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NEACUHO Constitution


Valid Dates: April 9, 2018-Present


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Northeast Association of College and University Housing Officers and hereafter shall be referred to as NEACUHO.

Article II – Mission

NEACUHO is a nonprofit organization of housing, residential life, and student services professionals and paraprofessionals within the Northeast region dedicated to providing opportunities for colleague support, professional development, sharing of information, collaboration, communication, research, and recognition of outstanding contributions to the field.

Article III – Principles and Purposes

The principles and purposes of NEACUHO shall be:

Section 1. To facilitate the affiliation and professional development of housing, residential life, and student services professionals and paraprofessionals within the Northeast region.

Section 2. To contribute to the knowledge and improvement of operational management and student development in housing/residence life programs for students and staff members in institutions of higher education at all professional levels.

Section 3. To act, both as individuals and as an organization, in a manner that is ethical, professional, and supportive of the value, dignity, and diversity of all individuals.

Section 4. To sponsor such activities and services that will contribute to the aforementioned objectives.

Section 5. To work with the Association of College and University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I) in promoting professional development opportunities for the region.

Section 6. To work with the Northeast Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (NEACURH) in promoting a positive living environment for residence hall students.

Article IV – Membership

Section 1. NEACUHO shall be open to institutions of higher education which have housing/residence life programs located in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. These institutions are eligible for institutional membership and/or participation in all NEACUHO conferences, workshops, seminars, meetings, or the like.

Section 2. “Member” is equivalent to the terms “Member Institution” and “Affiliate Member.” “Membership” is equivalent to the term “Institutional Membership” and “Affiliate Membership.” A “Delegate” is any person who attends a NEACUHO conference, workshop, seminar, meeting, or the like. When all or part of an institution’s housing is provided by a private company, the following membership guidelines will apply:

a. If the only housing offered by an institution is provided by a private company, then the private company may become a member if the institution's designated authority approves in writing that the private company may represent the institution. If approved, the private company would be entitled to the same rights as an institutional member.

b. If both the institution and a private company provide campus housing, then the institution's Senior Housing Officer will determine if the private company's employees will be included within the membership of the institution; or if the private company may represent the institution and become a recognized NEACUHO member. If the latter occurs, the private company will be entitled to the same rights as an institutional member provided the host institution's SHO specifies in writing that the private company may represent the institution.

c. If both the institution and a private company provide campus housing for the institution but the Senior Housing Officer does not wish to include the private company's employees within the institution's membership, then the private company may become an Institutional member.

Section 3. Individuals may obtain a non-voting Affiliate Membership. Affiliate memberships exclude businesses, consultants or the like (see Article XI, j).

Section 4. The Executive Board may also grant membership in the case of governmental or non-profit organizations engaged in activities directly related to the purposes of NEACUHO.

Section 5. Membership in NEACUHO does not denote membership in the Association of College and University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I) as these are separate professional associations.

Section 6. Membership is granted to those eligible without regard to sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, gender expression, or ability.

Section 7. The membership year for NEACUHO shall be from January 1 through December 31. Any member failing to pay annual dues by February 1 of the current membership year shall be considered a non-member until such time as membership is renewed.

Section 8. Member Institutions shall be entitled to send one or more delegates to attend the NEACUHO annual conference, workshops, seminars, meetings, or the like, whereas Affiliate Members shall be entitled to attend individually.

Section 9. Only housing officers at Member Institutions shall qualify for election to office on the Executive Board.

Section 10. Any member as defined in Article IV, Sections 2 & 3, shall qualify for an Appointed Board Member position on the Executive Board.

Section 11. Individuals working for member institutions that close during the membership year shall retain all the rights and privileges of membership through the remainder of the membership year.

This would apply to college closures only, not layoffs, firings or resignations.

Article V – Dues

Annual dues for membership will be established per the Bylaws and voted on yearly by the Executive Board.

Article VI – Representation and Voting

Section 1. Each Member Institution shall have one vote for NEACUHO business or elections.

Section 2. Only one vote shall be recorded from each Member Institution represented at the business meeting held at the annual conference, or in the event of a ballot by other correspondence, one vote per Member Institution shall be recorded.

Article VII – Officers Section

Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the Elected Officers (voting) and Appointed Board Members (non-voting).

Section 2.

  1. The Elected Officers of NEACUHO shall be the President, President-Elect, the immediate Past-President, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) Officer and five District Coordinators.

