My holiday

It was a cold night, it was a friday, on that friday is when my cousins came but they were lucky because we were having BOIL UP!. But it was kinda weird because we usually have boli up on special events.

But anyway, when the boil up was ready, the adults made their child  their food after they are done doing the kids food then they do their one, once everyone was done I asked my auntie if I can stay at her house and she said “yes”


 Once we arrived we saw her partner Levi and we just went upstairs not to be rude but we went upstairs because my auntie told us to.We went upstairs and unpacked our bag, the next day my auntie and Levi decided to take us to the time-zone. I don’t remember what the other activity was except the boxing one. After that we ate some pizza and she took us to her house then grabbed my bag then took us home.

Then the rest of my holiday I just did nothing but play on my ipad.`