Beaver River Central School serves as a center for education in dynamic partnership with students, staff, parents, and community to provide each student the opportunity to achieve maximum potential in all areas of life and learning now and in the future.
Reopening Plan Description
This reopening plan was developed with multiple stakeholders. Through the gathering of input from parents, students, teachers, administration, board of education members, and public officials, and various guidance released from the New York State Education Department (NYSED), the NYS Governor, and the New York State Department of Health (DOH) this flexible plan provides the appropriate balance health and safety for all individuals while meeting the instructional needs of our students.
The plan is split into two (2) major sections. The first section is laid out in reference to the NYSED requirements that must be fulfilled. This section is intended to provide a short explanation or a reference to longer explanations of how Beaver River will meet those requirements. The second section is the Appendices. These appendices provide more detailed information for individuals who may be entering the building, or parents/guardians of students that may be affected by the NYSED requirements.
A note about the three models of instruction:
When developing the plan the district focused first on Health and Safety of individuals in the building, while providing the instructional services for our students. In addition it is written with flexibility to be able to adjust to changing conditions that may be required of the school district.
BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESCommunication/Family and community engagement
Appendix C: Health and Safety Plan
Common School Specific Shared Objects and Frequently Touched Areas
Shared Tools and Equipment – Transportation, Custodial, Buildings and Grounds
Screening of Individuals Entering School Facilities
Storage of Personal Information
Refusing to Comply with Screening Procedures
Positive/Suspect Cases of COVID-19
Close Contact with an Infected Person
Contact Tracing and Disinfection of Contaminated Areas
Entry Points into the Building:
Individuals should take the following steps to protect themselves at work:
Maintain social/physical distancing
Transportation and Social Distancing
Wear and Care of Face Coverings/Masks
Appendix D: Health Screening Questionnaire
Appendix E: Glossary of Terms:
Identify the groups of people involved and engaged in the planning process. | Parents, teachers, staff, administration, Board of Education Members, public health, local county government officials, outside agencies, local hospital staff. |
Develop a communication plan for all stakeholders. | Plan is posted on the district website and available in print from the district office. Updates will be sent through social media, local media, and phone messaging services. |
Ensure all students are trained to follow protocols. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Communication of our PPE requirements. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Review and consider the number of staff and students allowed to return in person | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Engage with stakeholders and community members when developing health and safety reopening plans and identify them in the plan. | School Health Clinic representatives, Athletic director, President of the SRP union, Secretary, facilities manager, teacher and school nurse and parents. |
Communication plan for students, parents, guardian, visitors, staff that includes applicable instructions, training, signage and a consistent needs to provide individuals with information. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District /School plan has a written protocol developed in collaboration with the district or school director of school health services to instruct staff, to observe for signs of illness in students and staff and requires symptomatic persons to be sent to the school nurse or other designated personnel. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / school Plan has a written protocol for daily temperature screenings for all students and staff,along with daily screening questionnaire for faculty and staff and a periodic use of the questionnaire for students. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/School plan requires ill students and staff be assessed by school nurse( registered professional nurse ) or medical director and if a school or medical director is not available ill students and staff will be sent home for follow up with a health care provider. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School Plan has a written protocol requiring students or staff with a temperature, signs of illness, and or a positive response to the questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated isolation area where students are supervised prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School Plan has written protocol to address visitors, guests, contractors and vendors that includes a health screening. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/ School plan has a written protocol to instruct parents/guardians to observe for signs of illness in their child that require staying home from school. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School plan has a written protocol and appropriate signage to instruct staff and students in correct hand and respiratory hygiene. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School plan has a written protocol to ensure that all persons in school buildings keep social distance of at least six feet whenever possible. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/ School Plan has written protocol detailing how the district/school will provide accommodations to all students and staff who are at high risk or live with a person at high risk. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/ School Plan has written protocol requiring all employees, adult visitors and students to wear a cloth face covering social distancing can not be maintained. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/School Plan has written protocol regarding students taking mask breaks. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/School has a plan for obtaining and maintaining adequate supplies of cloth face coverings for staff, students who forget their masks and PPE for use by school health professionals. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/School Plan has written protocol for actions to be taken if there is a confirmed case of covid-19 in the school. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School Plan has a written protocol that complies with CDC guidance for the return to school of students and staff following illness or diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID 19 or following quarantine due to contact with a confirmed case of COVID 19. Return to school will be coordinated with the local health department. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C and Appendix B) |
