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Moonlighting for an Evil God - Chapter 6
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“Another one.” Laaen remarked in amazement. First it was scouts, then outriders. I had the plan to leave the orb in a clearing and pretend to move. Laaen and Liddy would stay behind and hide, since they were the best suited for it. Myself and Laeen continued on, then those two caught up to us with the orb in hand. My hunch was correct. The Lady, as I learned she was called, didn’t like my moves so she sent some other servants after us with a goal in mind.

`The fact that this is working means that communication is not direct, or easy. What it seems like is more just that those creatures got a directive to capture the orb. If she was listening to us and could communicate with her minions they wouldn’t act like this. It’s also plausible that the co-author can see everything, but just can’t communicate except through directives with some limitation I don’t know about.` My mind was drawn back to the old note. It would’ve been simple enough to set up with such a system so everything I had thought about was consistent with everything that had happened so far.
    `I’m curious if other authors of this world have similar limitations.`

Laeen commented. “Van’s assumption was right. The goblin’s are acting unusual because they’re after the orb. By that logic if we just leave it-”

“We strengthen that damned cult, Sister.” Laaen retorted sharply. I needed to say something to that effect. I didn’t just want to give up my prize without a fight. It was a useful bartering tool. So I was glad he said it.

“Better than dying for it.” She argued.

“You’re both right. The orb isn’t worth any of your lives. At the same time, it’s not something we can give up lightly, since whoever’s commanding these goblins is moving heaven and earth to force them into acting in ways they usually wouldn’t.” They were looking at me, which meant I had to keep talking and clarify my meaning a bit.
    “To put it simply, we should use it while it’s an advantage to us, and get rid of it when it’s a disadvantage. Right now, we’re shedding an advantage for no reason if we drop it.”

Technically speaking that wasn’t the case. There was some indication at the time that we were being tracked via the orb. I actually had no way to counter that claim, since it was something I considered and judged to be mostly unimportant. It still fell within the same principle. I wanted to use it while it could be used, and get rid of it once it was a detriment.

“But we need a plan.” Laeen insisted. She was correct.

“Do goblins tend to have battle lines? Are the leaders and planners in the back?” I asked.

“Typically.” Niddy confirmed.

“How about this…”

Even though I didn’t think I was particularly stealthy, I was one of our party that travelled light, and I was also one that was unsure of my ability to defend myself. I lowered my head below the brush as another storm of tiny footfalls passed through. The goblins were travelling in smaller groups. As they passed I smiled at Niddy as she inhaled relief. It was just a theory that we could avoid most of the groups by simply placing ourselves in denser brush. Since goblins were organised and moving like an army, they would take the fastest paths in order to mobilise swiftly. We bypassed so much of their front line and by the time we were right in the middle of their intermittent marches there were no more scouts, since all of the mobile troops were heading off Laeen as she made a break for Arbour.

This was a plan that was doomed to fail with all of us, and it was almost not even possible to convince Laaen to leave his sister, but the reality was; we were going to be surrounded if we continued moving and we were going to be caught or worse. Niddy did not seem to enjoy the prospect of being captured, suggesting we kill her if it ever came to it. I could guess why. Laeen, I told Laaen, technically fared the best out of all of us since, although she was being tracked by the orb potentially, and drawing the bulk of them out, she was also more capable of defending herself from a smaller contingent due to her armour and her Physical Magic. Plus, if our plan worked she would no longer be chased by an organised force, and if she was, she could simply drop the orb. There were options.

“We’re in the back line.” Niddy whispered.

I looked through and did a double-take. `What?` I mostly just tried not to smile, because what I saw was a fetishist's wet dream. For every great beast of wool with tusks and horns and armoured plates that looked something between an armadillo, a mammoth and a stag beetle, there were little men riding the backs of women. Most of the subjects were human. I fought back my little friend's growth as I witnessed one rider whipping his mount until she sped up.

The goblin’s mounts were women, stripped down and bound by harness and bridal. They were bent forward and forced to march with their rider’s on their back in what seemed to be a practice that existed solely for their amusement. I suddenly understand why Niddy would rather be killed. Being defiled and bred was one thing, being turned into a beast of burden for a green half-pint was just humiliating. Niddy was cringing at the sight. Laaen just avoided looking at them solemnly, as if what we were seeing was not insanely comical and interesting.

`Is there a training process? There must be. So, they capture women for riding? Or, does breeding also happen?` I looked closer and saw with keen vision that the women were wearing faces of abject humiliation. I could guess that there was more that went on. There was no reason for them to wear harnesses that shaped their breasts and tightened between their legs to such an extent. The goblins riding them also just seemed… excited. I heard a gasp.

“Look at that one. Look at what he’s riding.” Laaen pointed out.

