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Benjamin J Callahan

Associate Professor

Dept of Population Health & Pathobiology

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC 27607


Phone: (919) 515-8536




PhD in Physics

University of California, Santa Barbara

Evolution on an interacting fitness landscape: The effects of the interplay of epistasis and recombination on genetic structure


BS in Physics and Math, Minor in Linguistics

Iowa State University


2022 -

Associate Professor, Microbiomes and Complex Microbial Communities

Department of Population Health & Pathobiology

North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine

2017 - 2022

Assistant Professor, Microbiomes and Complex Microbial Communities

Department of Population Health & Pathobiology

North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine

2014 - 2016

Research Associate

Stanford University, Department of Statistics

2010 - 2013

Postdoctoral Scholar

Stanford University, Department of Applied Physics


Google Scholar profile:

Maier JL#, Gin C#, Callahan B, Sheriff EK, Duerkop BA, Kleiner M (2024). Pseudo-pac site sequences used by phage P22 in generalized transduction of Salmonella. PLoS Pathogens, 20 (6), e1012301. 

Berman HL#, Goltsman DS, Anderson M, Relman DA, Callahan BJ^ (2024). Gardnerella Diversity and Ecology in Pregnancy and Preterm Birth. mSystems, 9, e01339-23. 

Belotserkovsky I, Stabryla LM, Hunter M, Allegretti J, Callahan BJ, Carlson PE, Daschner PJ, Goudarzi M, Guyard C, Jackson SA, Rao K, Servetas SL, Sokol H, Wargo JA, Novick S (2024). Standards for fecal microbiota transplant: Tools and therapeutic advances. Biologicals, 86, 101758. 

Scheible M, Stinson TL, Breen M, Callahan BJ, Thomas R, Meiklejohn KA^ (2024). The development of non-destructive sampling methods of parchment skins for genetic species identification. PLoS One, 19(3), e0299524. 

Halleran J^, Sylvester H, Jacob M, Callahan B, Baynes R, Foster D. Impact of florfenicol dosing regimen on the phenotypic and genotypic resistance of enteric bacteria in steers (2024). Scientific Reports, 14, 4920. 

Grinevich D#, Harden L, Thakur S, Callahan BJ^ (2024). Serovar-level Identification of Bacterial Foodborne Pathogens from Full-length 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing. mSystems, e00757-23. 

Hakimzadeh A, Abdala Asbun A, Albanese D, Bernard M, Buchner D, Callahan B, Caporaso JG, Curd E, Djemiel C, Brandström Durling M, Elbrecht V, Gold Z, Gweon HS, Hajibabaei M, Hildebrand F, Mikryukov V, Normandeau E, Özkurt E, Palmer JM, Pascal G, Porter TM, Straub D, Vasar M, Větrovský T, Zafeiropoulos H, Anslan S^ (2024). A pile of pipelines: An overview of the bioinformatics software for metabarcoding data analyses. Molecular Ecology Resources, 24 (5), e13847. 

Templeton GB, Fefer G, Case BC, Roach J, Azcarate-Peril MA, Gruen ME, Callahan BJ, Olby NJ^. Longitudinal Analysis of Canine Oral Microbiome Using Whole Genome Sequencing in Aging Companion Dogs (2023). Animals, 13(24), 3846. 

Slead TS, Callahan BJ, Schreeg ME, Seiler GS, Stowe DM, Azcarate‐Peril MA, Jacob ME, Gookin JL^ (2023). Microbiome analysis of bile from apparently healthy cats and cats with suspected hepatobiliary disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 37(6), 2178-2187. 

Gin TE#^, Petzold EA, Uthappa DM, Neighbors CE, Borough AR, Gin C#, Lashnits E, Sempowski GD, Denny T, Bienzle D, Weese JS, Callahan BJ, Woods CW (2023). Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 identification methods through surveillance of companion animals in SARS-CoV-2-positive homes in North Carolina, March to December 2020. PeerJ, 11, e16310. 

Huang C#, Gin C#, Fettweis J, Foxman B, Gelaye B, MacIntyre DA, Subramaniam A, Fraser W, Tabatabaei N, Callahan B^ (2023). Meta-Analysis Reveals the Vaginal Microbiome is a Better Predictor of Earlier Than Later Preterm Birth. BMC Biology, 21, 199. 

Switzer AD, Callahan BJ, Costello EK, Bik EM, Fontaine C, Gulland FM, Relman DA^ (2023). Rookery through rehabilitation: Microbial community assembly in newborn harbour seals after maternal separation. Environmental Microbiology, 25(11), 2182-2202. 