District /School Plan has written protocol to clean and disinfect schools according to CDC guidelines. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School Plan has written protocol to conduct required school safety drills with modifications ensuring social distancing between persons. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District / School has a written plan for district/school run program for before or after school program. | The district does not have a district/school run before or after school program, but will work with Cornell Cooperative Extension to ensure their program meets protocols. |
District /School must designate a COVID 19 Safety Coordinator ( Administrator) whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the schools reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “New Normal” levels . | Mr. Todd Green, Superintendent |
General Health and Safety Assurances: School districts or applicable schools must follow all guidance related to health and safety. | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Fire Code Compliance: In their plans districts or other applicable schools will provide assurances that should alterations be made, districts or other applicable schools will submit the proposed changes to the OFP for review and approval just as with any other project. | Footprint will not be modified. |
Doorways: Fire doors should remain automatic. They remain open. | Fire doors will remain automatic. They will remain open. |
Emergency Drills: All safety drills will be conducted with social distancing in place. | Lock down drills will be conducted with social distancing and masks. Drills will be announced prior to the time of the drill. |
Inspections: Statute has not been changed to provide an extension to the submission deadlines for the Building Condition Survey or visual inspections, these deadlines must be met. | These current deadlines must be met. Currently Jefferson Lewis BOCES is working on a visual inspection for the districts within the BOCES. |
Lead Testing: At present the statutory requirement that lead testing occur in 2020 continues. NYS Department of Health advises that schools follow recommended procedures to the extent possible to provide clean and safe drinking water upon opening. | The Beaver River Central School District will participate to comply with regulations. |
Changes to space utilization and/or alterations: If the district plans to make any space utilization changes, they have to submit the plan to OFP. | There will be no space alterations. |
Space Expansion: If districts or other applicable schools choose to expand their square footage, in order to enable improved social distancing,they must submit a plan to OFP. If the district or applicable school chooses to lease space they have to contact the project manager at OFP and submit a temporary quarters project. | There will be no expansion of square footage. |
Plumbing, facilities and fixtures: The number of toilet and sink fixtures must meet the minimum standards of the NYS building code. In order to ensure compliance, a design professional should be consulted prior to any modification to layouts or numbers of fixtures. | There are no modifications to plumbing facilities and fixtures. |
Drinking water facilities: Districts or other applicable schools may wish to limit the number of drinking fountains available in order to facilitate frequent cleaning. | Water bottle fill stations will be provided and students will be trained to utilize them properly. |
Ventilation: Maintain adequate code required ventilation(natural or mechanical) as designed. | The building management system controls proper ventilation in the district. |
District/School Plan must provide all students enrolled in the SFA with access to school meals each school day. This must include:
| When students are in school meal opportunities will be provided in the classroom to reduce movement. If students are home meals will be offered on a weekly basis. |
District/School Plan must address all applicable health and safety guidelines | All health and safety guidelines will be maintained. |
District/School Plan must include measures to protect students with food allergies if providing meals in spaces outside the cafeteria | Through school nutrition guidelines students with particular nutritional needs will be provided the appropriate meals. |
District/School Plan must include protocols and procedures for how students will perform hand hygiene before and after eating, how appropriate hand hygiene will be promoted, and how sharing of food and beverages will be discouraged | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/School Plan must include protocols and procedures that require cleaning and disinfection prior to the next group of students arriving for meals, if served in the same common area | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
District/School Plan must ensure compliance with Child Nutrition Program requirements | Child Nutrition Program requirements will meet requirements. |
District/School Plan must include protocols that describe communication with families through multiple means in the languages spoken by families | Plan is posted on the district website and available in print from the district office. Updates will be sent through social media, local media, and phone messaging services. |
School districts and other applicable schools are expected to fulfill existing mandates regarding the safe and effective transportation of students who are homeless (McKinney-Vento), in foster care, have disabilities and attend non-public schools and charter schools. Although meeting these obligations will certainly pose challenges, these expectations continue to be in place. Districts and other applicable schools should plan accordingly | Each case will be addressed individually and mandates will be followed. |
Students who are able will be required to wear masks and social distance on the bus | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
All buses (conforming and non-conforming to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Standards, as well as type A, C or D) which are used every day by districts and contract carriers must be cleaned/ disinfected once a day. High contact spots must be wiped down after the am and pm run depending upon the disinfection schedule. (For example, some buses might be cleaned between the am and pm runs while other buses may be cleaned/disinfected after the pm run) | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
School buses shall not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition and potential liability to the carrier or district. School bus drivers, monitors and attendants must not carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on school buses | School buses will follow guidance from NYSED, NYSDOT, and NYSDOH in regards to hand sanitizer |