  1. The President-Elect shall be elected prior to the annual conference at which the office will be assumed and automatically progress to the offices of President and immediate Past-President at the succeeding annual conferences provided membership in NEACUHO is maintained.

  1. The immediate Past-President shall serve a one-year term concluding at the close of the annual conference.

  1. The Treasurer-Elect shall be elected prior to the annual conference at which the office will be assumed and automatically progress to the office of Treasurer at the succeeding annual conference provided membership in NEACUHO is maintained.

  1. The Treasurer shall serve a one-year term concluding at the close of the annual conference.

  1. The District Coordinators shall be elected to serve a two-year term.

  1. The DEIB Officer shall be elected to serve a two-year term. 

  1. The term of every elected office shall begin at the close of the annual conference immediately following the election and conclude at the close of the corresponding annual conference at the end of the term.

  1. Current elected members may not run for another elected position until the final year of their current term.

  1. No member shall hold more than one position on the Executive Board at a time.

  1. The President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and District Coordinators may not serve consecutive terms in the same office. (Exception: Article VII, Section 5f)

  1. The ACUHO-I Regional Affiliations Director or designee shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.

Section 3. The Elected Officers of NEACUHO shall have the authority to vote during Executive Board meetings or for the purpose of other official NEACUHO business.

Section 4. The President shall only vote if there is a tie among the Elected Officers.

Section 5.

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect shall assume the office of President.

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of immediate Past-President, a Past-President shall be appointed to the position or the position shall remain vacant at the discretion of the President and approval of the Elected Officers.

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the position shall be filled via a special election within 60 days.

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer, the Treasurer-Elect shall assume the office of Treasurer.

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer-Elect, the position shall be filled via a special election within 120 days.

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer-Elect, the President, with 2/3 approval of the Elected Officers, may appoint a member to serve as Interim Treasurer-Elect for a period of up to 120 days until a special election is held. In the event of a vacancy in the office of District Coordinator, the President, with approval of the Elected Officers, may appoint a member for a period up to 60 days until a special election is held. The person elected to complete the term shall be eligible to seek a full term.

Section 6. Nominations for election of officers of the Executive Board shall be solicited and coordinated by the immediate Past-President.

Section 7. District Coordinators shall be nominated by any member of NEACUHO and elected by the respective districts – Connecticut/Rhode Island, Vermont/New Hampshire/Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and Metro New York. District Coordinators must be employed by a member institution in the represented district.

Article VIII – Conduct of Business

Section 1. NEACUHO shall meet annually in conference with the agreement of the Executive Board.

Section 2. NEACUHO shall conduct a business meeting during each annual conference. Member Institutions in attendance will be recorded and the total representation announced at the business meeting.

Section 3. Any matters that the President or the Executive Board may wish to refer to the membership at times when the annual conference is not in session may be submitted to the membership by correspondence.

Section 4. Results of the election of officers to serve on the Executive Board shall be announced no later than at the annual business meeting.

Section 5. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of four times a year to conduct organization business.

Section 6. NEACUHO members shall be invited to gather during the annual meeting of ACUHO-I in the ongoing effort to educate members about both organizations.

Section 7. When at least ten percent of a quorum of Members asks for a Membership meeting, an elected officer of the organization must call such a meeting.

Article IX – Control of Funds

Section 1. The Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect shall be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds using established NEACUHO financial guidelines. A bank account convenient to the Treasurer's location shall be established as a depository of such funds. Two Elected Officers, not including the Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect, must sign for requests on any expenditure by NEACUHO.

Section 2. An external audit shall be done annually. This shall include confirmation of compliance as a tax exempt, nonprofit organization.

Section 3. The fiscal year shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.

Section 4. NEACUHO funds shall be apportioned as follows:

  1. Operating Budget – The annual budget created through, and confirmed by, the organization’s approved financial processes.

  1. Contingency Fund – Accessible only in extraordinary situations with approval of the organization as described in Section 5 below. The Contingency Fund shall be maintained at a level equal to or greater than the annual Operating Budget.

  1. Legacy Fund – Funds raised and reserved to support the mission of NEACUHO and encourage continued membership and engagement.

Section 5. In the event that accessing the Contingency Fund is under discussion, an affirmative vote from at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members, including elected members at an Executive Board meeting or registered delegates at the annual Business Meeting, is required to approve any expenditures from the Contingency Fund.

Article X – Amendments

Section 1. Constitution

  1. The Constitution may be amended by a 2/3-majority vote of the Member Institutions in attendance at the annual business meeting held at the annual conference; or in the event of a ballot by other correspondence, by a 2/3-majority vote of the respondents.

