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ACK8 Course Catalog [WORKING COPY]
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(Subject to Change)



Aspen Creek is a positive and diverse learning community that embraces and values student’s individual strengths to become empathetic and contributing members in a global society where all students are supported to achieve their full potential.
Our mission at Aspen Creek is to positively cultivate the hearts and minds of our students by engaging them in academically rigorous and content-rich learning opportunities, within a safe environment, where character is actively taught, promoted, and modeled. As a community, we strive to build trusting relationships with each other.

Principal                                Nick Vanderpol

Assistant Principals                        Profe Gonzales

                                        Amanda Jones

Counselors                                Kim Jacobs

                                        Greg McDonald

                                        Molly McGannon


This booklet is designed to offer information about course offerings for middle level students during the 2023-2024 school year.  The information in this booklet will explain the core academics and electives curricula for grades six, seven and eight.


We recognize that early adolescents require an environment that differs from both elementary and high school. As students progress through each middle level grade at Aspen Creek PK-8, more academic choice and responsibility will be given in preparation for high school.  

Fundamental goals which drive our curriculum including:

Table of Contents

Table of Contents                                                2

Welcome to Aspen Creek                                        2

6th Grade Curriculum                                        3

7th Grade Curriculum                                        3

8th Grade Curriculum                                        3

7th and 8th Grade Year-Long Electives                        3

Language Arts Curriculum                                        4

Science Curriculum                                                5

Social Studies Curriculum                                        5

Physical Education Curriculum                                6

Health Curriculum                                                6

Math Placement                                                7

Mathematics Curriculum                                        8

Computer Science & Applied Technology                9

Art                                                                 10-11

Family & Consumer Science                                11

World Language                                                11

Music                                                                12-13

Connect                                                        13

6th Grade Exploratory Wheel                                14

7th Grade Exploratory Wheel (coming soon)                14

8th Grade Exploratory Wheel (coming soon)                14


6th Grade students are scheduled into five core academic subject class periods, an exploratory class period, transitions, and a physical education and music period (rotates daily).  The five core subjects of classes are language arts, reading, math, social studies, and science.  Students alternate between physical education and music inside the same period of their schedule.  Music offerings include band, orchestra, and choir.  The 6th Grade exploratory class rotates every quarter to provide students with exposure to some of the different elective areas that are offered later in middle school.  The quarter class rotations of the Exploratory Wheel may include art, theatre, computing, shop, keyboarding, world language, consumer family science and more.  (Actual courses taught are based on facility availability, teacher expertise, and number of 6th Grade students.)  

6th Grade Required Subjects (Year-Long courses)

Language Arts                                Reading

Math                                        Social Studies

Physical Science                                Physical Education

Music (Band*/Choir/Orchestra*)                Exploratory Wheel



*Students must furnish their own instruments.  

(Guitar and piano are not included in band or orchestra.)


7th Grade students are scheduled into the four core academic subjects, one year of combined physical education and health, a pre-perscribed exploratory wheel elective track, as well as two elective periods.  Students may choose their remaining two

 periods from the electives described in this catalog.

7th Grade Required Subjects (year-long courses)

Language Arts


Social Studies        

Life Science

Physical Education/Health

7th Grade Exploratory Wheel


8th Grade students are scheduled into the four core academic subjects, one year of combined physical education and health, a pre-perscribed exploratory wheel elective track, as well as two elective periods.  Students may choose their remaining two

 periods from the electives described in this catalog.

8th Grade Required Subjects (year-long courses)

Language Arts


Social Studies: U.S. Society

Earth Science

Physical Education/Health

8th Grade Exploratory Wheel

7th & 8th Grade Electives

        Students may choose:        • 2 year-long or

                                • 1 year-long AND 2 semester electives or

                                • 4 semester electives  

7th & 8th Grade Year-Long Electives

Academic Lab                                Orchestra

Band                                        Spanish 1A (7th Grade ONLY)

Choir                                        Spanish 1B (Requires completion of Spanish 1A)

Semester Electives (may not be offered every year)

Academic Lab                                Guitar

American History American Film                Leadership

Applied Science                                Multimedia Productions

Art 1                                        Music in Technology

Art 2                                        Outdoor Education

Ceramics                                Programming

Computer Power                                Publications        

Crafts                                        Robotics         

Creative Writing                                Team Sports

Design Tech                                Three Dimensional Design

Drawing & Painting                        Woodworking & Crafts

Fitness & Conditioning                        


6th GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS (K06)                        1 Year REQUIRED