Wheelchair school buses must configure wheelchair placement to ensure social distancing of 6 feet | Social distancing on wheelchair school buses will be enforced. |
School bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics shall perform a self-health assessment for symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving to work. If personnel are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 they should notify their employer and seek medical attention | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
School bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics must wear a face covering along with an optional face shield | BRCSD will provide employees with an acceptable face covering at no-cost to the employee and have an adequate supply of coverings in case of replacement. |
Transportation staff (drivers, monitors, attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Transportation departments/carriers will need to provide Personal Protective Equipment such as masks and gloves for drivers, monitors and attendants in buses as well as hand sanitizer for all staff in their transportation locations such as dispatch offices, employee lunch/break rooms and/or bus garages | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Drivers, monitors and attendants who must have direct physical contact with a child must wear gloves | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
As was outlined in the Health and Safety section of this guidance, all parents/guardians will be required to ensure their child/children are not experiencing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and do not have a fever of 100 degrees or more prior to them boarding their method of transportation to school | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Students must wear a mask on a school bus if they are physically able. Students who are unable to medically tolerate a face covering, including students where such covering would impair their physical health or mental health are not subject to the required use of a face covering | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Students must social distance (six feet separation) on the bus | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Students who do not have a mask can NOT be denied transportation | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Students who do not have masks must be provide one by the district | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
Students with a disability which would prevent them from wearing a mask will not be forced to do so or denied transportation | See Health and Safety Plan (Appendix C) |
If the school district is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Plans have placed them out of district whose schools are meeting in in-person sessions when/ if the district is not | Transportation will be provided and available for all students |
All students are entitled to transportation by the district to the extent required by law. Transportation departments do not have the ability or the right to deny transportation for children who are in foster care, homeless or attend private or charter schools. Parents who may have missed the due date to request out of district transportation due to a reasonable excuse may file a 310 appeal with the Commissioner of Education | Transportation will be provided and available for all students |
Ensure that a district-wide and building-level comprehensive developmental school counseling program plan, developed under the direction of certified school counselor(s), is reviewed and updated to meet current needs | The advisory committee will review our School counseling program and update based on current needs. |
Establish an advisory council, shared decision-making, school climate team, or other collaborative working group comprised of families, students, members of the board of education, school building and/or district/charter leaders, community-based service providers, teachers, certified school counselors, and other pupil personnel service providers including school social workers and/or school psychologists to inform the comprehensive developmental school counseling program plan | The advisory committee consists of teachers, teaching assistants, social worker, school psychologist, guidance counselor, administration, and Lewis County Community Schools committee. |
Address how the school/district will provide resources and referrals to address mental health, behavioral, and emotional support services and programs | PK-12 our school counseling program includes the referral process for our services that match Response to Intervention Model (RTI) and coincides with the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support from the Lewis Community Schools Committee. (Supporting documents SCP plan, BRCS Crisis Intervention Plan, Community Schools Committee document of agencies.) In general Tier 1 (universal) and Tier 2 (targeted activities) are addressed in the BRCS SCP plan and if a student requires Tier 3 a member of the school community designated by BRCS superintendent will contact Jamie Roperts at SPOA to make a referral for a student or family who needs individual services. |
Address professional development opportunities for faculty and staff on how to talk with and support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as provide supports for developing coping and resilience skills for students, faculty, and staff | The advisory committee is gathering resources for faculty and staff on how to talk with and support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 health emergency. The advisory committee will also be making recommendations to the superintendent and the Professional Development Committee for training. Adults may need to talk to students about the COVID-19 health emergency, coping and resilience skills. This also fits into our district goal of developing learning environments which support students who have experienced trauma and/or live in poverty. |
Per the New York State Department of Health guidance, plans should address a combination of in-person instruction and remote learning to facilitate a phased-in approach or hybrid model, which may be necessary at various times throughout the 2020-2021 school year. In cases where in-person instruction is not feasible, phased-in and hybrid models of education will need to consider if certain students will be prioritized for in-person instruction first or more frequently based on educational or other needs (e.g., early grades, students with disabilities, English language learners), and must balance this with equity, capacity, social distancing, PPE, feasibility, and learning considerations |