“Woah.” My eyes were immediately drawn to an incredibly tall, incredibly toned creature with a defiant and indignant expression. She fought her rider, but he seemed to be winning in the end because he continued to proudly drive her forward with an application of some method that had her eyes roll up inside her skull and her whole body shudder. It was a constant push and pull, and I could guess that this was the process, I just didn’t know the method that was causing her to make that expression.

Her skin was a bluish grey. She had long silver hair that was bound back in a tail by black ribbon. Her ears were pointed like an elves, but she also had grande, ridged horns that jutted out from her head like a rams. They were black and curled into two silver caps that decorated the blunt points. The creature had a feminine shape, moderate breasts for her size that ended up being pushed up and squished together by the smaller harness she was being forced to wear. She was probably too big for the normal sizes. Her body continued normally, with a slender waist and wide hips. Where her form diverted was first at the back, where her kinds spine sprouted a tail that began thick that the base, then grew narrower and narrower and somehow more dexterous-looking as it whipped about with its silver rings wrapped tight around it. It was scaled at the base. The woman was mostly covered in black scales up her back and around her neck. Her hands were tipped with sharp black claws, though they were bound behind her back. Her normal-looking legs quickly became alien to me as they diverted from my expectations at the calf to become digitigrade and elongated from heel to toe, where those toes also ended in sharp claws that dug into the ground to give more traction than the pads of her feet that she walked on would allow.

“That’s a Deamhain. They’re evil things. Their foul bodies are just one of the forms given to Deamons. They are the vanguards of the dark forces.” Laaen spat. I thought that there should be more than that, but Niddy just nodded along like it was gospel.

`Being bound like that by her supposed allies? Maybe it’s just a case of not all mobs being allied, but I assume there’s more to it than that. Still… she is quite hot. How stupid am I willing to become for a bad bitch?`

I stared at her closely, and the goblin riding her. He was about the same size but far better equipped. Hanging around his shoulders was a crown that was definitely made for a human head, hence why he wore it more like a neck-guard. He held a stick in his right hand with a purple jewel pushed into the end and tied into it securely. It did not take much observation to see that the bindings on the Deamhain were for show, because every time her arms stretched her feeble leather bindings and she moved to buck him, he slapped her thighs with the crystal end of his make-shift staff like a riding crop. She stopped immediately each time, her face fully flushing and her legs and arms weakening, but not enough that she could not carry him.

“Looks like the leader is controlling her with the use of that rod.” I voiced my observations.

“Deamhain are monsters, but they’re powerful and prideful. She’s probably feeling insanely humiliated right now.” Added after nodding along to your observations.
    “If we can gain possession of that rod it’ll probably cause chaos in the backline.”

“I agree. That’s our goal.” My reasoning was, if the goblins were acting more like a regular army, rather than a horde, they’ll behave sensibly in a time of chaos. Most of their troops should end up being recalled through whatever method of communication they’re using and in the chaos we can get some more distance. All we were doing was playing for distance.
    “Niddy, What’s the likely route they’ll be taking through the woods?”

She was of course nervous. “They’ll be all around us like they have been but this isn’t an advancing party. They’ll be more cautious. If I’m right, I think their main caravans with the leader and all the hostages and supplies will take this close path we’re hiding above in single file while bushwhackers and ground stompers roll through. You can see behind the rear group that trees and brush are flattened. They’re more willing to take their time and make space. Hiding and getting behind them from where we are is risky.”

“I want to stay ahead of them.”

She was slightly relieved by my words. “Okay. They’re going to be rolling past us soon, what’s the plan?”

Laaen finally spoke up. “I can kill that goblin that’s leading them.”

I smiled at the elf and showed him with a brief nod that I acknowledged his words, but was merely suggesting an alternative. Something akin to ‘there are no bad ideas’ for this world, just done wordlessly.
    “That’s good, Laaen, I know you can. What I actually need from you is something more difficult.” I played into his pride.

“I chose the most difficult task on purpose.” He argued, taking the bait.

“Sure. so it should be fairly easy for you to get to the back without being seen. I need you to attack the goblins bringing up the rear. Niddy, what I want from you is something similar, but you’re going to just do as much as you can to their right flank as you can.”

Niddy leaned close and whispered. I thought it was cute that she was keeping her voice down so as to try not to openly challenge my authority.
    “Shouldn’t we be attacking more important objectives? If Laaen can get through to the rear where the supply carts are being guarded he can simply target those carts and get out. With me on the flanks, I can make it to the more lightly guarded slave carriers and free them.”

“You’re right.” I said in a tone that both could hear. They perked up curiously.
    “But what we’re doing isn’t an infiltration. We’re simulating an attack.” I could see by the looks on their faces that they were confused so I kept the initiative to speak and continued to explain in more detail.
    “The responses to these two things are similar, but different, aren’t they?”