6th  Grade English Language Arts focuses on the four academic standards: oral expression and listening, reading for all purposes, writing and composition, and research and reasoning. This course will build upon elementary level instruction and will demand increased skills application and intellectual reasoning while reading and writing. Topics of study include: analyzing literary components, examining text structures, developing vocabulary knowledge through context, organizing and structuring writing for intended audiences and purposes, informative/expository and persuasive writing, grammar and mechanics of English language.

*Class Fee $12

6th GRADE READING (KM6)                                        1 Year REQUIRED

6th Grade Reading is a core curriculum class for all 6th grade students. Emphasis is on reading and listening comprehension, elements of literature, vocabulary development, and reading skill and strategy instruction. A variety of informational, literary, and persuasive texts in a range of reading and levels of text complexity are utilized. Students will learn to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

7th GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS (K11)                                1 Year REQUIRED

7th Grade Middle Level English Language Arts focuses on the four academic standards: speaking and listening, reading for all purposes, writing and composition, and research and reasoning. This course demands increased application of developing literacy skills and intellectual reasoning. Focus studies include: analyzing literary components, examining text structures, developing vocabulary knowledge through context, organizing and structuring writing for intended audiences and purposes, informative/expository and persuasive writing, grammar and mechanics of English language.

*Application Required

8th GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS (K31)                                1 Year REQUIRED

8th Grade Middle Level English Language Arts focuses on the four academic standards: speaking and listening, reading for all purposes, writing and composition, and research and reasoning. This course is designed to prepare students for success in all high school course work requiring proficiency in the standards listed above. Focus studies include: reading interpretation and analysis of literary, informational, and persuasive texts through self- monitoring and peer/teacher dialogue; identify and use stylistic devices, such as sensory details, figurative language and tone; identify and organize ideas, supporting details, and transitional phrases within informational and persuasive texts written for a variety of audiences and purposes; employ correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in writing; and the independently navigate the research process.

*Application Required

CREATIVE WRITING (K62)                                        1 Semester ELECTIVE

Middle Level Creative Writing introduces students to a wide variety of outstanding writing models: personal narrative, poetry, short fiction, plays, letters, and commentary. These models provide insight into the structure and style of a particular genre. Students analyze and provide descriptive feedback on classmates’ writing pieces in an effort to build and develop a community of writers. Students also develop a writer’s journal/notebook and complete a final writing project that is designed to encourage personal choice, creativity, voice, and sensitivity to the power of words, all of which will form selections for the final writer’s portfolio.

PUBLICATIONS (K69)                                                1 Year ELECTIVE

Publications introduces students to desktop publishing programs and the yearbook publication process. While the primary focus is on the design and layout of the middle level yearbook, students are instructed in computer basics, a desktop publishing program, basic bookkeeping skills, photography, writing skills, and advertising.


6th GRADE SCIENCE (SM6)                                        1 Year REQUIRED

In middle level Physical Science, students will be designing and conducting scientific investigations and constructing scientific explanations based on evidence. Students will make measurements using metric units and will organize their data using bar and line graphs. Students will learn about fundamental concepts in physical science such as the particulate nature of matter, basic atomic structure, forms and sources of energy, energy transfer and transformations, the conservation of matter and energy, and force and motion. Students will also learn about the nature of science as a human endeavor.

*Class Fee $10

7th GRADE SCIENCE (SM7)                                        1 Year REQUIRED

In middle level Life Science, students will be designing and conducting scientific investigations and constructing scientific explanations based on evidence. Students will make measurements using metric units and will organize their data using bar and line graphs. Students will learn about fundamental concepts in life science such as cells, ecology, genetics, evolution, and human anatomy.

*Class Fee $10

8th GRADE SCIENCE (SM8)                                        1 Year REQUIRED

In middle level Earth and Space Science, students will be designing and conducting scientific investigations and constructing scientific explanations based on evidence. Students will make measurements using metric units and will organize their data using bar and line graphs. Students will learn about fundamental concepts in earth and space science such as the rock cycle, processes that shape Earth’s surface, fossils, natural resources, atmospheric  circulation, weather and climate, the water cycle, oceans and other water bodies, and the Earth in space. Students will also learn about the nature of science as a human endeavor.