Schools are responsible for developing a mechanism to collect and report daily teacher/student engagement or attendance regardless of the instructional setting | BRCSD will collect attendance daily for all students who are present in the building for in-person instruction; during hybrid or remote learning, the district will collect student engagement data. Student engagement data may be collected in real time using a virtual platform, or when students do not have access, it may be collected through a teacher/student review of remote learning. The district will report attendance and engagement on the student management system. |
Attendance of any school-age student of compulsory age, who resides in the district or is placed by a parent/guardian in another public school district, a charter school, or is placed by a district administrator or the CSE of the school district in educational programs outside the district (such as, another school district, BOCES, approved private in-State or out-of-State school, and State supported school) must be reported in SIRS. To date, the reporting of daily attendance of Prekindergarten students is not required | BRCSD will report attendance on a daily basis. The district will report attendance and engagement data on School Tool, and will coordinate with the regional information center (RIC) to ensure that the data is loaded and reported in SIRS. |
Attendance must be reported by any reporting entity that is required to take attendance | BRCSD will collect attendance or engagement data on a daily basis. The district will report attendance and engagement data on School Tool. |
Resident students of compulsory age who were not in attendance in a public school, including charter schools, nonpublic school, or approved home schooling program in the current school year must be reported until they exceed compulsory school age, they no longer reside in the district, or the district has documentation that the student has entered another educational program leading to a high school diploma | BRCSD will collect and report attendance data for all students until they exceed compulsory age, no longer reside in the district, or enter another educational program leading to a high school diploma. |
Students who drop out while still of compulsory school age must be kept on the school attendance register until they exceed compulsory school age or move out of the district | BRCSD will collect and report attendance data for all students until they exceed compulsory age, no longer reside in the district, or enter another educational program leading to a high school diploma. |
Have knowledge of the level of access to devices and high speed broadband all students and teachers have in their places of residence | Parent Tech Survey via phone and email in March 2020 Office staff contacted parents who did not respond Those who could not be reached will be determined by each family’s ability to connect with teachers during the Spring 2020 closure period |
To the extent practicable, address the need to provide devices and internet access to students and teachers who currently do not have sufficient access | School will assign a Chromebook to each student in grades 3-12. The school will inventory community locations that have free wireless internet access and contact those organizations to build a partnership. Then the school will communicate to families a list of locations in the community where students can access the internet (e.g., churches, libraries, local businesses). |
Provide multiple ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in remote or blended models, especially if all students do not yet have sufficient access to devices and/or high-speed internet | School will train students to use “offline” mode on Chromebooks and download videos and resources into the Chromebook storage so that they can use Chromebooks without access to the internet at home, if needed. The school will communicate to families a list of locations in the community where students can access the internet (e.g., churches, libraries, local businesses). In the event that the school must transition into fully remote learning, paper-based alternatives will be provided for students who have no internet access. |
All schools must ensure that they have a continuity of learning plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Such plan must prepare for in-person, remote, and hybrid models of instruction | All courses will use tools that will be easily transferable between regular in class instruction and online instruction keeping in mind that not all students have technology access, the district will determine by individual situation how those needs will be addressed. |
Instruction must be aligned with the outcomes in the New York State Learning Standards | Using prioritization faculty will determine curriculum that matches the NYS learning standards related to their course/class/subject area. |
Equity must be at the heart of all school instructional decisions. All instruction should be developed so that whether delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a local or state school closure, there are clear opportunities for instruction that are accessible to all students. Such opportunities must be aligned with State standards and include routine scheduled times for students to interact and seek feedback and support from their teachers | Focus on individual student needs through communication with families and providers. The district will develop regular scheduled times depending on the particular model of instruction. |
Instruction aligned to the academic program must include regular and substantive interaction with an appropriately certified teacher regardless of the delivery method (e.g., in person, remote or hybrid) | By providing multiple tools for interaction, interaction between students and teachers will be maintained. These tools include,teacher/parent technology tools (parent square, website, google classroom, etc.), mailings, phone and video conferencing. |
Schools must create a clear communication plan for how students and their families/caregivers can contact the school and teachers with questions about their instruction and/or technology. This information needs to be accessible to all, available in multiple languages based on district or charter school need, widely disseminated, and include clear and multiple ways for students and families to contact schools and teachers (e.g., email, online platform, and/or by phone) | Students and families can contact teachers via email that is published on our website. This would be a primary remote means of contact. In other cases technology tools such as parent square may be used, or phone calls to the school district may be more convenient. The district will be creating learning modules on google classroom and other communication tools. |
