<Cue up: “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears>

Voice: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Root of all Ashley..your weekly dose of her views of the world of professional wrestling with your host-Ashley!!

(The camera feed then starts and we see none other than Ashley wearing a black t-shirt with an eagle in the middle of it done in the same art styling as the old Ramones’ band shirts on it and a pair of slim blue jeans that hug her legs respectfully as she has a beaming smile on her face)

Ashley: Hello everyone, I’m sorry about the lack of communication with me recently, but with everything going on involving my father and such...to say that things have been crazy is one way of putting them.

So, since Dreamworld was such a special event for Wrestleworld..I kind of thought that I’d do something extra special for it and I reached out to a couple of friends of my family for an extra special bit of Ashley for all my favorites there at Wrestleworld.

So sit back, relax...and let’s get ready for some special friends to cover an extra special event!!

(The screen fades out and then suddenly, a very familiar piece of music starts)

<Cue up: “Twilight Zone” by Golden Earring!>

(The screen comes back to and we see the ever present and familiar set of the Pro Wrestling Nova Control Center complete with none other than Benjamin Gates and Justin Escobar at their usual spots along with a nicely dressed Ashley Gibson!)

Gates: Hello everyone and welcome to an extra special joint edition of the Root of All Ashley Control Center. I am your host, Benjamin Gates, and as always I am joined by the ever wordy and emotional wreck that is my close personal broadcast partner...Justin Escobar…

(Escobar leans on the desk to look past Ashley to kind of mock glare at his broadcast partner for a moment before snorting back a laugh and sitting back again)

Gates: And of course, we’re joined by Wrestleworld’s own ever present fangirl podcaster...Ashley Gibson.

(Gates turns and looks at Ashley)

Gates: Hello Ashley, and welcome to the control center

Ashley: Thank you, Benjamin, for the warm welcome and for helping me with this episode.

Gates: You are more than welcome, Ashley. I’ve always wanted to expand the center past Pro Wrestling Nova just a little bit and now you’ve given Justin and I that exact chance.

Escobar: Personally I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to call a Wrestleworld chapter show. I know that I can probably do more than that half-witted hack, Robbie V.

Gates: You do know that he’ll probably be watching this, right partner?

Escobar: Yeah...and he’ll probably say some horrible things about me, so yeah..I’m cool with that.

Ashley: Honest cuss, isn’t he?

Gates: <deep sigh> You have...no idea.

Ashley: Well, needless to say that top to bottom, Dreamworld was a great one year birthday event for Wrestleworld. Shall we get to it gentlemen?

Gates: Well night one begins with an incredible history of the promotion from the viewpoint of its founder, Jaywalker, where he shows us how things came about for the company before we are taken into our first match which is.

Escobar: You know, I actually kinda like Raoul. He's a lot more personable I've found than that "The Vincent" guy over in the Omega Wrestling Alliance.

Ashley: Even though they share the same fashion sense basically?

Gates: Quite.

Escobar: And agreed.

Ashely: Anywho, this was a pretty good match even though it was set in the neutral rules area of things.

Escobar: I'm still trying to figure out how Raoul even got this match, I mean it was against Reginald Dampshaw the Third of all fucking people!

Gates: True, Lord Dampshaw is a very dangerous competitor as his style of wrestling is very techincal in origin.

Escobar: Yeah, but he ain't no Marcus Slayton, Peter Graves, or Arata Asakura.

Ashley: Very true, the match was however wwaayy too short for anyone, including myself, to get any true high points of the match before Reginald took Raoul down with the Family Name for the win.

Escobar: Yeah, I felt especially sorry for Raoul afterwards as he got carried out on a stretcher...HEY!

(Both Ashley and Benjamin jump at the sudden outburst from Justin)

Escobar: What if someone did a match that put Reginald Dampshaw against Alex Slayer?

Gates: ...and why are you wanting to hurt Lord Dampshaw like that?