*Class Fee $10

APPLIED SCIENCE (S09)                                        1 Semester Elective

Applied Science: Sustainability in Technology and Design is a course of study that prepares middle school students for the changing demands and professions of the 21st century. The Applied Science elective class provides an opportunity for students to extend their knowledge of scientific concepts by working on real-world problems and issues. This course combines design-build learning, using modern tools of technology and awareness of interest-based preparation with an exposure to interconnected issues within science and technology.

*Class Fee $10


6th Grade SOCIAL STUDIES (T06)                                1 Year REQUIRED

6th Graders will analyze historical sources and eras through the study of the Western Hemisphere, focusing on the components of civilizations both ancient and modern, analyzing patterns in history, and looking at how the past influences the present.  Emphasis is placed on resource distribution, competition, cooperation and conflict and human-environment interaction.  Students will use geographic tools to analyze information and data pertaining to Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Canada.  Civic and global awareness is highlighted, as is the role of the U.S. in the Western Hemisphere. Multiple perspectives and appreciation of diverse backgrounds will also be explored.  Students will also study how savings and investing can contribute to financial well-being.

7th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES (T07)                                1 Year REQUIRED

World 7th Graders will study the Eastern Hemisphere and focus on developing the skills necessary to analyze and interpret this area of the world from a geographic, historical and cultural perspective.  Students will develop an understanding of the physical and cultural processes that shape regions and people and an appreciation for our roles and responsibilities as world citizens.  Students will also study the emergence of major religions.  In addition, principles of financial literacy will be addressed.


8th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES (T08)                                 1 Year REQUIRED

The course presents the social impacts and multiple perspectives of people associated with significant events in pre-1890 American history. Students will learn about contributions made by many groups who shaped and continue to influence the American experience.  Students will engage in historical inquiry as they analyze multiple sources, perspectives and geographical tools.  Students will consider how resources impact human settlement and interaction. Students will learn about personal credit and debt. Students also will examine the role of the Constitution in our government and our societal values.

AMERICAN HISTORY AMERICAN FILM (T04)                        1 Semester Elective

This course traces the origin and development of American Cinema over the past century. While generally perceived as mere entertainment, film has in fact reflected American society, altered and shaped our lives, created new art forms, and evolved into a multi-billion dollar global industry. With an emphasis on the 20th century, students will study the historical background of major events and movements in America and view and critique relevant Hollywood films from a variety of time periods. Students will analyze these films as works of art, primary sources for historical inquiry, and learn the history of American filmmaking.


6th GRADE PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P06)                           1 Year REQUIRED Physical Education at the 6th grade middle level offers students a variety of physical activities through which they will develop positive attitudes toward group interaction, sportsmanship, the joy of effort, fair play, cooperation, initiative and an appreciation for the abilities and limitations of self and others. The program is designed to continue development of physical fitness, motor, perception, rhythm, and movement skills.

7th GRADE COMBINED HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P15)             1 Year REQUIRED Health/Physical Education in the 7th grade emphasizes physical fitness and development of basic movement skills through team, individual, and dual sports and rhythmic activities. Within this course they will have the opportunity to apply strength training and aerobic conditioning principles. Health Education in 7th grade is based on developing skills in relationship to developing age appropriate Health topics. By developing skills related to effectively accessing Health resources, communicating, analyzing peer and media influences, goal setting, decision making, and health advocacy, students in BVSD will be able to achieve and maintain optimal wellness. Emphasis in Physical Education is placed on the introduction of basic fundamentals of sports; developing the knowledge of rules, building personal responsibility, good sportsmanship, and leadership.

8th GRADE COMBINED HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P17)             1 Year REQUIRED Health/Physical Education in the 8th grade level emphasizes refinement of skills learned in the 7th grade, developing a greater understanding of game strategies. Continued emphasis is placed on personal responsibility, good sportsmanship, and attaining a higher level of personal fitness. Health Education in 8th grade is based on developing skills in relationship to developing age appropriate Health topics. By developing skills related to effectively accessing Health resources, communicating, analyzing peer and media influences, goal setting, decision making, and health advocacy, students in BVSD will be able to achieve and maintain optimal wellness.