  1. Any member of NEACUHO may propose amendments to the Constitution. Such proposals shall be made in writing, endorsed by at least three other Member Institutions, and forwarded to the President at least one month prior to the annual business meeting at which it will be presented to the membership.

  1. The President, with majority approval of the elected officers, may propose Constitutional amendments.

  1. Only one vote shall be recorded from each Member Institution represented at the business meeting held during the annual conference, or in the event of a ballot by other correspondence, one vote per Member Institution responding shall be recorded.

  1. Amendments to the Constitution shall be made known to NEACUHO at the time notice is provided of the annual conference or as part of the annual conference publication.

Section 2. Bylaws

  1. The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3-majority vote of the Member Institutions in attendance at the annual business meeting held at the annual conference, by a 2/3-majority vote of the respondents in the event of a ballot by correspondence, or by a 2/3-majority vote of the Elected Officers.

  1. Any member of NEACUHO may propose amendments to the Bylaws. Such proposals shall be made in writing, endorsed by at least three other members, and forwarded to the President prior to an Executive Board meeting at which it will be presented to the Executive Board.

  1. The President, with majority approval of the Elected Officers, may propose amendments to theBylaws.

  1. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be made known to NEACUHO as part of the annual conference publication.

Article XI – Definition of Terms

  1. New Professional: Three years or less post-baccalaureate, full-time housing experience.

  1. Mid-Level Professional: Four to seven years post-baccalaureate, full-time housing experience, and/or a mid-level titled position.

  1. Senior Level Professional: Eight or more years post-baccalaureate, full-time housing experience, and/or a senior level/senior housing officer position.

  1. Senior Housing Officer: A general term used to denote the highest-ranking member of a campus housing department who is charged with oversight of functions related directly to housing and residence life.  

  1. Paraprofessional: Generally, though not necessarily, any housing staff member employed less than full time; includes, but not limited to, graduate students, interns, resident assistants, and support staff.

  1. Institutional Contact: Individual designated by a Member Institution as the primary contact for any organizational correspondence.

  1. Voting Delegate: Individual designated by a Member Institution to attend and vote at the NEACUHO business meeting held during the annual conference.

  1. New York District: New York State members who are north of Woodstock, New York and geographically located in the State of New York.

  1. Metro New York District: New York State members who are south of Woodstock, New York and geographically located in the State of New York.

  1. Corporate Partner: A vendor who supports NEACUHO at a level determined by the Executive Board (Bylaws 4, Section 1). There shall be specific incentives for this designation.

  1. Quorum: 51% of elected officers in attendance at an executive board meeting; 51% of members in attendance at a business meeting.

  1. Housing Officer: A housing officer is defined as any person employed at a member institution or commercial student housing enterprise. Elected officers shall have demonstrated a commitment to the mission and purposes of Northeast Association of College and University Housing Officers, ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization, and have expertise in areas relevant to the needs of the organization and the profession.


  1. Duties of Elected Officers

  1. Responsible for the overall management of the organization.

  1. Attend the annual conference and all Executive Board meetings, as well as Elected Officer meetings called at the discretion of the President for the general administration of conducting business and activities.

  1. Adhere to established NEACUHO guidelines for processes which include but are not limited to, Committee chair appointments, financial transactions, and publications guidelines.

  1. Assist in the ongoing efforts of member recruitment.

  1. As a professional in a volunteer organization, if personal circumstances or professional duties begin to hinder the ability to perform the duties listed, it is expected that a resignation letter be forwarded to the President; or in the case of the President, to the immediate Past-President.

  1. A person may be removed from elected office if they are found to have violated the rules of the Association, neglected their job responsibilities, or no longer meet the requirements of the role. A motion must be brought forward by an elected or appointed board member. A two thirds majority vote of all elected and appointed officers is required to remove a person from their position.

Section 1. The President shall:

  1. Preside over all meetings of NEACUHO and be responsible for the general administration of conducting business and activities.

  1. Interact with and encourage vendor relationships as well as maintain the marketability of the organization.

  1. Appoint those task forces and project teams that appear to be necessary for proper functioning.

  1. Solicit agenda items from the Executive Board prior to meetings.

  1. Provide direct liaison contact to standing committees.

  1. Maintain clear lines of communication regarding established goals, expectations, and special charges with the Executive Board.

