Colorado Association of Conservation Districts
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2023, Marriott, Colorado Springs, CO
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Cecil at 2:32 PM after establishing a quorum.
Approval of Agenda:
President Jim Cecil asked for approval of the agenda. Director George Fosha moved to approve the agenda. Director Mike Cleary seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Approval of Absences:
Director Tyler Neely moved to approve absences. Director George Fosha seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Legislative Update – Brett Moore
Brett reported the 2024 Legislative Session will begin on January 10th, he will be working on his 2024 agenda. One item that will be on the agenda for the 2024 legislative session is to look at avenues to request more funding for the Conservation Districts. Brett will work with Nikki Brinson at CDA on this item. Brett asked the board if they would like to continue the legislative calls prior to the monthly board meetings or host a legislative subcommittee. The board preferred to continue with the legislative calls prior to the monthly board meetings.
Brett mentioned that Ag Day at the Capital is scheduled for March and he will be in attendance for that event. Brett will begin reaching out to legislators for our upcoming Stock Show event. Director Gary Thrash moved to move forward with hotel, meal, transportation and rodeo planning items for the Stock Show Event. Director Mike Cleary seconded the motion. Motion passed. The CSCB Board has requested a joint meeting with the CACD Board at the Stock Show event. Nikki Brinson - CDA and Abbey Grey- CACD Executive Director will work together to plan that event.
Director Nick Charchalis moved to have Brett Moore send his 2024 contract over email to have it signed for the upcoming period. Director Charlie Carnahan seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
CSCB Update – Nikki Brinson:
Nikki gave a quick summary of the CSCB Board meeting from December 4th as well as the joint CSCB and CACD Board meetings. Nikki asked the CACD Board if they would be interested in hosting another joint board meeting on January 17th at the Stock Show event. The CACD Board agreed to move forward with a joint board meeting. Nikki Brinson- CDA and Abbey Grey- CACD Executive Director will work together in those planning efforts.
NACD Update – Gary Thrash:
Gary shared that the Annual Meeting in San Diego is coming up on February 10-14th and encourages all to attend to learn more about conservation. President Jim Cecil asked the board if they would be interested in supporting his attendance to the Annual Meeting in San Diego. Director Tyler Neely moved to support Jim Cecil’s attendance to the NACD Annual Meeting in San Diego February 10-14, 2024. Director Georgo Fosha seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Gary also reminded the Board that the 2023 resolutions are due to NACD by December 31, 2023.
CACD Programs - Abbey Grey:
Envirothon: Noah, Rose and Abbey are currently keeping Envirothon up to date. Abbey explained that Mark Platten had reached out to her and has been cleared by CSU to work with the Envirothon Program again.
Director Tyler Neely moved to approve moving forward with contracting Mark Platten and CSU to assist with the 2024 Envirothon Program. Director Nick Charchalis seconds the motion. Motion Passed.
Camp Rocky:
Noah is on track to open registration on January 1, 2023. He has started working on promotional materials to circulate after registration opens. Noah informed the board that he was working on daycare licensing for the 2024 Camp Rocky event and that venue was working on insurance options for the facility for the camp.
Annual Meeting - Abbey Grey:
Abbey and Noah informed the board that a post event survey would go out to all attendees and planning efforts for the 2024 event would take those survey results into consideration. Timing and location were discussed for the 2024 event and it was decided to wait and see what the results of the survey were before making the final decision on when and where the event would be held in 2024.
The poster contest was discussed and it was suggested that the winners be recognized at the Awards Luncheon next year.
Election of Officers
Jim Cecil was nominated for President, no other nominations were made. Nominations closed. Director George Fosha moved to accept the nomination for President. Director Nick Charchalis seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Tyler Neely was nominated for Vice President, no other nominations were made. Nominations closed. Director Nick Charchalis moved to accept the nomination for Vice President. Director George Fosha seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Mike Cleary was nominated for Secretary/Treasurer, no other nominations were made. Nominations closed. Director George Fosha moved to accept the nomination for Secretary/Treasurer. Director Tyler Neely seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:28 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Abbey Grey
CACD Executive Director