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Music Curriculum Y6



  • Performing and playing of instruments will only take place when this can be managed effectively in current situation
  • Singing will not take place in any context in school until regulations change

Throughout the term pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:


  • Make a sound on several instruments 
  • Play and sing loudly
  • Play a simple pattern to a steady beat (this can be done with clapping)


  • Repeat simple rhythms
  • Choose sounds to represent basic ideas
  • Create a musical pattern to a steady beat
  • Create a musical pattern using sounds

Listening & Appraising:

  • Explain how music makes you feel
  • Recognise some musical sounds and symbols

Program Music 

  • Students are fully introduced to the elements of music and use these to listen to and appraise a wide range of pieces of Program Music. This is a highly creative topic in which students write poetry, create artwork and ultimately compose several pieces of Program Music and perform to the group.

The knowledge they will have the opportunity to develop includes:

  • Learning the meanings of all 10 musical elements at KS2 level
  • To know how to identify these elements within listening and performance tasks.
  • To know the effect that changing each musical element will have on a piece.



  • Performing and playing of instruments will only take place when this can be managed effectively in current situation
  • Singing will not take place in any context in school until regulations change - the curriculum will be adapted if need be.

Throughout the term pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:


  • Perform in a group keeping my own part going
  • To perform from simple notation
  • To perform with a sense of accuracy using musical elements
  • To perform confidently and accurately in a range of different situations with greater awareness of musical elements

Listening & Appraising:

  • To listen to music and answers questions about it
  • To suggest improvements to my own and other peoples’ work#
  • To describe, compare and evaluate music using the correct vocabulary
  • To talk about music from a range of contexts using the musical elements accurately

Concert Prep – pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • Strategies for how to produce an effective performance
  • How to compare performances – including  knowing the correct terminology (10 musical elements)

Music Theory – pupils will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about:

  • Recap and build on the skills acquired from Year 5 in relation to note reading.
  • Recapping the previous year’s knowledge of names of notes, and remembering the correct values and expanding these to include higher level vocabulary
  • Recapping the previous year’s knowledge of pitches of notes and knowing where to locate these on the musical stave and on the keyboard and expanding on this to include bass clef, or leger lines



  • Performing and playing of instruments will only take place when this can be managed effectively in current situation
  • Singing will not take place in any context in school until regulations change

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop the following skills:


● To perform in a group keeping my own part going

● To perform from simple notation

● To work out simple tunes by ear

● To improvise rhythms and melodies as part of a group

● To perform with a sense of accuracy using musical elements


∙ To improvise simple ostinato patterns and play whilst others play their own

∙ To compose and confidently explain the process used as well as links to musical elements

Listening & Appraising:

● Listen to music and answers questions about it

● To describe, compare and evaluate music using the correct vocabulary

● To describe how different effects in music are achieved

● To confidently talk about music from a range of contexts using the musical elements accurately

Revision of Notation skills and development of group practical skills

Year 6 will focus on revising and developing their note reading skills during the first half term. Here, students will explore reading different pitches from notation individually as well as in groups and be able to perform in a group setting of a piece they have planned together.

The knowledge they will have the opportunity to develop includes:

  • To know and recognise the musical notation in treble clef
  • To know how to read in bass clef
  • To know how to locate correct pitches in treble clef (and some in bass clef) on the keyboard

Listening Skills 

Students will strengthen listening skills and evaluating techniques in relation to a variety of tasks linked to the BBC 10 pieces

The knowledge they will have the opportunity to develop includes:

  • To know the musical elements and be able to use them confidently when listening to a variety of different pieces from different genres
  • To know musical instruments, and link them by family, appearance and timbre