  1. Appoint a parliamentarian as necessary for the purpose of aiding with meeting decorum.

  1. Appoint a historian as necessary for the purpose of providing context during board discussions.

  1. Appoint 3 members of the Response Task Force.

  1. Communicate with the Regional Affiliations Director for ACUHO-I.

Section 2. The President-Elect shall:

  1. Assume the responsibility of the President in the President’s absence.

  1. Shall select an Appointed Board for the upcoming year, subject to Executive Board approval, for each Committee as well as any task forces or project teams that are deemed necessary.

  1. Coordinate the selection of subsequent annual conference site(s) by chairing a Time and Place Committee that includes representatives of the annual conference and location (e.g. Annual Conference Chair, Corporate Relations, District Coordinator, DEIB Officer or their designee).

  1. Meet with all new Executive Board members prior to the first Executive Board meeting to set clear expectations, goals, and special charges.

  1. Provide direct liaison contact to Committees.

Section 3. The immediate Past-President shall:

  1. Coordinate all required election processes.

  1. Chair a committee which includes two Past-Presidents and two past award winners, for the purpose of awarding and recognizing exemplary service to NEACUHO and to the profession.

  1. Provide direct liaison contact to standing committees.

  1. Manage the Dr. Tim Touchette NEACUHO Legacy Scholarship.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Be responsible for the receipt and distribution of all funds utilizing established financial guidelines.

  1. Manage, in partnership with the Treasurer-Elect, the Association’s bank accounts. funds.

  1. Complete and submit all required state and federal documents regarding NEACUHO’s annual operations including, but not limited to, non-profit status, insurance renewal, and conflict of interest waiver in concert with the Treasurer-Elect.

  1. Chair the Finance Committee in concert with the Treasurer-Elect.

  1. Provide a written financial report at the annual business meeting and Executive Board meetings.

  1. Coordinate an external audit process annually and report results to the membership, including an annual review of all financial guidelines.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Section 5. The Treasurer-Elect shall:

  1. Assume the responsibility of the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence.

  1. Assist the Treasurer with the receipt and distribution of all funds utilizing established financial procedures.

  1. Manage, in partnership with the Treasurer, the Association’s bank accounts.

  1. Serve on the finance committee in concert with the Treasurer-Elect.

  1. Assume the responsibility of Chair of the Finance Committee in the Treasurer’s absence.

  1. Assist the Treasurer with providing a written financial report at the annual business meeting and Executive Board meetings.

  1. Assist the Treasurer with coordinating an external audit process annually in accordance with Article IX, Section 2 of the Constitution and By-Laws and report results to the membership.

  1.  Accept delegated responsibilities the President and/or Treasurer may assign.

  1. Report to the Treasurer.

Section 6. The District Coordinators shall:

  1. Serve as the primary liaison of the designated district for all NEACUHO business to the Executive Board.

  1. Coordinate with the Membership Coordinator in the area of membership and recruitment, and as such serve as the primary membership coordinator for the district.

  1. Coordinate with appropriate committee chair(s) for member engagement.

  1. Assist in determining and securing sites for future NEACUHO events as requested.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

  1. Report to the President or said designee.

        Section 7. The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Officer shall:

  1. Serve a two year term.

  1. Serve as the central resource for Executive Board members and the NEACUHO community on issues related to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) as it relates to the Association.

  1. Coordinate NEACUHO's efforts in creating a more inclusive organization. Efforts will include leadership for the organization's various areas and operations, facilitating educational opportunities, and removing possible barriers towards meeting The organization's goals in the areas of DEIB.

  1. Determine strategic goals with organizational leaders in each area of NEACUHO to ensure we are following best practices in DEIB work.

  1. Serve as a liaison between the 3Ps and the Executive Board ensuring alignment of all DEIB goals and programmatic initiatives.

  1. Support learning initiatives as developed by the events coordinators that provide opportunities for the membership to engage and grow.

  1. Advocate for the needs, interests, and rights of under-represented and marginalized groups within NEACUHO.

  1.  Collaborate with members of the Executive Board to increase involvement and sense of belonging of all members, with an emphasis on those from under-represented groups.

  1. Report to the President.

  2. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

2. Duties and Selection of Appointed Board Members

Section 1. Selection

  1. Unless otherwise noted, appointments are a one-year term (annual conference to annual conference) subject to approval by the Executive Board.

  1. The President-Elect shall establish and publish a timeline and coordinate the appointment process, seeking nominations from a balanced representation of the members. Positions are open to all members and current appointments may reapply each year.