MIDDLE LEVEL OUTDOOR EDUCATION (P11)                        1 Semester Elective

Students in this course will participate in real outdoor activities where science, math and language arts connections are emphasized. It serves as a useful primer to the outdoor education course available at the high school level. This course will also provide new opportunities to create healthy exercise habits, leadership and first aid training.

MIDDLE LEVEL FITNESS AND CONDITIONING (P18)                1 Semester Elective

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply strength training and aerobic conditioning principles to a personalized training program. Students will align their program with personal sports/fitness goals.

*Class Fee $20

TEAM SPORTS (P101)                                        1 Semester Elective

The primary goal of this course is to assist students in developing fundamental skills in various team sports. Students will also learn the history of the sport, rules, etiquette, scoring, strategies, and develop fitness needed for success. Sport areas may include: cricket, lacrosse, ultimate Frisbee, handball, flag football, volleyball, baseball, softball, speedball, soccer, floor hockey, track and field, basketball and team handball.

Math Placement

Teacher recommendation for appropriate placement in math classes is based upon:  PARCC scores and growth scores, class performance and assessments, and BVSD placement test scores. The Aspen Creek K-8 mathematics department strives to make sure students are appropriately challenged in their math classes yet making sure students are covering all math topics they will be presented with on district and state assessments. Please contact the student’s current math teacher for more information and advice.

BVSD Mathematics PK-12 Options Chart Guidelines


This guide is designed to help you support our students through the mathematics courses in Boulder Valley School District. The accompanying chart illustrates the various options that students have to complete their PK-12 Mathematics education.


Using this Guide

This guide is intended to help teachers, counselors, administrators, students and parents understand, advise with and plan for every student’s success in mathematics. The goal of this chart is to help communicate the options open for students throughout their academic development. Please use this chart as a tool to facilitate conversations regarding a student’s mathematical choices.

Key Points

Note that students are able to move to increased support or increased challenge at every grade level, as indicated by the dashed lines.

Our Mathematics department has been working for many years to establish multiple entry and exit points for students to be responsive to their growth, interests and academic needs.

With this in mind, this chart does not reflect every possible situation or plan for every student. It is essential that individual decisions be made for students based on a body of evidence and conversations between students, parents and educational professionals. The students can be the drivers of these conversations and students should be encouraged to stretch themselves with a body of evidence that supports their decisions.

We continue to emphasize the importance of considering the whole child when making these decisions. Success in mathematics is important but not as important as a healthy, well-balanced child who can pursue his/her strengths and interests in a safe and supportive environment.

Note that the grade level pathway leads students to Pre-Calculus as a senior. This more than meets graduation requirements and the state of Colorado College and Career Readiness requirements.

The Colors

The colors indicate flexible course groupings that are flexible as students move through their academic development.

The Lines

The solid black lines indicate the typical pathways for students who take those course options. The dashed lines indicate opportunities for students to move from the typical path to better meet his/her needs. This could include moving to a place of increased challenge or to a place of increased support.

Please go to this address to access the chart mentioned above:


6th GRADE MATH (MO5)                                         1 Year REQUIRED*

In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.

*Class Fee $6


7th GRADE MATH (M15)                                        1 Year REQUIRED*

7th grade mathematics focuses on 4 areas, (1) understanding and applying proportional relationships; (2) operations with rational numbers including variable expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings, informal geometric constructions, and area of 2-dimensional figures, surface area and volume of 3-dimensional shapes; (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.

*Class Fee $6

COMPACTED 7th/8th GRADE MATHEMATICS (M24)                1 Year REQUIRED*

This is a course that teaches the topics covered in 7th Grade Mathematics (M15) and 8th Grade Mathematics (M25) in one year. This course is an acceleration option to prepare students to take Algebra 1 in middle school. M24, Compacted 7th/8th Grade Mathematics, focuses on the following areas: (1) understanding and applying proportional relationships; (2) writing and solving variable expressions/inequalities and multi-step linear equations/inequalities with rational numbers; (3) solving given systems of linear equations; (4) understanding the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (4) two and three-dimensional geometry and applying the Pythagorean Theorem; (5) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.

8th GRADE MATH (M25)                                        1 Year REQUIRED*

8th Grade Mathematics, focuses on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations including solving linear equations and system of equations; (2) understanding the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two-and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.