Escobar: Well it is a fair question, both men are two of the top technical wrestlers of their particular fields right?

Gates/Ashley: Yeah....

Escobar: Be an interesting fight.

Ashley: At any rate our next bit came from...

(Gates and Escobar both look at Ashley who has an annoyed look on her face)

Escobar: Do what now?

Ashley: Sorry, it's nothing.

(Gates looks down at his notes and then makes a clicking sound)

Escobar: What, Benny?

Gates: Two words, Jack Develin.

(Escobar takes his glasses off and looks at the other two for a moment before rolling his eyes and shaking his head)

Escobar: Dos mio...skip?

Ashley/Gates: SKIP!!

(All three of them take the page in question, crumple it up and all at the same time-toss it over their shoulders)

Ashley: So the next match was a very fucked up piece of pain known as...

Gates: You know, I just don't understand Jay Jones or Maverick's dislike of Reno Dumont. I mean yes, he has had a very colorful history...

Escobar:...about as colorful as watching a Derelict promo...

Ashley: Shush...

Gates: <without missing a beat from the extra dialog> but he is still a very respectable man away from the ring. I've had quite a few interesting conversations about basketball and British rules football with him in the past.

Escobar: That maybe so, Benny, but some people just can't take dealing with their elders and Reno has got some elder years on most of the wrestlers in this match as it put Cash Corleone, representing the now *dead* Underworld, with his two hired guns in Jay Jones and Drago Santiago against World's Finest members Crazy Violet, Hana Nakajima, and the aforementioned Reno Dumont.

Ashley: This match was painful for me to watch and I was there in person when it happened as it was not only very back and forth, but also incredibly gruesome to say the least.

Gates: Even without the undue horrendous comments made by Robbie V concerning Miss Violet's health following the beating that she took at chapter eighteen.

Escobar: And you guys wonder why I could do a hell of a lot better job than him??

Ashley: At any rate this was a fast and very furious match with high spots galore. One of my personal favorites was early on in the match when Violet locked on a death grip onto the "dirty money" of Cash and let him know what she really "felt" about him.

Escobar:<chuckling very loudly> "dirty money"...I love that one....

Gates: <sighs even louder>

Escobar: <coughs> At any rate, it seemed that the Underworld crew came into this match with the agenda of taking out the heaviest member of their opponent's team in Reno, as he took more of the incredibly brutal attacks which included Reno taking a massive release powerbomb onto the oak table from the German announce table, even though Reno would amazingly get his own little bit of payback with a hurricanrana on Cash that sent him flying!

Gates: It's amazing that someone of Reno's age could hit a lucha move like that.

Ashley: Yes it was, but Reno still took most of the attacks for his team with Hana and Violet each one taking their own bits of lesser, but no less insane bumping throughout this match with the last few minutes being an insane war of moves and holds.

Gates: Until Sakura Corleone came out of nowhere to help her husband cheat to win the match via one of the One True Pairing's signature tag moves.

Escobar: Hey...who do you think would win...

Gates: In a match against the One True Pairing and one of the many teams that we know of?

Escobar: Yeah.

Gates: What about we throw one together and say...the Shinigami Foundation?

Escobar: Eesh, that's like tossing a chainsaw into a barrel of puppies..nothing sane or humane about that.

Ashley: Guys...focus?

Gates: We are, Ashley. But this match was an incredible piece of beauty up until the Underworld decided to cheat like mad and win via the same method. So naturally we'd like to see what would happen if the One True Pairing would actually fare against a more established team rather than three people who spent most of a match being brutalized by an oak table and two hired guns.

(Ashley slowly nods in agreement)

Ashley: Fair enough, but we'll talk more on this after we cover both nights. Cool?

(Gates and Esocbar both nod in agreement)

Escobar: Well despite how such a killer match was ended, it ended with the Underworld taking the win with Violet eating the pin.

Gates: I do hope that Miss Violet gets her revenge at some point.