  1. If a vacancy occurs during the year, the President, with approval of the Elected Officers, shall appoint a new member to fill said vacancy.

  1. Assist in the ongoing efforts of member recruitment.  

  1. If personal circumstances or professional duties begin to hinder the appointed board member’s ability to perform the duties listed, it is expected that a resignation letter will be forwarded to the President.

  1. A person may be removed from appointed office if they are found to have violated the rules of the Association, neglected their job responsibilities, or no longer meet the requirements of the role. A motion must be brought forward by an elected or appointed board member. A two thirds majority vote of all elected and appointed officers is required to remove a person from their position.

Section 2. The Secretary shall:

  1. Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings for Executive Board approval within 30 days after the meeting, and subsequently communicate approved minutes to the overall membership.

  1. Record official business occurring via electronic means, conference call or the like, in minutes to be voted on for approval at the next meeting of the Executive Board.

  1. Maintain and pass on all NEACUHO correspondence and documents.

  1. Retain and organize historical archives to maintain organizational continuity.

  1. Report to the President or said designee.

  2. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Section 3. The Membership Coordinator shall:

  1. Be appointed using the established process for a two-year term.

  1. Serve as point person for all membership issues which include managing the membership database, keeping appropriate statistics, and maintaining a centralized list of all eligible institutions in the region.

  1. Coordinate membership recruitment activities in collaboration with the District Coordinators.

  1. Publish and distribute the membership directory consistent with publication guidelines and formats.

  1. Attend the annual conference and all Executive Board meetings.

  1. Report to the President or said designee.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Section 4. The Webmaster and Technology Coordinator shall:

  1. Be appointed using the established process for a two-year term.

  1. Maintain and update the organization’s website.

  1. Create and publish all conference and event registration forms.

  1. Assist the Membership Coordinator with registrations and renewals.

  1. Attend the annual conference and all Executive Board meetings.

  1. Report to the President or said designee.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Section 5. The Assessment Coordinator shall:

  1. Be appointed using the established process for a two-year term.

  1. Coordinate all assessment initiatives on behalf of the Association including but not limited to the assessment of practices/protocols, member feedback, branding and marketing, etc. as directed by the President and the Executive Board.

  1. Chair the Assessment Committee made up of a minimum of the Events Coordinator, one Professional Development Chair(s), and one elected board member. The committee will work together to assess events and offerings as well as overall direction and initiatives of the organization.

  1. Work in conjunction with appropriate person(s) in the creation, distribution, and analyzing of all assessment related to events during the year.

  1. Work with the sitting President and/or their designee(s) in all work related to the implementation of the NEACUHO self-study or the assessment related to progress towards completion of the Strategic Plan.

  1. Maintain electronic records of all Association assessment, findings and recommendations that can be passed on from year to year.

  1. Provide an annual report to the NEACUHO membership at the Annual Conference Business Meeting on assessment initiatives, findings, and recommendations during the year.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

  1. Attend the Annual Conference and all Executive Board meetings

  1. Report to the President or said designee.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

        Section 6. The Strategic Initiatives Chair shall:


  1. Be appointed to a two year term

  1. Have a significant commitment to NEACUHO

  1. Oversee the organization’s development and progress of strategic initiatives ensuring initiatives are in line with the mission, goals, and vision of the organization and the current strategic plan.

  1. Oversee task force chairs responsible for putting strategic initiatives into action, including but not limited to, communicating the vision and expectation of each initiative, receiving progress reports, recruiting of task force members, and providing detailed updates to the Executive Board.

  1. Provide leadership, advocacy, and coordinate various aspects of planning, and accountability of the most recent Strategic Plan as prescribed by the sitting President serving as a liaison between the Strategic Plan Co-Chairs and the 3Ps.

  1. Work with the President-Elect on their agenda and program setting.  

  1. Regularly consult with Elected and Appointed Board members to continue the progress of the Strategic Plan.

  1. Prepare data-driven documentation to support Strategic Plan projects and accomplishments.

  1. Provide updates to membership and executive board on progress of the strategic plan on a regular basis as prescribed by the current President.

  1. Assist with special projects in support of the strategic plan as needed.  

  1. During Self-Study years, provide leadership and collaboration towards the completion of the Self-Study working jointly with the Self-Study Co-Chairs.  

