Concepts: - Fill out a standard job application
- Understand how to create an effective SAE
- Knowledge of FFA basics
- Gain leadership skills
- Gain personal development
- Career readiness
- Define horticulture and what all it entails
- Knowledge of the parts of a plant
- Knowledge of the parts of a flower
Priority Standards with DOK level:
Continuing Measures of Learning {Opportunities to Respond}: - Daily Classroom jobs
- SAE Planning Form
- Construct an FFA timeline
- Discussion and Notebook check on intro to plant science
- Notebook checks
Cumulative Measure of Learning: 9 week test - short paragraph style | Concepts: - Define sexual vs asexual propogation in plants
- Understand the steps of germination
- Demonstrate different types of asexual propagation
- Understand the development of a plant and its growth pattern
- Define a pest
Priority Standards with DOK level:
Continuing Measures of Learning {Opportunities to Respond}: - Daily classroom jobs
- SAE checks
- Constructed notes (follow along)
- Notebook checks
- Greenhouse work - transplanting and growing
- Hands on activities for asexual reproduction
- Pest research and presentation
Cumulative Measure of Learning:Midterm multiple choice test | Concepts: - Identify types of pests and damage done
- Define growing media
- Knowledge of hydroponics systems and aquaponics systems
- Define soil amendments
- Demonstrate how to start and care for a garden
Priority Standards with DOK level:
Continuing Measures of Learning {Opportunities to Respond}: - Daily classroom jobs
- SAE checks
- Constructed notes (follow along)
- Notebook check
- Pest research and presentation cont.
- Square-foot garden plans
Cumulative Measure of Learning:9 week test - short paragraph style | Concepts: - Understand parts of a greenhouse
- Understand careers in horticulture
- Finalize SAE program
Priority Standards with DOK level:
Continuing Measures of Learning {Opportunities to Respond}: - Daily classroom jobs
- SAE checks
- Constructed notes (follow along)
- Notebook check
- Greenhouse model
- Research project for hort careers
- Create presentation for SAE
Cumulative Measure of Learning:9 week test - short paragraph style And SAE presentation |