*Class Fee $6

ALGEBRA 1 ADVANCED (M19)                                1 Year REQUIRED*

Advanced Algebra 1 is an in-depth study of algebraic symbolism, systems of equations, graphing, problem-solving, and probability and statistics. The students will build upon their previous knowledge to further understand the characteristics and representations of various functions, and relations including: linear, exponential, and quadratic equations, inequalities, complex numbers, and rational algebraic expressions. As an advanced course, this course goes beyond the curriculum expectations of a standard course offering by increasing the depth and complexity. Students are engaged in dynamic, high‐level learning via the Standards for Mathematical Practice. The pace of an advanced course may be faster than that of the Algebra 1 course.

COMPACTED 6TH/7TH GRADE MATH (M30)                        1 Year REQUIRED*

Compacted 6th/7th Grade Mathematics is a course that teaches the topics in 6th Grade Mathematics (M05) and 7th Grade Mathematics (M15) in one year. This course is an acceleration option to prepare students for 8th Grade Mathematics (M25) and Algebra 1 in middle school. Students will cover number operations, introductory probability and statistics, coordinate geometry and rate of change through linear algebra.

* All students take 1 year-long academic Math classes each year of Middle School.  Math level placement is determined prior to the school year.  Further information is found on the previous page.


MIDDLE LEVEL PROGRAMMING (D04)                        1 Semester Elective

By design, this course enables middle school students, with no previous experience, to jump right into the Java programming language. Students will become familiar with objects, classes, methods, parameters, data types, fields, loops, constructors and more. Students will learn about these topics, as well as others, through modifying existing programs and creating programs from scratch.

COMPUTER POWER (D07)                                        1 Semester Elective

Students will get an overview of the power of today’s technology! Students will gain experience with several software programs to create brochures, posters, newsletter, flyers, outlines, memos, letters, timelines, reports, agendas, tables, lists, drawings, presentations, spreadsheets, charts, graphs, database files, and merged documents. Students will learn efficient ways to use the Internet and organize bookmarks when doing projects for other classes. The use of digital cameras and scanners will be introduced.

*Class Fee $15

MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTIONS (D08)                                1 Semester Elective

Students will design and produce multimedia presentations that incorporate text, graphics, sound and animation. Software tools may include PowerPoint, Web Page tools, or Time liner. Students will also learn to modify digital images and Internet images for use in presentations. Presentations may also include Internet links, resized images, and imported documents such as charts or graphs.

*Class Fee $20

WOODWORKING & CRAFTS (J04)                                1 Semester Elective

This course is a hands-on class focused on using a variety of tools and techniques to create woodworking and craft projects. No prior experience in shop work is needed. In this course, the students will learn how to use hand and power tools. Students will learn elements of shop safety with an emphasis on proper tool use. Students will then learn to select and use the appropriate tools to complete three or more projects through a design and production process.

*Class Fee $20

MIDDLE LEVEL DESIGN TECH (J20)                                1 Semester Elective

This course prepares middle school students for the changing demands and professions of the 21st century. This program combines the best of design-build learning with modern tools of technology, an awareness of interest-based preparation, and an exposure to the workforce skills required to give all Boulder Valley students a competitive advantage in their educational and workforce pursuits.

*Class Fee $20

ROBOTICS (J36)                                                1 Semester Elective

The Middle Level Robotics course utilizes a hands-on approach in designing, building, programming and testing robots. Students engage in a variety of activities that incorporate various engineering principles. Students also learn the value of teamwork and even friendly competition.

*Class Fee $20


ART I (A11)                                                1 Semester Elective

Building on Exploratory Art learning experiences, students study and apply the elements of art and principles of design in compositions. Inspired by artists and art history, students learn about various materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology in both two and three‐dimensional art. Students build and refine motor skills throughout this course. Personal expression is nurtured through an exploration of the creative process. Students understand the role of visual art in shaping historical and cultural traditions. Art history and cultural studies focus on regions within the 7th and 8th Grade social studies curriculum. Additional artists and cultures that are not addressed in other middle level art courses may also be included.