Ashley: Oh she will...she will.

Escobar: So after a little bit of zany fun with Reggie Damnshaw and the Great Arata. We come to a match that I was actually very elated to see as I'm actually a closet fan of the Wrestleworld European champion as our next match was

Ashley: Havoc is quite the wrestler, even though I like him better as Christopher Sabertooth.

Gates: I thought you more of an Arata Asakura fan?

Ashley: I am, but can't I respect more than one guy?

Gates: It's a fair cop.

Escobar: After a couple of killer entrances, both men went to war with each other for Havoc's European championship that was nothing less than glorious...

<insert Bobby Roode "Glorious" soundbyte here>

Gates: Me thinks our tech team has too much free time on their hands...

Escobar: One of my favorite parts of the whole match was when Ozy actually thought that he'd take dominance by slapping Havoc in the face like he owed him money or some shit and Havoc schooled him for it which lead into an epic series of moves very early in the match that helped to set the tone for the rest of it.

Gates: Agreed, my favorite part of the match however was how it ended with such a simple move like a bear hug was able to put away such a powerful master of moves like Havoc. It just goes to show that while anybody now a days can throw a superkick or hit a Go Two Sleep, it takes real talent and skill to use a bear hug in that fashion.

Ashley: That is very true and the fact that Ozymandias won the European championship like that was very impressive indeed because all three of us know that Havoc is no slouch in that ring.

Escobar: This was one of my favorite matches of the entire event.

Gates: Agreed. Five out of five stars?

Escobar: Agreed, it's too bad that they followed that match up with one involving a bloody *COWARD*!!

Ashley: Ares Vendetta?

Escobar: Yeah, the Coward.

Gates: Don't mind him, he actually had money on Ares at the last pay per view to be the one to win it all for World's Finest...

Escobar: But nooooo, the bloody *COWARD* had to run off and pout like the little baby that he is.

Ashley: You do know that's one of Robbie's kids...I think?

Escobar: Don't know, Don't care, his name is *COWARD*!!

(Gates and Ashley let out a frustrated sigh as the graphic for the next match comes up with)

Gates: All in all, this wasn't in so much a match than a pissing contest when you look at it in the long run.

Escobar: Yeah, and you wonder why I call Coward a Coward?

Ashley: I'm with Ben as in this match had a Lannister victory written all over it but Ares did everything in his power to screw his long time rival over and as such, you really couldn't call this one a match.

Gates: Agreed, so we skip this one then?

Ashley: Only if we can agree that if...Coward...stops being a prissy little boy and actually decides to get his balls back from whomever he lost them to and finally fights Lannister, we can get together and call that match.

Escobar: Yeah, I can agree to that. Especially since the next match is the

Gates: So are we completely skipping over the backstage stuff with the One True Pairing that happened before this then?

Ashley: Do I hear you objecting?

Gates: No, not really. I just wanted to make sure for the sake of the viewers who also happened to watch Dreamworld as it happened.

Escobar: Benny is anything a very thoughtful person.

Ashley: I can see that, but yeah. Let's go onto the Dreamscape match and the host of wrestlers that it had in it which were Nas, Nathan Quinn, Jimmy Johnson, Axel Topnotch, Jensen Lane, Ryan Young...

Gates: I'm still surprised anyone is letting him work after how many promotions he's not showed.

Ashley:<coughs pointedly, before continuing with> TJ Thopson, Hull Kogan, Daniel Horror, Myojin, Tony Gunn, Lilie Saint, Emanuelle, Mark Frenzy, and Ran D. Savage.

Escobar: "Hull Kogan"..."Ran D Savage"...oi vey...

Ashley: I know, I know.

Gates: So the whole point of this match was to escape via the roof by any means possible with the first person to succeed not only winning the match, but also getting a championship match of his or her choosing?

Ashley: Yeah.

Gates: That's kind of interesting.

