Title: Climate change

Author: Tricia Glensor

Source: 7/11/2022 page 1-3

Description of setting

The world's weather has been shifting due to climate change for the past 100 years. It implies that many changes are taking place and that the planet is getting warmer.

Important characters are introduced


Does a character tell the story?

It provides information about climate change and what it is doing to the environment and to us so that we can take action to combat it.

An interesting, mysterious or puzzling situation is described

How does climate change impact our globe in different ways?

It may cause icebergs to melt, among other effects, and it may give us people greater difficulties.

Exciting action happens right at the start or during the first paragraph/Chapter

Although the narrator mentions glasshouse gasses, climate change is not particularly interesting. You might wonder what glasshouse gasses are and how they benefit the environment. Greenhouse gasses allow sunlight to reach the surface of the Earth, but they also capture heat that is reflected back up into the atmosphere. They function similarly to the greenhouse's insulating glass walls in this way. The climatic comfort of Earth is maintained through the glasshouse effect. Without it, surface temperatures would be around 33 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit) lower, and many types of life would freeze.

What other important elements are in this section?

Other Important elements that the book mentions is ,the greenhouse effect which is a very humble effect that involves gasses to our planet that makes earth more livable. The way that "glasshouse gasses" trap heat near to the Earth's surface is known as the glasshouse effect. You might imagine these heat-trapping gasses as a blanket covering the Earth, keeping it warmer than it would be otherwise. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, and water vapor are examples of glasshouse gasses. (A "feedback" is the term used to describe water vapor, which reacts physically or chemically to changes in temperature.) Scientists have found that the warming effect of carbon dioxide contributes to the stabilization of Earth's atmosphere. If carbon dioxide were to be removed, the terrestrial glasshouse effect would end. The surface of the Earth would be around 33°C (59°F) colder without carbon dioxide.