*Class Fee $20

ART 2 (A12)                                                1 Semester Elective

Building on Exploratory Art learning experiences, students study and apply the elements of art and principles of design in compositions. Inspired by artists and art history, students learn about various materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology in both two and three‐dimensional art. Students build and refine motor skills throughout this course. Personal expression is nurtured through an exploration of the creative process. Students understand the role of visual art in shaping historical and cultural traditions. Art history and cultural studies focus on regions within the 7th and 8th Grade social studies curriculum. Additional artists and cultures that are not addressed in other middle level art courses may also be included.

*Class Fee $20

CRAFTS (A15)                                                1 Semester Elective

In this one term course, students are introduced to a variety of craft and folk art materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology. Students create well‐crafted, functional and decorative pieces based on art from different cultures as they develop and refine motor skills. Through this course, students understand the role of crafts in shaping historical and cultural traditions. Art history and cultural studies focus on regions within the 7th and 8th Grade social studies curriculum. Additional artists and cultures that are not addressed in other middle level art courses may also be included.

*Class Fee $20

THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (3D DESIGN) (A20)                1 Semester Elective

During this one term introductory course, students learn about various materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology of three-dimensional design. Construction methods include casting, assemblage, carving and modeling. The students study a form from different points of view along with how it occupies the space. This interaction is the essence of three-dimensional design that makes it a unique art form. Emphasis is on building and refining motor skills throughout this course. Students understand the role of three-dimensional design in shaping historical and cultural traditions. Art history and cultural studies focus on regions within the 8th Grade social studies curriculum. Additional artists and cultures that are not addressed in other middle level art courses may also be included.

*Class Fee $20

DRAWING & PAINTING (A21)                                1 Semester Elective

This one term Drawing and Painting course provides experiences in a wide range of media through the intentional application of elements of art and principles of design. Students build drawing and painting skills through exploration and practice with materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology. Observation, critical thinking and problem solving are stressed as important components of the drawing process and discovering personal style. Students understand the role of visual art in shaping historical and cultural traditions. Art history and cultural studies will focus on regions within the 7th and 8th Grade social studies curriculum. Additional artists and cultures that are not addressed in other middle level art courses may also be included.

*Class Fee $25

CERAMICS (A23)                                                1 Semester Elective

In this one term course, students are introduced to the properties of ceramic clay. Inspired by artists and art history, students learn about various materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology of ceramics. The emphasis in this course is on hand-building, however wheel-throwing is introduced where facilities allow. Students will create functional and non-functional pieces and finish them in a variety of ways while developing and refining motor skills. Students understand the role of ceramics in shaping historical and cultural traditions. Art history and cultural studies focus on regions within the 7th and 8th Grade social studies curriculum. Additional artists and cultures that are not addressed in other middle level art courses may also be included. Membership in the Colorado Creative Careers Student Organization (CCCSO) is an integral part of the Visual & Design Arts Program.

*Class Fee $20


SPANISH 1A (F7A)                                               1 Year 7th Grade Elective

Level 1 introduces students to target foreign cultures and to the four basic language skills: listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. Students acquire skills through oral repetition, dialogues, short compositions, dictations, reading, and written exercises. For the Novice-Low Range Level, students learn to communicate, comprehend, and present on very familiar topics using isolated words and high frequency phrases in the context of Culture, Connections and Comparisons.

*Class Fee $25

SPANISH 1B (F7B)                                                     1 Year 8th Grade Elective

Level 1 introduces students to target foreign cultures and to the four basic language skills: listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. Students acquire skills through oral repetition, dialogues, short compositions, dictations, reading, and written exercises. For the Novice-Low Range Level, students learn to communicate, comprehend, and present on very familiar topics using isolated words and high frequency phrases in the context of Culture, Connections and Comparisons.

*Class Fee $25


MIDDLE LEVEL GUITAR 1 (N05)                                1 Semester Elective

Students in this course build on musical concepts learned in elementary school and middle school music classes. Proper playing technique and instrument maintenance are reviewed extensively to ensure a strong foundation with the instrument. The emphases in this course are instrumental technique, rhythmic security, and developing ensemble awareness. Students expand their music experience through expression, creation, theory, and aesthetic evaluation. Repertoire is at a level of 1-1.5 on a scale from 1-6. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

MIDDLE LEVEL MUSIC IN TECHNOLOGY (N08)                1 Semester Elective

Music in Technology is the study of techniques of musical composition through the medium of contemporary music technology. Elements included are exposure to and hands-on experiences in contemporary music software and composition; sound recording and mixing technology; the application of multimedia; and careers in the music industry.

