MCPS Summer School Information

Summer School registration is now open. Please see the links below or go to the MCPS Summer School webpage for more information. Families should register in ParentVue. Please contact your child’s school counselor with any questions.

Summer Program Options





Regional Summer School Program

Students may take one course per session.

(Students may take one additional course per session virtually, but it must be later in the day than the in-person course).


Each course

Richard Montgomery HS

Seneca Valley HS

Montgomery Blair HS

Session 1:  6/26 -7/16

Session 2:  7/18 - 8/6

Central High School Summer Program

Students may take up to two virtual courses per session.


Each course

Virtual (Online)

Session 1:  6/26 -7/16

Session 2:  7/18 - 8/6

IMPORTANT: Please note that taking two courses in a session will require approximately 7-8 hours per weekday of engagement. There are no refunds after classes begin.