  1. Report to the President.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign

Section 7. Appointed Members shall:

  1. Be appointed using the established process for a one-year term.

  1. Oversee committees as designated by the President.

  1. Attend the annual conference and all Executive Board meetings.

  1. Coordinate the activities of the committee and report to the designated Elected Officer.

  1. Prepare a written report prior to each Executive Board meeting that includes committee goals, activities, and an active member list.

  1. Perform all duties outlined by the President or said designee.

  1. Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Section 8. Committee Members shall:

  1. Clearly communicate NEACUHO committee responsibilities to the manager(s)/supervisor(s) at one’s home institution.

  1. Maintain contact with the committee chair.

  1. Actively participate when attending organization sponsored events, conferences, and the like.

  1. Be realistic with respect to the time commitment necessary to complete tasks.

Section 9. Committees

NEACUHO has selected standing committees that operate each year. Additionally committees may be coordinated by the President subject to Board Approval.

  1. Annual Conference Committee: The purpose of this committee is to plan, implement, and coordinate the annual conference of NEACUHO. This includes but is not limited to: promotion, registration, social events, housing, dining, and all support activities. The committee is made up of current members from around the region. When possible, all five districts and membership experience levels should be reflected in the committee makeup. Reports to the President or said designee.

  1. Corporate Relations Committee: The purpose of this committee is the recruitment of vendors, Compass Partners, and corporate sponsors to support NEACUHO’s programmatic and operational needs throughout the year. In addition, this committee is responsible for soliciting vendors for the vendor fair at the annual conference. This committee works in conjunction with the Annual Conference Committee in executing the exhibit hall and corporate relations functions Reports to the President or said designee.

  1. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee: The purpose of this committee is to coordinate and promote with NEACUHO professional development offering a level of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within a social justice lens. The committee will ensure that all offerings within the association identify programs and activities that represent those who come from any marginalized identity. Lastly, the committee will ensure that environments created by the association are safe and equitable for the entire membership. Reports to the President or said designee.

  1. Marketing and Communications  Committee: The purpose of this committee is to gather current information from members and committees for outreach purposes. This includes the Navigator, social media, and marketing campaigns for NEACUHO events. This committee shall publish a newsletter a minimum of four times a year and maintain an active presence on social media as outlined in all Marketing and Communications planning materials.  All of these will be created and maintained using the  NEACUHO branding guidelines.Reports to the President or said designee.

  1. Professional Development and Events Committee: The purpose of this committee is to provide a system to welcome, support, and educate professionals during the year. This includes but is not limited to developing resources, educating about current trends and topical issues, training, and professional networking opportunities both in-person and virtually Additionally this committee shall be responsible for the coordination and implementation of Drive-In Conferences, pending board approval. This committee is composed of sub-committee chairs who are responsible for outreach based on position level and type.  Reports to the President or said designee.

3. Elections

Section 1. The immediate Past-President shall coordinate the nomination process for elections at least 45 days prior to the annual conference Positions are open only to housing officers at Member Institutions.

Section 2. In order to fully inform voting members, nominees’ candidate statements must outline experience, skills and expertise that indicates knowledge specific to the position.

Section 3. The immediate Past-President shall report election results no later than the annual conference business meeting.

Section 4. A candidate must receive a majority of votes cast by correspondence to be elected on the first ballot. Each Member Institution may cast one vote.

Section 5. If necessary, a run-off election shall be held between the individuals receiving the two highest numbers of votes as outlined in Bylaws 3, Section 4.

  1. Tie for First Place: In the event of a tie for first place, only the first place candidates advance to the run-off.  If there are more than 2 candidates tied for first place, all candidates in the tie advance.

  1. Tie for Second Place: In the event of a tie for second place, all second place candidates advance to the run-off. If there are more than 2 candidates tied for second place, all second place candidates advance to the run-off with the first place candidate.

  1. In run-off elections with more than two candidates, the candidate with the most votes wins (superseding the majority of votes cast rule).

  1. In the event of a tie in the run-off election, the Immediate Past President will convene a tie-breaker vote (referred as Voting Summit). The Voting Summit members will be the President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. The three will vote between the tied candidates, only.

  1. The Voting Summit uses candidate statements as criteria only.

  1. In the event of personal or professional relationship between any member of the Voting Summit, the member must recuse themselves.

  1. In the event of a recusal, the Immediate Past President will invite the DEIB Coordinator to serve as a member of the Voting Summit.

  1. In the event the DEIB Coordinator must recuse themselves, the Treasurer will serve as a member of the Voting Summit.

  1. In the event the Treasurer must recuse themselves, the Treasurer-Elect will serve as a member of the Voting Summer.

  1. If no person identified in the recusal can reasonably assume voting rights, the Immediate Past President shall present one District Coordinator to the board for approval as a member of the Voting Summit.

