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The Well - Religion
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The Well

Accents: Mind

Primary Eye: Arcanorum

Qualifier: “Follower of The Well”


Of the “well known” religions, The Well boasts the least number of adherents, as the structures of the faith's doctrines are often difficult to reconcile with the world at large. What is easy, convenient, and practical can often come at odds with the faith’s tenets, causing friction with the general populace.

However, internally, the faith itself is ever generous with its adherents, recognizing the difficulties of life are omni-present. A culture of acceptance of mistakes with appropriate recompense winds its way through the faith, leading to a quiet serenity and compassion from the adherents of the faith, and a wide forbearance towards non-adherents.

Truly, The Well ascribes to “leading by example” in its doctrines, rather than punishing failures. Many of its most revered heroes are those who came from a background rife with failure, greed, and dishonesty yet rose above their former lives.

Tenets of The Devoted

Note: If you purchased one or more abilities in this Religion, and you knowingly break one of the tenets of the Religion, you will have all powers granted by this religion revoked until the end of the event (or longer), and may be subject to a redemption or atonement quest to regain these powers, subject to the discretion of the Plot Team.


All adherents of this religion gain the Qualifier: Follower of The Well. This means that the character will become targets of effects with that qualifier for as long as they maintain devotion to this religion. These effects will be both positive and negative, so be sure to be aware of the Calls being made around you.

For Example: Toric, devoted to The Well, is fighting on the line during an incursion of undead. Behind them is a cleric of his order, Killian. Killian prays to their shared god and receives a boon in the form of “By My Voice, Heal 5 to Follower ofThe Well by Radiance”. Toric heard this call, and is devoted to the religion, and so is healed. Meanwhile, Toric’s line companion, Juris, is not a member of the church, but heard the call. They, however, not being a devotee, are not affected by the call.

Elsewhere, the undead invasion is not without its necromancer, Yorric. Yorric likewise calls out to their deity, and casts that maleficent gaze upon his foes: “By My Voice, Wounding 4 to Follower of The Well By Malice”. As before, Toric, (and his cleric friend) are affected by this call, but his linemate Juris is not.

Basic Religion Powers

Trust in the Divine [Devotion] - 2 CP

Whenever this character receives healing from the Mind Accent, they may regain one additional Life Point.

Clerical Substitution [Devotion] - 2 CP

Whenever this character uses a Power with the Radiance Accent they may substitute that Accent for the Mind Accent. This is an at-will ability.

Advanced Religion Powers

The character must have purchased all the Basic Powers of this religion to buy these powers.

Pacify [Devotion][Adept] - 3 CP

Prerequisite: One Adept Spell or Advanced Power

Among the more non-violent sects of The Well, clerics have found that their mental prowess can be used to subdue those who have allowed their passions to run away with them. Those that are less concerned about the use of force still manage to find their peers' discoveries useful.

Name: Pacify [Devotion][Adept]

Incantation: “I call The Well, divine and right, I wield and shape creation’s light.

I draw my strength from sky and land. Gather now within my hand to quiet the mind.”

Call: “Short Sleep By Mind”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Mind                                Effect: Sleep

When this spell is cast, it will charge a spell-ball with mental power. When struck by this spell, the target is immediately drawn into a peaceful slumber.

The first time this spell is cast each long rest it will not consume a spell slot.

Self Determination [Devotion] - 3 CP

Prerequisite: One Advanced Power or Adept Spell

“Self-control is the beginning of understanding that which is outside oneself: Only with the ability to dictate one’s own actions, can one truly understand how the actions one takes impacts the world at large.”

~Teachings of the Violent, passage XIV, 17:19

Name: Self Determination [Devotion]

Incarnation: None

Call: Cure [Berserked, Charmed, Slept] by Mind

Target: Self                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                Effect: Cure [Berserked, Charmed, Slept]

While Berserked, Charmed, and/or Slept, the adherent may expend a single Spike to Cure one of those Conditions on themselves. This power refreshes immediately to be used again against each of these Conditions; but may only be Cured of each Condition in this way once per Short Rest. This power may be used while Berserked, Charmed, and Slept, even though normally you would otherwise not be able to.