*Class Fee $10

6th GRADE CHOIR (N11)                                            1 Year 6th Grade Option

6th Grade Choir (ML Chorus N11, ML Treble N12, ML Mix N15, and/or ML Cambiata N19) is a beginning course designed for students at the 6th Grade level.  Basic vocal techniques will be explored in a wide variety of musical styles, including introduction to part-singing, music reading, and theory. Culminating performances are a meaningful and mandatory component of this class. The course duration is one year.

*Class Fee $10

7th GRADE CHOIR (N12)                                            1 Year 7th Grade Option

7th Grade Choir continues two-part singing and introduces students to three and four part singing. Fundamental vocal techniques are continually reinforced along with creating, understanding, and discussing music. Culminating performances are a meaningful and mandatory component of this class. This class meets for one year.

*Class Fee $10

8th GRADE CHOIR (N15)                                             1 Year 8th Grade Option

8th Grade Choir continues three-part singing and introduces students to four-part singing. Fundamental vocal techniques are continually reinforced along with creating, understanding, and discussing music. Culminating performances are a meaningful and mandatory component of this class. This class meets for one year.

*Class Fee $10

BAND 1 (N21)                                                       1 Year 6th Grade Option

Students in this course build on skills and concepts learned in previous years. In addition to progressively more demanding large ensemble work, there is an increasing emphasis on ensemble awareness and individual musicianship. Students focus on playing with more confidence in smaller groups and will continue to expand their musical experience through creation, theory and aesthetic valuation. Instrumental repertoire is at a Level II on a scale from 1 to 6. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

*Class Fee $100

BAND 2 (N22)                                                       1 Year 7th Grade Option

Students in this course build on skills and concepts learned in previous years. In addition to progressively more demanding large ensemble work, there is an increasing emphasis on ensemble awareness and individual musicianship. Students focus on playing with more confidence in smaller groups and will continue to expand their musical experience through creation, theory and aesthetic valuation. Instrumental repertoire is at a Level II on a scale from 1 to 6. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

*Class Fee $100

BAND 3 (N23)                                                       1 Year 8th Grade Option

Students in this course build on skills and concepts learned in previous years. Students focus on playing longer and more difficult pieces of music (grade 2.5‐3 on a scale of 1‐6) and the skills needed to become an effective soloist. Students will continue to expand their musical experience through creation, theory and aesthetic valuation. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

*Class Fee $100

ORCHESTRA 1 (N24)                                              1 Year 6th Grade Option

Students in this course build on skills and concepts learned in previous years. Proper playing technique and instrument maintenance are reviewed extensively to ensure a strong foundation with the instruments. The emphases in this course are instrumental technique, rhythmic security, and developing ensemble awareness. Students expand their music experience through expression, creation, theory, and aesthetic evaluation. Repertoire is at a level of 1-1.5 on a scale from 1-6. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

ORCHESTRA 2 (N25)                                               1 Year 7th Grade Option

Students in this course build on skills and concepts learned in previous years. In addition to progressively more demanding large ensemble work, there is an increasing emphasis on ensemble awareness and individual musicianship. Students focus on playing with more confidence in smaller groups and will continue to expand their musical experience through creation, theory and aesthetic valuation. Instrumental repertoire is at a Level II on a scale from 1 to 6. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

ORCHESTRA 3 (N26)                                               1 Year 8th Grade Option

Students in this course build on skills and concepts learned in previous years. Students focus on playing longer and more difficult pieces of music (grade 2.5‐3 on a scale of 1‐6) and the skills needed to become an effective soloist. Students will continue to expand their musical experience through creation, theory and aesthetic valuation. Culminating performances are a meaningful component of this full year course.

*Class Fee $10


CONNECT (X69)                                                1 Year REQUIRED

Connect Class is based on the Comprehensive School Counseling Curriculum adopted by the Boulder Valley Board of Education. Connect classes are separated by grade and will develop understanding, knowledge and skills in the following areas; identification of interests, academic attitudes, goal setting, course selections, academic achievement, beginning career knowledge, development of social skills, resistance of peer pressure, development of problem solving skills and development of time management and organizational skills.