Laaen was confused, but Niddy’s eyes widened in recognition. “That’s right…” It was just a hunch on my part, but happily I ended up being correct.

Niddy looked to the impatient elf, since the goblins were beginning to split themselves off in order to traverse the terrain we were on. She laid it out for him, and for me, since I was also trying to bait her mind into filling blanks that I could not due to my lack of knowledge.
    “When an army is attacked from inside the camp, the response isn’t chaos, it’s MORE order. Since they’ll immediately assume that it isn’t an isolated attack they are going to spread out troops evenly within their ranks and I am just guessing, because Van has more experience than me-”

`I do not.` I smiled widely and nodded along. She continued.

“-it seems like he wants to simulate an attack, instead.”

“What’s the difference?” Laaen was warming up to the plan as it was explained more. He changed from being standoffish and impatient to interested.

Niddy nodded. “Van assessed correctly that if we attack the rear and right flank the enemy will interpret it as an attack from those directions. The procedure for this type of situation for an organised army is to redirect troops to these flanks and to begin assembling others into their battle formations. This confusion wont last long, but I think it’s enough that he’ll be able to carry out his own part. Is that a good enough summary, Van?” She blushed.
    “I know that I’m probably a bit less sophisticated when it comes to this stuff. I just know a bit since these types of attacks are things scouts would normally carry out, anyway.”

“You’re brilliant.” I remarked genuinely.

“Eh?” Niddy became bright as a tomato. She did not know what to say.

Laaen smiled. “Alright. I acknowledge it. Are you going to be fine, Van? I know you said you aren’t much of a fighter.”

“I’ll play my role.” I remarked simply. If I said anything else, I would risk showing how fucking terrified I was. This was a life or death situation where I would have to do things I’ve never done. I would be risking a lot for what may have been no gain, all on a simple hunch. But, even in my world, all of the things with the greatest risk carried the greatest reward.
    `It’s time to see what this body can do. If I’m correct, the co-author didn’t bring me here with nothing. I know the language everyone speaks, so I know that it’s plausible to have other skills and strengths that have been implanted.`

When the time came, the shouts at the back told me that the plan was coming to fruition As I moved into position nearest to the king, I saw some of the cavalrymen turn and was instantly distracted by the unique harness and saddle feature that could only be seen from behind. The saddle was bound tightly, but it was also fastened with tensely coiled springs. As the goblins stood up and pushed down on the stirrups at the girls' sides, two probes withdrew almost all the way out, nearly to the point of falling. For the Deamhain in particular there were two huge, thick probes slick with moisture and lubrication. At least one had it naturally. As the goblins let up on the stirrups the springs pulled back, slamming the two probes back into their two holes. It certainly was one way to motivate the girls forward as a chorus of yelps and moans filled the air in front of me. This was probably not effective, but the psychological effect was clear. I imagined that some of those women were probably former commanders, or leaders of their own forces. Seeing that on the opposing side, their women being ridden and broken like beasts of burden… I liked it a lot.

`If I ever get a chance, I need to work with goblins. These little guys are egregiously bad, but clever and hilarious.` I would never get away with working with goblins out in the open, but doing it discreetly was another matter entirely.

The leader turned as well in the brief window where it was most likely to be perceived as an actual attack. The distance was roughly thirty yards from the brush where I was hiding to the goblin and his mount. There were troops around him, but they were being redirected, ironically, past me to provide a buffer. The moment they ran past, I ran forward.

To be frank, I was surprised by my own speed. I had not tried to run, I had not tried to cut, I had not tried to lift anything so I did not learn my limits at all. The body was a mystery to me and for all I knew I was simply a handsome clump of clay. Truthfully, in the brief moment in which I darted toward the leader at an olympic sprinters pace I thought I was ‘that guy.’ I thought I was ‘him’ for sure. Then I was intercepted. A goblin that was on his own feet moved to get in my way while lunging with a spear. Another stepped in the way of their lord with a shield and sword.
    `Elite goblins?` I grimaced.

Not fast enough to be too fast, for sure. Even these goblins that were supposed to be weak on their own could catch me. I tried my best to avoid the spear, but it followed me. I had to draw my sword as a last-ditch effort. To my surprise, I was able to slap the tip away like it was second nature. But this wasn’t talent, it was knowledge. The goblin with the spear simply drew the tip back and jabbed again. I struggled to parry it away again while continuing to move. I was being outpaced. The goblin leader was in the process of turning his large mount. I assumed he would have, ironically, been much faster on his own two feet. The shield goblin stood in the way and began to advance.