Gookin JL, Hartley AN, Aicher KM, Mathews KG, Cullen R, Cullen JM, Callahan BJ, Stowe DM, Seiler GS, Jacob ME, Arnold JW (2023). Gallbladder microbiota in healthy dogs and dogs with mucocele formation. Plos one, 18(2):e0281432. 

Manvell C, Berman H#, Callahan B, Breitschwerdt E, Swain W, Ferris K, Maggi R, Lashnits E^. Identification of microbial taxa present in Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea) reveals widespread co-infection and associations with vector phylogeny (2022). Parasites & Vectors, 15, 398. 

McLaren MR#, Nearing JT, Willis AD, Lloyd KG, Callahan BJ^ (2022). Implications of taxonomic bias for microbial differential-abundance analysis. bioRxiv,  2022.08.19.504330 [PREPRINT]. 

Huang C#, Callahan BJ, Wu MC, Holloway ST, Brochu H, Lu W, Peng X, Tzeng JY^ (2022). Phylogeny-Guided Microbiome OTU-Specific Association Test (POST). Microbiome, 10, 86. 

Tedersoo L^, Albertsen M, Anslan S, Callahan B (2021). Perspectives and benefits of high-throughput long-read sequencing in microbial ecology. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87(17), e00626-21. 

Callahan BJ^, Grinevich D#, Thakur S, Balamotis MA, Yehezkel TB (2021). Ultra-accurate Microbial Amplicon Sequencing with Synthetic Long Reads. Microbiome, 9, 130. 

Halleran JL^, Callahan BJ, Jacob ME, Sylvester HJ, Prange T, Papich MG, Foster DM (2021). Effects of danofloxacin dosing regimen on gastrointestinal pharmacokinetics and fecal microbiome in steers. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-3. 

Thanissery R, McLaren MR#, Rivera A, Reed AD, Betrapally NS, Burdette T, Winston JA, Jacob M, Callahan BJ, Theriot CM^ (2020). C. difficile carriage in animals and the associated changes in the host fecal microbiota. Anaerobe, 66, 102279. 

McLaren MR#, Callahan BJ^ (2020). Pathogen resistance may be the principal evolutionary advantage provided by the microbiome. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 375, 20190592. 

Kolodny O, Callahan BJ, Douglas AE (2020). The role of the microbiome in host evolution. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 375, 20190588. 

Muñana K^, Jacob J, Callahan BJ (2020). Evaluation of fecal Lactobacillus populations in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy: A pilot study. Animal Microbiome, 2, 19. 

Berman HL#, McLaren MR#, Callahan BJ^ (2020). Understanding and Interpreting Community Sequencing Measurements of the Vaginal Microbiome. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 127, 139-146. 

Foster DM^, Jacob M, Farmer K, Callahan B, Theriot C, Kathariou S, Cernicchiaro N, Prange T, Papich M (2019). Ceftiofur formulation differentially affects the intestinal drug concentrations, resistance of fecal Escherichia coli, and the microbiome of steers. PLoS One, 14(10), e0223378. 

McLaren MR#, Willis AD, Callahan BJ^ (2019). Consistent and correctable bias in metagenomic sequencing experiments. eLife, 8, e46923. 

Bolyen E*, Rideout JR*, Dillon MR*, Bokulich NA*, [......12 authors......], Callahan BJ, [......91 authors......], JG Caporaso^ (2019). Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2. Nature Biotechnology, 37, 852–857. 

Callahan BJ^, Wong J, Heiner C, Oh S, Theriot CM, Gulati AS, McGill SK, Dougherty MK (2019). High-throughput amplicon sequencing of the full-length 16S rRNA gene with single-nucleotide resolution. Nucleic Acids Research, 47, e103. 

Davis NM*, Proctor D*, Holmes SP, Relman DA, Callahan BJ^ (2018). Simple statistical identification and removal of contaminant sequences in marker-gene and metagenomics data. Microbiome, 6, 226. 

Jeganathan P, Callahan BJ, Proctor DM, Relman DA, Holmes SP^ (2018). The Block Bootstrap Method for Longitudinal Microbiome Data. arXiv, 1809.01832 [stat.ME].

Ferguson K,  Jacob M, Theriot C, Callahan B, Prange T, Papich M, Foster D^ (2018). Dosing Regimen of Enrofloxacin Impacts Intestinal Pharmacokinetics and the Fecal Microbiota in Steers. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2190. 