Districts and schools operating Prekindergarten programs must include Prekindergarten in the mandatory requirements outlined under Teaching and Learning above | When PreK is in session all health guidelines will be in place. Please refer to schedules in the appendices for the district approach to hybrid and home instruction. |
All Prekindergarten programs that have a direct contract or a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NYSED must submit a Reopening Plan to the Office of Early Learning. Additional information on the format and submission requirements will be forthcoming | BRCSD does not have an MOU with NYSED. |
Districts that contract with eligible agencies, including CBOs, to provide Prekindergarten programs must attest that they have measures in place to ensure eligible agencies with whom they contract will follow health and safety guidelines outlined in this guidance and required by the New York State Department of Health. The district must also ensure their eligible agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that addresses in-person, remote, and hybrid models of instruction | BRCSD does not contract with eligible agencies |
Per the reopening guidance issued by the NYS Department of Health, schools/districts must develop policies regarding extracurricular programs including which activities will be allowed, considering social distancing, PPE usage, and cleaning and disinfection, as well as risk of COVID-19 transmission (e.g., interscholastic sports, assemblies, and other gatherings) | Per NYSPHSAA guidance, we will not participate in interscholastic sports until allowable. Extracurricular meetings will generally be remote. When in-person interaction is necessary for instruction or use of school resources (such as the yearbook), both the student(s) and the teacher will follow PPE and social distancing protocols. Assemblies or other gatherings will be held virtually when possible. |
The school reopening plan, whether services are provided in-person, remote, and/or through a hybrid model, must address the provision of FAPE consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of students with disabilities and those providing special education and services | Beaver River Central School district will provide services to students whether it is in-person, remote, and/or through a hybrid model. Beaver River Central School district’s plan is addressing FAPE in the hybrid model by providing students with a continuum of services in K-12 and in-person as often as possible. Beaver River Central School is prioritizing our special education programs so that those students will attend school in-person four days a week and have one day of remote learning. Priority will be first placed on students with higher level of support needed. |
The school reopening plan must address meaningful parent engagement in the parent’s preferred language or mode of communication regarding the provision of services to his/her child to meet the requirements of the IDEA | All communication about the reopening plan will be provided to parents in their preferred language or mode of communication regarding the provision of services to his/her child to meet the requirements of the IDEA. |
The school reopening plan must address collaboration between the committees on preschool special education (CPSE) and committees on special education (CSE) and program providers representing the variety of settings where students are served to ensure there is an understanding of the provision of services consistent with the recommendations on individualized education programs (IEPs), plans for monitoring and communicating student progress, and commitment to sharing resources | Beaver River Central School District reopening plan will be to continue to collaborate with the committees on preschool special education (CPSE) and committees on special education (CSE) and program providers representing the variety of settings where students are served to ensure there is an understanding of the provision of services consistent with the recommendations on individualized education programs (IEPs), plans for monitoring and communicating student progress, and commitment to sharing resources. |
The school reopening plan must ensure access to the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology (including assistive technology) to meet the unique disability related needs of students | Beaver River Central School Districts reopening plan will ensure access to the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology (including assistive technology) to meet the unique disability related needs of students |
The school reopening plan must address how it will document the programs and services offered and provided to students with disabilities as well as communications with parents, in their preferred language or mode of communication | Beaver River Central School Districts reopening plan will communicate to parents of students with disabilities via the casemanages what the programs and services will be offered and provided to the students in their preferred language or mode of communication. |
Identify the groups of people involved and engaged in the planning process. | Administrator/ELL/MLL Coordinator ELL/MLL /Language educator Parent/Community Organization leader |
Develop a communication plan for all stakeholders. | Stakeholders will have several different modes of communication. These modes include written, electronic, video, and in person communication. |
Ensure all students are trained to follow protocols. | Students will be trained in school during school hours as well as through communication from stakeholders.Students will be trained in school during school hours as well as through communication from those stakeholders who have direct communication with students. These include teachers, liaisons, and staff. Communication in regard to training protocol will be sent through written, electronic, video, or in person communication. |
Communication of our PPE requirements. | Stakeholders will be informed of PPE requirements at BRCSD in their preferred language through written, electronic, video, and in person communication. |
Qualifying schools that reopen using in-person or hybrid instruction will be required to complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, as well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 school days of the 2020-21 school year. After this 20 day flexibility period, identification of ELLs must resume for all students within required 10 school days of initial enrollment as required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154 | BRCSD will use in person or hybrid instruction and will follow protocol established in CR 154 for ELL Identification of students. We will follow this process for students enrolled during covid 19 school closures by identification within 30 days of the school 2010-2020 school year. Students who enroll during the summer of 2020 will follow the identification process as written in CR 154 within the first 20 days of the 2020-2021 school year. BRCSD will resume the practice of a ten day identification period for ELLs once the twenty days has expired, as required by the Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154. |