Section 6. In the event of an elected position vacancy, a special election will take place. The immediate Past-President shall coordinate the election process within 60 days and report the results to the membership.

4. Annual Dues and Expenditures

Section 1. The Executive Board shall determine annual dues for Institutional Membership, Affiliate Membership, and Corporate Affiliates, no earlier than April 1 and no later than July 1 for the following membership year.

Section 2. The Elected Officers shall approve budget allocations within the scope of the overall budget.

Section 3. Budget and goal worksheets shall be submitted prior to being discussed by the board and voted upon by the elected officers.

5. Member & Corporate Recognitions

Section 1. The following awards may be presented at the annual conference each year as determined by the immediate Past-President using established guidelines. A person is only eligible to win a particular award one time

  1. Dr. Paula ‘Raz’ Randazza Award for Outstanding Service: An award given to an individual who has most significantly contributed to the NEACUHO organization during the previous year.

  1. Chester Titus Distinguished Service Award: An award given to an individual who has been a NEACUHO member for an extended period of time and has contributed significantly to the direction, administration and governance of the organization.

  1. Charles “Chuck” Lamb Lifetime Service Award: An award given to a NEACUHO member who has made a career in or has maintained business relations with the college/university setting and made an on-going and positive contribution to students, colleagues and NEACUHO. This award honors Charles “Chuck” Lamb for his long term commitment to NEACUHO and the housing profession as well as for being a role model, mentor, colleague and friend.

  1. Elizabeth Sinkiewicz Reid New Professional Award: An award given to a new professional who has contributed significantly to both their home institution and to the NEACUHO organization during the previous year. Named for the late Elizabeth Sinkiewicz Reid, former Director of Residential Life at Wentworth (also served at WPI and Westfield State College), for her contribution to and support of NEACUHO in the role of Member-at-Large and Secretary. Elizabeth continually worked to promote new professionals’ involvement and development not only in NEACUHO, but also on her own campus.

  1. Women’s Outstanding Achievement Award: An award given to an individual who is a mentor and role model and has assisted in the development of new woman-e-identifying professionals; is respected by peers and colleagues; has made significant contributions to the field, institution and/or NEACUHO; as well as contributed to the research or distribution of information related to the preservation of women’s voice, gender issues and/or issues impacting woman-identifying individuals.

  1. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Award: An award given in the form of a plaque to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional service in the areas of social justice and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging through advocacy, leadership, mentorship, educational initiatives or programming at their home institution and/or to NEACUHO.

  2. Navigator Article of the Year Award: The Navigator Article of the Year award is designed to recognize outstanding article contributions to the NEACUHO sponsored newsletter. The award will be presented at the annual NEACUHO Conference.
  3. Outstanding Committee Member Award: The Outstanding Committee Member award is designed to provide recognition for those individuals within the NEACUHO region that have served on a NEACUHO Committee. The award encompasses outstanding efforts and work that the individual has put in while a committee member from the previous year's NEACUHO conference to the current NEACUHO conference. The award will be presented at the annual NEACUHO Conference.

  4. Outstanding Graduate Student Award: The Outstanding Graduate Student Award is presented every year to a graduate student.. The award encompasses outstanding efforts and work from the previous year's NEACUHO conference to the current NEACUHO conference. The award will be presented at the annual NEACUHO Conference.
  5. Outstanding Mid-Level Professional Award: This award recognizes a leader in the student housing profession who has made significant contributions to the field, the Association and/or their home institution. The award will be presented at the annual NEACUHO Conference.
  6. Outstanding Professional of Color Award: This award is presented to an outstanding professional of color who has contributed to the Association and the profession.  This person has demonstrated service to NEACUHO and the profession through service to the Association and/or their home institution.  Additional preferences will be given to the following service to the Association: contributions to the advancement of professionals of color in leadership in NEACUHO; served as a faculty member at an Association sponsored Institute (ie. RELI, NHTI) or completion of projects or policy statements that address issues for professionals of color.