Ghaemi MS, DiGiulio DB, Contrepois K, Callahan B, Ngo T, Lee-McMullen B, Lehallier B, Robaczewska A, Mcilwain D, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Wong RJ, Quaintance C, Culos A, Stanley N, Tanada A, Tsai A, Gaudilliere D, Ganio E, Han X, Ando K, McNeil L, Tingle M, Wise P, Maric I, Sirota M, Wyss-Coray T, Winn VD, Druzin ML, Gibbs R, Darmstadt GL, Lewis DB, Nia VP, Agard B, Tibshirani R, Nolan G, Snyder MP, Relman DA, Quake SR, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK, Angst MS, Gaudilliere B, Aghaeepour N^ (2018). Multiomics Modeling of the Immunome, Transcriptome, Microbiome, Proteome, and Metabolome Adaptations During Human Pregnancy. Bioinformatics, 35(1), 95-1037. 

McLaren MR#, Callahan BJ^ (2018). In nature, there is only diversity. mBio, 9:e02149-17. 

Callahan BJ*, DiGiulio DB*, Goltsman DSA, Sun CL, Costello EK, Jeganathan P, Biggio JR, Wong RJ, Druzin ML, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK, Holmes SP, Relman DA^ (2017). Replication and refinement of a vaginal microbial signature of preterm birth in two racially distinct cohorts of US women. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 114(37), 9966–9971. PMCID: PMC5604014. 

Callahan BJ^, McMurdie PJ, Holmes SP (2017). Exact sequence variants should replace operational taxonomic units in marker gene data analysis. The ISME Journal, 11, 2639–2643. PMCID: PMC5702726. 

Mayer-Blackwell K, Fincker M, Molenda O, Callahan BJ, Sewell H, Holmes S, Edwards E, Spormann A^. 1,2-dichloroethane exposure alters the population structure, metabolism, and kinetics of a trichloroethene-dechlorinating Dehalococcoides mccartyi consortium (2016). Environmental Science & Technology, 50, 12187–12196. PMID: 27809491.

Callahan BJ, Sankaran K, Fukuyama JA, McMurdie PJ, Holmes SP^ (2016). Bioconductor workflow for microbiome data analysis: from raw reads to community analyses. F1000 Research, 5, 1492. PMCID: PMC4955027. 

Callahan BJ^, McMurdie PJ, Rosen MJ, Han AW, Johnson AJ, Holmes SP (2016). DADA2: High resolution sample inference from Illumina amplicon data. Nature Methods, 13, 581–583. PMCID: PMC4927377. 

Bik EM, Costello EK, Switzer AD, Callahan BJ, Holmes SP, Wells RS, Carlin KP, Jensen ED, Venn-Watson S, Relman DA^ (2016). Marine mammals harbor unique microbiotas shaped by and yet distinct from the sea. Nature Communications, 7, 10516. PMCID: PMC4742810. 

Callahan BJ, Proctor D, Relman DA, Fukuyama J, Holmes SP^ (2016). Reproducible research workflow in R for the analysis of personalized human microbiome data. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 21, 183-194. PMCID: PMC4873301. 

DiGiulio DB*, Callahan BJ*, McMurdie PJ, Costello EK, Lyell DJ, Robaczewska A, Sun CL, Goltsman DSA, Wong RJ, Shaw G, Stevenson DK, Holmes SP, Relman DA^ (2015). Temporal and spatial variation of the human microbiota during pregnancy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 112(35), 11060-11065. PMCID: PMC456827. 

Callahan BJ^, Fukami T, Fisher DS (2014). Rapid Evolution of Adaptive Niche Construction in Experimental Microbial Populations. Evolution, 68(11), 3307-3316. PMID: 25138718. 

Walker SI*^, Callahan BJ*, Arya G, Barry JD, Bhattacharya T, Grigoryev S, Pellegrini M, Rippe K, Rosenberg SM (2013). Evolutionary Dynamics and Information Hierarchies in Biological Systems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1305(1), 1-17. PMID: 23691975


Rosen MJ^, Callahan BJ, Fisher DS, Holmes SP (2012). Denoising PCR-amplified metagenome data. BMC bioinformatics, 13(1), 283. PMCID: PMC3563472. 


Callahan BJ (2012). The length scale of selection in protein evolution. Fly, 6(1), 16-20. PMID: 22198524


Sellis D, Callahan BJ, Petrov DA^, Messer PW (2011). Heterozygote advantage as a natural consequence of adaptation in diploids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108(51), 20666-20671. PMCID: PMC3251125. 