Provision of required instructional Units of Study must be provided to all ELLs based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction | Required instructional Units of Study must be provided to all ELLs based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction. Students will maintain current instructional levels of study as required by the Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154. |
Maintain regular communication with the parents/guardians and other family members of ELLs to ensure that they are engaged in their children’s education during the reopening process Provide all communications for parents/guardians of ELLs in their preferred language and mode of communication | BRCSD will have regular communication with parents/guardians and other family members of ELLs to ensure that those individuals are engaged in their children’s education during the reopening process. BRCSD will present communication in the preferred language of the parent/guardian of ELLs. BRCSD will provide various modes of communication for parents/guardians of ELLs in their preferred language. This contact can include but is not limited to; written printed format, electronic format, video format, and in person communication. |
Pursuant to Education Law 3012-d, each school district and BOCES must fully implement its currently approved APPR plans in each school year | Current APPR plan will be implemented |
Pursuant to Education Law 3001, individuals employed to teach in New York State public schools must hold a valid certificate. School districts, BOCES, and charter schools can review the SIRS 329 Staff Certifications report, which is available in Cognos for authorized users, to ensure that teachers hold the appropriate certificates for their teaching assignments. This report is refreshed weekly and lists all valid certificates for all staff identified in the school district, BOCES, or charter school Staff Snapshot. | Certifications will be reviewed for all positions that require a certification. |
In the case where students must maintain social distancing more than three feet the school district will conduct instructional practices with Hybrid Schedule. The following schedule is developed through Faculty and Staff input as well as family input through a regional survey.
In developing the focus for a hybrid schedule Beaver River Central School has considered the following as high priority factors:
Generally speaking students will be in school a minimum of two days per week. To maintain significant cleaning and feeding needs the school district will have students on home instruction on Wednesdays for a five day week. If there is a day that is a federal holiday during a week, students will attend at a minimum two days. Home instruction will have attendance taken.
Grade Level | General Weekly Schedule | Description | Spring 2021 Information |
PreK | PreK classes will be placed on hold and students will not attend school at BRCS. | If PreK has begun during the school year, classes will be held remotely with resources provided for families. | For the spring of 2021, PreK may be provided learning opportunities to bridge to Kindergarten. |
Kindergarten | Students will attend in person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for ½ day sessions. Wednesday will be home instruction | Students will be assigned to their same kindergarten teacher either in an AM session or PM session. Transportation will be provided mid-day. | Students will be assigned to their same kindergarten teacher either in an AM session or PM session. Transportation will be provided mid-day. |
First Grade | Students will attend in person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for ½ day sessions. Wednesday will be home instruction | Students will be assigned to their same first grade teacher either in an AM session or PM session. Transportation will be provided mid-day. | Students will be assigned to their same first grade teacher either in an AM session or PM session. Transportation will be provided mid-day. |
Second Grade | All students will attend every day except for Wednesday when home instruction will take place. | An additional section of second grade will be added in order to have second grade students in school each day. | An additional section of second grade will be added in order to have second grade students in school each day. |
Third Grade | Students will attend according to their assigned group. One group attends Monday and Tuesday, the second group attends Thursday and Friday | Students will be in attendance all day on the days that they are assigned. When not in school remote home instruction will take place with attendance taken. | Students will attend all day every day beginning April 19, 2021. This will be accomplished by adding two additional sections. |
Fourth Grade | Students will attend according to their assigned group. One group attends Monday and Tuesday, the second group attends Thursday and Friday | Students will be in attendance all day on the days that they are assigned. When not in school remote home instruction will take place with attendance taken. | Students will attend all day every day beginning May 3, 2021. This will be accomplished by allowing for three feet of space and students wearing masks all day long as per new guidance in April. |
Fifth Grade | Students will attend according to their assigned group. One group attends Monday and Tuesday, the second group attends Thursday and Friday | Students will be in attendance all day on the days that they are assigned. When not in school remote home instruction will take place with attendance taken. | Students will attend all day every day beginning May 3, 2021. This will be accomplished by allowing for three feet of space and students wearing masks all day long as per new guidance in April. |
6-8th Grade | Students will attend according to their assigned group. One group attends Monday and Tuesday, the second group attends Thursday and Friday. Most classes will be blocked to minimize movement throughout the day, Some Special classes may still keep the same length of period. | Students will be in attendance all day on the days that they are assigned. When not in school remote home instruction will take place with attendance taken. | |
9-12th Grade | Students will attend according to their assigned group. One group attends Monday and Tuesday, the second group attends Thursday and Friday All classes will be blocked to minimize movement throughout the day | Students will be in attendance all day on the days that they are assigned. When not in school remote home instruction will take place with attendance taken. |