  1. Corporate Relations Award: The highest recognition for a vendor, business affiliate or any named NEACUHO partner is the Corporate Relations Award. This award acknowledges the outstanding contributions and efforts of a Corporate Partner who have contributed to institutions in the NEACUHO region and to the mission of NEACUHO. The awardee is a business that works with the Association and its member institutions to support students and professionals in residence life and housing. The recognition occurs at the Annual Conference Awards Banquet and is presented in the form of a plaque.
  1. Criteria:
  1. The recipient may only win the award once every ten years.  
  2. The recipient must work with at least one institution in the NEACUHO region to be eligible.
  3. The recipient’s participation in the Compass Partners Program, Dr. Tim Touchette Legacy Fund, and other financial support of the Association may be part of review but is not the only factor in the award.
  4. The recipient has made contributions to the Association’s Mission, including DEIB work.
  5. The recipient is selected through the Annual Awards process and presented at the Annual Conference.
  6. The Past President will select this person in concert with the Awards Committee and Corporate Partner Chair(s) through the annual awards nomination process.

Section 2. The following awards may be presented each year at the annual conference as determined by the immediate Past- President using established guidelines:

  1. Rising Star: An award given to a new professional for the purpose of attending the upcoming ACUHO-I annual meeting for the first time.

  1. Professional Development: An award given to a NEACUHO member to attend the upcoming ACUHO-I annual meeting.

  1. James Casey New Professional: An award in the amount up to $350 to be used towards registration for the upcoming NEACUHO Annual Conference. Named for the late James Casey, former Director of Residential Life at SUNY Cortland and one of the founding members of NEACUHO, for his contribution to and support of NEACUHO in many roles, most notably his efforts to empower entry level new professionals in the housing/residential life field.

Section 3.

The following awards may be presented each year at the annual conference as determined by the selection of the President. Up to 3 in total may be awarded.

  1. Shining Star

        Section 4. The following awards may be presented each year at the annual conference as determined by the Annual Conference Program Committee using established guidelines:

  1. Best of the Northeast

  1. First Time Presenter

  1. Case Study Winner(s)

Section 5. The following award may be presented each year at the annual conference as determined by the Professional Development and Events Chair(s) using established guidelines:

  1. Best of the Drive-In Conference

Section 6. The immediate Past-President can award legacy funds to members to support their attendance at NEACUHO events. The committee is composed of the President, President-Elect, 2 Past Presidents, and DEIB Officer. The Membership Coordinator serves as an ex-officio member: :  

  1. Dr. Tim Touchette NEACUHO Legacy Scholarship: As part of NEACUHO’s 60th anniversary celebration in 2014, the NEACUHO Legacy Scholarship was established by Dr. Tim Touchette. The NEACUHO Legacy Scholarship was based on a foundation of support and inspiration from NEACUHO’s Past Presidents. The NEACUHO Legacy Scholarship combined the former Past President’s Fund with the new scholarship funds that were raised to provide financial support to the members who need it. Dr. Tim's passion and drive are evident in his relentless fundraising for this scholarship not just in the inaugural year but in his continued work to assist with raising monies. The Legacy Fund is managed by the Immediate Past President.

Section 6. The following status may be bestowed upon an individual who is retired from full-time employment in an effort to recognize lifetime achievements and substantial contributions to NEACUHO and the profession as determined by the immediate Past-President using established guidelines:

  1. Member Emeritus: Individuals so designated will receive a lifetime Affiliate membership to NEACUHO and the ability to attend any NEACUHO conference without cost.

6. Procedure

Rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall apply in those cases not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws.

Ratified: April 11, 2003
Bylaws Section 6 i. (Risk Management & Legal Issues Committee) removed February 13, 2017
Constitution Article IV, Section 7 & Article IX, Section 3; amended: April 7, 2017
Treasurer-Elect position addition and Senior Housing Officer language and related changes adopted 10/2017
Distinguished Service Award named for Chester Titus and Secretary role changed from voting/elected to non-voting/appointed, 03/2018
Definition of HOusing Officer & Addition of Strategic Initiatives Chair (Non-Voting) and DEIB Officer (Voting), Adopted 10/13/2022
Run-Off Bylaws Amended and Adopted (Bylaw Section 5, 4 Amended, 5 Rewritten and expanded) , 2/9/2023
 Removal of Host Institution from Article VIII, Section 1, 3/3/2023
Language for Removal from Appointed or Elected Office Added (Bylaw Section 1, F; Bylaw Section 2; F) Adopted 3/3/2023

Bylaws Updated Significantly Post COVID-19 by Executive Board, Adopted 7/7/2023

Changed Corporate Affiliates to Partner in Constitution; Renamed OUtstanding Service Award in Honor of Dr. P. Randazza, Adopted 10/14/2023