Escobar: Didn't the Frontier Wrestling Alliance do that once?

Gates: No, you're thinking of the "Ragnarok Jail House" match.

(Escobar thinks for a moment before letting a full body shudder pass through him)

Escobar: Can we please never bring up that pay per view again?

(Gates simply chuckles before nodding in agreement)

Ashley: This match was simply one very large flustercluck to behold and I was honestly hoping that either Nas or Axel would come out the winner, but in the end it was none other than one of my friend Celes' favorites in Emmanuelle who walked out with the future title shot.

Gates: This match was entirely full of too many great spots to call and as such, we could not do anyone singular of them justice because they were all that great.

Escobar: So kudos to all of the wrestlers involved.

Ashley: Yeah, now we come to a match that I both hated and loved because

Escobar: I still can't believe Asakura's got a girlfriend and two kids.

Gates: I can't believe that he still won't show any real respect to anyone that's not named "Asakura".

Ashley: And I can't believe it's not butter...*GUYS*!!

Escobar: This match opened with a history between the two men and the Shogun championship and in turn, the title's own founder performed in the traditional ancient Japanese story style of artwork and storytelling.

Gates: Before we got to the actual match itself, we had two pretty impressive entrances from both wrestlers, with Arata entering like a Japanese military lord and Jacob Senn entering like he was Geralt from the Witcher series.

Escobar: At least it wasn't long like some of the entrances that we've seen.

Gates: True.

Ashely: Entrances aside, this was a fairly fast paced match even with the Shogun rules in effect but in the end, Jacob Senn walked away with the title following some "help", if you want to call it that, from someone that we all thought was Raoul which enabled Senn to hit the Shadow Step to retain his title.

Gates: Even though Arata has gotten it back by now.

Ashley: True, but this whole thing could've done without exposing Arata's older daughter, Rin, to what happened in the aftermath because no matter what happened during the course of the match, it was all ruined by what Animus did afterward.

Escobar: I don't blame you, I was part of the rings crew when something like that happened to your dad after that one ICWA World title match back in 96, Ashley.

Ashley: Yeah...can we not talk about that though? I still kind of have nightmares about that one.

Gates: Yeah, it was pretty gruesome. Even though it did lead to Marcus Slayton's famous run through ICWA as the world champion as part of his "Revenge Tour" on behalf of your dad, Ashley.

(Ashley just shoots a death glare at Gates who kind of shrinks back)

Escobar: So that was how we left night one of Dreamworld. Night two on the other hand started with a weird video game intro movie...thing, that showcased a whole bunch of different things to cover what would happen that night before we finally came to the opening and our first match of the night, which is one that I know a lot of people were wanting to see with

Gates: Indeed, this match was oddly enough years in the making as two former friends went to war with each other with a storyline that...how did you put the pain it put you in again, Justin?

Escobar: It was bad enough it gave me a Goddamn aneurysm.

Gates: Quite. So the match itself took place in an empty arena and went all over the place and it was hard to believe that the Professional, the former Elite Answers Wrestling wrestler known only as the "Pizza Boy"..

Escobar: Kind of like how Claudia Michaels was once known as the "HeartBreak Gal", Aria Jaxon was "AJ Marie", and...

Ashley: Justin, focus?

Escobar: Trying but I'm also trying to make sure that everyone at home understands that Nobi's history with the Professional goes way back to when some of the established superstars of today were just getting started under other names, ones that only tape traders like myself and Benjamin here are familiar with.

Ashley: Hm, fair enough.

Escobar: Anyway, it's hard to believe that it would be Nobi who'd put the Professional away instead of the man that "Andrew" was hired to take out originally in the form of Reno Dumont.

Gates: That is true, why hire a professional to take someone out if they never finish the job?

Ashley: That's one of the great questions behind how all of this ended in the end, guys. But the match itself was a brutal masterpiece of violence that went back and forth all over the place in a style of match that I've seen and I've sat through two Long hard road out of hell matches!

