7 could make our new host orgasm!]” You hear a voice over the loudspeakers, and suddenly all the lights are turned off.

The man below you doesn’t stop though, and you can hear footsteps of horny men approaching. Their hungry breathing is music to your ears, and you mentally prepare more orifices to be filled…
