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If your child is already enrolled in RSU 34  the parent survey is all you need to complete. Parent survey If you are new to the district and need to enroll your child, that can be done at the superintendent’s office located in Leonard Middle School. *Note that class lists are already being generated and Monday/Tuesday was requested by a large number of families and may not be available at this point in the summer.

May I choose fully remote?

You may choose fully remote, and your child’s learning will be fully supported by their team of classroom teachers.

First day of school, computers, and all related information

The first day of school will be Tuesday September 8th. Leonard Middle School will be holding an open house “drive through” for each grade level so that students and families can meet teachers, get all the necessary paperwork, get any and all information from teachers about first day procedures, those students who have their first day as remote students will get additional information about how to log onto their device and attend class. All middle school devices will be available for pick up at the middle school during the first week of September. Exact dates and times will be posted on our website and Facebook page.

How and when will I know my child’s placement for the year?

First draft of class lists are almost completed. The lists then have to be coordinated with the other schools, to ensure that families share the same days (unless otherwise requested).  The process will be completed by Friday, August 21, and families will be notified by the end of the day.

Can I change my child’s placement later in the year?

You will have an option to change your placement at the end of each trimester, in November and then in March.  Simply send a request to Gert Nesin or Shane Barker by the end of October or the end of February. Change in placement  TO school will be evaluated according to availability of space. If you have a specific circumstance other than at the end of the trimester, please contact Gert Nesin or Shane Barker.

What will the hybrid model look like?

Students will be in the building EITHER Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday. Most students and staff will be engaged in remote learning on Wednesdays while the building is cleaned.

How will my middle schooler be grouped?

Students were grouped based on parent survey response data, and considering a combination of preferred days and friend groups. We have worked hard to put kids in groups to meet the requests of families as much as possible.

What will be taught, assessed, and reported?

We will expect teachers to teach, and students to learn, our grade level content standards--the same standards we use in a normal year. Students will be assessed on those standards in each subject area, and report cards will reflect learning in those standards in each subject area.

Students will be expected to at least learn all of the standards to a level of proficiency, and will also be given opportunities to exceed those standards by taking on and succeeding at more challenging work.

Will my child be ready for high school?

We are focused on high expectations,  standards, and learning, with support to achieve and exceed those standards. The expectations and schedule will require engagement and learning, whether in person or remote.

What will the schedule look like remote and in person?

Sample Schedule (This is not exact, but provides a good idea of how it may look)

In-Person Sample Schedule (2-Days a Week)

8:20: Homeroom

8:30: Read-Write-Think/Breakfast

9:05-10:05: Block I  (Math)

10:10-11:10: Block II  (English/Language Arts)

11:15-12:15: Block III (Science)

12:15-12:35: Lunch

12:40-12:55: Recess

1:00-1:45: Unified Arts (Physical Education, Beyond Measure, Art)

1:50-2:50: Block IV  (Social Studies)

2:50-3:00:  Packing Up and Dismissal

Remote Sample Schedule (3-Days a Week)

8:45-9:00: Homeroom/Check-in

9:00-9:40: Block I  (Math)

9:40-10:00: Independent Math Work

10:00-10:40: Block II (English/Language Arts)

10:40-11:00: Independent ELA Work

11:00-11:40: Block III  (Science)

11:30-12:00: Independent Science Work

12:00-12:35: Lunch and Break/Recess

12:35-1:20: Unified Arts (STEM)

1:20-2:00: Block IV (Social Studies)

2:00-2:20: Independent S.S. Work Time

2:20-2:35: Homeroom/Checkout

Will my child’s teachers be the same in person and remote?

Yes. In these challenging times, we want to provide as much consistency and support supportive relationships as we can. Therefore students will have the same 2-3 core teachers for in-person and remote learning.

If my child is remote, what will they do during the in-person days?

For students who have opted to be fully remote, teachers will live-stream class lectures at scheduled times. When applicable, these lectures or similar content will be made available for asynchronous learning.

Will the school take attendance on remote learning days?

Yes, students will be required to check in first thing in the morning according to the team schedule.  We will take attendance at that time for our official records,  and teachers will also check for attendance additionally throughout  the day.

