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EN_EP012M91_MADEC_Circuits et systèmes numériques
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Main lecturer

Mail address

Phone number

MADEC Morgan, office B204,

+33 (0)3 68 85 44 28

Other lecturer(s)



Track - Year - Semester - Option

Coefficient = ECTS



Engineer - 2Y G - I2S - S8

Master - 1Y ASI G + HCI - S2

1.5 / 2

10h CM, 8h TP



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Session 1

Report on a project

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Session 2

to complete

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Yes / No


  • Digital electronics (EP011M18)
  • Programmable electronics (EP012M89)

Lecture goals

The aim of this lecture is to go deeper in the design of digital circuits by including temporal aspects as design constraints (asynchronism, critical path, operating frequency) as well as advanced notions in circuits optimization (parallelism, pipelining, resynchronization...)

Detailed outline

The lecture is composed of four main parts :

  • Digital circuits in CMOS technology: principle, realization of combinatorial functions, temporal characteristics.
  • Analyze of combinatorial and sequential circuits form a temporal perspective : computation of critical paths, maximal operating frequency for state machines and counter, ...
  • Optimization of digital functions : parallelism, pipeline of operations, resynchronization, speed/surface trade-off
  • Architecture of arithmetic operators


The lecture will be illustrated by practical examples performed on FPGA. The practical works is a 8-hour project . Your goal is to optimize an arithmetic operator on a FPGA. Resources for this project are a FPGA development board and an access to Quartus II.

Acquired skills

  • Designing of complex digital operators taking temporal constraints into account
  • Optimizing the architecture of digital operators according to constraints such as the surface, the power consumption or the computation time.