Gates: While that is true, so is how brutal this particular match is as they took everything to the limit, found a couple of new limits and went past them as well.

Escobar: One of the best lines I heard about this match came from the very mouth of Felix Mosby himself when he said, and I quote, "Nobi is getting several pounds of flesh out of the Professional tonight no matter what, and if Robbie V thinks that putting him through the barricade was enough to satiate his hunger, then Robbie V was a fucking moron"!

Gates: Justin, throttle it back man.

Escobar: I'm sorry but this was simply a beautifully violent match and Benny, you and I..we've called matches for freaking Slash, Maverick Feral, and other men like in the past that weren't as violent or as sadistic as what Nobi and Andrew put themselves through in this final encounter.

Gates: I can give you that much, yes.

Escobar: So I'm a little hyped up over that fact, so I apologize but with spots like when Andrew attempted to use "Time"...

Gates: <buries his face in his right hand and groans at that>

Escobar: tables to bury Nobi in attempt to win the match before it really could get started or when Andrew attempted to show domienance over Nobi before slicing him with the pizza cutter, only for Nobi to catch Andrew's arm, force him to the mat which lead to him locking in Lioncross' Lion's Claw to force him to drop the cutter...brilliant!!!

Gates: It was a very brilliant match and it told a very epic story, with even more and more brutal spots as the match wore on until finally Nobi got the Professional to the point where he could not answer the ten count and thus, got the win over his hated foe. I'm thinking that all of the coaching that Reno must have done to help his friend and tag team partner over the weeks and months that this whole issue was happening finally paid off in the end.

Escobar: Yeah, more shit that Hana Nakajima didn't know shit about when she tried blasting Reno f'n Dumont, eh?

Ashley: Hana's a sweet kid, she was just wanting to show Reno just how serious she was about a possible problem involving the twenty something year veteran.

(Escobar peers over his sunglasses at Ashley)

Escobar: Really?

Ashley: What can I say, I enjoy hanging out with Hana?

Gates: So after that epic a battle, even with the uncouth words of Robbie V.

Escobar: Knew you'd see him my way...

Gates: Actually no, I just don't like how he loves to run certain people down. I mean there are some heel commentators that cut people down in a good way that actually brings more flavor, as you know, to these shows. And then there are people like Chad Swayze...

Escobar: GWAH!! I thought we agreed never to again mention *HIM*!!

Gates: I know, but I'm just trying to make a valid point.

Escobar: Well can you do it without mentioning him then?!

(Gates looks at his partner and then gives a little shrug)

Ashley: So, after that match ended and the EMTs showed up to help both wrestlers, we got cut to a quick promo involving of all people Maverick...

Gates: Honestly, I prefer Graham Baker over this guy. At least Baker can be humble once a certain stick is removed from his ass.

(Escobar, who was in the middle of taking a drink, does perhaps one of the most epic spit takes in history before his head snaps over in utter shock and surprise as he looks at his partner in broadcasting, while Ashley simply sighs as she continues without messing a beat)

Ashley: and the Corleones in the Underworld's locker room. Eventually the tableau is broken up by the arrival of my favorite boss, Claudia Michaels.

Escobar: How can she be your "favorite boss" with how she treats people?

Ashley: Because she actually treats me with more respect than she did anyone in the Underworld.

Gates:...okay, I'll bite. Why was that?

Ashley: Because unlike a lot of people doing podcasts out there, including a couple of the PWN guys especially, I don't make her out to being some kind of completely raging, psycho hose beast and I actually treat her with more respect than, say...well anyone in Wrestleworld save for Nobi himself.

Escobar: Yeah...but...

Gates:...it's Claudia Michaels.

(Ashley looks at the two men for a moment before rolling her eyes)

Ashley: Anyway...

Gates: However, our views on her aside, Claudia Michaels did have some valid points about Maverick's actions. Especially considering some of the stuff that he was doing lately.

