NIRSA Student Staff Development Task Force

Last Updated:  January 2023


The NIRSA Student Staff Development Task Force supports campus recreation professionals who manage student employees. As one of the largest employers on college campuses, recreation departments shoulder an important role in the growth and development of students employed within their departments, and the Task Force develops resources and learning opportunities for students and their professional supervisors who are involved in this work on their campuses.

Task Force Composition

The Task Force is composed of 12 members, with overlapping 2-year terms. 2 of the 12 members (who have already completed their first year as a member) serve as co-chairs. At the beginning of each term, the task force creates working groups to complete different projects, created and agreed upon by the full task force.

Task Force Member Responsibilities

Task Force Co-Chair Responsibilities

Supervise progress of Task Force work and set strategic direction. Chairs liaise between members working on deliverables and the NIRSA HQ staff to ensure on-time delivery and clarity on deliverables.

Past Task Force Projects & Accomplishments