Callahan BJ^, Neher RA, Bachtrog D, Andolfatto PA, Shraiman BI (2011). Correlated evolution of nearby residues in Drosophilid proteins. PLoS Genetics, 7(2), e1001315. PMCID: PMC3044683. 


Callahan BJ, Thattai M, Shraiman BI^ (2009). Emergent gene order in a model of modular polyketide synthases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106, 19410-19415. PMCID: PMC2780807. 

Cheung MS, Finke JM, Callahan BJ, Onuchic JN^ (2003). Exploring the interplay between topology and secondary structural formation in the protein folding problem. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, 1193-11200. 

* equal contributions                ^ corresponding                # lab member


Callahan BJ, McMurdie PJ, Holmes SP (2024). dada2: Accurate, high-resolution sample inference from amplicon sequencing data. R package version 1.32.0.

        Over 25,000 citations (Google Scholar, Dec 2024)

        Top 5% most downloaded Bioconductor packages.

Callahan BJ, Davis NM (2024). decontam: Identify contaminants in marker-gene and metagenomics sequencing data. R package version 1.22.0.

        Over 2,400 citations (Google Scholar, Dec 2024)

Funded Grants

2019 - 2024

NIH NIGMS R35GM133745 (Role: PI)

Quantitative Metagenomics and the Vaginal Microbiome of Preterm Birth

Total Costs: $1,442,610

2022 - 2027

NSF Engineering Research Center (Role: Co-I)

Engineering Research Center for Precision Microbiome Engineering (PreMiEr)

Total Costs (my segment): $449,335

2024 - 2028

NIH NIAID R01AI171046 (Role: Co-I)

DNA transduction in intestinal microbiomes and the spread of pathogenicity traits

Total Costs (my segment): ~$250,000

2024 – 2025

Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (Role: Co-Lead; Trainee is PI)

Microbiome sharing between humans and their pet dogs

Total Costs: $7,500

2021 – 2023


NIH NICHD F31HD104353 (Role: Sponsor; Trainee is PI)

Understanding Intraspecific Diversity of Gardnerella vaginalis in the Vaginal Microbiome (Hanna Berman)

Total Costs: $111,672

2021 – 2024


US Army Research Office (Role: Co-I)

Validating DNA Metabarcoding for Characterization of Pollen from Surface Soils

Total Costs: $450,000.00

2022 – 2023


NCSU Data Science Academy (DSA) Seed Grant (Role: Co-PI)

Using Machine Learning to Automate the Identification of Transducing Events from Metagenomic Data

Total Costs: $41,712

2021 – 2023


NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program (Role: Co-I)

Medieval Monks Meet Modern Science: Using Genetics to Unlock the Secrets of Medieval Parchment Books and their Makers

Total Costs: $18,750 (plus $6,250 matching funds from the CVM)

2019 - 2022


American Kennel Club (Role: Co-I)

Is Gut Dysbiosis Associated with Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy?

Total Costs: $104,453

2019 – 2020


Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (Role: Co-Lead; Trainee is PI)

Exploring connections between Gardnerella vaginalis diversity and preterm birth

Total Costs: $6,000

2017 - 2019


Plant Soil Microbial Community Consortium (Role: PI)

Extension and validation of maximum resolution amplicon bioinformatics methods to fungal marker-gene data

Total Costs: $55,000

Pending Grants

2025 - 2029

NIH NIGMS 2R35GM133745 (Role: PI)

Improving Microbiome Science by Modeling the Measurement Process

Total Costs: $2,062,945

Impact Score: 20

Invited Talks


Precision Microbiome Engineering Research (PreMiEr) Center seminar series, Virtual


Microbiology and Physiological Systems (MaPS) Seminar, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester MA


Microbiome Data Congress 2023 Pre-event Webinar, Virtual


ASM Microbe 2023 (session keynote), Houston TX


Precision Microbiome Engineering Research Center (PreMiEr) Research seminar series, Virtual


Wayne State University, Dept of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology, Detroit MI


PRIME-TR Virtual Monthly Microbiome Meeting, MD Anderson Cancer Center


Food Animal Innovation Summit, Raleigh NC


NIST/IMMSA Workshop on on Standards for Microbiome and Multi’Omics Measurements, Boulder CO


Microbiome Data Congress 2022, Boston MA


IABS - BIOASTER Webinar on Standards for Faecal Microbiota Transplant: Tools and Therapeutic Advances


Johns Hopkins Microbiome Forum


East Carolina University, Dept. of  Microbiology and Immunology Seminar, Greenville NC


Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics Program on The Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Communities, Santa Barbara CA