Escobar: Her validness aside, our next match was the

Gates: Exactly. A match that put the false champions in the Red Zone District...

Ashley: Wait, what now?!

Escobar: He's upset that the Wild Cards didn't win the titles against Drake and Jones. He thinks that the ref was biased towards the Underworld.

Ashley:...but Drake and Jones aren't nor weren't in the Underworld.

Escobar: I know this and you know this, but Benny there...long story.

Ashely: Anyway, in a match for the Wrestleworld Campeonatos de Parejas. It was the Unit against the Red Zone District, Bear and Jag Connection, and the ad-hoc unit of Jacob Steele and Ashley Gamer.

Gates: I think Zaire Ogden and D'Angelo Monk couldn't take the kind of matches that teams like the Mechanical Animals, Dollhouse, Shinigami Foundation, Heavenly Hell, and so many other great teams...

Escobar: You forgot the Wild Cards and the One True Pairing and...

Gates:...not the point.

Ashley: So, once all of the entrances were over and *DONE* <looks right at Gates when she says that> with, this match became quite the fight between these four teams with several excellent back and forth moments through the entire match. Even though I didn't like how Alice and Jacob entered into this match, I had to admire their team work.

Escobar: Not a superhero fan?

Ashley: Three words for you: Prince Justice Brotherhood.

(Escobar pales slightly at those words and then simply looks sheepish)

Escobar: Question withdrawn.

Gates: My distaste for the Red Zone District aside, I think that they held themselves up quite well all throughout the match with several spots like Chad using a ladder that was on his head as a painful weapon against everyone else in the match.

Escobar: You know, we make a lot of joking comments about some wrestlers...but Chad Kennedy?

Ashley: I know, I know. I've covered his antics enough.

Gates: Now again, while I may not like the RZD..when they took that spot where the ladder snaps and drives both Thad Kennedy and Alice Gamer full force with an overdose of extra helping of gravity onto Zaire and Monk, I actually felt sorry for them.

Escobar: That was a pretty fucked up moment and I'm surprised that Alice Gamer was able to not only wake up, but get back up as well after that to continue the match.

Gates: Agreed.

Ashley: I think another truly fucked up moment was when Steele hit that End of Heartache onto Alice. And for what reason?

Escobar/Gates: Because he's an asshole?

Ashley: Because he's an asshole! But in the end, I'm proud to say that Teddy Mac proved that yes, anything was possible, as he won the Campeonatos de Parejas in a most amazing way like he did with Nobi and the OWA Openweight Tag Team titles over in the OWA!

Gates: Yes, a very interesting match to say the least. Even if it did cost the Red Zone District their careers in the end.

Escobar: I thought they went back to playing football?

Gates: Could you play football after that kind of impact, Justin?

Escobar: <Shaking his head> No, I don't think so.

Gates: Then there you go.

Ashley: So our next segment involved the arrival of Colt Montoya and Kimberly Chase.

Escobar: You know, what would happen if Devon Slayton and Colt Montoya were to ever have a match with Lexi Gold and Kimberly Chase at ringside?

Ashley:...I think we'd all go insane with that much hotness at ringside to be honest.

(The guys both blink and then look at Ashley with questioning looks)

Ashley: Look, I'm straight, not fucking blind alright?!

Gates: Fair enough. After some stuff with Colt and Kim, we jump to another segment where we have a quick talk between War Vessel members Stephanie Matsuda and Crazy Violet concerning Violet's choice to accept the match against Cash. When that ended, we finally came to

Ashley: Maverick versus Wraith.

Escobar: Or as I heard it called "The Battle of the Assholes".

Ashley: Who called it that, Reno?

Escobar: Nope, Thomas Bane.

Ashley: oh...<blinks a couple of times then her eyes go big> OOOH!! Well then, he would know, wouldn't he?

