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Bye NFL Network
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It's my last week at NFL Network and I’m not too proud to admit that thinking about it makes my eyeballs sweat a little.

I’ve been with the network for the past four and a half years; I’ve never worked at a place longer and I’ve never loved working at a place more.  

So saying bye to this place is tough.

I’ve got some really cool things potentially popping up and I can’t wait to share that with everyone once everything’s official. And when I do I hope you guys will be the Morgan Freeman to my Tim Robbins in Shawshank where “if you’ve come this far, maybe you’re willing to come a little further…”

But before I peace outta this joint I got a few thank you’s I really want to get out there.

Money - When I first started on NFL Fantasy Live I was legit intimidated by how good Matt was and my worst fear was for someone to say, “Man this guy absolutely sucks compared to Matt ‘Money’ Smith.” So when I had heard through the grapevine that he personally vouched for me and told a potential boss I was actually good at my job… I felt like I was floating. I felt validated and in this business that is a feeling that is awfully hard to come by. The nicest guy, a borderline genius and an incredible work ethic, what else can you say, he’s an absolute stud in this business.

Akbar - We come from extremely different backgrounds but for whatever reasons we just got along.  I had more grown-man chats with Akbar (about relationships, finances, career, etc) than anyone else at the network not named Adam Rank.  It was amazing to get to know him as a person.  Great story: when I texted him that I wasn’t coming back, you know what this big-time network star did? He immediately called me back and we talked for a good 20 minutes.  He just wanted to make sure I was good, he gave me encouragement and we just talked about life a little. It meant a lot and it should tell you all you need to know about his character.

Marcas Grant - MG my guy is a bit of a late bloomer in this business, a post-hype sleeper if you will, but watching him grow as a broadcaster the last few seasons has been pretty amazing.  He’s authentic, witty and a great mate to have at the watering hole.  He’s done a so much for me and my family and I’ll always, always, always appreciate him for it.  

Gelhar - I don’t think I got off on the right foot with Alex Gelhar quite honestly.  I wasn’t trying to be abrasive but I can sometimes come off that way and I appreciate him not completely blowing me off and still allowing me to be a guest columnist for the website.  A peek behind the curtain, but I was never contracted to write, I was paid strictly as a broadcaster.  Gelhar could have easily said, thanks but no thanks but instead he gave me a chance to put pen to digital paper and allowed me to flex my writing chops. A great writer, a world-class manager and an even better human. He’s out to change the world because he’s just built that way.  Plus his mom sent us the best cookies.  

Harmon - I can say, with certainty, that Matt did not like me very much early on.  Maybe it was me calling him an idiot on national television. I don’t know. But I also saw something great in him and let him know so privately. I think that surprised him. Not that he’s needed it but he’s come to me for mentorship at times and I honestly have been humbled that this rising supernova would look to me for advice.  I can’t wait to see where this crazy business takes him.

Franchise - Franch was low-key the funniest dude in the entire stronghold both intentionally and unintentionally.  His levity and his anger fueled many hours of hilarious stories online, at work and over post-work brews.  I miss working with him but at the same time am so thrilled that he is moving up and on at EA.

Rank - I think I brought out the best in him and he the best in me. From a talent standpoint he’s engaging, funny and the man absolutely knows his stuff.  Sure he can be polarizing for viewers but I can unequivocally tell you that off camera there is nothing polarizing about him. Everyone, and I mean Every. Single. Damn. Person. LOVES working with him.  Ok maybe not everyone, but if you have a problem with Rank, that’s a you problem.  

Behind the scenes, I marvel at this man’s work ethic.  Pumping out multiple columns a week, posting on social media, doing various radio and podcast hits and oh yeah he has a full slate of television shows he preps for as well.  Content, content, content.  He is the content king. He doesn’t have a team of people doing work for him, he’s not plagiarizing the network’s research packet, the guy is just an extremely hard but efficient worker.  He’s got to be because he does all of this while still leaving the office in time to have dinner with his family.  

If you thought Rank and I had good solid chemistry on camera, know that it was not forced or fake. I consider Rank a friend and someone that I thoroughly enjoyed working with and around.  Planning and executing our various bits will be something I will both treasure and miss dearly.

All my producers -  But specifically Dylan Milner, Alex Wilk, Hytham Kilani, Heather Pink and Todd Mossburg, thank you for allowing me to do what I do.  I appreciate you guys taking my input and not bashing me in the head with a baking sheet. You guys were extremely professional and so easy to work with.  I loved your individual takes on how our show looked and felt like.

Research team - Careen Falcone and Matt Frederick you guys rock. Even though some took advantage of your team-first attitudes at times, just know that the entire team always appreciated the fact that with you guys would, without hesitation, research anything and everything for us no matter how stupid or minute. You made us all sound smarter than we were.

Thank you to all the other amazing people I’ve worked with here as well, we had a helluva team and a helluva run.

At the end of the day, I’m proud of what I did at NFL Network, yes even down to the stupid segments like Danger Zone. But beyond the bits, I’d like to think that I was someone that elevated NFL Fantasy Live by taking a deeper, more intelligent look into fantasy while also injecting life and entertainment into it as well.

I’ll miss the show, I’ll miss my co-workers and I’ll miss all you fantasy freaks and geeks as well.