Letter from Choir Director to Principal

Requesting Opportunity to Attend State's Music Educators Association

In-Service Conference


Dear ____________________________[Principal's Name],

I am writing to request your approval and support in allowing me to attend the State's Music Educators Association State In-Service Conference, which will take place on ___________[insert date(s)].

As you know, our school's music program has been thriving over the past few years, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our students, parents, and staff. Attending this conference will provide me with an excellent opportunity to learn about new teaching techniques, network with other music educators, and discover the latest trends in music education.

Our State's Music Educators Association State In-Service Conference is a premier event that brings together music educators from across the state. The conference features keynote speeches, workshops, and clinics, all designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of music educators. I am particularly interested in attending sessions on ________________[insert specific topics], which I believe will directly benefit our music program.

As you well know, the _________________ [State’s Name] Music Educators Association sponsors our state’s choir competitions, festivals, as well as, all of the district and state honor ensembles and it is at this in-service conference were new competition rules and guidelines are discussed and voted into policy.  I believe that it is imperative that I represent our school during these important discussions and votes.

I understand that my absence from school may require some adjustments to our schedule, but I assure you that I will work diligently to ensure that all necessary preparations are made beforehand. I will also be happy to share what I learn at the conference with our entire music department upon my return.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and hope to have the opportunity to represent our school at this important event.
