Warm Up

If you could only eat one meal the rest of your life, what would it be?

Which weapon of WWI do you think was the biggest game changer? Why?

Instructions: Use the readings posted on the class website to answer each of the following questions

The Eastern Front

  1. The Eastern Front

Unfamiliar Terms:

  • Fluid

Where was the Eastern Front Located?

Why was Trench Warfare rarely used on the Eastern Front?

  1. The German Strategy

Unfamiliar Terms:

  • Mobilization

Why did the Germans think Russia would be harder to defeat?

What were the two keys to German success?


  1. The Russian Army

Unfamiliar Terms:

What problems did the Germans face in the execution of their plan?

Describe 3 problems the Russian Army had?

  1. Russia’s Out!

Unfamiliar Terms:

What were conditions like for people in Russia?

How did people in Russia react to these conditions?

Think about it

What makes a military strategy effective?