July 22, 2020
Beaver River Central School Health and Safety Plan
Beaver River Central School District
9508 Artz Rd.
Beaver Falls NY 13305
Contact Information:
Todd Green (315) 346-1211 Ext 500
Departments currently working in buildings throughout the school district:
To ensure Beaver River employees comply with physical distancing requirements, the Beaver River Central School District will do the following:
Common situations that may not allow for 6 ft. of distance between individuals:
Measures implemented to ensure the safety of Beaver River Central employees/students:
Engagement with Visitors at the Beaver River Central School District campus:
Elevator Use
The Beaver River Central School District will have individual conversations with employees if they express concerns. Some people may be at higher risk of severe illness. This includes older adults (65 years and older) and people of any age with serious underlying medical conditions. By using strategies that help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, BRCSD will help protect all employees, including those at higher risk.
Establish policies/procedures for personal property being brought to school (e.g., refillable water bottles, school supplies, cell phones, books, instruments, etc.). Personal items not required for school should be left at home (i.e.., toys, playing cards, sports equipment, personal headphones, etc.). Personal items should be labeled prior to entering the school building and kept in a separate bag or area specifically for personal items from home.
In referencing New York State Department of Health and Education guidelines the first criteria that determines the number of students is the social distancing requirement. Until the distance required is reduced to at least three feet, the Beaver River Central School District will be required to conduct a hybrid or at home schedule. For the standard six feet of separation our district is able to divide our school student population into cohort groups. All Beaver River Central School Staff will be required to report to the Beaver River Central School District at their scheduled work time unless ordered otherwise by government officials.
To ensure Beaver River Central employees/students comply with personal protective equipment requirements, BRCSD will do the following:
o How to Wear Face Covering Appropriately
o How to Put on/Remove Face Covering
o How to Properly Remove a Face Covering
o Proper Care of Face Coverings
o Providing staff with a list of chemicals that will be used district-wide.
o Re-enforcing the use of only district approved chemicals.
o Establishing and communicating any changes to building cleaning schedules (i.e. daily routine, disinfection of common high touch surfaces).
Examples of some frequently touched areas at Beaver River Central School are:
Frequently touched surfaces and objects will be cleaned and disinfected several times a day to further reduce the risk of germs on surfaces and objects. The procedure will be as follows:
To ensure individuals comply with hygiene and cleaning requirements, Beaver River Central School District will do the following:
Some examples include:
Classroom, Office Area, and Common Areas . | CDC Hand washing Poster CDC Cover Your Cough Poster Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 |
Restrooms | CDC Hand washing Poster CDC Stop the Spread of Germs Poster |
Building Entry Door Signage | CDC Stay Home If You Are Sick Poster |
To ensure the District and its employees/students comply with communication requirements, the Beaver River Central School District will do the following:
The Beaver River Central School District will do the following:
All individuals will participate in a temperature check. Beaver River Employees may check temperatures at home. Individuals who do not test at home, will have their temperature checked by the Beaver River Central School District.
If an individual’s body temperature is at or above 100.0⁰F, he/she must be sent home immediately. The individual may return to school if a Healthcare Provider/Public Health confirms the cause of the individual’s fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and provides appropriate documentation for the employee/student to return to work/school (refer to NYSDOH Interim guidance for Public and Private Employees Returning to Work Following COVID-19 Infection or Exposure for more information).
All individuals will complete a questionnaire prior to entering the school facilities. (See Appendix F: Screening Questionnaire) The only exception are students. Students will complete a questionnaire periodically. Beaver River Employees before they arrive to work may complete questionnaires and temperature checks.
Questionnaire responses must be reviewed every day and such review may be documented. If the answer to any of these are YES, the employee/visitor should not be allowed to enter and should be directed to contact their healthcare professional.
Do Not Come to school if:
If you feel sick while at work:
Temperatures may be taken but data may not be recorded in a numerical format (they may be recorded as pass/fail). Best Practice is to have this process completed outside this should be done at the entrance of the buildings. Individuals should maintain social distancing and use hand sanitizer before waiting in line. These screenings should be as private as possible to ensure confidentiality.
