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Psalm 2 - A Call to the Academic World
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Psalm 2 - A Call to the Academic World

In Psalm 2 we are introduced to a world in which the nations are actively against the God who David worships and verse 3 strongly indicates that these nations and their leaders want to break away from the morality of David’s God. Verses 4 to 9 show that the outcome of such a rebellion will be awful.

In many ways this Psalm is very applicable to our current world which has rejected the God of ‘Classical Christianity’. The call to the academic world lies in verse 10 where the judges of the earth are encouraged to be instructed. If the judges allow themselves to be instructed with godly wisdom then they can give good advice to the rulers (kings) so that they can ‘be wise’. The evidence of ‘modern miracles’ is now so abundant that the academic world should reject their current modern worldview and instead embrace the worldview of ‘Classical Christianity’ with the reverent fear and holy rejoicing mentioned in verse 11 - which will then allow us as a nation to ‘Kiss the Son’ so that like Nineveh in the days of Jonah we avoid the full force of the wrath to come. (It is worth noting that the promises and oaths taken at the coronation alongside the embedded nature of Christianity within our institutions means England has the potential to quickly respond to such a change of worldview and in doing so set a pattern that other nations could emulate and thereby many nations could avoid the the terrible judgement to come by being in a place to kiss the Son)

Following up on this reflection I am planning to speak in the cities which are considered centres of academic excellence; Cambridge and Oxford, and also speak outside Parliament, the centre of political power. The proposed plan will look like this:

Wednesday 22/5 London (12pm Parliament 2pm BBC)

Thursday 23/5 Oxford (12pm)

Friday 31/5 Cambridge (12pm)

Then if appropriate repeat this in mid October