What about UAs?

We will offer  PE, Art,  and Music (for kids who play instruments) on in-person days, and STEM on remote days.


There will be no chorus. Students will not play in a band, or play their instruments at school. We will have music class for students who are in band, without instruments. In that class, they will learn rhythms and music theory related to band. They will also talk about and hear recordings of their playing assignments for that week.  Practice will be at home only. For assessment, students may take FREE private remote lessons, OR submit a weekly video to Mrs. Priest.

Because we won’t use instruments in school, all instruments should be left home. The one exception is percussionists, who should keep a set of sticks at school.


When weather permits, students will participate in outdoor activities, paying attention to the distance requirements. When the weather is not good, they will play in the gym, with distancing. Particular attention will be paid to choosing activities that are safe.

Will my child have a locker?

Students will not be issued lockers this year because there is no way to maintain the 3-6 feet of distance between them. Also, it will be very difficult to clean the lockers if there is an infection. All students will be expected to carry their materials in and out each day, and may keep a backpack in the room with them.

My child doesn’t have a device.

All middle school students grades 6-8 will be issued a device that can go home. If you do not have reliable internet access at your home please contact Dr. Nesin or Mr. Barker at the middle school and we will work with you to find a solution.

Will there be hot lunch during in-person days/Will there be lunch available on remote days?

Yes. Hot lunch will be provided on the two in person days and be served in classrooms (As will breakfast). There will also be a curbside pick-up available for bagged lunches during the remote days.


Will there be sports this year? What will they look like?

We realize the important role athletics plays in the lives of many of our students. Our AD, Mr. Maxim, is working with the high school and other area middle schools under the guidance of the MPA. We do not yet know what the sports seasons will look like at the middle school level. We do know that if we are allowed to move ahead with the season, it will be delayed a few weeks. If we can’t compete with other schools, we will explore the possibility of creating a robust intramural program.

COVID Specific Questions

Does my child have to wear a mask all day?

All students ages 5 and up are required to wear a mask while on the bus, in the building, or outside when 6 feet of distance can not be maintained. There will be set mask breaks throughout the school day including lunch and recess. However, 6-foot distancing needs to be maintained in these times. Kids are encouraged to bring their own mask, but will be provided with a mask if they do not have one.

3ft vs. 6ft Spacing

This is one of the areas of the state guidelines that schools have some flexibility in. While many lower grades are using 3 ft. spacing due to the relatively low transmission rate among younger students, the data suggests that children ages 10 and above transmit the virus the same as adults. This is the primary reason Leonard Middle School as well as Old Town High School have opted for 6 ft. spacing whenever possible. In addition to this, after measuring various configurations in the middle school, even at 3 ft. spacing we would still be facing a situation where we would not have space for 20-30 students who are attending in person. Finally we would still need to maintain 6 ft. spacing for breakfast and lunch. We simply don’t have the space to accommodate that many students during these times.

How will kids and staff be screened for COVID 19?

A series of screening questions will be given to parents and students to be completed at home each day. At Leonard Middle School we will have screening tents set up in two locations. One tent will be reserved for all 6th grade students in front of the doors located on the side of the building facing the portable. This will be their designated entrance/exit. A second tent will be located directly to the right hand side of the main entrance and will be a screening tent for all 7th and 8th grade students.

Any student who has one “most common symptom of COVID-19” per  the Maine DOE, must  stay home.  These include:

Congestion/runny nose

Will there be testing done at school?

Students will not be tested for COVID 19 here at school.

What happens if my child gets sick while at school?

If a student gets sick during the day they will be examined  by the nurse. She will determine if the student needs to be isolated in our designated isolation room. If this happens, a parent/guardian will be notified and the student will need to be picked up immediately.

If my child is ill (for any reason), do they have the option to attend remotely?

Yes. Contact your child’s homeroom teacher, and they will help you create a plan to attend remotely for those days.

If a student or staff member test positive for COVID will the school be shut down?

The current guidelines are that if 3 or more people test positive than at minimum that cohort will switch to full remote for the two week period and reassess.