Gates: Set to a flavoring of an "Outlaw Rules", this match was a pale copy of Nobi and Andrew from earlier in the night as these two men attempted to capture that level of excitement for us, the viewers.

Escobar: You could say it like that or you could just say that it was a murder spree just waiting to happen. I especially enjoyed Wraith's entrance in this match because it struck the right chord in Maverick's fear.

Ashley: I have to agree with you on that, as Wraith did seem to have Maverick's number throughout the entire match.

Gates: I did have one question though, why does this guy Maverick call himself the "Prince of Immortality"?

Ashley: I dunno, ego maybe?

Gates: Well as much as he likes to bash Reno Dumont for various things, I think that Maverick might want to stop and reassess his own arrogance and ego before he projects it onto other people.

Escobar: Benny...

Gates: What, I'm supposed to be the face commentator, right?

Escobar: eh...

Ashley: He does got you there, Justin. But at any rate this match was full of some very personal and potent spots such as how Wraith just stayed right there on top of Maverick in the opening moments of the match and, at one point, really getting the point across with a very loud and wicked shot with a kendo stick.

Gates: Robbie V might have said that it sounded like a gunshot when Wraith connected with it, but to me it was more like a cannon!!

Escobar: The trash talk was C'est magnifique! It was just as powerful to the emotional beating of each man as much as the physical moves as well as these two members of the Underworld truly wanted to kill the other, with Maverick stating at one point in the match a killer quip of "So mutherfucker, you do bleed."

Ashley: Oh there is no question that the only person that Maverick hates more in Wrestleworld than Reno is Wraith and with a very good reason since Wraith has proven himself to be quite the formidable wrestler and in my own views, a lot more loyal to Claudia than Maverick could be.

Gates: Even though Maverick stepped up with the leadership of the faction during Claudia's downtime?

Ashley: Yes, just because you put a pair of wings on a pug does not make that pug a butterfly, Benjamin. But this was an intense match the more and more that it went on, with each beautifully executed move and weapons use just kept building and building like some great musical score until finally, Maverick practically had to bash Wraith's head in with a shovel to secure that final pin needed for him to win.

Escobar: Yeah, that is true. But I think the rest of it was a tad over the top and we should just skip the overdone bits of that turkeyfest and go straight onto our next match, don't you think?

Ashley: I agree, especially since the next match is going to be an interesting bit..but then again we got to see how April Song was thinking of her upcoming match for the American Dream championship before we get to

Gates: You know, I like Colt Montoya. He's kind of a refreshing wrestler.

Escobar: And he looks like Caine Marik as well.

Ashley: Yeah, but doesn't Caine usually have that whole "biker bad boy" look going? I mean Colt's is more a cowboy...kinda?

Gates: Fair enough, at least Colt and Irvine haven't ran into each other yet.

Ashley: Who?

Escobar: Just...don't ask. I'll just say that Colt would get along great with that guy and leave it at that as this next match was the winner of the first ever Wrestleworld King of the World tournament and boy...did it not help this kid, Tristan at all.

Ashley: What do you mean, it did give his career a boost.

Escobar: Yeah, but it also kinda created a proto-Maverick and one Maverick in a promotion is enough.

Ashley: Eh...at any rate these two men have had issues with each other in the recent past...

Gates: Much like Ozymandias does at the moment with Colt.

Ashley:<without missing a beat as she continues> but say what you may, this match was an intriguing fight nonetheless and so after scaring Kimberly with a horse during his entrance, Colt was ready to face off against Tristan Killebrew as the "King of the World" simply acted more like a total tool during his entrance.

Escobar: I thought you didn't have a problem with him?

Ashley: I don't, I just get really tired of some wrestler's using the old tropes at times and Tristain is too good of a wrestler in my opinion to have used the whole "royalty" thing for his entrance.

Escobar: Eh, fair enough.

Gates: I on the other hand could've done without "Headlock City".

Ashley:...yeah, that is kind of a weird thing to say, let alone be proud of.