Microbiome Data Congress 2021, Boston MA


Aarhus University, Denmark


Advanced Food Science Seminar, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln NE


DNAQUA International Conference, Data Analysis & Storage Session Keynote


Duke University Marine Laboratory


Loop Genomics, Live Webinar


University of Innsbruck, Austria


Microbiome Movement - Maternal & Infant Health Summit, Virtual Seminar


University of South Florida, Virtual Seminar


FDA, Virtual Seminar


NIEHS, Research Triangle Park NC


University of Louisville, Louisville KY


NIST Workshop on Standards for Microbiome Measurements, Gaithersburg MD


Microbiome Movement - Maternal & Infant Health Summit, Boston MA


Simons Foundation 3rd Workshop on Statistical and Algorithmic Challenges in Microbiome Data Analysis, New York City NY


Triangle Microbial Interactions Meeting, Chapel Hill NC


UNC-Charlotte Bioinformatics Seminar Series, Charlotte NC


UNC Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Seminar, Chapel Hill NC


VCU Microbiology & Immunology Research Seminar, Richmond VA


International Metagenomics and Microbiome Standards Alliance, Webinar


Physical Principles Governing the Organization of Microbial Communities, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO


Symposium on the Microbiome: Hype and Hope, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle WA


Kavli Foundation Microbiome Seminar, Ohio State, Columbus OH


UNC First Friday Microbiome Seminar, Chapel Hill NC


BASF Seminar, Research Triangle Park NC


Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore MD


University of Idaho Seminar for the Center for Modeling Complex Interactions (CMCI) and the Institute for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies (IBEST)


UNC Biostatistics Department Seminar, Chapel Hill NC


Bioinformatics for the Microbiome Symposium, Stanford CA


Challenges in Microbiome Data Analysis, Simons Foundation, NYC NY


Microbiome Workshop, Johnson & Johnson, Webinar


REvolution - Transcending the Past Symposium, Stanford CA


Vienna Institute of Science and Technology, Vienna Austria


Bay Area Population Genomics Meeting, UC Berkeley


Princeton University, Princeton NJ

Honors and Awards


University Faculty Scholar, NC State University


Microbiome Data Prize, American Society for Microbiology (ASM)


Academic Service Award, NC State Genetics & Genomics Academy


Goodnight Early Career Innovator Award, NC State University


Best Postdoc Talk (2nd place), American Society of Naturalists

2003 - 2005

Broida Fellowship for Graduate Studies in Physics, UC Santa Barbara

Professional Activities

Editor: Guest editor for Philosophical Transactions B special issue on “The Role of the Microbiome in the Evolution of the Host” (2020).

Reviewer (journals): Bioinformatics, BJOG, BMC Biology, BMC Genomics, Environmental Microbiology, Frontiers in Genetics, Genetics, Gigascience, Journal of Computational Biology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Microbiome, Molecular Ecology Resources, mSphere, mSystems, mBio, Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Methods, Nature Microbiology, New Phytologist, PeerJ, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS One, PNAS, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Science, Theoretical Population Biology.

Reviewer (grants): Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC) for the Ocular Microbiome Consortium (OMC) (Jun 2024; Jan 2025), NIH MRAF Study Section (Feb 2024), NIH BBBT-02 Study Section (May 2023, Nov 2023, Jul 2024), NIH NEI U24 “Characterization of the Resident Ocular Microbiome” Study Section (Nov 2022), NIH EMNR Study Section (Mar 2022), NIH CHHD-W Study Section (Oct 2021), NIH K99 Study Section (Nov 2020), NIH BDMA Study Section (Feb 2020). NC State CVM Intramural Research Grants (2021-present).

Advisor: Michael McLaren (postdoc - completed, continued in science), Dmitry Grinevich (postdoc - completed, continued in science), Craig Gin (postdoc - completed, continued in data science), Naga Betrapally (postdoc - completed, continued in science), Caizhi Huang (PhD - completed, continued in science), Hanna Berman (PhD - completed, continued in science policy), Taylor Gin (PhD), Ozge Kuddar (PhD), Jorden Rabasco (PhD), Yixuan Yang (PhD).

Workshop Instruction: Strategies and Techniques for Analyzing Microbial Population Structures at Woods Hole (2015, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025), Harvard Workshop on Metagenomics (2015), Microbe Analysis in R at ASM Microbe (2018, 2019), QCBS BIOME Workshop on Metabarcoding at University of Montreal (2018, Lead Instructor), Microbiome Analysis in R Workshop at NC State (2018, 2023 - Lead instructor)