Middle School Leadership (X63)                                1 Year Elective

This course is open to students who hold leadership positions in or out of school or who are aspiring to hold one. Students wishing to gain skills in communication, decision-making, leading a group, conducting meetings, or resolving conflicts are encouraged to participate. This course may be repeated.

MIDDLE LEVEL PEER TUTORING (X64)                          1 Semester Elective

This elective course affords 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to directly work with and mentor students during the school day for one class period daily. Students will be assigned to a teacher and utilized to work one-on-one, with small groups, and in the classroom with other students.  Peer Tutor positions are only available with approval after an application is completed at the beginning of each semester.  Students are not able to pre-register for this option.  Peer Tutors are required to attend daily to the staff member that he/she is assigned to.  Grading: The class will be offered with a pass/fail grade.

MIDDLE LEVEL OFFICE/STUDENT ASSISTANT (X102)                     1 Semester Elective

This elective course would afford 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to directly work with adults in the building during the school day for one class period daily. Students will be assigned to a staff member and utilized to complete tasks as assigned.  Those tasks can include delivering materials, organizing work spaces, helping in the lunchroom, assisting office managers, updating bulletin boards, delivering passes, and other duties assigned.  Assistant positions are only available with approval after an application is completed at the beginning of each semester.  Students are not able to pre-register for this option.  A student assistant is required to attend daily to the staff member that he/she is assigned to.  Grading: The class will be offered with a pass/fail grade.

6th/7th/8th GRADE WHEELS

All Middle Level students participate in the elective sampling program specific for their grade level.  All classes in the wheel operate on a quarter term duration.  Each grade-level exploratory classes rotate every quarter to provide students with exposure to different elective areas that are offered later in high school.  The four rotations of the Exploratory Wheel may include art, theatre, computing, shop, keyboarding, world language, consumer family science and more.  (Actual courses taught are based on facility availability, teacher expertise, and etc.)

For the 2023/2024 school year each Grade-Level Exploratory Wheel is as follows:

6th Grade Wheel

EXPLORATORY ART (A07)                                                              1 Quarter

In Exploratory Art, students experiment with a variety of media to create visual art. Characteristics and expressive features of art (elements of art and principles of design) are emphasized in two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional work. The development and application of basic techniques, skills and technology are stressed. Students learn to respect their own and others ideas, artistic expressions and personal style as they objectively analyze and evaluate works of art. Art history and culture studies will focus on regions within the 6th grade, social studies curriculum. Additional cultures that are not addressed in the 6th grade social studies curriculum may also be included.

EXPLORATORY SHOP (J38)                                                                      1 Quarter

This course is a quarter term designed for middle school students to explore a basic introduction to shop.  No prior experience in shop work is needed. This class is designed to teach the safe use of many hand tools as well as a few power tools. Students will have the opportunity to create two or more small woodworking projects.

*Class Fee $5

EXPLORATORY ACTING (K99)                                                     1 Quarter

Exploratory Acting focuses on gaining background in the basics of acting. Theatrical vocabulary is introduced. Emphasis is on pantomime, improvisation, and producing short plays. Students also discuss current stage plays and television drama.

EXPLORATORY FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE (H17)                        1 Quarter

Exploratory Family & Consumer Science description coming soon.

7th Grade Wheel

EXPLORATORY COMPUTERS (D10)                                                     1 Quarter

This course is designed to introduce students to the variety of technology tools available in their own school. Students will make text documents, create drawings, import their drawings into documents, use clip art files and Internet images, build a spreadsheet for data collection and create charts and graphs from that data, use electronic resources and the Internet, practice proper keyboarding techniques, and explore a variety of software applications. This class will cover basic hardware and software operations and help students learn to use the technology tools in their classes.

*Class Fee $15

HOME ALONE (XXX)                                                              1 Quarter

VISUAL ARTS 1 (XXX)                                                              1 Quarter

COMMUNICATION ARTS (XXX)                                                      1 Quarter

8th Grade Wheel

FOREIGN FOODS & FABRICS (XXX)                                                     1 Quarter

VISUAL ARTS 2 (XXX)                                                              1 Quarter

THEATER ARTS (XXX)                                                              1 Quarter

EXPLORATORY DESOGM TECH (XXX)                                              1 Quarter