`Think… I’m definitely not good enough to beat these guys in the time I need.` My lips curled into a smile as I remembered my olympic speed. There was another olympic event that I could remember and as fast as these little bastards were on the ground, they were just little bastards. I slapped the spear away once more and in the interim between his next attack I jumped high in the air, over the shield. In my moment of triumph right before landing next to the leader I felt something sharp enter my shoulder and resonate pain through my entire left side like I was on fire. Thankful it was not my right, because I did not drop my sword.
    `Accurate! In what world are goblins this fucking competent!? These are just evil little humans with green skin!`The goblin leader raised his staff as I landed. I drew my sword and as he instinctively positioned himself with his mount in front and his rod protecting the rest I smirked.

The Deamhain was struggling, but briefly her face turned and she stared at me as an oddity. It was half pity, but there was also a bit of hope, embarrassment. So many emotions that told me that she was not exactly a monster. If the goblins in this world were basically career soldiers, there was no way the Deamhain were simply mindless monsters.

“Ke?” The leader blinked. I struck the strings binding the solid wood around the crystal like a vice. The crystal popped free. I jumped to catch it, then caught another arrow in the back, then another and another. Then a spear. I clutched the purple crystal tight in my hand, refusing to let go.

“Fuck…” I grumbled. I had just arrived in a new world only to die so humiliatingly to the genre’s most pitiful monster. An organised fighting force of goblins took me down... is what I would say if I died. I will not say whether or not I am narrating this from the afterlife. In a world where gods are real, that’s certainly a possibility but I didn’t die then.

There was a loud roar. I looked up to see the deamhain’s sharp, pearl-white teeth. She bit into some of her bonds, tearing into them as the leader struggled on top of her, trying to get his feet out of the stirrups. Unfortunately for him he got caught up. His one foot never got loose and he fell, being held upside-down on her like he had become and accessory. She used the weaknesses in the harness to tear free. With one hand she grabbed the spear from my side and easily pulled it free, bending the metal rod out of the goblin hands that were holding it. She threw it up just a foot, caught it in a better grip and threw it like a javelin into another goblin that was approaching. As the leader struggled she helped him out briefly by grabbing and freeing his foot, but then immediately swung him down onto the other goblin as he lifted his shield uselessly. The two beings were crushed together, becoming a mash of blood and green flesh. She was breathing heavily. As she stared down at me, then at the crystal in my head I could tell that she was calculating.

“Hey.” I wheezed.

She lifted her chin and raised her eyebrows, clenching and unclenching her fists as her eyes moved around the field for threats in between deciding how she was going to deal with what she assumed was trying to be her new master. I lifted my fist with the crystal in it towards her. She sneered and almost spat, but hesitated, telling me that she would not be able to stop me if I wanted to control her. I made eye contact, turned my fist, then opened my palm, presenting it to her.
    “Take it!”

She hesitated for barely a second before grabbing the crystal and crushing it over her mouth. Some of it turned to dust, but a deep blue liquid that was in the centre of the gem poured into her mouth and over her lips. She licked it all up around her mouth before wiping it. She made an aggressive move towards me.
    `Ah, fuck. Wrong choice.`

In my past there was a concept that I’d come to enjoy using. It was called giving in order to take more, later. I found that in my field, often enough the more responsibility you had, the less time you had and the more you had to answer for. With that in mind, there were still those who wanted it for obvious reasons. More money, more upward mobility. I was in a position where I could take what I wanted, but also give freely with a word, so I gave freely. Everyone’s read or seen horror stories about the pushover that passes themselves over, being a doormat for everyone else. Real life isn’t like that. Real people aren't like that and anyone that would do that to me could be spotted a mile away, because I was that guy. In the real world, people remember favours and they would gladly wrap it around themselves like chains, chains tighter than I could ever pull if I hadn’t started from a point of charity and humility.
    `I thought I could do the same here.` I lamented.
    `But the people… The creatures of this world are just too-` I blinked in amazement as she bypassed me to catch another volley of three arrows in her forearm. She shrugged them off like they were nothing and chose to pick me up and throw my weak self over her shoulder.

“Huh.” I lost consciousness.

When I awoke I began to laugh so hard that my chest hurt. Then I cried out in agony. “Oooh, fuck! That hurts.” I felt my side under my armpit and was surprised to feel bandages. First of all, I was surprised to be alive after taking that many arrows to my torso, but waking up with bandages around it was something I truly did not expect. I looked around and saw Laaen and Niddy sitting a good distance away, staring at me nervously, then I looked around and finally saw her. The deamhain was hunched over, biting into a small green leg aggressively. When she noticed I was awake she threw it down and rushed to my side, bending over my seated form on one knee.
    `Fucking huge…` I was looking at her chest, but I mean the whole package, mostly.