The district will ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all individuals.
If an individual refuses screening they will not be allowed to enter the facilities. Employees will be charged their paid time off/sick time for that day.
Understand that no one with symptoms associated with COVID-19 should be present at the workplace unless released by physician or NYSDOH. Employees should inform their supervisor, prior to coming to the workplace.
Follow NYSDOH and Local DOH guidance.
This may include:
Individuals may have been exposed if they are within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a person with COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time (10 minutes):
Potentially exposed individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 should quarantine and follow local health department guidance and CDC recommended steps.
All other individuals should self-monitor for symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. If they develop symptoms, they should notify their supervisor and stay home.
In most cases, the entire facility will not need to shut down, but any areas used for prolonged periods of time by the sick person may be isolated:
Public Health Officials assume the task of contract tracing, once notified.
To ensure the school district and individuals in the building comply with contact tracing and disinfection requirements, the Beaver River Central School District will do the following:
Students will be expected to remain socially distant (6 feet). Assigned seats will be maintained according to the diagram below.
BRCSD has developed a plan for the availability of enough masks for each student and backup supplies for students who arrive to the district without a mask. Students will be allowed to wear a face covering of their choosing as long as it meets guidelines.
Individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face covering and wash hands for 30 seconds immediately after removing the mask. Be sure not to touch the outside of the mask when removing.
Students will be offered “mask breaks” from time to time depending on the length of time they wear them. Note: According to NYSED guidelines, students do not need to wear face coverings during instructional, and meal time.
Practice hand hygiene protocols at all times but especially while on district premises.
The district will consider the school community (e.g. staff, families, students, vendors, community) and the needs of each audience. Develop communications materials accordingly including the creation of sample messages/letters for COVID-19 cases or potential cases for various school audiences. (Samples should be ready to go prior to the opening of buildings.) Utilize communication methods generally used by the district to inform the school community. Information should be dispersed in a variety of platforms that could include:
The district will prepare clear messaging before re-entry, on the first day, during the first week, and throughout the first month. Minimum monthly communication should provide information on the following topics:
The district will clearly communicate to the school community the various measures that have been taken to keep occupants safe:
The district will provide a list and contact information for what mental health supports will be in place for staff who need social-emotional assistance when returning to school:
o District/BOCES staff
o Employee Assistance Program (EAP through Mountainview Prevention)
o County resources
BRCSD will:
BRCSD COVID-19 Confidential Screening Questionnaire
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
1. Do you have or currently experience any of the following?
o Individuals who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home until they are free of fever (100.0° F or greater using an oral thermometer), have signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants).
Shortness of breath (not severe), Cough, Chills, Repeated shaking with chills,Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, New loss of taste or smell, Flushed cheeks, Rapid or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity),Fatigue, and/or irritability, Frequent use of the bathroom.
No Yes
2. Are you ill, or caring for someone who is ill?
No Yes
o Individuals who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor.
3. Have you:
Been tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
No Yes, on this date _______________________________
Had any close contact in the last 14 days with someone with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case?
No Yes, on this date _______________________________
Had contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
No Yes, on this date _______________________________
Live in or visit a place where COVID-19 is spreading in the last 14 days?
No Yes, on this date _______________________________
Synchronous: Usually in reference to online learning, both teacher and students are connected and participating in the lesson at the same time.
Asynchronous: Usually in reference to online learning, the student and teacher are not connected at the same time but students are able to access materials and assignments. Students and teachers are able to communicate through an online platform by leaving comments or notes for each other.
Home School Instruction: As defined by the New York State Education Department, instruction provided at home to students of compulsory school attendance age which is provided by parents. Curriculum is not provided by the school. There is a specific process to participate in home school instruction.
Remote Instruction: Either synchronous or asynchronous teaching done off site.
Virtual Learning: Similar to remote instruction but is done electronically.
Academic Engagement vs. Attendance: In a remote instruction model attendance is not necessarily taken each day, but academic engagement will be measured and recorded. Academic Engagement essentially is defined by the instructor of a course.
Quarantine : Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from their state or local health department.
Isolation : Isolation is used to separate people infected with the virus (those who are sick with COVID-19 and those with no symptoms) from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation should stay home until it’s safe for them to be around others. In the home, anyone sick or infected should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific “sick room” or area and using a separate bathroom (if available).
Social/Physical Distancing : Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people. To practice social or physical distancing: Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms' length) from other people.