Gates: Exactly, but I will say that it was an interesting thing to witness in the opening stages of this match which was a very intense affair between two very grounded wrestlers.

Ashley: So kind of like Caine Marik versus Thomas Bane?

Gates: Kind of, I mean Tristain might be a very aerial based wrestler but he also had a solid mat game in my view. But it was not on the same level as the so-called "Saint of the South" in Colt who has a very potent ground based feel to him.

Ashley: So more Gabriel Poe and Thomas Bane then?

Gates: Kind of, I mean both Poe and Tristan had pretty much the same moves in terms of experience and yes, they both had a very solid mat game and thus, comparing the two of them is a very equal thing to do, Ashley.

Escobar: But comparing Colt to Thomas f'n Bane is like comparing a Garbage Pail Kid card to a work of Vincent van Gogh! I mean yeah, they both a very skilled fighters but then again you have to also look at the sheer difference in their styles because Colt might be a very solid hand in the ring, Bane would eat him *alive* and ask Kimberly for seconds.

Ashley:...'kay then.

Escobar: Well it's true, right Benny?

Gates: Well kind of. But from the match perspective, Colt did acquit himself rather well as you could see that Colt was able to counter quite a lot of Tristain's aerial offense and was able to stop him cold a couple of times, but Tritan was also able to target specific parts of Colt’s body in order to prevent him from using some of his more signature moves.

Ashley: That was rather smart of him to do, wasn’t?

Gates: Indeed it was.

Ashley: Well no matter what, this was one of my favorite matches of night two as both men put on one hell of a match with some very striking back and forth action until finally it was Colt with a surprising submission win for the match.

Gates: What I found particularly interesting was the post match quitting of Maverick. I guess the King just couldn’t handle being used as a pawn by Mister Jaywalker.

Escobar:...I hate it when you throw chess into professional wrestling, partner.

(Gates simply gives the camera a happy little smile as the screen cuts to the next match card image)

Ashley: Well following a brief conversation with the soon to be debuting Jacob Striker, we head straight into our next match with an incredible video package about the legacy of the American Dream championship and the incredible battles fought for it before we head into the introductions of all three of the wrestlers involved in this soon to be very brutal three way dance for Claudia's very own title.

Gates: Claudia Michaels did acquit herself rather well against Reno Dumont back at the beginning of Wrestleworld and had it not been for some...efforts...on the behalf of Claudia, this match might have been quite different.

Escobar: That is one way of putting it, as our main event of Dreamworld starts up as we have one hell of a brutal war as the two co-leaders of the World's Finest go up against each other AND Claudia Michaels for the title.

Ashley: And it was a very potent back and forth affair at that, gentlemen, as all three of these women were some of the most talented wrestlers outside of the Omega Wrestling Alliance *AND* the Summit Wrestling Alliance as the fighting was done under Outlaw rules and was some of the most physically demanding of the night yet.

Gates: Agreed, I had not seen a more dominant woman in a professional wrestling ring like Claudia Michales since the retirement of the legendary Miss Tara roughly a decade before and she did not disappoint as she chose each of her strikes with a careful and methodical way.

Escobar: That is very true, but after the three of us rewatched this match several times, there are simply too many spots to call that really stood out because they all really stood out to the three of us. It was a very physically demanding match and quite a few times it looked like either April or Claudia would walk away with the title.

Gates: But in the end, only one person stood tall and proud with her new championship held firmly in her fist with that one person being none other than Stephanie Matsuda following a very vicious use of April Song as an illegal weapon onto the back of Claudia Michaels. But despite all of that, it was good to see April at least show some respect to Cloud for the win, even though she bore more of the damage than her stablemate.

Ashley: And with that was the ending of the first season of Wrestleworld and a truly epic pay per view. We had some truly impressive wins and painful losses and the roster was forever changing in this chaotic time, but needless to say that it was one hell of a ride.