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Action Items: Usercom
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Status Report: Users Committee Actions

June 2022- October 2022

Unidata Program Center Staff

Actions from the Previous Meeting (June 2-3 2022)

Action 1

Fall Users Committee meeting topic to address what types of “equipment” are fundable under the Community Equipment Awards program. UPC staff to gather input from the committee between meetings and draft a proposal for discussion/decision at the Fall meeting. Also for consideration: do we need a formal policy about delaying the 1-year reporting requirement in the face of supply chain issues? [UPC Staff; Committee]


The committee met November 1, 2022 to discuss refinements to the Call for Proposals specifying types of equipment that are fundable. Revised language is being drafted, to be reviewed asynchronously and used for the 2023 solicitation.

Action 2

Decide on 2023 Users Workshop planning schedule and next steps. [UPC Staff; Kim Wood, Alex Haberlie, Kevin Goebbert?]


Users Workshop planning is under way. Dates (5-8 June 2023) and location (CU Boulder) have been selected, and broad themes outlined.

Action 3

Report/inform the Committee and community on any hardware adjustments needed (e.g. re-aiming of satellite dishes) as a result of changing SBN satellite from Galaxy 28 to ??? [Anne Myckow]


Note from Tom Yoksas:

We have been aware of the upcoming move from Galaxy 28 to Galaxy 31 for quite a long time, and we know that we will be responsible for re-pointing the dish.  We do not anticipate any problems resulting from the re-pointing since we have setup input into the IDD to be from a number of different machines at various places around the continental U.S., so ingest disruption at one site should have no effect on the continued flow of data.

Action 4

Enlist someone from NCEI to address the Committee about future archive data possibilities (e.g. NOMADS) [UPC Staff, consulting with Anne Myckow]


Under investigation

Action 5

Fall Users Committee meeting topic to discuss possible approaches to keeping Unidata’s technical support archives open to the community, especially in the face of GDPR and similar regulations. How does the community want to receive support in the future? [UPC Staff]


This discussion is delayed until the Spring 2023 Users Committee meeting, due to the tight schedule for the Fall meeting.

Action 6

Create a tutorial on how to tune an LDM system [UPC: Steve Emmerson]


In progress

Action 7

Provide documentation or methods to reproject CIRA products coming over the IDD [UPC: TomY]


Under investigation

Action 8

Fall Users Committee meeting topic to revise the language around DeSouza nominations, specifically as relates to joint nominees?


The Users Committee met September 21, 2022.  Jon and Doug to draft paragraphs for website (in progress).

Action 9

Get e-mail list of faculty from Casey [UPC: Tanya Vance; Casey Davenport]



Action 10

Set up/configure Slack channel(s) for Usercom [UPC: Doug Dirks]



Action 11

Set up recurring standing (short: 45 minute?) remote committee meetings with well-defined topics. Decide on schedule for Fall academic term during June/July 2022 [UPC: Tanya Vance, Doug Dirks; Kevin Goebbert]



Action 12

Bring a draft of a Users Committee charter to the next meeting [UPC Staff; Kevin Goebbert]


Draft document: Unidata Governing Committees: Historical and Proposed Areas of Activity was created to help spur discussion among committee members about the scope and functioning of Unidata’s committees.

Action 13

Fall Users Committee meeting topic to discuss how the Committee can help the community support all/some of the Unidata software/data projects [UPC Staff; Committee]


A discussion of Unidata’s “Scope of Service” statement is scheduled for the Fall 2022 meeting. Additional discussions are delayed until the Spring 2023 Users Committee meeting, due to the tight schedule for the Fall meeting.

Action 14

Gather information from community members about specific products to add to CONDUIT  [Mike Zuranski]


In progress

Action 15

Discuss process for adding WMO products to the IDD, how best to manage requests from community members [UPC: Tom Yoksas; Anne Myckow, Mike Zuranski]


Under investigation

Action 16

Explore alternatives for effective surveying such as targeted focus groups, links on affiliated web sites (e.g. the COD page), piloting survey to targeted audiences, have community user members provide survey to their respective classes [UPC Staff]


In Progress

Action 17

Explore augmenting data resource decision tree on Unidata web site (pending both web site transition and hiring of Data Engineer) [UPC Staff]


In Progress

Prepared October 2022